Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Chunin Exam Stage 1 - Riddle Answer


Okay, so the answer to Tainan's riddle in Exam's Stage 1 probably won't have a chance to be explained well IC, so I am going to do it here. To begin with, here's a refresher. This is the riddle in its entirety.

"Long, long, ago, there was a small land in this continent that introduced itself to our world. Coming out of vast void as a baby from its mother, it was fearful of the bright lights that covered it on every side. This place was new, how was it ever going to survive? In the coming years, this small land felt pain. Experienced trouble. Went through ordeals that made it hurt and cry, but because of them, grew stronger for it. Bigger and bigger this once small land would rise; high enough soon into the sky to become one of the great lights that eclipsed all others. However, after doing everything in the world, going on many grand adventures, and playing a part in some of the greatest stories ever told...a time came where it grew tired. To this Land, there was only so far you could go. Over the course of its hard life, that was something it came to realize. And so it began to dull. Its shades became dark and colorless. No longer enjoying the scenery around it, it fell into despair. That was had an idea.

If it had lived all that life had to offer as itself, then it would become something entirely new! Surely with another perspective, with a new set of fresh, hungry eyes, it'd be able to go on more grand journeys and live with the zest that once escaped it till the end of time. Yet, how exactly would it be done?

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn, friends. This is who it came to be known toward the end of its rebirth. But, what I want to ask of you participants in this year's exam is...who was it before?"

The 1st paragraph was a clue to the answer in and of itself. In it, characteristics of the land are sprinkled throughout the descriptions and its forming process. If you were able to pick up on that, piecing together what it could've possibly been would have given a good chance of getting the answer correct. It's it's not apparent, it will be clearer by the time I'm done.

The 2nd paragraph meant nothing at all. It was just a mumbo-jumbo flavor piece to throw everyone off.

The 3rd paragraph is where most people might have knew held the key, but got stuck. Which is understandable. What to do here was out in the open, hard to find if you didn't know how to look. The key is in this statement here:

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn,

Direction 1. The land took 6 steps forward.

Direction 2. Hand on chin, took 6 steps back.

Direction 3. Then 6 more forward.

Direction 4. Then 6 more back.

Direction 5. 6 steps forward.

Raising its hands to the sky in mirth is another flavor to throw you off of what's going on. The second and probably most important piece to this, is what follows.

By discarding its beginning and end it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn.


The land of Uxn. That's what it is right now. Right now at this very moment. So let us work backwards shall we?

  • The Land of: U X N. It discarded it's beginning and ignored its end. So what do we do? Add a blank spot before U and after N.
  • The Land of: _ U X N _ . Let's go back to the steps this land took. Do directions 2 through 4 in reverse, to find out what UXN was before. You will need a chart very familiar to you for this. One for the alphabet.
  • Six steps forward from U is A
  • Six steps backwards from X is R.
  • Six steps forward from N is T.

What's the only land on the list with 5 letters, having the middle spelling ART? The Land of E-A-R-T-H.

Chunin Exam Stage 1 - Riddle Answer


Okay, so the answer to Tainan's riddle in Exam's Stage 1 probably won't have a chance to be explained well IC, so I am going to do it here. To begin with, here's a refresher. This is the riddle in its entirety.

"Long, long, ago, there was a small land in this continent that introduced itself to our world. Coming out of vast void as a baby from its mother, it was fearful of the bright lights that covered it on every side. This place was new, how was it ever going to survive? In the coming years, this small land felt pain. Experienced trouble. Went through ordeals that made it hurt and cry, but because of them, grew stronger for it. Bigger and bigger this once small land would rise; high enough soon into the sky to become one of the great lights that eclipsed all others. However, after doing everything in the world, going on many grand adventures, and playing a part in some of the greatest stories ever told...a time came where it grew tired. To this Land, there was only so far you could go. Over the course of its hard life, that was something it came to realize. And so it began to dull. Its shades became dark and colorless. No longer enjoying the scenery around it, it fell into despair. That was had an idea.

If it had lived all that life had to offer as itself, then it would become something entirely new! Surely with another perspective, with a new set of fresh, hungry eyes, it'd be able to go on more grand journeys and live with the zest that once escaped it till the end of time. Yet, how exactly would it be done?

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn, friends. This is who it came to be known toward the end of its rebirth. But, what I want to ask of you participants in this year's exam is...who was it before?"

The 1st paragraph was a clue to the answer in and of itself. In it, characteristics of the land are sprinkled throughout the descriptions and its forming process. If you were able to pick up on that, piecing together what it could've possibly been would have given a good chance of getting the answer correct. It's it's not apparent, it will be clearer by the time I'm done.

