Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


*hugs and rubs my cheek into your cheek*

Yes, yes, killing things is amazing. There's a rush right?? I hope you don't do it too often though. If you do, I caution you to slow it down Tmo. I will be getting to a post for Team 10 as well! Don't you worry; I am going to take care of my darling Mio =)

You're the one who needs to slow it down, White. You did a lot of killing last RP, and here you are now doing even more so early on. Didn't even give us a week in-RP time before killing a character off. I'm gonna have to bring in my divine intervention for this one, because I do not approve one bit of death so early on.

Also, it's almost complete, so just a little more waiting for your dearest!
You're the one who needs to slow it down, White. You did a lot of killing last RP, and here you are now doing even more so early on. Didn't even give us a week in-RP time before killing a character off. I'm gonna have to bring in my divine intervention for this one, because I do not approve one bit of death so early on.

Also, it's almost complete, so just a little more waiting for your dearest!

Mmmmm. You're so mean to me Tmo, but it's okay. I believe your post will make up for how you make me frown sometimes.
LOL. Tenebris, you are a mess you know that?

I'm aware. I hope to clean up a bit of that mess now that I have a break from school.

Some of the newer Pokémon designs look a bit odd, but that's probably a result of having to create different creatures for twenty years.
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I'm aware. I hope to clean up a bit of that mess now that I have a break from school.

Some of the newer Pokémon designs look a bit odd, but that's probably a result of having to create different creatures for twenty years.


I don't even know what to say to you.
@White Masquerade I feel like I shouldn't at all be doing this, considering that I'm a player and you're the GM, but this post I'm about to make is something I feel I deserve to do even though I know I don't actually deserve to make, let alone have any right to. Just going to quickly finish up and post it, hopefully it won't be too much breaking of the line between player and GM :P

(Someone's gotta challenge your authority eventually, right? xD )
O.o  Isn't that a legendary? 

Yeah, but the game is structured so you can get it at its weakest form at level 30 around mid-game. It upgrades into bigger forms based on how far you are along the sidequest that involves collecting 100 of its scattered cells.

taste of a liar.jpg
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Haha. I haven't read the posts tagging me yet, but upon seeing in large letters 'Raina deceased' and 'Raina alive' right after, my first thought was that someone turned Raina into a zombie  :$  

Lol Quirk. Too cute. No Rudy won't just go take a nap and wish everything away haha. As for Bijuu....why? Exactly? Haven't people bothered them enough?

@Lucem Tenebris

LOL. Tenebris, you are a mess you know that?


Got it. The best legendary ever is HO-OH. Pure goodness in coming up with that name. AS much as I respect Nintendo and their franchise, I cannot overlook their increasingly awkward designs and characteristics. However! Posting of wonderful things like

"It's your boy Guzma," that make me laugh, will continue to keep the franchise at a good place in my heart. 

I will start working on a post soon-ish.,


Cute? Naps are wonderful de-stressors. Whenever I feel frustrated with a problem, I'll sleep it off. Then, in the morning, I wake up wondering why I was so frustrated in the first place and am able to tackle the problem with a clear head. In fact, Raina is taking a nap right now. ^_^

Though, I see you were hoping for a very long one...
Kind of unfair by the by, miss White, as you didn't stop to ask what type medical care Raina would have had. I mean, it's Hato no Tochi, there's a reason I had Rei take her there, and it has a lot to do with the abundant amounts of chakra and the fact that the majority of the people there have devoted their lives to peace and the preservation of it, so medical teams and other peoples insistent on the preservation of life would kind of be in abundance and what have you, and I even had the experts, meaning there were both Spiritual and Chakra users involved.
Kind of unfair by the by, miss White, as you didn't stop to ask what type medical care Raina would have had. I mean, it's Hato no Tochi, there's a reason I had Rei take her there, and it has a lot to do with the abundant amounts of chakra and the fact that the majority of the people there have devoted their lives to peace and the preservation of it, so medical teams and other peoples insistent on the preservation of life would kind of be in abundance and what have you, and I even had the experts, meaning there were both Spiritual and Chakra users involved.

Kind of unfair by the by, miss White, as you didn't stop to ask what type medical care Raina would have had. I mean, it's Hato no Tochi, there's a reason I had Rei take her there, and it has a lot to do with the abundant amounts of chakra and the fact that the majority of the people there have devoted their lives to peace and the preservation of it, so medical teams and other peoples insistent on the preservation of life would kind of be in abundance and what have you, and I even had the experts, meaning there were both Spiritual and Chakra users involved.

