Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@White Masquerade

Verizion, and that Pokemon was based on the androgynous Aramis of the Three Musketeers. I like the new designs moreso than the last generation. Especially Golisopod. Despite being two-stages, he looks like he's going to be a really good pivot. 

Mmm. I see. Nice post, nice post. Nothing is hidden here at all so you can relax. How do you feel about the story Clari-chan?

I'm as relaxed as anyone can be at this point in time, but no worries. Last RP was pretty serious, but this time I'm just having a good time and letting my characters do their thing ^.^

Story I think is going well as a whole: characters are interesting and the dynamics going on between different folks has been enjoyable to watch. I think we should push forward to the second stage of the exams (Assuming we want to have ample time for the tournament round before the end of the year) and am eagerly awaiting for the main source of conflict to arise and push both the shinobi participants as well as the nations leaders to decide whether they can put the past behind them to continue thriving... but otherwise I'm satisfied thus far. What about you- how are you feeling about how the afterstory has progressed?

[SIZE= 8px]Someone please respond, don't leave me hanging here guys- I'd like to know whether or not my southern neighbours are alright >.<[/SIZE]
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Lol. Forget it Quirk. WHATEVER! Forget I said anything.

@White Masquerade

Verizion, and that Pokemon was based on the androgynous Aramis of the Three Musketeers. I like the new designs moreso than the last generation. Especially Golisopod. Despite being two-stages, he looks like he's going to be a really good pivot. 

That's the sea roach xD ? You do competitive battling? IS that what pivot means?


If Mizu wants a hug from someone, all she needs to do is ask

@Hange Zoe

Hange. lol. I don't understand why people do that? Why did you do that? You know the people who call themselves trash? I don't get that either =P. Why did you just post "appears?"


That is good Clari-chan. I am glad you are relaxed. Your proper grammar, syntax, and cadence always relax me when you post OOC or IC.  We are actually already in the 2nd stage of the exam lol. My next set of posts will focus on the examinees, but things have already been happening =P. The main conflict will pop up soon enough; if it could even be called that.

I like the afterstory, how it's been, and am its biggest fan. All introductory phase and set up for things to come has come great. Nothing seems off or out of place and that makes it very easy for me to move things along. About now is when we can transition into getting deep, so I am very happy about that.  I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't have the tone of Kakureyami, it's more laid-back, but I think I'm still going to enjoy it from this differed perspective. Sequels are always cool and it's nice to see the kids/future of the last RP and their stories. Old and new.
So... evening folks. How is everyone doing- hanging in there?

To this. We just had Daylight Savings Time this past Sunday, so I'm struggling with my body to keep normal. I am sleepy when I should be awake, and awake when I should be sleepy. I'll probably be waking up much earlier moving forward and sleeping much earlier. I am not productive at all. Other than that, 5-star.

Lol. Forget it Quirk. WHATEVER! Forget I said anything.

That's the sea roach xD ? You do competitive battling? IS that what pivot means?


If Mizu wants a hug from someone, all she needs to do is ask

@Hange Zoe

Hange. lol. I don't understand why people do that? Why did you do that? You know the people who call themselves trash? I don't get that either =P. Why did you just post "appears?"


That is good Clari-chan. I am glad you are relaxed. Your proper grammar, syntax, and cadence always relax me when you post OOC or IC.  We are actually already in the 2nd stage of the exam lol. My next set of posts will focus on the examinees, but things have already been happening =P. The main conflict will pop up soon enough; if it could even be called that.

I like the afterstory, how it's been, and am its biggest fan. All introductory phase and set up for things to come has come great. Nothing seems off or out of place and that makes it very easy for me to move things along. About now is when we can transition into getting deep, so I am very happy about that.  I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't have the tone of Kakureyami, it's more laid-back, but I think I'm still going to enjoy it from this differed perspective. Sequels are always cool and it's nice to see the kids/future of the last RP and their stories. Old and new.

