Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

To be fair, I think at this point they could have elected the stupid gorilla meme and there would have been less protests than if Mr Trump or Mrs Hillary had won. My cousin said it's been a bit of a comedy act as far as he's been concerned.

Besides, I haven't seen much in my, albeit, light research into either option that made them look good. Mr Trump comes across as the guy that openly starts fights in pubs, and Mrs Hillary as the one that sows fights between people in pubs sooo.... maybe the gorilla meme would have been a better option after all.

This is just an outsider perspective mind.

There actually were votes cast for Harambe, along with several other write-in candidates that were equally ridiculous. Your comparison is what a lot of other people see as well. Trump is unabashed by his intolerant views, while Clinton attempted to hide them in an effort to appeal to the demographic she needed. She was also known for her intolerance for minorities and the LGBT community, but many chose to overlook that, as her opponent was perceived as the greater evil. Neither candidate was very good, but it seems as though the worst option won.
There actually were votes cast for Harambe, along with several other write-in candidates that were equally ridiculous. Your comparison is what a lot of other people see as well. Trump is unabashed by his intolerant views, while Clinton attempted to hide them in an effort to appeal to the demographic she needed. She was also known for her intolerance for minorities and the LGBT community, but many chose to overlook that, as her opponent was perceived as the greater evil. Neither candidate was very good, but it seems as though the worst option won.

So if both were bad, wouldn't it actually be more helpful to have the one who either doesn't care or just can't hide their misdoings though? I mean, look at it like from last RP. Jinan had the power to destroy whole swaths of areas and cover places in darkness, but we never realised how great a threat he was because his wife was running around murdering people in broad daylight. 

Both Wunan and Jinan did terrible things, but it was easier to confront and stop Wunan because she did things in the open and every ninja knew about it. But stopping Jinan took more ffort because he consolidated his power and waited til he was at his strongest by hiding himself.

So with two bad options, wouldn't it be easier to oppose the one that does everything in the open where you can see it? 
So if both were bad, wouldn't it actually be more helpful to have the one who either doesn't care or just can't hide their misdoings though? I mean, look at it like from last RP. Jinan had the power to destroy whole swaths of areas and cover places in darkness, but we never realised how great a threat he was because his wife was running around murdering people in broad daylight. 

Both Wunan and Jinan did terrible things, but it was easier to confront and stop Wunan because she did things in the open and every ninja knew about it. But stopping Jinan took more ffort because he consolidated his power and waited til he was at his strongest by hiding himself.

So with two bad options, wouldn't it be easier to oppose the one that does everything in the open where you can see it? 

It's mostly a matter of what the supporters see. Since Trump expresses his intolerance out in the open, others are motivated to do the same. This contributes to the feelings of fear and adds to the existent divide. Having someone in power with those openly expressed views is like showing people that there's no reason to hold back their harmful thoughts and actions.

I see the comparison you're making, but I believe things a a bit more complex in our world. There's also things like foreign relations to consider, which don't don't seem to have a bright future at the moment.
Normally I wouldn't allow political talk, but this seems okay. I will comment after I reply to everyone else. Please continue.
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That's what I thought you had meant at first. Did you have any ideas?

Well out of all the leaders in the RP Baihua seems like an annoying class obsessed lady. I'm not saying kill her right now but to do it I'd see if Tainan's peeps have some sort of sniper to shoot through the blind spot.
Oh are we only talking about ones in the RP now?

That's what I thought you had meant at first. Did you have any ideas?

Oh dear, what are you two about to get into xD

And why didn't the states just vote to come back to Mother England and be part of the United Kingdom. It would have been fun, we could have had all sorts of sleep overs and the like.

Well out of all the leaders in the RP Baihua seems like an annoying class obsessed lady. I'm not saying kill her right now but to do it I'd see if Tainan's peeps have some sort of sniper to shoot through the blind spot.

 And that's not very nice lol. Outside of the people with Chakra destruction, who seems like the best person to take on Rei? 
Well out of all the leaders in the RP Baihua seems like an annoying class obsessed lady. I'm not saying kill her right now but to do it I'd see if Tainan's peeps have some sort of sniper to shoot through the blind spot.

Baihua seems like one of the least problematic, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has some sort of revenge scheme planned. Konoha still hasn't recovered.

Oh dear, what are you two about to get into xD

And why didn't the states just vote to come back to Mother England and be part of the United Kingdom. It would have been fun, we could have had all sorts of sleep overs and the like.

 And that's not very nice lol. Outside of the people with Chakra destruction, who seems like the best person to take on Rei? 

That'd be a pretty big sleep over.

There's not many people with that ability, right? I would have said Dove, if not for Wuji.
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:x  I don't know Clari-chan, what the 2nd stage of the Exams consists of. Your guess is as good as mine, friend. I do agree with you about the kids. As I wonder how the story for the grown-ups will go, I also imagine the cute little stories the naive young kids will go on. I like to see how they grow in their own ways as well as the quirks they each have. For certain nothing will be forced here. While things can surely go bad, it will have a different flavor than the last. While the music for the last RP was emotional and heavy grunge, the music for this is passionate and energetic grunge. Dunno. Hard to put it in words.

