Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Literally nothing, it's just enjoyable and would be fun to go on for forever, but it won't XP

Ah, yeah. Honestly speaking I have a story-line that could go very well for another 2-3 months as the Western Continent becomes heavily involved, but I think it'd be nice to do another RP a lot of people have been waiting for like Tokyo Ghoul. A TG role-play would certainly be a big test of the drama set-up, though I have a feeling a short roleplay on it would work out well. Lots of people get killed in that world so I don't have to tiptoe around death so much. It would be exciting to try for sure. My only issue would be the lore.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Very good Kinzu. I am really enjoying the development with Shingetsu and her family.  :) . I hope Shingetsu falls for Bentley. I think they would make a cute couple. He's goofy, but he would keep her in check.
Ah, yeah. Honestly speaking I have a story-line that could go very well for another 2-3 months as the Western Continent becomes heavily involved, but I think it'd be nice to do another RP a lot of people have been waiting for like Tokyo Ghoul. A TG role-play would certainly be a big test of the drama set-up, though I have a feeling a short roleplay on it would work out well. Lots of people get killed in that world so I don't have to tiptoe around death so much. It would be exciting to try for sure. My only issue would be the lore.

I'd like to see that Gundam RP you were throwing ideas at a while back, that or a Fate RP that isn't cut short by an angry nun with a rifle and a site change.
Eastern Continent*** >_>


LOL. Did you know there hasn't been one "normal" game in Fate that's truly been completed? As horrid as that ending was, I did enjoy it. It was absolutely delicious. As for the Gundam RP, yeah, yeah definitely. I know what you mean. It would have basically been this kind of RP, just set in the world of GUNDAM. Politics, cutting deals, and doing dangerous would have been a staple. I unfortunately don't think the site has the population for something like it after the update. I don't like to be a downer, but the base took a dip. While the selection of things was okay, the navigation of the site made up for that =/.A lot of good Rpers I know are stuck out to dry. It's sad to see. So on that note, if you have a good RP you could suggest to me that might draw some interest, go ahead and shoot. Probably something mainstream or really exciting. It'd be nice to get some excitement around here!
@Hange Zoe


I had to spoiler that post for Kagaku and skip it for the summary. It didn't quite follow what let's say it never existed and place Kagaku with Rudy in the 30 foot deep hole.

I know what's going on int he story, so if you have questions about that, please ask me.
Ah, yeah. Honestly speaking I have a story-line that could go very well for another 2-3 months as the Western Continent becomes heavily involved, but I think it'd be nice to do another RP a lot of people have been waiting for like Tokyo Ghoul. A TG role-play would certainly be a big test of the drama set-up, though I have a feeling a short roleplay on it would work out well. Lots of people get killed in that world so I don't have to tiptoe around death so much. It would be exciting to try for sure. My only issue would be the lore.

A Tokyo Ghoul RP would be nice to see. Although, didn't you mention taking a break from the GM roles after this wraps up?
I have two TG characters, but was only able to write a single post for one of them before the RP ended. I'd like to use them properly some day.

Same boat for me, they got all of one post in and then it was over cos people quit and the thing as a whole got shut down cos someone was godmodding.
Turns out I'm just going to need a brace (even though not sure how it works) and some physio therapy.
A Tokyo Ghoul RP would be nice to see. Although, didn't you mention taking a break from the GM roles after this wraps up?

I did mention a break! This would be a small roleplay, but I have the feeling it won't turn out that way will it? >>


@White Masquerade

I would love to utilise a character I have in a proper Tokyo Ghoul rp =P

Ah, Pequeno =) . It was that funeral body eating ghoul wasn't it? You sure you'd want to use them? Knowing how the NPC will likely be?


So I take it Rudy x Raina was never going to succeed to begin with? A shame. He really would have treated her well. She needs to get more confidence. of course he wanted to marry her!! Are you telling me she prefers Jinn (ick) over Rudy?

Turns out I'm just going to need a brace (even though not sure how it works) and some physio therapy.

BROOOK! YAY! I think the brace is going to keep your bones straight. so that it grows in properly. I assume the physiotherapy will be to give you better alignment. Slouching is problem #1. Always try to sit on a hard chair with a straight back. Sorry to sound like a mom. My inner Shirokko wants to make you happy
How many things have turned out the way Masque planned it in this RP?

I'm not sure, but I'd assume that there hasn't been a lot. The end date for the afterstory seems to be getting an extension.
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Gas why do you tag me with so much s :x :$ t??? lol.


*helps you up off the floor*

Come now partner, are you okay?

I don't have a sharp tongue =P. I'm just very hot and not one to hide my opinions. Nothing malicious ever. Only want to learn. That's why quiet people intrigue me so much. It'd be an understatement to say I'm attracted to them like a moth to flame. I want to crack that quiet exterior and hear what's going on inside you know?

You're not lying about the being hot part. 
@Lucem Tenebris


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