Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Okay, starting from Tsukiko's last post, it will be put down in the summary under a new arc titled "Eastern Night".

It will be a second post in the summary forum found here: 

It is going to be clean, so help me, I will murder anyone who causes it to look unorganized. I will make an official post about the change IC in the coming days, but any questions ask here.
I'm fine with them, unless the questions I missed were obvious and I simply wasn't paying attention. Still, I always aim for the highest grade.



Now that's what I like to hear. Nothing wrong with wanting to excel.
White also killed a lot of npcs in the previous rp. Named ones. Nameless ones. Raina's near death experience is only the what want to say. But this is the afterstory, so it shouldn't be that bad. Just don't place your npcs in terribly risky situations and you should be fine^^

@Hange Zoe

Dove got noticed....

And now she's Queen of the Kakureyami =)
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White also killed a lot of npcs in the previous rp. Named ones. Nameless ones. Raina's near death experience is only the what want to say. But this is the afterstory, so it shouldn't be that bad. Just don't place your npcs in terribly risky situations and you should be fine^^

And now she's the Queen of the Kakureyami =)

Well, yea, but White really wanted Dove for herself. Fairly certain if I'd tried to hold onto her she would have wound up either dead or worse =P

Ultimately the route Dove went was probably the best thing for her. It allowed her to get away from all the chaos and attempt to settle herself finally. Something she'd long been unable to do. The deaths of Wunan and Jinan also ultimately means she's finally faced, confronted and come to terms with the deaths of her parents, bringing her to a more stable state of mind. 

Wow, that did turn out well.
Well, yea, but White really wanted Dove for herself. Fairly certain if I'd tried to hold onto her she would have wound up either dead or worse =P

Ultimately the route Dove went was probably the best thing for her. It allowed her to get away from all the chaos and attempt to settle herself finally. Something she'd long been unable to do. The deaths of Wunan and Jinan also ultimately means she's finally faced, confronted and come to terms with the deaths of her parents, bringing her to a more stable state of mind. 

Wow, that did turn out well.

Mhm. Things worked out well for her.

The ending of the last rp wasn't very satisfying for Shinsei so I decided to continue him as a pc and see where it leads him.
Mhm. Things worked out well for her.

The ending of the last rp wasn't very satisfying for Shinsei so I decided to continue him as a pc and see where it leads him.

I don't understand how you think.

Well, yea, but White really wanted Dove for herself. Fairly certain if I'd tried to hold onto her she would have wound up either dead or worse =P

Ultimately the route Dove went was probably the best thing for her. It allowed her to get away from all the chaos and attempt to settle herself finally. Something she'd long been unable to do. The deaths of Wunan and Jinan also ultimately means she's finally faced, confronted and come to terms with the deaths of her parents, bringing her to a more stable state of mind. 

Wow, that did turn out well.

It did didn't it.
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My cousin sent me over Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix

Words can not contain my excitement at this
Nothing very complicated. It all came down to me not wanting him to die until he gets his satisfying ending.   

You remind me of this girl from that anime


@Hange Zoe

So what if she's not an NPC, lol. If she does something stupid, the only difference is I'll message you before killing her.

@Pequeno Burraidh

I am happy for you.

Lol, shut up White

Was I too much for you Brook? You couldn't even finish your post.


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