Uhhh, I'm left confused of course as I merely brought divine intervention to challenge the authority of White, so I'm left to ask if those experts refer to my three characters? Probably not, but I deserve to know since I just rewrote laws for the sake of Raina and Raina alone, right?
Uhhh, I'm left confused of course as I merely brought divine intervention to challenge the authority of White, so I'm left to ask if those experts refer to my three characters? Probably not, but I deserve to know since I just rewrote laws for the sake of Raina and Raina alone, right?

Oh no, I was meaning the residents of Hato no Tochi that Rei gathered are supposed to be skilled medics, expert level, hence me listing their expert medic status. Given that Rei likely could have held Raina together through sheer chakra power alone, it would make sense that she wouldn't have left Raina with a team that couldn't save her. My own brand of intervention that, by all accounts, should have kept Raina alive to begin with.

And then White tried to list her killed anyhow, which just irks me slightly.

But then you came a saved the day with your post, so I am pleased by this.
But then you came a saved the day with your post, so I am pleased by this.

I put effort particularly into that starting piece to the post in order to practice for another event, but I felt it a good enough test run through creating a broken visual of one of White's "Written Laws" of the world that I felt go with it all the way. So please, don't think of me as a savior or hero. I quote the words of Toshiro in this one; "Life can be taken away at a whim."
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Kind of unfair by the by, miss White, as you didn't stop to ask what type medical care Raina would have had. I mean, it's Hato no Tochi, there's a reason I had Rei take her there, and it has a lot to do with the abundant amounts of chakra and the fact that the majority of the people there have devoted their lives to peace and the preservation of it, so medical teams and other peoples insistent on the preservation of life would kind of be in abundance and what have you, and I even had the experts, meaning there were both Spiritual and Chakra users involved.

Maybe. But I thought it was a nice twist...and an interesting introduction to some old characters^^

The medics of Hato no Tochi might be experts but Shinobu has Hamura's(ninja god) chakra. Kanami was was the first spirit user introduced in the last rp. And Toshi is...void. It's like the difference between human intervention and godly intervention...which I might have highlighted with Chiaki's involvement, for Raina's character development, but this works just as well=)

Besides, npcs have always been White's domain as our gm. She just finally decided to play with yours ^_^ . It was never technically written that Raina healed either...a loop hole my rival cleverly exploited~

Uhhh, I'm left confused of course as I merely brought divine intervention to challenge the authority of White, so I'm left to ask if those experts refer to my three characters? Probably not, but I deserve to know since I just rewrote laws for the sake of Raina and Raina alone, right?

Not your characters.

Pequeno tried to save my characters by teleporting Raina away and leaving her in npc hands.

I'm happy you re-wrote the law for Raina's sake, but, tbh, I'm surprised so may people want to save my npc. I can't tell if it's because Raina's that likeable, or Rudy plays as such a good villain  :x        
Maybe. But I thought it was a nice twist...and an interesting introduction to some old characters^^

The medics of Hato no Tochi might be experts but Shinobu has Hamura's(ninja god) chakra. Kanami was was the first spirit user introduced in the last rp. And Toshi is...void. It's like the difference between human intervention and godly intervention...which I might have highlighted with Chiaki's involvement, for Raina's character development, but this works just as well=)

Besides, npcs have always been White's domain as our gm. She just finally decided to play with yours ^_^ . It was never technically written that Raina healed either...a loop hole my rival cleverly exploited~

Not your characters.

Pequeno tried to save my characters by teleporting Raina away and leaving her in npc hands.

I'm happy you re-wrote the law for Raina's sake, but, tbh, I'm surprised so may people want to save my npc. I can't tell if it's because Raina's that likeable, or Rudy plays as such a good villain  :x        

It's cos I was actually intially going to enjoy a simple and calm afterstory like White promised even though I was being endearingly difficult about it. Now that White seems to want to really go at some of these characters, though, I'm finding myself at odds with her methods of trying to stir trouble. So I'm attempting to stir the other way xD
I'm happy you re-wrote the law for Raina's sake, but, tbh, I'm surprised so may people want to save my npc. I can't tell if it's because Raina's that likeable, or Rudy plays as such a good villain  :x

So once again, I quote Toshiro. "Life can be taken away at a whim."

