Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Random question time!

What trope in any form of media annoys you the most?

For me it's the bleeps and bloops that get added to computers in TV shows, it's a wonder I can tolerate NCIS.

Meta-aware characters who do it for the sake of showing off how "clever" or "witty" the writers are with self-referential jokes. If done right, they're pretty brilliant. But most people tend to go overboard and at their worst a meta guy can end up literally namedropping tropes in an attempt to show off.
@Kinzu Hekmatyar

In Pequeno's latest post, the shark-man is Timuga in the Non PC thread of you are wondering.

@Pequeno Burraidh

=P. I see you are getting into it. That was very poetic at the end Pequeno.

So everything up to this point will be added to the summary in just a bit. That was my goal for this Wednesday and it is soon to be complete. Tomorrow look for 2 posts to be done. Any questions, ask me here.

So you liked that Rokoriko was expecting a paper test at some point?
So throwing myself out there for judgement, anyone ever read the 'Crossed' series? Also in case anyone is thinking of looking it up, it's extremely violent, mature and graphic.

Quirk. Lol. I have nothing to say to you on Raina. Ghouls are thought to be cool by the viewers. There are people more interested in being ghouls than CCG =P.

There's not much to say. Raina is simply Raina.

I'm more interested in rping ghouls because their lives are difficult and un-glamorous. The challenge appeals to me. Though, I'd have no problems rping a CCG character either--the defenders of humanity ^_^


Ghouls are cool.




In the same way vampires, werewolves, and other monsters are.


Random question time!

What trope in any form of media annoys you the most?

For me it's the bleeps and bloops that get added to computers in TV shows, it's a wonder I can tolerate NCIS.

When a character, who is supposed to be a "geek" or a "dork", is played by a hot actor. 

A genius character who insists he/she is just average.
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6 hours ago, Lucem Tenebris said:

I'm glad that there's no more hate. It's good to hear that things seem to be forming in a way that you like.

I dislike how many shows have the token "smart" character display their intelligence by needlessly using large words while carrying tons of devices on them. I'd rather have them show what they're capable of through action. I'm sure that I could think of a trope I hate more, but this is the first one that came to mind.

I was thinking about writing a post for Tetsuo this weekend, since Team 7 hasn't advanced very much. Should I wait for something from Ren before that?


Team 7 gonna need the golden mushroom to catch up at this rate
@Lucem Tenebris

Yes. I will probably be posting for Ren today.

So throwing myself out there for judgement, anyone ever read the 'Crossed' series? Also in case anyone is thinking of looking it up, it's extremely violent, mature and graphic.

Never. Realistic Genre?


You are more twisted than I thought. I would never play a ghoul. Id' want to wipe them out.
@Lucem Tenebris

Yes. I will probably be posting for Ren today.

Never. Realistic Genre?


You are more twisted than I thought. I would never play a ghoul. Id' want to wipe them out.

Somewhat yea. Essentially a plague of sorts that isn't really explained, but it causes red blisters to appear in a cross across the Crossed peoples faces(as you are 'Crossed' when infected). Crossed tend to have the worst possible traits of humanity amplified and their survival instinct largely becomes non-existent. So lots of murder gore and other deplorable stuff happens.

The comic tends to either focus on survivors or a handful of 'special' Crossed who all had some form of mental issue, like epilepsy or some such, wrong with them, so they can still plan and think, and in some cases even reason. But there are like, less than ten of them so...

I only brought it up because I'd been reading it and realised it would make for an interesting RP basis, though if it was kept true to comics it would never be able to be done on RPNation.
Ultra Beasts will show up and throw everything into turmoil. It only looks lighthearted now, but just wait till the game's plot gets adapted.

Lol. Are you messing with me Gas? I seriously can't tell xD

Show me a gif of how your face looks as you say this.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Hm. I don't think it'd be a problem much. As long as it's done carefully, a lot of things can be implied via black-off scene. I personally don't think I'd enjoy writing a brutal , gruesome RP, so I def would not be able to help GM that. I can take certain elements, and would probably read it, but certainly can't be the one to write it.

The bigger issue you might have is the audience. I don't quite think RPN has the base to make that really successful. This site is as a whole more into...Dramatic Fantasy.
Lol. Are you messing with me Gas? I seriously can't tell xD

Show me a gif of how your face looks as you say this.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Hm. I don't think it'd be a problem much. As long as it's done carefully, a lot of things can be implied via black-off scene. I personally don't think I'd enjoy writing a brutal , gruesome RP, so I def would not be able to help GM that. I can take certain elements, and would probably read it, but certainly can't be the one to write it.

The bigger issue you might have is the audience. I don't quite think RPN has the base to make that really successful. This site is as a whole more into...Dramatic Fantasy.


Not joking. When monsters from an alternate dimension start showing up, you know shit's hit the fan. SM's rival, Gladion, is also an edgelord using a failed clone of Arceus so there's that.
Lol. Are you messing with me Gas? I seriously can't tell xD

Show me a gif of how your face looks as you say this.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Hm. I don't think it'd be a problem much. As long as it's done carefully, a lot of things can be implied via black-off scene. I personally don't think I'd enjoy writing a brutal , gruesome RP, so I def would not be able to help GM that. I can take certain elements, and would probably read it, but certainly can't be the one to write it.

