Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC



Iggaloo my mate from the south...

You did not just tell me that you would expect me to be included in something so stupid, debase, repugnant and disgusting...

As making a mary sue character. Seriously, what the bloody fuck mate?! Thought we were pals'n'th'like.

Oh, and Twilight can shove it too xD

Also my cousin shipped me over a box of Shiner Cheer and it's not half bad so yea.

Are you messing up your typing on purpose or do you want me to set up a drunk tank?
What's got you all nervous Masquey-poo?

You, lol. Thought you were tipsy for a moment. Also I have a post =P, but i might fall asleep before I finish it. I don't want to nod off before getting it down, so I'm nervous about that. Not sure if I'll wake up with the same muse tomorrow
You, lol. Thought you were tipsy for a moment. Also I have a post =P, but i might fall asleep before I finish it. I don't want to nod off before getting it down, so I'm nervous about that. Not sure if I'll wake up with the same muse tomorrow

Finsih your beautiful post, and I am pasy tipsy, I am just making sure I type my wordsbetter cos Ig doesn't like my drunken slurs cheatcodes lol
Finsih your beautiful post, and I am pasy tipsy, I am just making sure I type my wordsbetter cos Ig doesn't like my drunken slurs cheatcodes lol

Good! IG is hard to deal with when upset over your slurs. But I think when you wake up, you will have a good laugh about this stretch of posts. I will surely make fun of you for it =)
Good! IG is hard to deal with when upset over your slurs. But I think when you wake up, you will have a good laugh about this stretch of posts. I will surely make fun of you for it =)

I always have a good laugh over it anyhow =P

Methinks I'm not the type of girl Ig likes to hang out with. Methinks he prefers the prim and proper types. Cos English and steroetypes and why not lol
I always have a good laugh over it anyhow =P

Methinks I'm not the type of girl Ig likes to hang out with. Methinks he prefers the prim and proper types. Cos English and steroetypes and why not lol

Haha. Whether you are the type IG'd like to hang out with, I don't know, but IG is definitely not into the prim and proper types lol. Feminine (At any place along the spectrum), bubbly, and good-natured I would say. Which you all are now that I think about it, so yeah, I actually do think you two would get on just fine =P. Stiff, uptight, people are not IG's cup of tea 
As for my post! It IS DONE! Not long, but I just need to format it, make sure it makes sense, etc, which I'll do tomorrow.


@Lucem Tenebris

*shoots finger guns at you*

Bang. Bang. Tenebris. Looking forward to Tetsuo. Ever played Mass Effect? Whenever I look at his profile, I imagine he talks like a krogan. That's the voice that plays in my head. It's so weird but it fits. A gravelly frog voice.
Not really, Rei took Dove with her to Hato no Tochi when Wunan warned her. Not knowing the area Dove eventually, once her attitude changed, found her way back to Wunan who she was last trying to get along with, and found Jinan(basically her dad) was dead. Struggling to cope with everything and her mental state frayed, Dove struggled but slowly came to her senses with Wunan, but carried a personal grudge against Rei for not trying to save Jinan.

This of course culminated with the Sister's Crescent event, in which Dove was left with a fully human body and was likely eventually found by Wunan who more than likely had her tracked down. Of course Wunan's health was failing and with her passing the entirety of a peoples welfare came to Dove, now Raven's, shoulders. Still, it wouldn't have been easy and Raven, now far more stable than before, is now at the event but as far as I've gathered she's just been trying to get things sorted out, but likely would want to pick things up from where she left off.

Ultimately Rei 'abducted' Dove, but also saved her, and was one of the reasons for Dove's path away from Shinsei.

So if anything just view it as 'Dove went on a sabbatical and has returned with a new outlook on life.'

I don't vbelieve couples break up if one goes on a sabbatical lol

I see...that's true, I suppose.

I was more talking about right before all that. When Wunan wrapped her lovely tentacles around Dove, intending to take her away, Shinsei blocked Wunan off and asked Dove a very specific which she didn't answer. Wunan did--in a way that struck a severe chord. Then chaos happened, Shinsei believes Dove dies, only to find out that she's alive, followed Wunan, and became Raven. The fact that Dove is now more stable than she ever was when she was with Shinsei adds salt to the wound Wunan already gave my darling child  ^_^ In his POV, it looks like Dove took Wunan's side and ran away from him to be with her 'evil mother'...which is as good as dumping him.