The 2nd paragraph meant nothing at all. It was just a mumbo-jumbo flavor piece to throw everyone off.

The 3rd paragraph is where most people might have knew held the key, but got stuck. Which is understandable. What to do here was out in the open, hard to find if you didn't know how to look. The key is in this statement here:

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn,

Direction 1. The land took 6 steps forward.

Direction 2. Hand on chin, took 6 steps back.

Direction 3. Then 6 more forward.

Direction 4. Then 6 more back.

Direction 5. 6 steps forward.

Raising its hands to the sky in mirth is another flavor to throw you off of what's going on. The second and probably most important piece to this, is what follows.

By discarding its beginning and end it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn.


The land of Uxn. That's what it is right now. Right now at this very moment. So let us work backwards shall we?

  • The Land of: U X N. It discarded it's beginning and ignored its end. So what do we do? Add a blank spot before U and after N.
  • The Land of: _ U X N _ . Let's go back to the steps this land took. Do directions 2 through 4 in reverse, to find out what UXN was before. You will need a chart very familiar to you for this. One for the alphabet.
  • Six steps forward from U is A
  • Six steps backwards from X is R.
  • Six steps forward from N is T.

What's the only land on the list with 5 letters, having the middle spelling ART? The Land of E-A-R-T-H.

How many people answered correctly?

Chunin Exam Stage 1 - Riddle Answer


Okay, so the answer to Tainan's riddle in Exam's Stage 1 probably won't have a chance to be explained well IC, so I am going to do it here. To begin with, here's a refresher. This is the riddle in its entirety.

"Long, long, ago, there was a small land in this continent that introduced itself to our world. Coming out of vast void as a baby from its mother, it was fearful of the bright lights that covered it on every side. This place was new, how was it ever going to survive? In the coming years, this small land felt pain. Experienced trouble. Went through ordeals that made it hurt and cry, but because of them, grew stronger for it. Bigger and bigger this once small land would rise; high enough soon into the sky to become one of the great lights that eclipsed all others. However, after doing everything in the world, going on many grand adventures, and playing a part in some of the greatest stories ever told...a time came where it grew tired. To this Land, there was only so far you could go. Over the course of its hard life, that was something it came to realize. And so it began to dull. Its shades became dark and colorless. No longer enjoying the scenery around it, it fell into despair. That was had an idea.

If it had lived all that life had to offer as itself, then it would become something entirely new! Surely with another perspective, with a new set of fresh, hungry eyes, it'd be able to go on more grand journeys and live with the zest that once escaped it till the end of time. Yet, how exactly would it be done?

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn, friends. This is who it came to be known toward the end of its rebirth. But, what I want to ask of you participants in this year's exam is...who was it before?"

The 1st paragraph was a clue to the answer in and of itself. In it, characteristics of the land are sprinkled throughout the descriptions and its forming process. If you were able to pick up on that, piecing together what it could've possibly been would have given a good chance of getting the answer correct. It's it's not apparent, it will be clearer by the time I'm done.

The 2nd paragraph meant nothing at all. It was just a mumbo-jumbo flavor piece to throw everyone off.

The 3rd paragraph is where most people might have knew held the key, but got stuck. Which is understandable. What to do here was out in the open, hard to find if you didn't know how to look. The key is in this statement here:

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn,

Direction 1. The land took 6 steps forward.

Direction 2. Hand on chin, took 6 steps back.

Direction 3. Then 6 more forward.

Direction 4. Then 6 more back.

Direction 5. 6 steps forward.

Raising its hands to the sky in mirth is another flavor to throw you off of what's going on. The second and probably most important piece to this, is what follows.

By discarding its beginning and end it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn.


The land of Uxn. That's what it is right now. Right now at this very moment. So let us work backwards shall we?

  • The Land of: U X N. It discarded it's beginning and ignored its end. So what do we do? Add a blank spot before U and after N.
  • The Land of: _ U X N _ . Let's go back to the steps this land took. Do directions 2 through 4 in reverse, to find out what UXN was before. You will need a chart very familiar to you for this. One for the alphabet.
  • Six steps forward from U is A
  • Six steps backwards from X is R.
  • Six steps forward from N is T.

What's the only land on the list with 5 letters, having the middle spelling ART? The Land of E-A-R-T-H.

RIP Chunin Promotion?

