Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

I hope he enjoys Kirigakure. There's plenty of other things to do besides fighting^^

Secret~Though I will tell you, his goal was to make sure none of the Kages died while in Kiri. 

He's been to the Land of Water a lot of times. I'm sure he'll find something to do. Hopefully, that something won't involve mortal peril.

I wonder if he merged with the mist and is acting as a hidden bodyguard. Since Raven isn't a Kage, does that mean she's okay to harm? 
@White Masquerade

To be fair, I've always been fairly articulate, and in the instance of the silly election, while I did get a fair few laughs out of it, after the Brexit debate and the over all machinations of many of the important nations in the world politics has been a highly debated topic. I don't know if it's just a natural affinity for things, I am just a simple farmer and writer, or because the only bullshite I want to deal with is what I use to nourish my garden, but I've always had a knack for breaking down such things.

When people complained of racism or bigotry during Brexit, I pointed out that without EU rulings stuck to me, I would be free of a couple extra bits of tax for my farm. I also pointed out that while wanting to help people is admirable, you wouldn't allow a family to stay in your home if one of their children was harming your children, which is sadly how the refugee problem is. It's an understanding of the basic facts, A leads to B leads to C leads to D, just like it always has.

Now coming off the Brexit talks the United States presidential race started up, and it's been its own brand of 'special' and had much of my family across the pond discussing it. Because they know I tend to be fairly down to earth about things, many discussed it with me over games of battlefield or mass effect and what have you.

Besides, I'm feckin' tiny xD  I had to learn to be articulate

As for that last comment... well... when you're adept at verbal and non-verbal articulation you'd be surprised by the results you can get with simply your fingers and your tongue...

@White Masquerade

To be fair, I've always been fairly articulate, and in the instance of the silly election, while I did get a fair few laughs out of it, after the Brexit debate and the over all machinations of many of the important nations in the world politics has been a highly debated topic. I don't know if it's just a natural affinity for things, I am just a simple farmer and writer, or because the only bullshite I want to deal with is what I use to nourish my garden, but I've always had a knack for breaking down such things.

When people complained of racism or bigotry during Brexit, I pointed out that without EU rulings stuck to me, I would be free of a couple extra bits of tax for my farm. I also pointed out that while wanting to help people is admirable, you wouldn't allow a family to stay in your home if one of their children was harming your children, which is sadly how the refugee problem is. It's an understanding of the basic facts, A leads to B leads to C leads to D, just like it always has.

Now coming off the Brexit talks the United States presidential race started up, and it's been its own brand of 'special' and had much of my family across the pond discussing it. Because they know I tend to be fairly down to earth about things, many discussed it with me over games of battlefield or mass effect and what have you.

Besides, I'm feckin' tiny xD  I had to learn to be articulate

As for that last comment... well... when you're adept at verbal and non-verbal articulation you'd be surprised by the results you can get with simply your fingers and your tongue...




Do I want to know what you're talking about?
He's been to the Land of Water a lot of times. I'm sure he'll find something to do. Hopefully, that something won't involve mortal peril.

I wonder if he merged with the mist and is acting as a hidden bodyguard. Since Raven isn't a Kage, does that mean she's okay to harm? 

He has? lol. In that case, I hope he stops by Chiaki's house and says hi. I'm really curious about what he would've said to Chiaki had the previous rp ended differently. Don't like not knowing things, especially after having that bit of info dangled at me. 

Haha. Sort of, but not really. His clones just used the Dustless Bewildering technique...though he is acting as a bodyguard for one of the Kages. Isn't Raven the 'Kurokage'?
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He has? lol. In that case, I hope he stops by Chiaki's house and says hi. I'm really curious about what he would've said to Chiaki had the previous rp ended differently. Don't like not knowing things, especially after having that bit of info dangled at me. 

Assuming that they met after the war and the wedding Gaiden happened, he would've said it already. He just would have done so a lot earlier if things had ended on a happier note.