There are definitely lots of loose ends to be tied, but picking up where they left off would be...difficult. They've both changed. Shinsei now works for the man who's more responsible for Jinan's death than Rei ever was. While they've never 'officially' broken up, I'm not certain how'd they'd get back together either. I can't even call what they have a long distance relationship...


Quirk, I have a long list of your NPC who have rubbed mine in all the wrongs from more than 1 RP. You can't tell me you don't understand how I'm feeling?

You're overestimating me, Rival^^

Which NPCs are you talking about? Most of the ones that clash against yours have been player characters...not that I actively try to oppose you or anything. In fact, I look forward to the day we can rp best of friends :)  

first off incest lol,second off Shin definitely atm dislike her parents with a passion . 

Awww, really? Chiaki still cares about Shin-chan even if she's being a little rebellious. She's his firstborn, after all~
3 minutes ago, QuirkyAngel said:

I see...that's true, I suppose.

I was more talking about right before all that. When Wunan wrapped her lovely tentacles around Dove, intending to take her away, Shinsei blocked Wunan off and asked Dove a very specific which she didn't answer. Wunan did--in a way that struck a severe chord. Then chaos happened, Shinsei believes Dove dies, only to find out that she's alive, followed Wunan, and became Raven. The fact that Dove is now more stable than she ever was when she was with Shinsei adds salt to the wound Wunan already gave my darling child  ^_^ In his POV, it looks like Dove took Wunan's side and ran away from him to be with her 'evil mother'...which is as good as dumping him.

There are definitely lots of loose ends to be tied, but picking up where they left off would be...difficult. They've both changed. Shinsei now works for the man who's more responsible for Jinan's death than Rei ever was. While they've never 'officially' broken up, I'm not certain how'd they'd get back together either. I can't even call what they have a long distance relationship...

You're overestimating me, Rival^^

Which NPCs are you talking about? Most of the ones that clash against yours have been player characters...not that I actively try to oppose you or anything. In fact, I look forward to the day we can rp best of friends :)  

Awww, really? Chiaki still cares about Shin-chan even if she's being a little rebellious. She's his firstborn, after all~



Its just alot of rivilary and have and have not stress she wasn't born this way just life experience and such made her bitter like black tea
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*shoots finger guns at you*

Bang. Bang. Tenebris. Looking forward to Tetsuo. Ever played Mass Effect? Whenever I look at his profile, I imagine he talks like a krogan. That's the voice that plays in my head. It's so weird but it fits. A gravelly frog voice.

Yup. I enjoyed playing through the series. Sadly, Tetsuo doesn't sound like a space reptile. His voice is fitting for someone of his age. It's just very dry.

Awww, really? Chiaki still cares about Shin-chan even if she's being a little rebellious. She's his firstborn, after all~

Would attempting to kill your mother still be classified as teenage rebellion? 
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@Pequeno Burraidh

I've never watched/read Twilight beyond the first book, which wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but I didn't hate it either. It just came off like a chick flick to me...which I do read every once in a while when I'm bored. Is it really that bad?

I agree with White. IG doesn't exactly strike me as someone who likes the prim proper type.

Its just alot of rivilary and have and have not stress she wasn't born this way just life experience and such made her bitter like black tea

I she can be sweetened by cream and sugar ^_^

Yup. I enjoyed playing through the series. Sadly, Tetsuo doesn't sound like a space reptile. His voice is fitting for someone of his age. It's just very dry.

Would attempting to kill your mother still be classified as teenage rebellion? 

From what I've seen of Kirigakure ninjas thus far...maybe. The Bloody Mist Exam still exists after all  9_9 Tetsuo has a dry voice. For some reason, I imagined smooth and low.
From what I've seen of Kirigakure ninjas thus far...maybe. The Bloody Mist Exam still exists after all  9_9 Tetsuo has a dry voice. For some reason, I imagined smooth and low.

