Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Ever heard of the Sakurai clan? They're normal humans minus the merging of their spirit with other spirits, including those of dragons. They got there by training their spirit and nothing else, so it's not that far a stretch to say that some kind of spiritual capability could be passed on fro. The Sakurai clan to normal humans, granted it'd be very bloody a training process as stretching ones' spiritual limitations as far as the Sakurai clan have would destroy the spirit of most all humans, Ninja included as they require physical energy as well.

So Kanami's gonna side with Tainan?
So Kanami's gonna side with Tainan?

Most likely. Kanami hates ninja, and the Kakureyami were originally the same as her in her mind, though the Kakureyami is rather barbaric themselves and so she'd side with Taina. As he's the only one who'd really understand Kanami's hate of the fighting that drove her clan out of the world.
I do know where everybody was at. And Shinpobu was further from Jinan than Daradri was as Daradei was, as I stated, flying toward Jinan from Shinonu and Nanko's location. Plus, Nanko wasn't listed as an affected individual, therefore Shinobu shouldn't be either as Shinobu was with Nanko.

O.o  Are we reading the same post? Nanko was just getting into the village as Shinobu took off. And Nanko is listed unable to use chakra O.o

So what's going to stop the muggles getting knocked out straight away?

It's going to take more than some improvised guns.

I won't lie. It will be difficult, but regular humans overcome a lot of things with technology. They also have the Tai Release Master backing them. Playing as a human will be a very tricky thing. You will see. Don't worry about it!


Bingo. The Exams will become like a friendly show of power for each side. Kind of like the Olympic Games.
I won't lie. It will be difficult, but regular humans overcome a lot of things with technology. They also have the Tai Release Master backing them. Playing as a human will be a very tricky thing. You will see. Don't worry about it!

It's not like I don't have any ideas at all I'm just curious
The Forum for it is now up. Go ahead and make the first thread!

Ugh. This RP looks so beautiful. It's organized, and organization is the way to my heart.

You're slacking!

I have indeed seen the lovely work you've put into thread formatting- it's all rather organized/ aesthetically pleasing ^.^

Quick question re: post-war shinobi organization- Would hidden villages still adhere to the traditional format of three-man + sensei genin squads, or would there initially be an insufficient number of students or shinobi instructors to maintain this structure? Also, as part of the shifting political landscape between Kakureyami/shinobi/ regular civilians (And perhaps as a means to forge positive relations) would there perhaps be an exchange/ collaboration program where ninja academy student/ young army cadets from differing sides or shinobi villages form hybrid three-man squads? Not sure if you've thought that far ahead, but I think it may be an interesting concept to explore, especially in the wake of the chunin exams. It might also make sense story-wise, since the global population has notably declined over the course of the war (And the birth rate for all sides probably plummeted in that period meaning fewer academy-age children, with perhaps the exception of the Kakureyami), thus individual village academies might only have a handful of students enrolled, at least initially.
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I have indeed seen the lovely work you've put into thread formatting- it's all rather organized/ aesthetically pleasing ^.^

Quick question re: post-war shinobi organization- Would hidden villages still adhere to the traditional format of three-man + sensei genin squads, or would there initially be an insufficient number of students or shinobi instructors to maintain this structure? Also, as part of the shifting political landscape between Kakureyami/shinobi/ regular civilians (And perhaps as a means to forge positive relations) would there perhaps be an exchange/ collaboration program where ninja academy student/ young army cadets from differing sides or shinobi villages form hybrid three-man squads? Not sure if you've thought that far ahead, but I think it may be an interesting concept to explore, especially in the wake of the chunin exams. It might also make sense story-wise, since the global population has notably declined over the course of the war (And the birth rate for all sides probably plummeted in that period meaning fewer academy-age children, with perhaps the exception of the Kakureyami), thus individual village academies might only have a handful of students enrolled, at least initially.

They'd try to go to back to the usual structure.  There would still be a good number of students and sensei as there are shinobi lands I did not include in the roleplay. Early on in the RP, it's mentioned  quite a few shinobi emigrated from their homes and hid in other lands; with this happening a lot of them will be coming back. The main ninja wiped out were most of the brave, heroic, knowledgeable ones. So the number of ninja would be down a bit, but it's really the quality of shinobi that villages will have issues with.