I should have Kouta's response to Nao and Jun posted tomorrow.
Don't play me Pequeno. That was totally a set-up. I"m gonna go start a post now 


(There's sposed tae be a wee picture of a lass sticking her tongue out at you but it's not bloody well working so =P   )

Whatcha gon do bout it?
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Assuming that they met after the war and the wedding Gaiden happened, he would've said it already. He just would have done so a lot earlier if things had ended on a happier note.

I should have Kouta's response to Nao and Jun posted tomorrow.

Tell me now. I don't think I'll have the time to get around posting a wedding Gaiden....

Currently I'm working on Sakuya-getsu's cs, in preparation for part 2  ;)
Tell me now. I don't think I'll have the time to get around posting a wedding Gaiden....

Currently I'm working on Sakuya-getsu's cs, in preparation for part 2  ;)

A simple "thank you". While they may not have been close throughout the RP, Chiaki's offer to stay in camp Kumo and Kiyomi's willingness to let him stay in her home for six months was a turning point in his life. It was the first time that someone expressed positivity towards him, since everyone else either wanted him dead, or used him to kill others. Had it not been for that, the events following would have been completely different. While he may not have noticed it at the time, he acknowledged this after being able to reflect when a sense of humanity grew within him. Upon learning gratitude, he wanted to express that to the people that actually helped him. Unfortunately, he was unable to do so immediately after the war, since Kurama's death put him in a dark place.

:x  I don't know Clari-chan, what the 2nd stage of the Exams consists of. Your guess is as good as mine, friend. I do agree with you about the kids. As I wonder how the story for the grown-ups will go, I also imagine the cute little stories the naive young kids will go on. I like to see how they grow in their own ways as well as the quirks they each have. For certain nothing will be forced here. While things can surely go bad, it will have a different flavor than the last. While the music for the last RP was emotional and heavy grunge, the music for this is passionate and energetic grunge. Dunno. Hard to put it in words.

I almost forget you use the same words like AM & PM in Canada like us. It was very weird reading you relate t the time change, lol. Like Canada is a foreign world in a foreign solar system. *Salute* Thank you for the advice. You know, you're right up with Hange in terms of huggability from sheer goodness.

Hmm, well if that's the case, I'll remain suspicious as to what tricks you've got up your sleeves -.- Well, not suspicious so much as curious as to what's in store, but you get the idea ;p. I'd admittedly take great pleasure in seeing things go at least a little bad for our protagonists, simply because I'd like to see how the kidlets react when the stakes are fabricated and somewhat superficial, but we'll see how things proceed.

As for your comment regarding my so-called 'huggability', ah, thanks? You shouldn't make me blush White-chan :$

Is it really that surprising that we'd use similar terminology? I mean, we're literally right next door to you guys... I do find it interesting, that the amount of information transferred between our nations differs so much. Much of American culture is 'imported' to us in a sense (Via television/film, music, literature, sports, cuisine, etc) but it seems that outside of stereotypes little of Canadian culture transcends the borders (Though I might suspect that's to a lesser extent in states which border the two countries).

Now, if I may perhaps delve briefly into the previous political foray...

@Pequeno Burraidh @Lucem Tenebris @IG42

I know you guys have already discussed much about the election results, but I just wanted to offer a few comments on the matter, if you don't mind. I've tried to phrase this in such a way that's considerate to both sides' arguments, and I'm not writing this to critique anyone's opinions rather than summarize what I've heard both here and from my American colleagues. However, given that I'm not a US resident and can only observe from the outside in, my thoughts may be biased in some regard, so take it all with a grain of salt.

I agree with White's point, in that elements of Trump's rhetoric evidently resonated with a significant percentage of the populous. Whether that be disenfranchisement from the government (And by extension politics in general), the stagnant economic circumstances since the 2008 recession, fears about national security or so on, clearly a nerve was touched. And for at least some of those voters, its a point that they feel the previous administration failed to properly address, for one reason or another. And considering how Clinton advertised herself as a successor to Obama's mission, these individuals may have felt that a more dramatic shift in government was needed to make progress. There were numerous perceived flaws with both candidates (Whether it be Trump's political inexperience/ crass statements or Clinton's trustworthiness or lack of action on certain issues), yet the population through the electoral college made their decision. What the results of that choice are, only time will tell.