So it's only fair someone give it upon the same whim, right? If White wants to take, then I shall give. It's as simple as that. White took from me, and so I've realized that out of all the complex things in this world, giving is not among them. Someone takes, someone gives. That's how this world works. One cannot take without someone else giving, regardless of which is willing and which is not.
It's cos I was actually intially going to enjoy a simple and calm afterstory like White promised even though I was being endearingly difficult about it. Now that White seems to want to really go at some of these characters, though, I'm finding myself at odds with her methods of trying to stir trouble. So I'm attempting to stir the other way xD

"Stirring one direction is not undone by stirring the other; it merely leaves everything in spirals."

My favorite quote from those of which I've created for Toshiro. Very meaningful, if I do say so myself. Don't try to stir what's already been stirred; instead, try to filter out the bad from the good, and take the bad elsewhere; like I've done with my divine intervention!

Shinobu has Hamura's(ninja god) chakra. Kanami was was the first spirit user introduced in the last rp. And Toshi is...void.

Those things aren't what make the three of them capable of 'divine intervention'. They're capable of it because they've, all three, stepped inside of death and climbed back out by nothing but one another's help. Kanami (Who's Kokoro right now, by the way) was dead a great couple centuries ago back when Ninja first came to be. She revived herself by taking over Kokoro's body, essentially forcing Kokoro to either leave her own body or be 'killed' by being absorbed into Kanami's soul; although Kokoro separated herself eventually after Shinobu awakened Kanami to the errors of her ways the past few hundred years. Shinobu was killed by Kanami, and similarly brought back by Kokoro (contrary to how it was all portrayed). Though before that Shinobu was actually dead back there in Yugakure unbeknownst to anyone but myself, brought back by Kokoro as well as Hamura back then.

Meanwhile, Toshiro would've normally been absorbed into the Void not too long after having assimilated himself with it to escape the damages of his body. It's thanks to Shinobu and Kokoro he still lives, the two of them awakened him to the real world and made him realize just what it meant to live for someone else, allowing him to fight the void strongly enough to become its master; it's how he's still around and Tsukiko hasn't had a mental breakdown from losing the last thing in her life. (Albeit I've yet to inform White before this that Toshiro technically was up for death the entire fifteen-year gap in this RP, so she probably assumed Toshiro still alive).

But yeah, I've just revealed the inner workings of my trio. Don't ask me what came over me to make me want to share, I merely wished do so. I suppose the best reason would be the fact I'm unable to visualize a point in this RP where I could reveal these details otherwise.
It's cos I was actually intially going to enjoy a simple and calm afterstory like White promised even though I was being endearingly difficult about it. Now that White seems to want to really go at some of these characters, though, I'm finding myself at odds with her methods of trying to stir trouble. So I'm attempting to stir the other way xD

Ah. I can understand the feeling.

So once again, I quote Toshiro. "Life can be taken away at a whim."

So it's only fair someone give it upon the same whim, right? If White wants to take, then I shall give. It's as simple as that. White took from me, and so I've realized that out of all the complex things in this world, giving is not among them. Someone takes, someone gives. That's how this world works. One cannot take without someone else giving, regardless of which is willing and which is not.

Mmhm. Makes sense.

Though, even if Raina had died, it wouldn't have been in vain. Raina was serious about not being touched ¬¬
Though, even if Raina had died, it wouldn't have been in vain. Raina was serious about not being touched ¬¬

Serious indeed, but how could seriousness get that which death has already taken away? Death would've touched Raina, and that would've been rather unfortunate. At least with the way I handled things, not a single hand was laid upon Raina, merely Chakra and life, both of which had already laid hands upon her already thus nothing new or wanted to be avoided.
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Ah. I can understand the feeling.

Mmhm. Makes sense.

Though, even if Raina had died, it wouldn't have been in vain. Raina was serious about not being touched ¬¬

Welp, Rei is still waiting on how Rudy responds to her. Sooooo.... now that I've irked the great White Masque that oughtta be ending badly soon.
Welp, Rei is still waiting on how Rudy responds to her. Sooooo.... now that I've irked the great White Masque that oughtta be ending badly soon.

Right, right... About Rei... I'm afraid to say I may have to 'borrow' Rei should she still be around by the time of my next post... I've some little plans that've been brewing with Shinobu and company over the last seven years.

Also, @White Masquerade, I can promise you this one thing; Shinobu will have Chomei back. There's naught that I won't do to achieve that goal, save for sacrifice lives of course; though I doubt that'll be any problem, as there are many lives which would sacrifice themselves so neither I nor my characters have to do so.

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