Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Are you saying you learned that from me??  :smile4: . Probably from someone else in another RP. I'm not a lunatic. SHingetsu didn't even give Bentley the light of day and it was so nasty T_T. This is how trouble starts you know that right? You see what happened to Raina? You ought to be grateful Bentley is not someone aggressive and. Tch.

Don't you dare complain about deadlines! You forget there was a previous RP to this and you played through every second of it!


No, no, no, no, no, no, let me see the Kirin. I want to see that one; go for it.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

No you're not helping your case with this one at all Tmo-chan~


Thank you for the tissue =). Family is always nice to see in RPs. Considering I know their story, it makes all that much more impactful. Even as much as Shingetsu is a stuck up prude for rejecting Bently who just wanted to hold her hand. It is cute to see this forming stuff between Lao and Makoto indeed  :smile10: . I can imagine she gets a scraped knee and Lao grudgingly offers to carry her on his back, bwahaha. I'd take  picture so fast! She just happened to ensnare his vulnerabilities *sigh*

As prevalent as it is in mainstream anime, jerkitude is not glorified here! Though having jerk characters is entirely acceptable.

But can you imagine Rudy trying to comprehend why Mizu transforms into a boatload of stuff when he just wants a hug. He holds her strongly by the hand and says in a deep voice, "Miizu. THere's no need to hide yourself darling. Be you. Because I love that woman just the way you are."



Oh, so you wanna complain now when you gotta fight that Chiaki love resistance, start well that fine didn't think you were a shipping master anyways. You just can't fall for the first person starts to swoon over you, adversity .a after all being child soldiers naturally guarded you gotta just work through adversity. 

6 hours ago, QuirkyAngel said:

Nope. Kalin as well.

There are advantages and disadvantages to not playing with multiple characters. I wouldn't worry too much about deadlines and just enjoy the story...unless there's something you really want your character to do. Play how you want(within certain rules of course). Character creation alleviates boredom, but it's also a way to for me to build up my pc backgrounds without having to always write them IC. Dunno whether or not I'll get the chance to play with all of them, reveal what I want to reveal, but I like having them there to be a part of the afterstory world regardless of whether they're involved in the story or not.

I think your characters are already pretty well flushed out. Even Yasashii =)

I'll enjoy writing Nao's reaction to his elder sister giving him the swords, especially after he'd just told Dai Dai that he wanted to prove himself worthy of inheriting Samehada. Proof had not yet been made. And, given the current situation with Team 6, the chance of proof being made grows slim.


Yes you do that bring more feels so I can unleash Shingetsu secret factor than i can deal with Bentley 
Oh, so you wanna complain now when you gotta fight that Chiaki love resistance, start well that fine didn't think you were a shipping master anyways. You just can't fall for the first person starts to swoon over you, adversity .a after all being child soldiers naturally guarded you gotta just work through adversity. 

Yes you do that bring more feels so I can unleash Shingetsu secret factor than i can deal with Bentley 

I dare you to say you didn't think I was a shipping master anyway, again.

Totally forgot about Spear

I'm here to remember these things for you Brook. I wouldn't be a good person if I didn't
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2 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:

I dare you to say you didn't think I was a shipping master anyway, again.



I mean i can already hear you giving up on Shin X Bentley before it even begun ,the shipping Master i know doesn't know the meaning of giving up. But its ok white the shipping master title can go up for grabs to someone else. 
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I mean i can already hear you giving up on Shin X Bentley before it even begun ,the shipping Master i know doesn't know the meaning of giving up. But its ok white the shipping master title can go up for grabs to someone else. 


Kinzu. I will ship your characters so fast, they will get to you the very next day. Don't push it so close to the deadline.


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26 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:


Kinzu. I will ship your characters so fast, they will get to you the very next day. Don't push it so close to the deadline.


All i see is words i lets see you back it up ,but its fine if you can't stand up to your own standrd 

Heh Nothing personal kid

8 hours ago, White Masquerade said:

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Are you saying you learned that from me??  :smile4: . Probably from someone else in another RP. I'm not a lunatic. SHingetsu didn't even give Bentley the light of day and it was so nasty T_T. This is how trouble starts you know that right? You see what happened to Raina? You ought to be grateful Bentley is not someone aggressive and. Tch.

Don't you dare complain about deadlines! You forget there was a previous RP to this and you played through every second of it!


No, no, no, no, no, no, let me see the Kirin. I want to see that one; go for it.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

No you're not helping your case with this one at all Tmo-chan~


Thank you for the tissue =). Family is always nice to see in RPs. Considering I know their story, it makes all that much more impactful. Even as much as Shingetsu is a stuck up prude for rejecting Bently who just wanted to hold her hand. It is cute to see this forming stuff between Lao and Makoto indeed  :smile10: . I can imagine she gets a scraped knee and Lao grudgingly offers to carry her on his back, bwahaha. I'd take  picture so fast! She just happened to ensnare his vulnerabilities *sigh*

As prevalent as it is in mainstream anime, jerkitude is not glorified here! Though having jerk characters is entirely acceptable.

But can you imagine Rudy trying to comprehend why Mizu transforms into a boatload of stuff when he just wants a hug. He holds her strongly by the hand and says in a deep voice, "Miizu. THere's no need to hide yourself darling. Be you. Because I love that woman just the way you are."



Your so determined to see my ultimate jutsu?! XD
Your so determined to see my ultimate jutsu?! XD

Yeah I wanna see it. Show me, show me  :smile10:  I am done with the post, just needs the boOoOoring formatting. Formatting is so lame~. I'll probably take a break then come back to do that


Lol. With the help of Gas, I get it XDDDD. Nice.


Thank you for the clarification Gas-kun haha. The ice Sandslash @^@

@Hange Zoe

That was not bad. Pretty good sync with video.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Don't worry, don't worry, I won't let you get to me.
Yeah I wanna see it. Show me, show me  :smile10:  I am done with the post, just needs the boOoOoring formatting. Formatting is so lame~. I'll probably take a break then come back to do that


Lol. With the help of Gas, I get it XDDDD. Nice.


Thank you for the clarification Gas-kun haha. The ice Sandslash @^@

@Hange Zoe

That was not bad. Pretty good sync with video.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Don't worry, don't worry, I won't let you get to me.

The joke is that Alolan Sandslash is Ice/Steel. The origin of the phrase comes from the infamous Coldsteel the Hedgehog image that's widely circulated. I guess the reference was too much for you.

How Cute.png

The joke is that Alolan Sandslash is Ice/Steel. The origin of the phrase comes from the infamous Coldsteel the Hedgehog image that's widely circulated. I guess the reference was too much for you.


I think she only got the hint that the title of that vid I posted was Sonic related from the gotta go fast part rather than terrible FC poster boys.

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