However, that is not to discredit the real sense of fear and betrayal many are feeling in the country right now. Whether it be women, LGBTQ, immigrants, POC, or Muslims, a significant number of people are genuinely afraid that they're going to be persecuted and their rights taken away. And while Congress/ the Senate might limit Trump to some capacity (Similarly to how they muzzled Obama's ability to get certain things done), there are a number of campaign promises that would likely pass (Striking down gun control laws, limitation of women's reproductive rights, cutting back or annulling policies pertaining to climate change, etc etc.) That's not to definitively say it will happen, and for some people those may not be concerns, or at least are something which they have not focussed on given the plethora of campaign topics. But that these changes are even a possibility now has caused a great deal of anxiety amongst many. Also keep in mind though the same sorts of sentiments would have likely been felt if Clinton had indeed won, just by a different part of the populous over different issues.

Additionally, there's also the international impact to consider. Even if Trump turns out to be a president who brings about positive change to the country, the fact that he succeeded in getting the position in utilizing this very negative, at times derogatory rhetoric implies that there's an increasing tolerance towards this kind of language. And that may well embolden other political parties to further adopt this nationalistic, xenophobic stance (France, Germany, and Hungary in particular come to mind). That's not to discredit the underlying tensions and issues those groups are addressing (Because they are many issues which need to be handled). But using this hateful, discriminatory language and making bold statements (ie kicking out/ banning Muslims) only polarizes people while doing nothing to solve these problems.

Fact of the matter is that whatever happens in the States has tremendous impact on the rest of the world (As evidenced by the instability of the stock market in light of the election), particularly countries who are supposed to be allies with it on various global issues. For me personally, Trump's presidency is concerning not only because of his discourse, but equally his policies on foreign trade. The US is Canada's largest trading partner (As a result, any changes to that dynamic can easily fuck up our already lacklustre economy): so the idea that NAFTA may be compromised or just thrown in the trash is extremely concerning. Whether that will happen, we can't say, but just the instability and unpredictability of the situation is troublesome. Of course, periods of change or transition are always difficult, whether for better or worse, but it doesn't ease people's anxieties.

All that being said, we won't know for certain what will happen until January 2017. And while people have the right to peacefully protest or voice their opinions/ concerns, all this outright bashing of each other and violence on both sides which has seemingly blossomed across the country (And online) will do nothing to ease those deep wounds (Although I suspect the media has made a point of highlighting/ exaggerating this to some degree). Regardless of one's political affiliation, everyone ought to be respectful of each others individual viewpoints/ values rather than lumping each other into stereotypes. Those who are unsatisfied with the results have a right to be upset, yet need not lash out recklessly, just as those who feel the need to celebrate might consider showing a modicum of sympathy to the other side. It's only when being able to listen to each other and have a truly well-rounded discussion that this polarization can be properly addressed and this political schism might be handled.

Now, moving on...

@Pequeno Burraidh

If someone needed to take down Rei, I'd likely nominate Torune or Akane (If Tainan was gracious enough to give them back their chakra). Makoto also knows sealing jutsu, but I don't think she's at the level (Or at least doesn't have the chakra levels/ stamina) to pull it off alone. If @Kiyoko Tomoe 's characters come into play, we would also have Shinobu and Mio.
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A simple "thank you". While they may not have been close throughout the RP, Chiaki's offer to stay in camp Kumo and Kiyomi's willingness to let him stay in her home for six months was a turning point in his life. It was the first time that someone expressed positivity towards him, since everyone else either wanted him dead, or used him to kill others. Had it not been for that, the events following would have been completely different. While he may not have noticed it at the time, he acknowledged this after being able to reflect when a sense of humanity grew within him. Upon learning gratitude, he wanted to express that to the people that actually helped him. Unfortunately, he was unable to do so immediately after the war, since Kurama's death put him in a dark place.