I almost forget you use the same words like AM & PM in Canada like us. It was very weird reading you relate t the time change, lol. Like Canada is a foreign world in a foreign solar system. *Salute* Thank you for the advice. You know, you're right up with Hange in terms of huggability from sheer goodness.


No, no. Raina wouldn't have gotten chakra. She would have died. Be careful experimenting in the roleplay. As for the main conflict, it's whatever you want it to be.

@Hange Zoe

You know you're cute to me right, Hange?

And I don't know. I did already think of plots for a Tokyo Ghoul RP but there are so many Fandoms that I can try to do. It's hard to settle on just one. I don't even know why I'm doing an afterstory for Naruto. I could have spent the time doing something like...Owari No Seraph? Bleach? K Project? Hunter x Hunter, OR one of my favorites, World Trigger  :x

Tokyo Ghoul would make for a really dramatic and tense, story-driven RP though. Not sure how long I can go without action.


That is a pretty cool ability to have. I've only ever watched one competitive Pokemon World Championship battle and all of it was above me. I only know they had someone with spikes, miracle guard....and idk >_>. They looked like they knew what they were doing lol.
About the election, Donald Trump is certainly not the best person to have, but he does represent something a lot of people fail to see that's important to have. A look to reality. It's how you learn. It's how you find the impetus to do things. It's how you can truly identify your flaws and fix them. It's very hard for a lot of people to see things for how they really are, but I kid you not, that is the single most powerful thing you can do to really move ahead.

You've learned not to eat candy from ground because you've experienced an intense fever from when you did. (I had 101-102 Fahrenheit  -_- )

You've learned to do your HW because of the consequences you face from not doing so. (Punishment, lowered GPA, Personal shame, etc)

You've learned not to text and drive because you escaped a near-fatal accident that could have cost you your life.

Trump won because there is clearly an issue in the country somewhere. A lot of people were unhappy enough in large enough numbers to get him in. Trump is that dose of reality. Whether people like him or not, he has brought up a lot of issues that needed to be discussed. A lot of dark spots and habits that have been hidden from view. People like him are needed from time-to-time to bring out the nasty parts of things that nobody likes to face.

^ A lot of people are reacting negatively to that light that's been opened. Whether now or later down the road, these are problems that would eventually need to be faced. Trump by no means was smart enough to calculate this, but his entering and directness alone was enough to make these conversations happen. And that is exactly why many people respect him. While a friend may laugh with you then badmouth you behind your back over something you did to hurt them, one like Trump would confront you, lay it all out and call you a jerk. While option 1 is more friendly and less aggressive, option 2 will either mend the relationship or expose a person as immature. You get to dealing with the real issue in option number 2.

So yeah. It might get a little rocky for the U.S in these next 4 years, but it's nothing to declare the end of the world for. We as a country are going to learn a lot, but at the end of it, we will be a lot stronger than when we came in.


Haha. Don't try to kill Baihua just because she thinks Akago is stupid.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Omg, Pequeno, you've been so articulate and on-point today. This is the first time I've seen this side of you. It's weird. I-I'm...oddly falling for you.


No comment on that please, IG.  9_9
@Lucem Tenebris

I'm not very into politics, but the way I see it, we've simply moved from a president we hoped had done much more to a president who we hope won't do too much. Given how many checks the US government has, the power of the media, and how much we've advanced from the concept of slavery, I don't expect Trump will be able to push too many of his least the extremely radical ones. But then, perhaps I'm being too optimistic. I've got nothing to say about foreign relations...nor how his supporters might react. What's done is done. The only thing we can do at this point is pray =(

@Pequeno Burraidh

Exposing corruption certainly makes it easier to deal with corruption. It also creates more conflict. I'm noticing this as I watch the second season of Iron Blooded Orphans :P


No, no. Raina wouldn't have gotten chakra. She would have died. Be careful experimenting in the roleplay. As for the main conflict, it's whatever you want it to be.

I see...glad Raina's not the type to accept a heart then. Though, she's still dealing with a bomb and, given her reaction, I'm still wary for her life. My characters are all connected in some way. So if one bomb triggers, it may lead to another bomb triggering, and so on T_T

Outside of the people with Chakra destruction, who seems like the best person to take on Rei? 

Anyone who knows how to seal a tailed beast...anyone with a mangekyou level sharingan...

Well out of all the leaders in the RP Baihua seems like an annoying class obsessed lady. I'm not saying kill her right now but to do it I'd see if Tainan's peeps have some sort of sniper to shoot through the blind spot.

Why would Tainan's soldiers shoot Baihua?

Are any of the leaders in the RP worthy of assassination? 