Lol. Naw. Everyone who couldn't guess it had to play through Stage 2. Which is a giant mess only 7 out of 30* people will crawl out of. When you look at it that way, it's still tragic.
Last edited by a moderator:
At full power, the Turn A's beam rifle has the output of a colony laser. The Moonlight Butterfly nanomachine swarm also spans the distance from Earth to Jupiter. It's capable of instantaneous teleportation. Black History refers to the concept that no matter what Gundam series, they all converge into the occurrence of the Turn A showing up and completely wiping out all technology. It basically sends them back to the stone age. Kira "Jesus" Yamato in the Strike Freedom? Dead. Setsuna F. Seiei in the Qan[T] after ELS assimilation? Dead. Domon Kasshu in the God Gundam? Dead. The Turn A is the endpoint of all Gundam timelines. The only survivors were on the moon - Black History basically wiped humanity's progress back to the 1900s by the start of the Turn A show.



Turn A also has the best openings in the franchise. Syd Mead(!) was the designer of the Turn A Gundam as well.

Not sure about OP 2, but OP 1 had the best 9 seconds I've ever heard, wow! Something about that ghastly intro was amazing. If the modernized Turn A, I'd watch it in a heartbeat.

Chunin Exam Stage 1 - Riddle Answer


Okay, so the answer to Tainan's riddle in Exam's Stage 1 probably won't have a chance to be explained well IC, so I am going to do it here. To begin with, here's a refresher. This is the riddle in its entirety.

"Long, long, ago, there was a small land in this continent that introduced itself to our world. Coming out of vast void as a baby from its mother, it was fearful of the bright lights that covered it on every side. This place was new, how was it ever going to survive? In the coming years, this small land felt pain. Experienced trouble. Went through ordeals that made it hurt and cry, but because of them, grew stronger for it. Bigger and bigger this once small land would rise; high enough soon into the sky to become one of the great lights that eclipsed all others. However, after doing everything in the world, going on many grand adventures, and playing a part in some of the greatest stories ever told...a time came where it grew tired. To this Land, there was only so far you could go. Over the course of its hard life, that was something it came to realize. And so it began to dull. Its shades became dark and colorless. No longer enjoying the scenery around it, it fell into despair. That was had an idea.

If it had lived all that life had to offer as itself, then it would become something entirely new! Surely with another perspective, with a new set of fresh, hungry eyes, it'd be able to go on more grand journeys and live with the zest that once escaped it till the end of time. Yet, how exactly would it be done?

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn, friends. This is who it came to be known toward the end of its rebirth. But, what I want to ask of you participants in this year's exam is...who was it before?"

The 1st paragraph was a clue to the answer in and of itself. In it, characteristics of the land are sprinkled throughout the descriptions and its forming process. If you were able to pick up on that, piecing together what it could've possibly been would have given a good chance of getting the answer correct. It's it's not apparent, it will be clearer by the time I'm done.

The 2nd paragraph meant nothing at all. It was just a mumbo-jumbo flavor piece to throw everyone off.

The 3rd paragraph is where most people might have knew held the key, but got stuck. Which is understandable. What to do here was out in the open, hard to find if you didn't know how to look. The key is in this statement here:

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn,

Direction 1. The land took 6 steps forward.

Direction 2. Hand on chin, took 6 steps back.

Direction 3. Then 6 more forward.

Direction 4. Then 6 more back.

Direction 5. 6 steps forward.

Raising its hands to the sky in mirth is another flavor to throw you off of what's going on. The second and probably most important piece to this, is what follows.

By discarding its beginning and end it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn.


The land of Uxn. That's what it is right now. Right now at this very moment. So let us work backwards shall we?

  • The Land of: U X N. It discarded it's beginning and ignored its end. So what do we do? Add a blank spot before U and after N.
  • The Land of: _ U X N _ . Let's go back to the steps this land took. Do directions 2 through 4 in reverse, to find out what UXN was before. You will need a chart very familiar to you for this. One for the alphabet.
  • Six steps forward from U is A
  • Six steps backwards from X is R.
  • Six steps forward from N is T.

What's the only land on the list with 5 letters, having the middle spelling ART? The Land of E-A-R-T-H.

Very clever. I never did much like ciphers :smile9:

RIP Chunin Promotion?


Vid Unrelated.

With the way things are falling for some of the teams...maybe. 

Lol. Naw. Everyone who couldn't guess it had to play through Stage 2. Which is a giant mess only 7 out of 30* people will crawl out of. When you look at it that way, it's still tragic.

True. But it does make for an interesting story. 
I initially thought this meant discarding the U and N.