Considering that she's the Mizukage, I hope Tsukiko will be able to stop it. Chiaki is opposed to it as well, so it's a surprise that the exam is even allowed.

That could be an accurate description as well. The dry characteristic is mainly shown with the lack of tone in his voice, which fits with the lack of energy he displays. It's not done intentionally. He's just not used to talking very much.

Describing voices is one of my weak points. The sounds I hear in my head when writing are hard to describe, since they're very specific.
@Pequeno Burraidh

I've never watched/read Twilight beyond the first book, which wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but I didn't hate it either. It just came off like a chick flick to me...which I do read every once in a while when I'm bored. Is it really that bad?

I agree with White. IG doesn't exactly strike me as someone who likes the prim proper type.

I she can be sweetened by cream and sugar ^_^

From what I've seen of Kirigakure ninjas thus far...maybe. The Bloody Mist Exam still exists after all  9_9 Tetsuo has a dry voice. For some reason, I imagined smooth and low.

Stop there and save yourself any further time wasting. Lierally nothing happens in the second book other than angst, then the thrid is just half angst, then the fourth it just weird preganancy, angst, weird borderline bestiality paedophilia and more angst, then a build up to an epic battle concluded by!

No batlle and more angst.
Considering that she's the Mizukage, I hope Tsukiko will be able to stop it. Chiaki is opposed to it as well, so it's a surprise that the exam is even allowed.

That could be an accurate description as well. The dry characteristic is mainly shown with the lack of tone in his voice, which fits with the lack of energy he displays. It's not done intentionally. He's just not used to talking very much.

Describing voices is one of my weak points. The sounds I hear in my head when writing are hard to describe, since they're very specific.

I'm kind of the same with personalities. I'm a farmer, I deal with animals not people. I explain the bet as I can, but I either over explain a simple personality or underexplain a complex one.
Considering that she's the Mizukage, I hope Tsukiko will be able to stop it. Chiaki is opposed to it as well, so it's a surprise that the exam is even allowed.

That could be an accurate description as well. The dry characteristic is mainly shown with the lack of tone in his voice, which fits with the lack of energy he displays. It's not done intentionally. He's just not used to talking very much.

Describing voices is one of my weak points. The sounds I hear in my head when writing are hard to describe, since they're very specific.

I don't know how it happened either. Just as I don't know how Chiaki let his five year old daughter off to sea to fight pirates. Or start a family before he was ready. The only thing I can say is that he enjoys traveling and his career lends itself to being out of the country more often than not.

I'm not good with describing voices either. Though, for me, I think it's because I don't give too much thought to my characters' voices. In my mind, they all sorta sound like different inflections of my own T_T

Stop there and save yourself any further time wasting. Lierally nothing happens in the second book other than angst, then the thrid is just half angst, then the fourth it just weird preganancy, angst, weird borderline bestiality paedophilia and more angst, then a build up to an epic battle concluded by!

No batlle and more angst.

Mmm...lots of angst I see. Well written angst could be an interesting read...but from what you've described of the series, I don't imagine it to be very well written.

I'm kind of the same with personalities. I'm a farmer, I deal with animals not people. I explain the bet as I can, but I either over explain a simple personality or underexplain a complex one.

This is one of the reasons I dislike the personality section of a character sheet. It's probably better to let readers interpret a character's personality rather than try to explain it to them. People will think what they want of your characters anyway, regardless of whether or not you've accurately explained their personality. Besides, personalities aren't always consistent. Chiaki's complicated. Shinsei's complicated. Most my characters in this rp are complicated. I took specific traits they had and slapped it in their cs, but I don't think I fully described them either.       
I'm kind of the same with personalities. I'm a farmer, I deal with animals not people. I explain the bet as I can, but I either over explain a simple personality or underexplain a complex one.

I'm not able to fully show a character's personality either. It's difficult to show their thoughts and actions as I envision them, since writing it out requires a lot of words. I'm often caught between not being descriptive enough, or not being able to capture the character perfectly due to a clutter of other words.

