Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

I was tempted to have Raina play indignant and slap him in the face. But Raina's not the type. Otherwise she'd have slapped Shinsei multiple times over...and she hasn't =(
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Both. I like Timuga and would have enjoyed reading about Rudy getting hit by him.

You can think of it that way, I suppose. His sword glows when filled with chakra. It's a like a symbol of his homeland, in some ways.

Yea, I like to keep my CS's simple and prefer to show my characters off, that said, there is plenty of information on Timuga for one smart enough to figure it out despite his short CS, and the long and short of it is that grabbing him by the throat wouldn't achieve much xD

Instead it seems Timuga and Masima are going to meet up at the moment.
I was tempted to have Raina play indignant and slap him in the face. But Raina's not the type. Otherwise she'd have slapped Shinsei multiple times over...and she hasn't =(

See, I think that would have worked about as well as grabbing him by the throat lol

He's just being simplistic and straight to the point. He's walking in a straight line to get somewhere, Raina was in the way =P I'm sure I could have had him be far ruder lol
I was tempted to have Raina play indignant and slap him in the face. But Raina's not the type. Otherwise she'd have slapped Shinsei multiple times over...and she hasn't =(

A slap probably would have made things worse. I don't think Raina needs any more death flags.

Yea, I like to keep my CS's simple and prefer to show my characters off, that said, there is plenty of information on Timuga for one smart enough to figure it out despite his short CS, and the long and short of it is that grabbing him by the throat wouldn't achieve much xD

Instead it seems Timuga and Masima are going to meet up at the moment.

Is Timuga's body structure more similar to Kisame or an actual shark?
See, I think that would have worked about as well as grabbing him by the throat lol

He's just being simplistic and straight to the point. He's walking in a straight line to get somewhere, Raina was in the way =P I'm sure I could have had him be far ruder lol

Haha. I was talking about Rudy. She has no real reason to be mad at Timuga.

Yea, I like to keep my CS's simple and prefer to show my characters off, that said, there is plenty of information on Timuga for one smart enough to figure it out despite his short CS, and the long and short of it is that grabbing him by the throat wouldn't achieve much xD

Instead it seems Timuga and Masima are going to meet up at the moment.

Grabbing Nao would do no good either. He'd just break apart into water.
A slap probably would have made things worse. I don't think Raina needs any more death flags.

Is Timuga's body structure more similar to Kisame or an actual shark?

I'll be getting more into it as the RP progresses, but Timuga was a straight up human at birth. For like, a day, but yea. He's from the Secret Village of the Depths, sequestered away at the bottom of the Sea of Storms where they can be left alone by the dirt-walkers.

Is this a bad thing?

Timuga is hunting for something, Masima decided to find it first. Masima likes to see people get hurt and to hurt people, and Masima wants to one day defeat, kill and usurp Timuga's position and one day take over the Secret Village of the Depths.
Based on their character sheets, I'd say so.

...Iooks like I need to double check the character sheets.

I'll be getting more into it as the RP progresses, but Timuga was a straight up human at birth. For like, a day, but yea. He's from the Secret Village of the Depths, sequestered away at the bottom of the Sea of Storms where they can be left alone by the dirt-walkers.

Timuga is hunting for something, Masima decided to find it first. Masima likes to see people get hurt and to hurt people, and Masima wants to one day defeat, kill and usurp Timuga's position and one day take over the Secret Village of the Depths.

Funny enough, if trouble brews in the Secret Village of Depths, I see Nao skipping out on the Chuunin exams to help save it.
...Iooks like I need to double check the character sheets.

Funny enough, if trouble brews in the Secret Village of Depths, I see Nao skipping out on the Chuunin exams to help save it.

That'd be interesting to see. Would he try to change his appearance to be more shark-like if given the chance?
It's rolled up paper =/. I-I-I want to be c-cool. You don't think it is? *removes paper* F-Fine! I don't need your approval anyway!

Lol. Darn right you can't be a rival. Your writing is not normal. If anyone here can do it, it's Netti-chan. You and I are in 2 different weight classes. It wouldn't match. Quirk and I are about the same weight and that's why it's so perfect. I had to provoke her for a bit at the start, but it seems like she's enjoying herself now. Clarinetti seems right up your alley though. Thinking on it now, I think she'd be perfect for you honestly.

I never thought of us as rivals because our writing styles are so different. Yours is very vibrant, and the way you describe things is so I feel like in a sea of text, I can pick out your writing just by glancing at your choice of diction and the way you choose to describe things. Your dialogue especially stands out. You make characters people want to respond to.  

Mine is more conserved and I focus more on pov than scene setting. If were comparing styles, I say Clari's style is more similar to mine...though she's got much more technique.

Rokoriko needs to fight someone who hates all Kakureyami vehemently and indiscriminately.

She does? O.o
That'd be interesting to see. Would he try to change his appearance to be more shark-like if given the chance?

Probably. He's got the shark teeth.

I wouldn't allow his skin to turn blue though. I like my characters to be aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. And if you couldn't tell from my creation of Chiaki, I like bishounen males. 
Has anyone wander how or where they're getting the characters names from? 

I make names up on the spot when I make my character's cs. Though I usually have a general idea of what I want, I don't usually have deep meanings behind names. When I made Chiaki, I wanted a female name that wasn't obviously female. Nao and Jun were one syllable names that went well with the suffix -getsu, which I knew they would inherit, since their mother's a Hozuki. Nao, like his father, got a girl's name. Raina was the first name that came to mind when I chose her pic. I used a random Japanese name translator for Shinsei. Hana means flower, cause all geishas in Eternal Night Palace are named after flowers.

Though I do find the name meanings interesting since I think they suit most my characters well :)

Chiaki - gathered wisdom.

Shinsei - rebirth/new life. 

Jun - pure

Nao - pleasant.

Raina - queen.

Hana - flower.
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How many ships do you have so far?

Nothing is set in stone yet, except for Raina x Rudy. Aiolos x Yona is CLOSE, but the deal is not sealed just yet. I will probably like Jungetsu x Kouta but I haven't read Kouta's intro yet.


Volume 3? UGHHHHHH. I can't do that. I'm so sorry.


It's all good, Dru, just play your character =P. No need to lean anywhere for me.


:$  Don't be so nice to me, it's weird~
Nothing is set in stone yet, except for Raina x Rudy. Aiolos x Yona is CLOSE, but the deal is not sealed just yet. I will probably like Jungetsu x Kouta but I haven't read Kouta's intro yet.

Who says I was leaning for you white? I have my characters interests at heart. @White Masquerade

Ouch, friend. O.K. Drumonkey. You just made an enemy.


No comments on Raina or potential ships. I'll leave that to be found in the story. And no, you're usually so cold and unsupportive of me and my actions. It's why you're the blue and the yin. But now you're becoming red and yang, and that's making me turn blue and yin.

@Hange Zoe

Do you need me for something, Hange?
She does? O.o

Yup, but I'm not gonna say why xD  I just want it to happen.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Your shark people. Raina looked out for Timuga big time

Pfft, you should know the only reason Timuga and Masima's CS's aren't more in depth is because I want to keep them, their mystery and and all that jazz a secret for people. Unless Rudy is stronger than like, the tailed spirits, I dunno what your touting about =P

Also if they are stronger than the tailed SPirits, what the bloody fuck do you expect any of our characters, save maybe Rei and the talented sealers, to do about it?

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