Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Serious indeed, but how could seriousness get that which death has already taken away? Death would've touched Raina, and that would've been rather unfortunate. At least with the way I handled things, not a single hand was laid upon Raina, merely Chakra and life, both of which had already laid hands upon her already thus nothing new or wanted to be avoided.

Ah no. I meant that Rudy shouldn't have kissed Raina. Humans, while weak, are terribly crafty. And she did have a plan for capturing Rudy. It just never got played out. But then Rudy just had to touch her :x
Right, right... About Rei... I'm afraid to say I may have to 'borrow' Rei should she still be around by the time of my next post... I've some little plans that've been brewing with Shinobu and company over the last seven years.

Also, @White Masquerade, I can promise you this one thing; Shinobu will have Chomei back. There's naught that I won't do to achieve that goal, save for sacrifice lives of course; though I doubt that'll be any problem, as there are many lives which would sacrifice themselves so neither I nor my characters have to do so.

Would you mind doing some messaging to let me in on the plan. I have a fair number of people that Rei could actively become involved with at any given time, so it helps to know what others would like to do with her.
Ah no. I meant that Rudy shouldn't have kissed Raina. Humans, while weak, are terribly crafty. And she did have a plan for capturing Rudy. It just never got played out. But then Rudy just had to touch her :x

Well then... By that fact, I suppose I have someone's ass to kick. I feel Toshiro would do well on that, as he understands better than any other just how bad it is to touch what is not for touching. Sure you can imagine how he came to know of that, having a literally-untouchable thing called the Void on one side, and a Mizukage on the other.

There are soo many things wrong here. I will sort that out in 30 mins to 1hr. I don't believe in nullifying posts, so I'll do my best to avoid that, but not even on an IC level this is not good
Pre-read to this. I am cutting a lot out and going straight to the point with everything. In this RP, nothing I do is ever personal, focused solely to mess with someone, or malicious. This is not a 1x1 roleplay. All I'm here to do, is help everyone write a good story with their chosen characters. All of this is going to come from my perspective as a GM, because it has to be explained.

@Pequeno Burraidh

I am a incendiary type of person. The kind to cause trouble and rub people the wrong way; I get that and understand that. However, this is not a 1x1 and I have 10-20 characters/situations to maintain. As much as I talk in the OOC about hating characters, I have zero time to be acting out personal grudges.

Raina is an NPC and you know this. It's been from over a year ago known, that NPC are under the control of the GM. The CS even says that they can be killed at anytime. Why so much trouble over an NPC who's life is controlled by the GM anyway, I can't understand. Especially with only 1 month left. I understand the RP is a bit enjoyable, I am enthusiastic about it too, but as many times as I read Rei's post, I can't get it. There's a certain reason I reply in the orders I do and this is exactly why. From what I last remember, Rei was in the middle of interacting with Tainan. There was no response from him to that yet. <-- So I am certain the post was just an attempt to "screw white over" for a grudge against Quirk. This is not good story writing. I liked to be challenged and welcome it, but the post was seriously lacking on the logical. She got down into the sealed hole and managed to walk right by Rudy without a clue =P. You can do better than that. I do liked to be challenged, but logically at least, please. Even remotely.

Now the doctors at Hato No Tochi. I don't even know what to say to them having unmatched skill in repairing the body, but not even veteran healers of the Naruto series could bring back people from the line of death once they got there. Raina is an NPC, so was already dead. The only reason I gave Quirky a post for that, was out of courtesy. To post about what she was thinking and feeling in that moment of being stabbed. What's bad here, is I had to scrap another post I was working on to say that Raina, an NPC, was in fact as part of the rules, dead. 3-4 posts about whether an NPC is dead or not? That is a nightmare for our pace, summary, atmosphere, and general quality. I can't honestly look at that and say I'm happy with that situation. Strawberry Preserves, a user here, was already iffy about the situation because of his time constraints, and here he has to read about that going on?

@Kiyoko Tomoe

There was nothing wrong with your post much. I really like that giving and taking thing you said earlier in the OOC, and would have worked with you to get that all done out.The issue I have is, I only have a CS for Mio. Nobody else. A big part of what makes this work, is the detail done the background. When I add your post to the summary, how are people who're reading going to know where someone like Toshiro came from? He has no CS for them too look at understand. I make it a point not to use people there's no CS for and it's to avoid massive confusion and making things up from nothing. The Knights all have no CS that any player can see, but I have my notes on what they can and cannot do.

Nothing having that info for your characters just throws things out of whack for those trying to keep up. This is nothing about your IC post, strictly how difficult it makes things for me as a NON-player.

So seeing as it is Nov 22nd and we are going over whether Raina is really dead, I do not think it would work if we continue on until December, at least that's what I'd have to think about. As a player this is fine, maybe even interesting to some, but as a GM, this is not.

