Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Dru actually never quit he just sort of was forced into retirement. He's still an eye doctor though. If funny you mention that part of Dru's life because It will be rearing it's head.

Haha. Chiaki's past with Hebi reared it's head for him in Hanuka's Gaiden. As far as I'm aware, she still has the curse mark^^


It's going well. Still people in my house, but less than this morning.
Good evening folks, how's it going? 

@Hange Zoe

I'm seeing your Sengun post now: I'll see what I can do about a Makoto post in the next day or so.

Thinking about making a Gaiden then restoring past losses... (cough cough)

Haha. Chiaki's past with Hebi reared it's head for him in Hanuka's Gaiden. As far as I'm aware, she still has the curse mark^^


It's going well. Still people in my house, but less than this morning.

Dru still has his he just can't use it at all.
Haha. Chiaki's past with Hebi reared it's head for him in Hanuka's Gaiden. As far as I'm aware, she still has the curse mark^^


It's going well. Still people in my house, but less than this morning.

Hmm, yes, I suppose folks are all getting together for the Thanksgiving weekend, hmm? Look on the bright side Quirky- only a few more days to endure before you're free from the excess of extended relatives ;p (Not to mention all the Turkey/ fixings you could possibly desire).

Thinking about making a Gaiden then restoring past losses... (cough cough)

Dru still has his he just can't use it at all.

Mm, yes, very subtle :p I'll PM you.
Thinking about making a Gaiden then restoring past losses... (cough cough)

Dru still has his he just can't use it at all.

It's funny. If Dru had run away from Konoha with Romi, he would still have had his chakra. Now that I think about it again, following the npc Romi was probably the right move rp-wise, considering what happened in the end. 

Hmm, yes, I suppose folks are all getting together for the Thanksgiving weekend, hmm? Look on the bright side Quirky- only a few more days to endure before you're free from the excess of extended relatives ;p (Not to mention all the Turkey/ fixings you could possibly desire).

The food is good. But I'm not sure if enduring questions about my job, my marital status (or lack thereof), and my social life--all in Vietnamese--is worth it. I can barely speak Vietnamese. I'm currently hiding in my room to avoid the kids. 
@White Masquerade

Live-Action Hyouka. Also, Sun cleared. Here's a Guzma in his natural environment.


I was hoping to see more of our boy throughout the game, but he was an enjoyable antagonist.

The food is good. But I'm not sure if enduring questions about my job, my marital status (or lack thereof), and my social life--all in Vietnamese--is worth it. I can barely speak Vietnamese. I'm currently hiding in my room to avoid the kids. 

I'm in the same situation, but the questions are in Spanish. Good luck, Quirk.

Also, the interactions between Jun and Nao are fun to read.
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@Lucem Tenebris

Team Skull's probably my favorite villain team because they're so memorable. The Grunts are all idiotic punks and they come off more like an annoyance than an actual threat. Their motivations being something other than world domination or fucking everything up is delightfully fresh. Guzma stands out because of his dialogue, though he's definitely not what people thought he'd be like. Visiting his parents before you even meet him also makes things come together really well in the ending. Also, it's weird how Zygarde just pops up in Alola, but then it starts making sense during the Ultra Beast Hunt since he's basically the Earth's antibody. I can only assume it split into its 100 cells to better monitor Alola or something. 


@Lucem Tenebris

Team Skull's probably my favorite villain team because they're so memorable. The Grunts are all idiotic punks and they come off more like an annoyance than an actual threat. Their motivations being something other than world domination or fucking everything up is delightfully fresh. Guzma stands out because of his dialogue, though he's definitely not what people thought he'd be like. Visiting his parents before you even meet him also makes things come together really well in the ending. Also, it's weird how Zygarde just pops up in Alola, but then it starts making sense during the Ultra Beast Hunt since he's basically the Earth's antibody. I can only assume it split into its 100 cells to better monitor Alola or something. 


I liked that Team Skull was essentially a bunch of rejects coming together to rebel. It doesn't seem very serious on the surface with how goofy the interactions can be, but there's more depth when taking a look at Guzma's history and the Guardians.

I also thought having Zygarde show up was odd, but I remembered that the version from X and Y was only 50% complete. Other cells could have spread to Alola. The post-game missions add to this as well.
@Lucem Tenebris

Kukui's definitely the best Professor in the series. I also can't help but chuckle at Olivia for having never scored and the game going out of its way to point that out at least twice. I can't help but feel that the darker entries in the Pokedex were just Rotom shitposting. The only question left unanswered is: Who is the Masked Royal? That and what exactly is Necrozma.


Truly a mystery for the ages.
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@Lucem Tenebris

Kukui's definitely the best Professor in the series. I also can't help but chuckle at Olivia for having never scored and the game going out of its way to point that out at least twice. I can't help but feel that the darker entries in the Pokedex were just Rotom shitposting. The only question left unanswered is: Who is the Masked Royal? That and what exactly is Necrozma.

Truly a mystery for the ages.

I feel a bit sorry for Olivia when reading her dialogue. I think I read something about her being cursed. 

Rotom could be messing with some of the Dex entries, but the Guardians still come across as dark without them. A lot of their actions are pretty questionable. 

Considering its design, Necrozma could be connected with Stars, but I have no theories on the Masked Royal. His identity is definitely one of the biggest unanswered questions in the franchise.
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@QuirkyAngel @Lucem Tenebris

Ah yes, the joys of family reunions- couldn't have that without the endless barrage of inquiries which make you question your life choices >.< . I find schoolwork is an excellent excuse to get some alone time, if it's as bad as it sounds. 

