Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


lol. How the...where do you get these things to link here?

@Hange Zoe

You say these things to mess with me Hange. It's not gonna work =P

@Pequeno Burraidh

Nooooooo! Pequeno Burraidh! AHHH!!!! Come, come on! Think deeper! It's not all about powers and chakra!!!! Don't let me go another RP screaming internally T_T



Hange has a ton of characters.

lol. How the...where do you get these things to link here?

@Hange Zoe

You say these things to mess with me Hange. It's not gonna work =P

@Pequeno Burraidh

Nooooooo! Pequeno Burraidh! AHHH!!!! Come, come on! Think deeper! It's not all about powers and chakra!!!! Don't let me go another RP screaming internally T_T



Hange has a ton of characters.

I'm really bad with mysteries...

Her relationship with Raven?

Hato no Tochi?

Her nigh invincibility?

Her vast stores of chakra, both hers and the far larger Moonbear reserve?


Your blessing?


A wonderfully moderate paradise where it's never really too cold or too hot?

Shark people coming after her daughter?

A position to form a fairly decent truce between countries due to her unique separation from most every political or personal pull or temptation due to being almost 100% sated with her current life and wanting for almost nothing but to enjoy the near perfect existence that she's been able to acquire through hard work and determination to ensure that the horrors she'd seen unleashed upon the world in her childhood would never again occur to anyone so long as she could help it?

Any of those?
So since there's a queen of the whatever I don't feel like spelling out the name. Shouldn't there be a king? @White Masquerade

Wunan was the Queen of the Kakureyami along with her husband Jinan. Wunan and Jinan were the actual titles, and when assumed by the next in line they would forgo their original names and take up the name and title of Wunan for Queen and Jinan for King.

In Rebirth: Kakureyami Wunan officially adopted Dove, who became the Princess of the Kakureyami. In the end of Rebirth: Kakureyami Jinan died, and over the fifteen years of Rebirth: Kakureyami and Redirth: Knights Wunan too passed away, leaving Dove as the sole heir without a male to take the place of Jinan. Also feeling that the Kakureyami needed a new, non-revenge based existence, Dove, who had abandoned that name and taken on the name of Raven, decided that the name and title of wunan was no longer needed and left it in the past, acquiring the simpler moniker of Queen.

Still, there is no king and Raven rules alone...

For now.

I guess it's Quirkster's move

@White Masquerade

Wunan was the Queen of the Kakureyami along with her husband Jinan. Wunan and Jinan were the actual titles, and when assumed by the next in line they would forgo their original names and take up the name and title of Wunan for Queen and Jinan for King.

In Rebirth: Kakureyami Wunan officially adopted Dove, who became the Princess of the Kakureyami. In the end of Rebirth: Kakureyami Jinan died, and over the fifteen years of Rebirth: Kakureyami and Redirth: Knights Wunan too passed away, leaving Dove as the sole heir without a male to take the place of Jinan. Also feeling that the Kakureyami needed a new, non-revenge based existence, Dove, who had abandoned that name and taken on the name of Raven, decided that the name and title of wunan was no longer needed and left it in the past, acquiring the simpler moniker of Queen.

Still, there is no king and Raven rules alone...

For now.

I guess it's Quirkster's move

@White Masquerade


Sounds interesting, I should take the title as king, but that's up to them.
Sounds interesting, I should take the title as king, but that's up to them.

The title would have to be bestowed by Raven I'd imagine, seeing as the kingdom of the Kakureyami was left in her hands alone by Wunan. So the only way to become King is if Raven wills t, and right now only one character has a good opportunity for that at the moment I'd imagine.
Seeing Shinsei as a king would be interesting.

It would indeed. He would make a very interesting King. He could learn spiritual techniques too to make up for his lost chakra, the works. Interested in how Quirkster and White will play this out, especially given how affecionate White has Ravn being. She really captured Raven's need for love and attention well despite her new, colder and more driven exterior.
@White Masquerade

You really love making my characters go through emotional roller coasters don't you?


Yoshinori's negative qualities are portrayed well. I just find them amusing. And oddly refreshing.

I'm going to make another character.

Is raina alive? If so I have something in mind @QuirkyAngel

Seriously? Hasn't Raina gone through enough? She doesn't need anymore plot to threaten her life T_T

...Yes...Raina's alive. Barely. She's napping. 

I'm really bad with mysteries...

Her relationship with Raven?

Hato no Tochi?

Her nigh invincibility?

Her vast stores of chakra, both hers and the far larger Moonbear reserve?


Your blessing?


A wonderfully moderate paradise where it's never really too cold or too hot?

Shark people coming after her daughter?

A position to form a fairly decent truce between countries due to her unique separation from most every political or personal pull or temptation due to being almost 100% sated with her current life and wanting for almost nothing but to enjoy the near perfect existence that she's been able to acquire through hard work and determination to ensure that the horrors she'd seen unleashed upon the world in her childhood would never again occur to anyone so long as she could help it?

Any of those?


It's love, Pequeno. Love.

@White Masquerade

You really love making my characters go through emotional roller coasters don't you?


Yoshinori's negative qualities are portrayed well. I just find them amusing. And oddly refreshing.

Seriously? Hasn't Raina gone through enough? She doesn't need anymore plot to threaten her life T_T

...Yes...Raina's alive. Barely. She's napping. 


It's love, Pequeno. Love.

I didn't need that feeling so early. You know that actor died like, right after the first film came out right?
While this is actually playing on my music list of course, cos you're timing is rubbish.

Harry Potter's universe was always one I thought could have had some amazing roleplays and what not, but I feel too many people try to focus on the books or films. 

Enough of all the heavy shite though, what would Shinsei do if he bacame king?
I doubt the afterstory would be long enough to see Shinsei as king. At best, it would best it would be implied...assuming we go that route...

I don't think the afterstory will be long enough to finish the exams, but it's interesting to think about. If Shinsei did become a king, I don't think he'd do any worse than Jinan.
I don't have any interest plotting upon raina, she hasn't done anything to peek my interest. I had an idea, but it involve around family wise. 


@Pequeno Burraidh I don't care about titles honestly, because a title can be taken away at any given moment. Just going to have the seed grow a little while longer.
While this is actually playing on my music list of course, cos you're timing is rubbish.

Harry Potter's universe was always one I thought could have had some amazing roleplays and what not, but I feel too many people try to focus on the books or films. 

Enough of all the heavy shite though, what would Shinsei do if he bacame king?

...I have no idea. I cannot read my child's mind. He tends to act on his own. 

I don't think the afterstory will be long enough to finish the exams, but it's interesting to think about. If Shinsei did become a king, I don't think he'd do any worse than Jinan.

He doesn't hate ninja. That much is true at least.

I don't have any interest plotting upon raina, she hasn't done anything to peek my interest. I had an idea, but it involve around family wise. 


@Pequeno Burraidh I don't care about titles honestly, because a title can be taken away at any given moment. Just going to have the seed grow a little while longer.

...You want to make Raina's family?

Do whatever is fun for you. Just be wary of White. 
...I have no idea. I cannot read my child's mind. He tends to act on his own. 

He doesn't hate ninja. That much is true at least.

...You want to make Raina's family?

Do whatever is fun for you. Just be wary of White. 

I was planning on making a relative for a change.
It's one of those fired up days. I love mornings

@Hange Zoe

Pequeno is correct about all the explanations. There is no king right now. And I don't think it'd go well if somebody claimed to be one. =/

@Pequeno Burraidh

I'm not sure which one of those it is. She's your character though! No more info from me.


You really love denying my characters and stepping on their dreams don't you?

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