Yeah when you were brainstorming in the OOC I was curious. Your head was definitely in the right direction. I assume you didn't catch the timing of events slipped into the equation. I thought you would have been the one!


Haha. Jojo-ending for that video? As hot and as passionate as that man was, he's nowhere near one of the hottest fighters alive. My friend, idol, and kin, Kamiki Sekai. Wish I could have found the subbed and higher quality, but this is the epitome of what I aspire to in roleplay, >=). Either you Gas, or someone has to be my blondie and take me there. And soon.

How cool is Guzma btw.


twiddle thumbs waiting for bently post*

Wow you are really organized. You want to write all your characters at once? o.O. I think i will get to Bently and them today.
Maybe after he finishes retrieving his marbles from Ultra Space.

You're thinking of Best Mom. Guzma is fine in the post-game, he even starts on the path to redemption after you kick his ass another time.

@White Masquerade

The best part about that show was Shia, she's a goddess and best girl. Sekai was a discount Domon, which makes sense since the actual Domon taught him everything he knew. 


Gurren Lagann is a meme show, but you can't top its over-the-top hot bloodedness. Their mechs literally run on Getter Rays derived from how hot-blooded they are.


Also, this MC is pretty based, I read the manga solely to read his dialogue.

Bunny Girl Senpai.png
You're thinking of Best Mom. Guzma is fine in the post-game, he even starts on the path to redemption after you kick his ass another time.

@White Masquerade

The best part about that show was Shia, she's a goddess and best girl. Sekai was a discount Domon, which makes sense since the actual Domon taught him everything he knew. 


Gurren Lagann is a meme show, but you can't top its over-the-top hot bloodedness. Their mechs literally run on Getter Rays derived from how hot-blooded they are.


Also, this MC is pretty based, I read the manga solely to read his dialogue.

Bleh. Best was Lady Kawagucci xD. Those glasses and style was sharp. Haha, I'll take Sekai at his best over almost anyone =P.

Now I have to disagree with you on Gurenn Lagann. It's hot blooded, but it doesn't have that passion GUNDAM has. The music, tension, composition, choreography; TTGL has the over-the-topness, but not the beautiful fire. I think what enhances GUNDAM at least to me, over TTGL, is that clear rival dynamic they always have going. There's no awesome superpower or mind-bending terror to defeat. Most times it's somebody like you; someone you get to know intimately, who for some reason acts in a way that just manages to worm under your skin. It's what makes Naruto V Sasuke legendary. Had the series been shorter and they focused the story more, the Naruto V Sasuke them would have ended in something truly outstanding. But then Obito and Madara happened, etc >_>

Lol. The MC is the girl or boy?
Now I have to disagree with you on Gurenn Lagann. It's hot blooded, but it doesn't have that passion GUNDAM has. The music, tension, composition, choreography; TTGL has the over-the-topness, but not the beautiful fire. I think what enhances GUNDAM at least to me, over TTGL, is that clear rival dynamic they always have going. There's no awesome superpower or mind-bending terror to defeat. Most times it's somebody like you; someone you get to know intimately, who for some reason acts in a way that just manages to worm under your skin. It's what makes Naruto V Sasuke legendary. Had the series been shorter and they focused the story more, the Naruto V Sasuke them would have ended in something truly outstanding. But then Obito and Madara happened, etc >_>


The point of Gurren Lagann isn't that the enemy is some superpowered evil thingy! The enemy is their own doubts, their fears! The Anti-Spiral saw a possibility that spiral power would destroy them, instead of pushing forward they gave into fear and tried to break the spirit of the heroes.

It's about fighting the limits you put upon yourself, it's about breaking through those limits with your spirit! Piercing the heavens with your drill!
Bleh. Best was Lady Kawagucci xD. Those glasses and style was sharp. Haha, I'll take Sekai at his best over almost anyone =P.

Now I have to disagree with you on Gurenn Lagann. It's hot blooded, but it doesn't have that passion GUNDAM has. The music, tension, composition, choreography; TTGL has the over-the-topness, but not the beautiful fire. I think what enhances GUNDAM at least to me, over TTGL, is that clear rival dynamic they always have going. There's no awesome superpower or mind-bending terror to defeat. Most times it's somebody like you; someone you get to know intimately, who for some reason acts in a way that just manages to worm under your skin. It's what makes Naruto V Sasuke legendary. Had the series been shorter and they focused the story more, the Naruto V Sasuke them would have ended in something truly outstanding. But then Obito and Madara happened, etc >_>

Lol. The MC is the girl or boy?