Also, since it sounds like you and @GasMaskie have pretty much gotten through Sun/ Moon (Or at least a good chunk of it) how was it may I ask?
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@QuirkyAngel @Lucem Tenebris

Ah yes, the joys of family reunions- couldn't have that without the endless barrage of inquiries which make you question your life choices >.< . I find schoolwork is an excellent excuse to get some alone time, if it's as bad as it sounds. 

Also, since it sounds like you and @GasMaskie have pretty much gotten through Sun/ Moon (Or at least a god chunk of it) how was it may I ask?


10/10, I love it as much as Generation 5. 


@Lucem Tenebris

Kinda hoping that Ryuki gets turned into an important character in Stars, maybe as a Trial Captain or something. Mina had a cool design too but she's terrible at her job. In general, all the characters in Sun and Moon are memorable. Game Freak really managed to make them stand out with their personalities. Hell, I can't even remember X and Y's Gym Leaders because they were so bland. As for favorites, Nanu stands out because he reminds me of an adult Hachiman. That, and he lives in his police station with a horde of Alolan Meowths. He's definitely living the dream (and letting a town burn in the background). Kiawe's Trial was definitely the best in the game, I actually laughed during it.

It's funny. If Dru had run away from Konoha with Romi, he would still have had his chakra. Now that I think about it again, following the npc Romi was probably the right move rp-wise, considering what happened in the end. 

The food is good. But I'm not sure if enduring questions about my job, my marital status (or lack thereof), and my social life--all in Vietnamese--is worth it. I can barely speak Vietnamese. I'm currently hiding in my room to avoid the kids. 

It was smart and I wish I had done it but I stick by what I did. Although I think Aiolos would've been different if his father had chakra.
Ah yes, the joys of family reunions- couldn't have that without the endless barrage of inquiries which make you question your life choices >.< . I find schoolwork is an excellent excuse to get some alone time, if it's as bad as it sounds. 

I usually go to sleep for an easy way to escape being interrogated. 

Kinda hoping that Ryuki gets turned into an important character in Stars, maybe as a Trial Captain or something. Mina had a cool design too but she's terrible at her job. In general, all the characters in Sun and Moon are memorable. Game Freak really managed to make them stand out with their personalities. Hell, I can't even remember X and Y's Gym Leaders because they were so bland. As for favorites, Nanu stands out because he reminds me of an adult Hachiman. That, and he lives in his police station with a horde of Alolan Meowths. He's definitely living the dream (and letting a town burn in the background). Kiawe's Trial was definitely the best in the game, I actually laughed during it.

Ryuki's design is really flash and unique. I don't think he would be wasted for a small appearance. It reminds me of the Maniacs and costumes from Pokéstar Studios.

I think part of the reason for why the characters are so memorable is due to the removal of traditional Gyms. The trials had a great atmosphere and buildup, since it didn't feel too repetitive by going with the usual battle formula. 

Kiawe's trial got me pretty good. I was focused on trying to memorize the poses, so it caught me off guard. The Hiker was great.

I liked Nanu a lot. Some of my favorite moments were when he performed his Z-Move. Gladion's reaction was wonderful.
@QuirkyAngel @Lucem Tenebris

Ah yes, the joys of family reunions- couldn't have that without the endless barrage of inquiries which make you question your life choices >.< . I find schoolwork is an excellent excuse to get some alone time, if it's as bad as it sounds. 

Also, since it sounds like you and @GasMaskie have pretty much gotten through Sun/ Moon (Or at least a good chunk of it) how was it may I ask?

I've escaped several rounds of Payday, locked the door--which I forgot to do--and am now enjoying Alderamin on the Sky in solitude.

@Lucem Tenebris

A compliment from you makes my day =)

Oh man, you're in for some rough shit if they adapt the rest of the LNs.


I'd ask what you mean, but I don't want spoilers. I've just started watching. My friend recommended it to me a while ago, but I never found the time to watch until now^^
Okay so I've thought it over. If this were any other group I would ended the story right here. Everyone has worked too hard to be left hanging, so I owe you all a finish. About the IC situation I complained over, it will be accepted with no posts deleted and no word about it from me again. I would appreciate if no one asks when I'm posting. No matter how far we get, there will be no extension to this roleplay. With that out of the way, there may be 1 post tomorrow.

10/10, I love it as much as Generation 5. 


@Lucem Tenebris

Kinda hoping that Ryuki gets turned into an important character in Stars, maybe as a Trial Captain or something. Mina had a cool design too but she's terrible at her job. In general, all the characters in Sun and Moon are memorable. Game Freak really managed to make them stand out with their personalities. Hell, I can't even remember X and Y's Gym Leaders because they were so bland. As for favorites, Nanu stands out because he reminds me of an adult Hachiman. That, and he lives in his police station with a horde of Alolan Meowths. He's definitely living the dream (and letting a town burn in the background). Kiawe's Trial was definitely the best in the game, I actually laughed during it.

He looks sexy
Okay so I've thought it over. If this were any other group I would ended the story right here. Everyone has worked too hard to be left hanging, so I owe you all a finish. About the IC situation I complained over, it will be accepted with no posts deleted and no word about it from me again. I would appreciate if no one asks when I'm posting. No matter how far we get, there will be no extension to this roleplay. With that out of the way, there may be 1 post tomorrow.

You make us feel special :x

No matter how the afterstory concludes, whether it's short or long, ends in tragedy or comedy, it's a story we all built together. No regrets~

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