... Are you and Tsukiko going to dupe everyone by dragging them to the beach and then telling them "Lol, your test was actually just walking through the woods without backstabbing your teammates-good job!"? -.-*

Well, I'm happy to hear you're content with how the thread's been unfolding. The younger cast of characters turned out well (Embodying certain qualities of their parents without being solely defined by those elements), but I appreciate that some of the original cast is still around and we get to see how they've been doing post-conflict. Shinsei, Shirokko and Tainan have been particularly interesting to observe, and looking forward to seeing others make an appearance during the story. The tone is certainly different as well: there are stakes in play (For both the exam participants and leaders), but its on a smaller scale, the consequences not so dire. And I think it's beneficial we don't necessarily match the level of intensity the first RP had, or else it may feel forced or repetitive, if that makes sense (That's the issue I had with the past few Naruto movies, in that they tried to up the ante beyond the already excessive proportions of the Fourth Shinobi War). Also, as you've noted, this gives us more opportunity to go in depth with characters, which is always a pleasure ^.^

Ah yes, the joys of Daylight-Savings. I revelled in that extra hour of sleep, but don't appreciate that it's dark by 4:30-5pm >.< And don't worry too much about productivity and such- you can't always be the most efficient individual in the world (Unless you want to be a robot/ AI, which I guess you could, but that brings up some greater existential questions which I'd rather save for another time). Sometimes you just need to step back and chill a bit B) . No need to be hard on yourself, just take your time and jump back into the flow of work/school/life when you're ready.
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Mizutsune really is just very lonely XD. She is willing to remove her own heart to give it to Raina so she can become powerful

Aww. I'm certain Raina will become Mizu's friend as the rp progresses^^

Raina chooses Solution 3. She doesn't want a heart. And giving her chakra defeats the whole proving normals can be strong thing.


Lol. Forget it Quirk. WHATEVER! Forget I said anything.


So... evening folks. How is everyone doing- hanging in there?

I'm doing fine.

To this. We just had Daylight Savings Time this past Sunday, so I'm struggling with my body to keep normal. I am sleepy when I should be awake, and awake when I should be sleepy. I'll probably be waking up much earlier moving forward and sleeping much earlier. I am not productive at all. Other than that, 5-star.

I can relate.

Lol. Forget it Quirk. WHATEVER! Forget I said anything.

That's the sea roach xD ? You do competitive battling? IS that what pivot means?


If Mizu wants a hug from someone, all she needs to do is ask

@Hange Zoe

Hange. lol. I don't understand why people do that? Why did you do that? You know the people who call themselves trash? I don't get that either =P. Why did you just post "appears?"


That is good Clari-chan. I am glad you are relaxed. Your proper grammar, syntax, and cadence always relax me when you post OOC or IC.  We are actually already in the 2nd stage of the exam lol. My next set of posts will focus on the examinees, but things have already been happening =P. The main conflict will pop up soon enough; if it could even be called that.

I like the afterstory, how it's been, and am its biggest fan. All introductory phase and set up for things to come has come great. Nothing seems off or out of place and that makes it very easy for me to move things along. About now is when we can transition into getting deep, so I am very happy about that.  I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't have the tone of Kakureyami, it's more laid-back, but I think I'm still going to enjoy it from this differed perspective. Sequels are always cool and it's nice to see the kids/future of the last RP and their stories. Old and new.

I don't know what else to say???????????
... Are you and Tsukiko going to dupe everyone by dragging them to the beach and then telling them "Lol, your test was actually just walking through the woods without backstabbing your teammates-good job!"? -.-*

If that's the case, Team 6 isn't doing so hot.

I don't know what else to say???????????

Say whatever's in your heart :x

The main conflict will pop up soon enough; if it could even be called that.

For some reason, I imagine the main conflict will involve Soyoka and whatever Lieutenant Shades is up to T_T

Lol. Forget it Quirk. WHATEVER! Forget I said anything.

That's the sea roach xD ? You do competitive battling? IS that what pivot means?


