Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


That was very interesting to say the least. Clangers seems fun. Don't make fun of my planning. It's a constant struggle against chaos. Fighting on the side of order is not an easy army to be a part of.

@Lucem Tenebris

-_-  Lucem, do you want to be my balance? My landing pad? My secret support? I believe I will need someone with a cool head moving forward on RPN.

@Hange Zoe

Hot as in fiery? Yeah thats something I'll admit. I recognize I can get a little out of control, so appreciate the coolheaded people that just say, "White. Shut up. Close your mouth. Relax. Take a deep breath and refresh."

And Bambie is best =)




@Pequeno Burraidh

Oh, well that is a good public service. I would only say make sure that character doesn't try to be friendly with the CCG?
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And tabloid newspaper photographers?

No the idea is to have a more European based Ghoul that lived symbiotically with a town. Vicious criminals are killed by the Ghouls, keeping the humans safe, the humans in turn acknowledge this and keep the Ghouls' secret. My character would come from there to Tokyo with the intent on exercising and showing the better way to survive, taking care of each other instead of always fighting each other.

The idea is that they would attempt a tenuous working relationship.
@White Masquerade

S C U B A  D I V I N G


This is a pretty good opening. I think it's called Alola!! judging by the katakana. It's cool how the lyrics have Sun and Moon titledropped in them.
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That was very interesting to say the least. Clangers seems fun. Don't make fun of my planning. It's a constant struggle against chaos. Fighting on the side of order is not an easy army to be a part of.

@Lucem Tenebris

-_-  Lucem, do you want to be my balance? My landing pad? My secret support? I believe I will need someone with a cool head moving forward on RPN.

@Hange Zoe

Hot as in fiery? Yeah thats something I'll admit. I recognize I can get a little out of control, so appreciate the coolheaded people that just say, "White. Shut up. lose your mouth. Relax. Take a deep breath and refresh."

And Bambie is best =)




@Pequeno Burraidh

Oh, well that is a good public service. I would only say make sure that character doesn't try to be friendly with the CCG?

The idea would be to 'attempt' to form a working relationship. I keep criminals and particularly vicious ghouls off the street, you at least try to comprehend that not all ghouls are mindless animals.
you at least try to comprehend that not all ghouls are mindless animals.


Pequeno, I thought you knew better. All ghouls must be exterminated. There's no ifs ands or buts.


The clip with Ash was very shonen-like o.O. Is that how the new series is going to be?
@Lucem Tenebris

S C U B A  D I V I N G

I'm sure that he was able to get a full night's rest.

The new opening is definitely called "Alola!". I like how it sounds.

-_-  Lucem, do you want to be my balance? My landing pad? My secret support? I believe I will need someone with a cool head moving forward on RPN.

I'm not sure if I'd be suited for that role, but I'll do my best if needed.
So @IG42 I'm going to have our characters meet up with the rest of team 8. @Hange Zoe

White I hope you remember that Aiolos is following the Kage too. @White Masquerade

Of course. I remember. I'm giving 1 last day for my comp to get it together and if not, I'll just go with an something IG suggested I do. It'll be tedious, but at least I'll be able to move things along like normal. So give me a little bit more time to see what happens on my end. I do intend to post for the Mizukage at some point to get Stage 2 on and rocking.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Lol Pequeno. The creators have to manga to sell. I am sorry but the life of a ghoul is not glamorous or in some way redeeming. That is exactly what I would highlight. The ghoul experience is in a way romanticized and my #1 goal would be to break that perception. A lot of people I'm sure imagine themselves being wonderfully beautiful and tortured ghouls but the truth really don't want to be.
Of course. I remember. I'm giving 1 last day for my comp to get it together and if not, I'll just go with an something IG suggested I do. It'll be tedious, but at least I'll be able to move things along like normal. So give me a little bit more time to see what happens on my end. I do intend to post for the Mizukage at some point to get Stage 2 on and rocking.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Lol Pequeno. The creators have to manga to sell. I am sorry but the life of a ghoul is not glamorous or in some way redeeming. That is exactly what I would highlight. The ghoul experience is in a way romanticized and my #1 goal would be to break that perception. A lot of people I'm sure imagine themselves being wonderfully beautiful and tortured ghouls but the truth really don't want to be.

I never said they'd think it romantic or wonderfully beautifully tragic. My character has a bit of a feckin attitude. Never said the CCG would be 100 percent onboard with the idea, but I never said my character was a holier than thou white knight either...
I never said they'd think it romantic or wonderfully beautifully tragic. My character has a bit of a feckin attitude. Never said the CCG would be 100 percent onboard with the idea, but I never said my character was a holier than thou white knight either...

Haha. Alright then. As long as you know nobody is going to be holding hands in a TG roleplay. Have mercy. 

p. much

You win for today. That pose just tops it all off.
I didn't like Z-Moves initially because it seemed like they were just ripping off Soultimates. But then I got attached to the posing.



Also, Kommo-O looks like Wammu and Jangmo-O looks like Giorno so there's that.

I've seen a lot of comparisons made between Jotaro and Red's new design.

Haha. Alright then. As long as you know nobody is going to be holding hands in a TG roleplay. Have mercy. 