I don't know how it happened either. Just as I don't know how Chiaki let his five year old daughter off to sea to fight pirates. Or start a family before he was ready. The only thing I can say is that he enjoys traveling and his career lends itself to being out of the country more often than not.

I'm not good with describing voices either. Though, for me, I think it's because I don't give too much thought to my characters' voices. In my mind, they all sorta sound like different inflections of my own T_T

Young parenthood is difficult. More so when your children are surrounded by pirates and homicidal classmates. Being around more often might have helped Chiaki deal with some of those problems, but I suppose his occupation makes that a challenge. 

I give too much thought to things like voices and facial expression, but I'm never able to fully capture them in my writing. It would be much easier if I was able to include an illustration alongside my posts.
Haha. Whether you are the type IG'd like to hang out with, I don't know, but IG is definitely not into the prim and proper types lol. Feminine (At any place along the spectrum), bubbly, and good-natured I would say. Which you all are now that I think about it, so yeah, I actually do think you two would get on just fine =P. Stiff, uptight, people are not IG's cup of tea 

Haha I wonder who fits that description perfectly.  :D

Naw, you underestimate yourself. If you have no clue what you're doing, that makes you all the more scary and me all the more fired up to play with you. As for your characters, yeah NPC + PC. From Chiaki and Sumire to Claire in Fate, ugh, you never give me a break. It would def be nice to RP a best friend character with you one day. We will have to see my friend.

You forget Dove Imprinted on Shinsei already. I don't know what kind of freaky relationship ship they had last RP, but now come the consequences.

@Lucem Tenebris

Shoot. Tetsuo would have sounded so cool. I'll keep reading him in a Krogan voice anyway, bwaha. I agree with Quirk about personality. I'd either tie it in with the bio moving forward, or delete it altogether. CSs are so stupid.



You keep quiet Ig42.
@White Masquerade

Moon complete, Lillie is best girl. The story was top-tier, easily up there with Black and White. Zygarde's sidequest is cool though completely inexplicable. I'll start on Sun once I'm done with the post-game stuff and after that I guess I'll start saving up money for Pokemon Stars and a Switch.
Young parenthood is difficult. More so when your children are surrounded by pirates and homicidal classmates. Being around more often might have helped Chiaki deal with some of those problems, but I suppose his occupation makes that a challenge. 

Mmhm. It's a life Chiaki chose though, so no regrets.

Besides Sumire, Chiaki doesn't exactly have a parental figure to model after...and I don't think he wants to be the same type as Sumire. His yearly visits to Eternal Night Palace are also made difficult by a certain estranged Hozuki who hates his (and Hanbungetsu's) guts, whom I may or may not make a cs for.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Though, if I do, she's definitely someone who can relate to Shin-chan's plight. She's also a missing-nin from Kirigakure ^_^  

Haha I wonder who fits that description perfectly.  :D

She's also a little shy apparently. So it's probably best not to tease her too much. 

You forget Dove Imprinted on Shinsei already. I don't know what kind of freaky relationship ship they had last RP, but now come the consequences.

Their link was a chakra connection. Now neither of them have any chakra. Though, the loss of said connection was painful for Shinsei and did lead to a bit of his some of his current mental instability...

I'm aware of the consequences of a 'too close' relationship. Kailai's troubled childhood was a byproduct of a such a relationship. 

That said, I do look forward to the consequences you've planned :x
Shoot. Tetsuo would have sounded so cool. I'll keep reading him in a Krogan voice anyway, bwaha. I agree with Quirk about personality. I'd either tie it in with the bio moving forward, or delete it altogether. CSs are so stupid.

They can be difficult at times, but I still think they have their uses. It's a good way of presenting information.

Mmhm. It's a life Chiaki chose though, so no regrets.

Besides Sumire, Chiaki doesn't exactly have a parental figure to model after...and I don't think he wants to be the same type as Sumire. His yearly visits to Eternal Night Palace are also made difficult by a certain estranged Hozuki who hates his (and Hanbungetsu's) guts, whom I may or may not make a cs for.

Chiaki seems to have a personality suited to parenting. He's certainly in a better position than someone like Kouki when it comes to raising children.
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