If Mizu wants a hug from someone, all she needs to do is ask

@Hange Zoe

Hange. lol. I don't understand why people do that? Why did you do that? You know the people who call themselves trash? I don't get that either =P. Why did you just post "appears?"


That is good Clari-chan. I am glad you are relaxed. Your proper grammar, syntax, and cadence always relax me when you post OOC or IC.  We are actually already in the 2nd stage of the exam lol. My next set of posts will focus on the examinees, but things have already been happening =P. The main conflict will pop up soon enough; if it could even be called that.

I like the afterstory, how it's been, and am its biggest fan. All introductory phase and set up for things to come has come great. Nothing seems off or out of place and that makes it very easy for me to move things along. About now is when we can transition into getting deep, so I am very happy about that.  I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't have the tone of Kakureyami, it's more laid-back, but I think I'm still going to enjoy it from this differed perspective. Sequels are always cool and it's nice to see the kids/future of the last RP and their stories. Old and new.

I'm just knowledgeable enough to know the jargon. A pivot is a Pokemon intended to deal damage and switch out. Golisopod has Emergency Exit which forces either him or the opponent out when their health hits 50%. Adding to that, he also has access to priority moves and his signature move, First Impression, is a bug-type STAB with a +2 Priority and it only works on his first turn.
Morning, everybody. Anyone else get over the elections yet?

Yknow what, dont answer that. How goes it? We all a bunch of dapper dans round here? xD
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Morning, everybody. Anyone else get over the elections yet?

Yknow what, dont answer that. How goes it? We all a bunch of dapper dans round here? xD

Good morning. I'm not particularly upset over the elections,though, living a democratic state, I have many friends who are.

Doing well. I'm enjoying my day off doing nothing =)
Morning, everybody. Anyone else get over the elections yet?

Yknow what, dont answer that. How goes it? We all a bunch of dapper dans round here? xD

Dapper dans? Ooh la la. What has you so spectacular today? You're sounding like Clarinetti-chan.

I think I'll call you Kalin Escarlett from now on ♡°♡
Morning, everybody. Anyone else get over the elections yet?

Yknow what, dont answer that. How goes it? We all a bunch of dapper dans round here? xD

*Rolls eyes* 

I don't even know why it matters that much. If the president is bad or stupid, they can be impeached, and if they aren't bad or stupid then there's no problem, right? I mean, that's the gist of things from what I've gathered. 

No one's been deported, none of my stateside cousins have been run out of their homes and the world hasn't exploded yet, I think we're all going to be just fine.

Now in the RP on the other hand, well the world is probably about to explode and the Kiri nin are going to run everyone out of their country and any non citizen  residents along with xD  Cos that should be the real fear, if White runs a country like she runs an RP. Everything organised and neat, but on fire with lots of screaming lol

I swear white should make a bomb ass tokyo ghoul roleplay.

I like this idea.
I don't even know why it matters that much. If the president is bad or stupid, they can be impeached, and if they aren't bad or stupid then there's no problem, right? I mean, that's the gist of things from what I've gathered. 

Unfortunately, the process of impeachment isn't that simple. Despite there being grounds to impeach, the Republican party controls the House and Senate. It's unlikely that they'll remove anyone from their camp.
Unfortunately, the process of impeachment isn't that simple. Despite there being grounds to impeach, the Republican party controls the House and Senate. It's unlikely that they'll remove anyone from their camp.

But if the people as a whole come to recognise that there is a problem, and come to the joint conclusion that a president needs to be removed for a specific reason, then the senators, who are to represent the mass populace, would have to do so, right? Fairly certain that's how the representative democracy functions.

Anyway, nothing is exploding yet so no need to worry about it I'd assume.
But if the people as a whole come to recognise that there is a problem, and come to the joint conclusion that a president needs to be removed for a specific reason, then the senators, who are to represent the mass populace, would have to do so, right? Fairly certain that's how the representative democracy functions.

Anyway, nothing is exploding yet so no need to worry about it I'd assume.