There is no official intermingling of the sides! Everyone is very wary of each other. If you want to explore that in the Gaidens though, go for it. 
They'd try to go to back to the usual structure.  There would still be a good number of students and sensei as there are shinobi lands I did not include in the roleplay. Early on in the RP, it's mentioned  quite a few shinobi emigrated from their homes and hid in other lands; with this happening a lot of them will be coming back. The main ninja wiped out were most of the brave, heroic, knowledgeable ones. So the number of ninja would be down a bit, but it's really the quality of shinobi that villages will have issues with.

There is no official intermingling of the sides! Everyone is very wary of each other. If you want to explore that in the Gaidens though, go for it. 

Heh intermingling heheheheh.
I'm rereading Anpan's character app, and I remembered that Anpan's Rinnegan had the ability to make portals. The idiot could have escaped using a portal. ; 7 ; 

I'm curious as to how normal humans will enhance their reflexes and perception to match up to ninjas, too. 

@Strawberry Preserves

Chiaki is saddened by Son Goku's death and worried about how Han would take losing use of her chakra, but is more or less satisfied with the outcome. 

Shinsei, on the other hand, is deeply unsatisfied, but will likely get his good gaiden since into the darkness is no longer an option. Or maybe not. Hmm... 

Everyone deserves a chance at happiness. =w= Give Shinsei the happy ending he deserves. Also, I'm hoping that Anpan and Chiaki can interact in the Gaiden, ohoho. ovo 
You don't see me complaining about not escaping.

Don't you throw that shade at me. I'll have you know I'm very easily offended, and that I cry extremely easily! 

Speaking seriously, my saying that doesn't really change the outcome (which leaves room for the most development). =w= Even if Anpan did survive with his chakra, he wouldn't do anything worthwhile with it. He'd just go on the same way he has before he met Akane. 
All true. A few characters have teleportation. Kouki's Sharingan could have done so as well. The thing here is Jinan did not announce he was going to break down people's chakra.

It's an IC knowledge vs. OOC knowledge thing. If I hadn't specified chakra being destroyed and just said the area suddenly became dark, a character escaping over something so small, wouldn't be brought up you know? Dove is the only character Wunan would have warned.
It's sealed...within his arm...

I'm gonna hope he ends up Tsukiko ¬¬

@White Masquerade

Very nice. 

You know, the fact that they are participating in the chuunin exams makes them ninjas, right? Since Chu-nin is a ninja rank xD

@Pequeno Burraidh

I'm trying to figure out what happens to the 'link' between Shinsei and Dove now that Shinsei can no longer use chakra. I was gonna ask, White, but I think you can explain better... 

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

...Do you think Chiaki and Han would have children? :x

Yep children are in the card Han would be 36 year old by this point . 
They'd try to go to back to the usual structure.  There would still be a good number of students and sensei as there are shinobi lands I did not include in the roleplay. Early on in the RP, it's mentioned  quite a few shinobi emigrated from their homes and hid in other lands; with this happening a lot of them will be coming back. The main ninja wiped out were most of the brave, heroic, knowledgeable ones. So the number of ninja would be down a bit, but it's really the quality of shinobi that villages will have issues with.

There is no official intermingling of the sides! Everyone is very wary of each other. If you want to explore that in the Gaidens though, go for it. 

Ah, I see- thank you for the clarification. Eh, I may be tempted to touch on that aspect in the gaidens, but I'm not sure if my characters would be the best choice for that, just based on their stances. Torune's more inclined to kill any Kakureyami he runs into, and given how Tainan's army has gone about 'bringing peace', he's got a bone to pick with them too. Akane would be slightly more open to establishing foreign relations, but based on what we currently know would be extremely suspicious as well. I feel like if anyone was able to start bridging the gap, it be someone a bit more neutral, perhaps Chiaki, Anpan, or even Rei.

@Strawberry Preserves Out of curiosity, did you perhaps wish to collaborate a bit with both Anpan and Akane's gaidens?
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