You win for today. That pose just tops it all off.

White, I always win (
)  Also, if you're doing a TG Roleplay, a Ghoul like this guy would definitely be the best character.


Kira only wants a quiet life.
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The idea would be to 'attempt' to form a working relationship. I keep criminals and particularly vicious ghouls off the street, you at least try to comprehend that not all ghouls are mindless animals.

Majority of the ghouls are mindless lunatics, but they end up maintaining that mental state to become stable.

It took kaneki a while to maintain his broken mental problem, but it comes around every now and then.

You got tsukiyama, that one other crazy guy that got real crazy when his boss died, thought it was his boyfriend. You got furuta, Jason, eto, some others.

That was very interesting to say the least. Clangers seems fun. Don't make fun of my planning. It's a constant struggle against chaos. Fighting on the side of order is not an easy army to be a part of.

@Lucem Tenebris

-_-  Lucem, do you want to be my balance? My landing pad? My secret support? I believe I will need someone with a cool head moving forward on RPN.

@Hange Zoe

Hot as in fiery? Yeah thats something I'll admit. I recognize I can get a little out of control, so appreciate the coolheaded people that just say, "White. Shut up. Close your mouth. Relax. Take a deep breath and refresh."

And Bambie is best =)




@Pequeno Burraidh

Oh, well that is a good public service. I would only say make sure that character doesn't try to be friendly with the CCG?

Bambie is cool, but she's a slut.
@Hange Zoe


I had to spoiler that post for Kagaku and skip it for the summary. It didn't quite follow what let's say it never existed and place Kagaku with Rudy in the 30 foot deep hole.

I know what's going on int he story, so if you have questions about that, please ask me.

Is this a way to bond with people? She got treasure hunting to do D:
@White Masquerade

It's time:


We're getting a rerun of the Christmas 2015 event tomorrow. This is likely because they intend to launch Babylon in early December and start Christmas 2016 during the latter half of the month. 
On 11/15/2016 at 6:26 AM, White Masquerade said:

Ah, yeah. Honestly speaking I have a story-line that could go very well for another 2-3 months as the Western Continent becomes heavily involved, but I think it'd be nice to do another RP a lot of people have been waiting for like Tokyo Ghoul. A TG role-play would certainly be a big test of the drama set-up, though I have a feeling a short roleplay on it would work out well. Lots of people get killed in that world so I don't have to tiptoe around death so much. It would be exciting to try for sure. My only issue would be the lore.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Very good Kinzu. I am really enjoying the development with Shingetsu and her family.  :) . I hope Shingetsu falls for Bentley. I think they would make a cute couple. He's goofy, but he would keep her in check.


So your up for the Chiaki challenge best of luck to you and your "prince" charmin  

So I take it Rudy x Raina was never going to succeed to begin with? A shame. He really would have treated her well. She needs to get more confidence. of course he wanted to marry her!! Are you telling me she prefers Jinn (ick) over Rudy?

lol. If Rudy seriously believed Raina to be Mei, then Raina x Rudy hadn't even started yet. I'm simply giving them a chance to get to know one another^^ Granted, the set-up doesn't bode too well for their ship...   

Raina was a character built to counter Shinsei. She's got plenty of confidence, just not in her feminine charms. She's also got a bit of an inferiority complex towards chakra users, high expectations of herself(and others), and a fairly level-head...for the most part. 

She doesn't prefer either of them. Raina was never meant for romance. Though, if you're talking about personality preference, then yes. She currently prefers Jinn to Rudy. Empty flattery and nearly strangling her ally isn't the way to win her heart.

As for treating her well....I'd read how Rudy planned to break my child. Who do you think you're trying to fool? T_T 

Lol Pequeno. The creators have to manga to sell. I am sorry but the life of a ghoul is not glamorous or in some way redeeming. That is exactly what I would highlight. The ghoul experience is in a way romanticized and my #1 goal would be to break that perception. A lot of people I'm sure imagine themselves being wonderfully beautiful and tortured ghouls but the truth really don't want to be.

From a purely ecological standpoint, the ghoul species is disadvantaged in terms of survivability compared to humans since they are severely limited in their food choice. Human flesh. Each other. And coffee beans. That's it. Coffee beans aren't even that nutritious to's just edible. The ghouls are dependent on the human species for survival, not the other way around. If the human race dies out, they're left to eating each other until extinction...or farming coffee beans. To make matters worse for them, the predator-prey relationship is being steadily reversed on them with the formation of the CCG.  I can't imagine how the ghoul life can be portrayed as beautiful or glamorous =/

No the idea is to have a more European based Ghoul that lived symbiotically with a town. Vicious criminals are killed by the Ghouls, keeping the humans safe, the humans in turn acknowledge this and keep the Ghouls' secret. My character would come from there to Tokyo with the intent on exercising and showing the better way to survive, taking care of each other instead of always fighting each other.

The idea is that they would attempt a tenuous working relationship.


It's possible, I suppose...but I don't imagine it to be very easy.

So your up for the Chiaki challenge best of luck to you and your "prince" charmin  

...Chiaki challenge?
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