Awww. I can totally imagine that. Chiaki will have no clue what he's talking about, since he really didn't do anything but give a simple invitation and let Kiyomi take care of the rest. Chiaki back then really didn't like dealing with hassles. 


I look forward to seeing Akane again, whether or not she gets her chakra back.
(If Tainan was gracious enough to give them back their chakra).

I'm a bit surprised that someone hasn't questioned Tainan about restoring Chakra yet. It might add to the tension if he rejects doing so, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Awww. I can totally imagine that. Chiaki will have no clue what he's talking about, since he really didn't do anything but give a simple invitation and let Kiyomi take care of the rest. Chiaki back then really didn't like dealing with hassles. 

Even a simple invitation goes a long way. Assuming he already told Chiaki this, his attitude might have been a bit different while doing so, depending on the time.
I'm a bit surprised that someone hasn't questioned Tainan about restoring Chakra yet. It might add to the tension if he rejects doing so, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Chiaki probably would've, at least for his wife. But he figured there was a time and place to get into deep talk with the leader of the 'humans'--one less public and wouldn't ruin the festive atmosphere. Of course, with the way things are spiraling, he may not get the chance to.

Even a simple invitation goes a long way. Assuming he already told Chiaki this, his attitude might have been a bit different while doing so, depending on the time.

  The change would've made Chiaki pleasantly surprised. He'd always thought Kouki a little suicidal...even when they first met. This doubled when he thought he saw Kouki at the roof of Hokage Mansion :P
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@White Masquerade

I swear, Titanfall 2's campaign is the most mecha anime FPS ever. All the boss fights are against pilots with distinct personalities and souped up custom Titans. The main character, Jack Cooper, is initially just a rifleman who is forced to become a pilot after his old mentor dies in the first level. To add to that, he's voiced by Matthew Mercer (Chrom/Kiritsugu) and his Titan gets an upgraded chassis in the last stage. This was definitely the sleeper hit of the year, if EA hadn't screwed them over with the release date this would have easily sold enough to warrant a Titanfall 3.
Chiaki probably would've, at least for his wife. But he figured there was a time and place to get into deep talk with the leader of the 'humans'--one less public and wouldn't ruin the festive atmosphere. Of course, with the way things are spiraling, he may not get the chance to.

  The change would've made Chiaki pleasantly surprised. He'd always thought Kouki a little suicidal...even when they first met. This doubled when he thought he saw Kouki at the roof of Hokage Mansion :P

It's certainly not the easiest question to suddenly slip in during a conversation. Even with the current situation, I think the opportunity is still there, but whether Chiaki takes it is another matter.

Kouki didn't completely change until he killed Kuuhaku, so there still would've been some darkness to him, especially while he travelled alone. He never saw death as anything to worry about, so I suppose he could've been seen as suicidal in that sense. His decision to take himself out along with the possibility of destroying Jinan was the only way he could think of to repent at the time, since he didn't believe he was capable of making the change to help others. Even now, he doesn't have a positive image of himself.
It's certainly not the easiest question to suddenly slip in during a conversation. Even with the current situation, I think the opportunity is still there, but whether Chiaki takes it is another matter.

Haha. That would be kind of amusing--Chiaki trying to casually slip in the question while fighting off the 'enemy'.

But that's unlikely, He's a diplomat now. He'll be trying to get what he wants via negotiation in person(not with a clone). Chiaki no longer believes people are inherently kind and he doesn't expect to get his way unless some sort of compromise or deal is made that's satisfactory to both parties . Especially since he knows his request is a selfish one. 

 he doesn't have a positive image of himself.

I hope he meets some nice characters who'll convince him otherwise. 
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Why do you feel stupid?

I forgot about tokyo ghoul for a moment, and having a serious procrastination problem when trying to figure out what should I use for shades. I wasn't leaning towards guren that much, and the late idea came up, and I want to use amon but too late now.

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