None that I can think of. Of all the leaders, I think Tainan and Wunan  Raven are the ones to be wary of...though none have done anything bad enough to warrant assassination. I agree that Baihua may be potentially dangerous character if the right buttons are pushed...

Of all of them, Tsukiko is probably the safest, given her personality.  
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Haha. Don't try to kill Baihua just because she thinks Akago is stupid.

I also take offence on Inari's behalf.

None that I can think of. Of all the leaders, I think Tainan and Wunan are the ones to be wary of...though none have done anything bad enough to warrant assassination. I agree that Baihua may be potentially dangerous character if the right buttons are pushed...

Isn't Wunan dead?

Why would Tainan's soldier's shoot Baihua?

It's all hypothetical Quirk
Anyone who knows how to seal a tailed beast...anyone with a mangekyou level sharingan...

Kouki happens to meet both of those requirements, but has Chakra destruction as well.

Tainan and Raven seem to pose the biggest threat, given their history. As long as there are no hidden agendas and no buttons are pushed, all should go smoothly.
Kouki happens to meet both of those requirements, but has Chakra destruction as well.

Tainan and Raven seem to pose the biggest threat, given their history. As long as there are no hidden agendas and no buttons are pushed, all should go smoothly.

I'm hoping to see Kouki involved.

Chiaki just left to go home...though he left two clones running around. I'm hoping nothing bad enough happens that he has to fight. I want to get more into my new characters.  

:x  I don't know Clari-chan, what the 2nd stage of the Exams consists of. Your guess is as good as mine, friend. I do agree with you about the kids. As I wonder how the story for the grown-ups will go, I also imagine the cute little stories the naive young kids will go on. I like to see how they grow in their own ways as well as the quirks they each have. For certain nothing will be forced here. While things can surely go bad, it will have a different flavor than the last. While the music for the last RP was emotional and heavy grunge, the music for this is passionate and energetic grunge. Dunno. Hard to put it in words.

I almost forget you use the same words like AM & PM in Canada like us. It was very weird reading you relate t the time change, lol. Like Canada is a foreign world in a foreign solar system. *Salute* Thank you for the advice. You know, you're right up with Hange in terms of huggability from sheer goodness.


No, no. Raina wouldn't have gotten chakra. She would have died. Be careful experimenting in the roleplay. As for the main conflict, it's whatever you want it to be.

@Hange Zoe

You know you're cute to me right, Hange?

And I don't know. I did already think of plots for a Tokyo Ghoul RP but there are so many Fandoms that I can try to do. It's hard to settle on just one. I don't even know why I'm doing an afterstory for Naruto. I could have spent the time doing something like...Owari No Seraph? Bleach? K Project? Hunter x Hunter, OR one of my favorites, World Trigger  :x

Tokyo Ghoul would make for a really dramatic and tense, story-driven RP though. Not sure how long I can go without action.


That is a pretty cool ability to have. I've only ever watched one competitive Pokemon World Championship battle and all of it was above me. I only know they had someone with spikes, miracle guard....and idk >_>. They looked like they knew what they were doing lol.

Haise your ideas very clearly. K project seems small and easily managable with very less lore. 

Tokyo ghoul is growing, but their gagets and stuff is still the same, Owari no seraph would be complicated to others because of the naminari and all that ghoul stuff. 

Its up to you tho.
I'm hoping to see Kouki involved.

Chiaki just left to go home...though he left two clones running around. I'm hoping nothing bad enough happens that he has to fight. I want to get more into my new characters.  

I'm still unsure if what I'd have him do. He wouldn't want to get involved in a fight and Kouta is already off in forest. I might just have him wander the village for a bit.

Chiaki is one of the stronger characters, so I don't think he'd need to fight unless a pretty big issue comes up. One clone is with Tainan, right? Where did the other run off to? 
@Hange Zoe

Did you say "Haise your ideas very clearly"? Lol. Eh, I don't want to talk about what's next with this still going on though. Someone who might be reading this OOC also pitched an SAO roleplay. Hard xD. I told them ask me in 2017  :P

Ask me in 2017 Hange
I'm still unsure if what I'd have him do. He wouldn't want to get involved in a fight and Kouta is already off in forest. I might just have him wander the village for a bit.

Chiaki is one of the stronger characters, so I don't think he'd need to fight unless a pretty big issue comes up. One clone is with Tainan, right? Where did the other run off to? 

I hope he enjoys Kirigakure. There's plenty of other things to do besides fighting^^

Secret~Though I will tell you, his goal was to make sure none of the Kages died while in Kiri. 
@Hange Zoe

Did you say "Haise your ideas very clearly"? Lol. Eh, I don't want to talk about what's next with this still going on though. Someone who might be reading this OOC also pitched an SAO roleplay. Hard xD. I told them ask me in 2017  :P

Ask me in 2017 Hange

K-project was something I'd considered doing, but never got around to. Imo, the less lore the better. More room to expand upon ideas. 

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