Again, that's unfortunately not the case. Impeachment is decided and voted on by the two parts of Congress. Since both are controlled by the Republicans at the moment, they're unlikely to vote on removing a President that belongs to their political party, since that gives them control in major parts of government. Even if they aren't impeached, they can still be in office.

While the new President has yet to take office, there are serious problems that have come from this election. There have been large protests across the country, including the one I've seen at my own campus. A white supremacist has been named the President and the intolerance of minorities is clearly visible. My family and friends are legitimately afraid of what's to come. Even if Trump isn't able to get his policies into action, the rampant sexism and racism from his supporters has already caused great damage. It's not a simple matter of disliking who was put into office. People are afraid of the man in power and the ones that follow him.
Again, that's unfortunately not the case. Impeachment is decided and voted on by the two parts of Congress. Since both are controlled by the Republicans at the moment, they're unlikely to vote on removing a President that belongs to their political party, since that gives them control in major parts of government. Even if they aren't impeached, they can still be in office.

While the new President has yet to take office, there are serious problems that have come from this election. There have been large protests across the country, including the one I've seen at my own campus. A white supremacist has been named the President and the intolerance of minorities is clearly visible. My family and friends are legitimately afraid of what's to come. Even if Trump isn't able to get his policies into action, the rampant sexism and racism from his supporters has already caused great damage. It's not a simple matter of disliking who was put into office. People are afraid of the man in power and the ones that follow him.

I think supremacist is overcooking it a little but it is likely that just like over here with the EU vote a lot of people are going to take this as a license to be racist and get rid of all the non-whites so they can choke under the smog from the shiny new coal burning industries by themselves.
I think supremacist is overcooking it a little but it is likely that just like over here with the EU vote a lot of people are going to take this as a license to be racist and get rid of all the non-whites so they can choke under the smog from the shiny new coal burning industries by themselves.

Funny thing is I don't think it's just non-whites, but instead I believe there's more to it than that. I've actually seen a boon in business since Brexit, I suppose people assume buying things locally makes more sense now even though most trade hasn't changed much. The only reason I bring this up is because I'm darkskinned cos my Gran was from south Africa.

I think it really just comes downb to people letting fear rule over reason when it comes to dealing with issues that oppose their standard.
I think supremacist is overcooking it a little but it is likely that just like over here with the EU vote a lot of people are going to take this as a license to be racist and get rid of all the non-whites so they can choke under the smog from the shiny new coal burning industries by themselves.

Considering the demographic that contributed to a majority of his votes, that's the main issue here. There was already a racial divide, but it has been made worse with these results. People, such as the former leader of the KKK, are motivated to express their intolerance out in the open, since a man that holds many of their values has won. It's just a bad situation overall, not just for non-whites, but for women and the LGBT community as well.
Again, that's unfortunately not the case. Impeachment is decided and voted on by the two parts of Congress. Since both are controlled by the Republicans at the moment, they're unlikely to vote on removing a President that belongs to their political party, since that gives them control in major parts of government. Even if they aren't impeached, they can still be in office.

While the new President has yet to take office, there are serious problems that have come from this election. There have been large protests across the country, including the one I've seen at my own campus. A white supremacist has been named the President and the intolerance of minorities is clearly visible. My family and friends are legitimately afraid of what's to come. Even if Trump isn't able to get his policies into action, the rampant sexism and racism from his supporters has already caused great damage. It's not a simple matter of disliking who was put into office. People are afraid of the man in power and the ones that follow him.

To be fair, I think at this point they could have elected the stupid gorilla meme and there would have been less protests than if Mr Trump or Mrs Hillary had won. My cousin said it's been a bit of a comedy act as far as he's been concerned.

Besides, I haven't seen much in my, albeit, light research into either option that made them look good. Mr Trump comes across as the guy that openly starts fights in pubs, and Mrs Hillary as the one that sows fights between people in pubs sooo.... maybe the gorilla meme would have been a better option after all.

This is just an outsider perspective mind.

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