I will re-read the posts again later to see if I want to do some more correction, but know the afterstory was something I did not want to work hard on after the issue of the last RP. I will have an answer on that maybe tomorrow
@Kiyoko Tomoe

There was nothing wrong with your post much. I really like that giving and taking thing you said earlier in the OOC, and would have worked with you to get that all done out.The issue I have is, I only have a CS for Mio. Nobody else. A big part of what makes this work, is the detail done the background. When I add your post to the summary, how are people who're reading going to know where someone like Toshiro came from? He has no CS for them too look at understand. I make it a point not to use people there's no CS for and it's to avoid massive confusion and making things up from nothing. The Knights all have no CS that any player can see, but I have my notes on what they can and cannot do.

Nothing having that info for your characters just throws things out of whack for those trying to keep up. This is nothing about your IC post, strictly how difficult it makes things for me as a NON-player.

Ah, regarding the character sheets, I'm actually in the process of last-moment touch-ups and posting of them in the non-PC section. I just did the post beforehand as I didn't know if I'd actually have all that much time longer to do such a post. In fact, posting Shinobu here in just a moment, after I finish checking to make sure I have no issues in grammar with her Bio.
Guys just to let you know I'm taking a break from everything, so this is a must. I need to refresh things, personal reasons. So I won't be back until Friday possibly.
@White Masquerade

Oh lord. 


@White Masquerade

Admittedly, when I first saw the big bold letters at the bottom of Kiyo's post, I thought you'd edited that in...since it was the same size and color--plus the 'brave, courageous woman' reference :$ . Though, now that I've looked at it again, I can see you haven't and Raina's current status is still a toss up. 

3-4 posts about whether an NPC is dead or not?

This is the part that amused me...but I can see why from a gm's perspective this could be troubling. Especially since you're pushing a time limit. I'd tell you to relax, not work too hard, and just enjoy your final Naruto rp while it lasts, but knowing you for as long as I have, I imagine that would be difficult...especially since you're the one doing the organizing. And I know how much you dislike disorganization.

If it helps ease your gm decision a bit, know that I wouldn't hold a grudge against you whether or not Raina dies. I made her post knowing about the death flag. While I do love my characters, even the stubborn ones, I do see the possible plot points that could be built around her death. I don't think anyone here actually believes you to be malicious...despite all the White ribbing. At least I don't :P  

I also doubt Pequeno's post was an attempt to screw you over. Nor was it that illogical. Rudy was very angry. He tossed Raina's body/corpse aside and focused his attention on Jinn. Unless Rudy was standing guard over Raina's body, it's not that outlandish that he wouldn't notice a small girl trying to sneak pass him in his current rage. But then, perhaps, he did notice, but was too late do anything about it. Regardless, Tainan was on his way to 'deal with the situation', so unless he had a different agenda in mind, it seemed more to me like Pequeno was bored of waiting and wanted to move Rei into the action. There were bits of holes in the post, but it didn't really break any rules. Rei tried to save my dying npc. She failed. Kiyo's post, on the other hand, did break the rules--so no one could really fault you for invalidating it. I really hadn't meant for Raina 's life to be a point of contention...or cause some unneeded difficulty. 9_9

As for the deadline, I wish I could say we've got this...but I kind of agree that it'll be difficult. Whatever answer you come up with, I hope it doesn't involve to much bloodshed.

In the meantime, I'll try to have Nao's post up tomorrow^^  
Don't worry, we'll soon fix that.

lol. Is Aiolos awkward?

Nao's a social butterfly. Chances are if your character lives in the hidden mist village, Nao knows him^^

He is for the simple fact that he doesn't really look for people to interact with and his father has 7 eyes so that throwe some people off. Almost everyone Dru met during the war was like what a weird guy good thing he is helping us. 

 Although @IG42 Is right he should be ready for some major changes to his life and to his abilities 
He is for the simple fact that he doesn't really look for people to interact with and his father has 7 eyes so that throwe some people off. Almost everyone Dru met during the war was like what a weird guy good thing he is helping us. 

 Although @IG42 Is right he should be ready for some major changes to his life and to his abilities 

Chiaki likes Romi. And he knew Dru before, he left Team Hebi...who he's now trying to maintain a good relationship with, at least since Kokuran became leader. He still dislikes Orochimaru.   

Don't worry, we'll soon fix that.

I look forward to seeing Yona in action.

Does anyone not see a sengun by the ocean?

He is seen. I just wasn't sure whether he is conscious or unconscious at this point.
Chiaki likes Romi. And he knew Dru before, he left Team Hebi...who he's now trying to maintain a good relationship with, at least since Kokuran became leader. He still dislikes Orochimaru.   

I look forward to seeing Yona in action.

He is seen. I just wasn't sure whether he is conscious or unconscious at this point.

Dru actually never quit he just sort of was forced into retirement. He's still an eye doctor though. If funny you mention that part of Dru's life because It will be rearing it's head.

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