Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

PPl who like Umbreons are evil.

Get tossed =P

But like, softly, so you don't get hurt, but enough so that you know that I think the above opinion is trash lol

Also, almost every Craig Bond Film had the complaint that it seemed like their main bad guy was not the one in charge, which is funny because that's exactly what Spectre proved, also I thoroughly njoyed Craig as Bond and felt it gave the series a very modern update that was quite gritty and enjoyable. Though I wasn't a fan of all the themes, but Skyfall's theme was grand.

Thoughts @IG42
Also, almost every Craig Bond Film had the complaint that it seemed like their main bad guy was not the one in charge, which is funny because that's exactly what Spectre proved, also I thoroughly njoyed Craig as Bond and felt it gave the series a very modern update that was quite gritty and enjoyable. Though I wasn't a fan of all the themes, but Skyfall's theme was grand.

Thoughts @IG42

Skyfall was the best I think both in terms of the theme and the movie itself, they tried to set up the whole Spectre thing throughout the movies but I don't think the payoff lived up to the hype. Also I've pretty much completely forgotten Quantum of Solace.

PPl who like Hawlucha have no pride.

@Pequeno Burraidh

You like Spy movies? So that means you liked the Bourne movies too? I can say the setting i certainly ripe for greatness. As for Bond's update, I can agree with you. It was "fresher"
Skyfall was the best I think both in terms of the theme and the movie itself, they tried to set up the whole Spectre thing throughout the movies but I don't think the payoff lived up to the hype. Also I've pretty much completely forgotten Quantum of Solace.

Most people have, and I agree, the Spectre buildup was big, but the pay off wasn't as good as I'd have liked, still Spectre was fantastic, I loved Casino Royale and Skyfall was most assuredly Bond-esque. I also like how it confirmed a theory on how Bond agents were acquired too.

QoS was meh at best though.

Favourite Bond?

PPl who like Hawlucha have no pride.


Can't hear you over the awesome!

PPl who like Hawlucha have no pride.

@Pequeno Burraidh

You like Spy movies? So that means you liked the Bourne movies too? I can say the setting i certainly ripe for greatness. As for Bond's update, I can agree with you. It was "fresher"

Never watched the Bourne films. Jumping from a Brit liking spy films cos they like Bond Films is like saying Americans like explosions becuase the Second Amendment exists.

They having nothing to do with each other xD

Hell, I'd've been orphaned if I hadn't loved the Bond Films haha.
Oh boy, White's tryna start a ruckus over peoples opinions again... how exciting... 



So I really liked the Mewtwo and the Super Mewtwo from the Genesect movie. That Mewtwo Iteration was cool.
Oh boy, White's tryna start a ruckus over peoples opinions again... how exciting... 



So I really liked the Mewtwo and the Super Mewtwo from the Genesect movie. That Mewtwo Iteration was cool.

That's Mega Mewtwo Y btw
@GasMaskie Just so you know if you spoil important stuff in Sun & Moon tomorrow I will choke you with your own shoe.

I can taste your salty tears. You might as well take a 5 day vacation from the internet because even if I do mark my spoilers, you're going to inevitably run into some posted by someone else if you're online.
Team 7 gonna need the golden mushroom to catch up at this rate

I have a plan to get the team caught up quickly. Just need to wait for everyone to gather.

First Pokemon game I actually owned was Platinum, gen 5 didn't have much that stood out to me but I think Hawlucha is awesome and it competes with Garchomp and Arcanine for my favourite Pokemon spot.

Arcanine is great. I've kept one for years in a Heavy Ball. 

I had a lvl 100 Umbreon that was the big brother to all my pokemon after being giving a unknowingly modified Crystal version that had Eevee as the starter by a cousin. I was super disappointed when I found out that it wasn't the standard version lol

Ever since, though, Umbreon's been my favourite.

Umbreon is my favorite Eevee evolution. It's also a pretty decent wall Pokémon.
Just now, Lucem Tenebris said:

I was tempted to get Sun for the muscular mosquito. Although, Beauty doesn't seem like a bad alternative.

I wonder if this is our boy Guzma.


But... I thought I was your boi...
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You are my boi. Guzma is my boY.

I would've liked to see Crawbrawler with a move labeled "Coconut Punch", since it's based off of a coconut crab. It would've been a nice Ippo reference.

It's got a good moveset and Iron Fist so I'm fine with it as it is. I'm on the fence when it comes to Crabominable though, but a yeti crab is pretty cool.


This is what saves Lycanroc Midnight for me. Suddenly, getting Counter instead of Accelerock isn't that bad.
So who's your "Mah boy"?

I'm waiting before making a commitment like that.

It's got a good moveset and Iron Fist so I'm fine with it as it is. I'm on the fence when it comes to Crabominable though, but a yeti crab is pretty cool.

This is what saves Lycanroc Midnight for me. Suddenly, getting Counter instead of Accelerock isn't that bad.

I like how the Midnight form looks, but I probably won't focus on catching one from the start. I have my team decided already. I might pick it up for my second playthrough.
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Most annoying tropes from film/ TV? Characters coming back from the dead/ surviving normally fatal situations, especially when it's later written off with a weak excuse or as mystical mumbo jumbo. It's a cheap ploy used to build fake tension, and the more a series does it, the less valid/ meaningless the stakes are whenever the cast is thrust into danger.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Don't worry about White-chan's baseless comments: Umbreon's a swell pokemon, and probably one of the better Dark-types (at least from the earlier generations).

@White Masquerade

Compadre, do you want me to wait for Lao's response before posting for Makoto? I don't know what your posting order's like right now, but I'm trying to figure out an appropriate response to @Hange Zoe's little Houdini stunt with Sengun, and was curious whether you'd rather address it first.

Most annoying tropes from film/ TV? Characters coming back from the dead/ surviving normally fatal situations, especially when it's later written off with a weak excuse or as mystical mumbo jumbo. It's a cheap ploy used to build fake tension, and the more a series does it, the less valid/ meaningless the stakes are whenever the cast is thrust into danger.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Don't worry about White-chan's baseless comments: Umbreon's a swell pokemon, and probably one of the better Dark-types (at least from the earlier generations).

@White Masquerade

Compadre, do you want me to wait for Lao's response before posting for Makoto? I don't know what your posting order's like right now, but I'm trying to figure out an appropriate response to @Hange Zoe's little Houdini stunt with Sengun, and was curious whether you'd rather address it first.

Up to you. Wouldn't mind seeing a crying Makoto jump into Lao's big, strong arms so he can console her and tell her everything is alright.

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