There was a rivalry in Gurreen Lagann between Kamina/Simon and the sharkman Viral - their first encounter unlocked the ability to combine. Gundam is primarily somber and anti-war with the exceptions of G Gundam, Build Fighters, and G-Reco.

MC is the guy, but the main heroine is pretty good too.
There was a rivalry in Gurreen Lagann between Kamina/Simon and the sharkman Viral - their first encounter unlocked the ability to combine. Gundam is primarily somber and anti-war with the exceptions of G Gundam, Build Fighters, and G-Reco.

What the hell kind of rebuttal is that?!


Hey, lol. Is Shirokko just a privileged woman? is Soma just a pouty sourpuss? The way you write, I'm not sure who's in the wrong here anymore xD. Soma obvs has issues but...maybe Shirokko does too?? I feel like she's poking the stomach of a pissed off lion. She's just wants to make Soma happy Brook =)

He doesn't want to be happy. 

Even if he watches all of you burn alive, he might be satisfied. Sorry for not adding to the post. I warned that I wouldn't be able to be on the site as much.

The point of Gurren Lagann isn't that the enemy is some superpowered evil thingy! The enemy is their own doubts, their fears! The Anti-Spiral saw a possibility that spiral power would destroy them, instead of pushing forward they gave into fear and tried to break the spirit of the heroes.

It's about fighting the limits you put upon yourself, it's about breaking through those limits with your spirit! Piercing the heavens with your drill!

Not bad. I can respect that journey. I can't quite put my finger on the difference between the two, but there certainly is one! Ah I think I found it. Probably scope? I prefer personal journeys rather than team journeys. I'm probably more drawn to solo challenges instead of comrades banding together.


Yeah but there's still bad-blood relations with that setting. What about the Thunderbolt one? Isn't it that blonde pilot versus the disabled sniper?

He doesn't want to be happy. 

Even if he watches all of you burn alive, he might be satisfied. Sorry for not adding to the post. I warned that I wouldn't be able to be on the site as much.

Haha. You don't know what you're talking about. I think I know Soma better than you do. Of course he wants to be happy and he's going to be  :smile4: . And no worries about your schedule.
@Lucem Tenebris


Is he ya boy yet?

Of course. I like teaming up with him in the Battle Tree with my Golisopod.

@Lucem Tenebris

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Is Team 7 ready to move on by the way? If you both have yes, they will be the first off  :smile4:

I'm ready to move on.

I did notice the timing in the riddle, but I didn't think to add blanks spaces before and after UXN.  I also didn't think the description in the first paragraph fit most of the lands.
Of course. I like teaming up with him in the Battle Tree with my Golisopod.

I'm ready to move on.

I did notice the timing in the riddle, but I didn't think to add blanks spaces before and after UXN.  I also didn't think the description in the first paragraph fit most of the lands.

Super. So Kinzu left. I don't think Amai would drop so I think we're good.

I was close to using Gaia in the description, but thought it'd be too easy. I went with. The Land being born for the mother was supposed to represent Mother Earth!
Super. So Kinzu left. I don't think Amai would drop so I think we're good.

I was close to using Gaia in the description, but thought it'd be too easy. I went with. The Land being born for the mother was supposed to represent Mother Earth!

I thought that line was more fitting for the Land of Tea, since it was born from the Void with Tainan as its leader, who came from his mother. The lines of being new and fearful also didn't seem to suit a lot of the lands, since places like the Land of Earth were equal in power with others due to possession of the Tailed Beasts in their early days. I went with a bunch of possible solutions, such as using the steps along with the world map in the overview, but decided to not focus on the right answer, since neither of my characters would have been able to solve it.
Not bad. I can respect that journey. I can't quite put my finger on the difference between the two, but there certainly is one! Ah I think I found it. Probably scope? I prefer personal journeys rather than team journeys. I'm probably more drawn to solo challenges instead of comrades banding together.


Yeah but there's still bad-blood relations with that setting. What about the Thunderbolt one? Isn't it that blonde pilot versus the disabled sniper?

Haha. You don't know what you're talking about. I think I know Soma better than you do. Of course he wants to be happy and he's going to be  :smile4: . And no worries about your schedule.

Yeah, Io Flemming vs Daryl Lorenz. Even more bad blood between them since Io introduces himself by popping a cap in the head of one of Daryl's friends, jettisoning the corpse into space, and then hijacking said friend's Dom. Io is addicted to the thrill of fighting so he keeps going after Daryl who's a notorious sniper ace.

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