The bigger issue you might have is the audience. I don't quite think RPN has the base to make that really successful. This site is as a whole more into...Dramatic Fantasy.

Oh I wasn't so much as thinking to do one myself, just realise that it has some of those elements of originality that people seem to miss these days.

Lol. Gas. We're talking about Pokemon.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah. Haha. Original RPs are a lot of work! So you basically want something M-Rated? If the Tokyo Ghouls ever goes through, I wouldn't going there for you. It's perfect for that...R+ crowd if it's done realistically.
@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah. Haha. Original RPs are a lot of work! So you basically want something M-Rated? If the Tokyo Ghouls ever goes through, I wouldn't going there for you. It's perfect for that...R+ crowd if it's done realistically.

What age range is R+ for? Over here we do the sensible thing and just use numbers. Well having 3+ and 7+ for games gets a bit silly.

Lol. Gas. We're talking about Pokemon.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah. Haha. Original RPs are a lot of work! So you basically want something M-Rated? If the Tokyo Ghouls ever goes through, I wouldn't going there for you. It's perfect for that...R+ crowd if it's done realistically.


Yeah. Pokemon. Lysandre and Malva fall on sharp debris and slowly bleed to death at the end of the X and Y chapter. 


Lol. Gas. We're talking about Pokemon.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah. Haha. Original RPs are a lot of work! So you basically want something M-Rated? If the Tokyo Ghouls ever goes through, I wouldn't going there for you. It's perfect for that...R+ crowd if it's done realistically.

M-rated isn't so much what I aim for. I moreover meant that it was a bit of uncharted ground. Going places no one's gone and doing things no one's done. You know I like my out of the box things, examples being Dove, the Moonbear Tribe, Hato no Tochi and now even playing two Kakureyami heritage characters, and making another new village, The Village Hidden in the Depths, along with people from there. 

You've done marvelously making a new and innovative, creative take on Naruto, and it's great, and you've even let myself and others expand on it. That's waht I love and crave, being able to do things that aren't done often.

As for a TG RP, well I'm sure you'd be just as good with that. Most people make are too... let's be best friends and all get along-ishy. You sound like you'd take it to where it should be, not always trusting others and the like.

Refreshing is probably the best word to use.

Yeah. Pokemon. Lysandre and Malva fall on sharp debris and slowly bleed to death at the end of the X and Y chapter. 


Oh is that Adventures again? How's Giovanni doing after his horrific burns back in FR/LG?

O.o  OHHHH. I thought you meant the anime would get dark =P. I do know the real comics get a little dicier.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah, okay I understand what you mean now. *Salute*

How do you feel about a Cairo, Johannesburg, Nairobi Ghoul then? A Tokyo Ghoul taking place in Africa? I think that would bring an interesting edge.

O.o  OHHHH. I thought you meant the anime would get dark =P. I do know the real comics get a little dicier.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Ah, okay I understand what you mean now. *Salute*

How do you feel about a Cairo, Johannesburg, Nairobi Ghoul then? A Tokyo Ghoul taking place in Africa? I think that would bring an interesting edge.

Very interesting, you would need a new spin on how they're viewed and the like, a few things would have to change and th CCG couldn't be exactly the same, but it'd be cool.
Very interesting, you would need a new spin on how they're viewed and the like, a few things would have to change and th CCG couldn't be exactly the same, but it'd be cool.

Hm. Hm. Viewed like sacred gods to some folk and tribes that revere and pay respects to their ancestry. Reviled by those who accept the modern age  and have no use for ancestral tradition. It would likely take place during the creation of the African CCG Branch and appearance of African Ghouls in general. You can have diff setting as well. Instead of only playing in populated African cities (strong bases of the African CCG) we split time between the wilds and independent villages (strong bases of Ghouls).  It would be absolutely excellent. So villages and certain forests would replace the wards of Tokyo Ghoul. While say, Nairobi, is Ward 1 (CCG HQ)

Then you're not only dealing with ghouls, and CCG, but genuinely crazy tribal people, and lions/tigers/cheetahs/cougars/etc.


Gotcha. That girl in the anime vid you shared looked like the blonde-haired Ultra Beast.
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@White Masquerade



Also, my fucking sides:

Solo Servant - Robin Hood.

Forced to participate in Tamamo's faction by the power of her Regalia.

Since he disobeyed her, he was tased by her and currently working as her jester (TL note: Original JP means male geisha. Tamamo uses a new unnamed lightning curse to punish bad followers). Poor, poor Robin.

Because the MC really appreciated it, he is happy inside. His plan is to overthrow Tamamo, take the Regalia and reclaim his freedom. As for the Regalia he intended to sell it somewhere.

He does not trust Archimedes because the guy has that same "smell" as himself. In addition to the plan of overthrowing Tamamo, he also aims to capture Rider's (Medusa) heart...etc.

Such scribblings were found on Nasu's PC.
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