Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

So what's the status on Kanami? I would assume unaffected like Sozoshi since Kanami was the only other one standing like Sozoshi, but you didn't list Kanami so I'm actually not sure what to think :/
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In that case, I guess it's a good thing Kouki got a power boost before everything went down.

Right? Being a jinchuriki has its benefits. It's not all depression =)

Most likely. Depends on what he goes through during his Gaiden though. o3o 

Ahhh, yeah, we'll see. It depends on Akane then. I have a feeling she'll still want to be some kind of supervisor, even powerless. I want to point out Anpan still has the sword. Please don't give it to the Water people.

So what's the status on Kanami? I would assume unaffected like Sozoshi since Kanami was the only other one standing like Sozoshi, but you didn't list Kanami so I'm actually not sure what to think :/

You are correct. Kanami isssss unaffected! I have a good idea where she came from, but you haven't revealed it yet so I keep my opinion quiet.
So what's the status on Kanami? I would assume unaffected like Sozoshi since Kanami was the only other one standing like Sozoshi, but you didn't list Kanami so I'm actually not sure what to think :/

Well by your description she doesn't use chakra right?
Only lost their tailed beasts. The beast intercepts the damage to the host's chakra system.

Also, Onee-Chan... You kind of just destroyed Shinobu... again... You just made her lose Chomei and Orisas... This is the third time she's lost Orisas... And now she's also losing a Tailed Spirit once more...
Right? Being a jinchuriki has its benefits. It's not all depression =)

Ahhh, yeah, we'll see. It depends on Akane then. I have a feeling she'll still want to be some kind of supervisor, even powerless. I want to point out Anpan still has the sword. Please don't give it to the Water people.

You are correct. Kanami isssss unaffected! I have a good idea where she came from, but you haven't revealed it yet so I keep my opinion quiet.

Supervisor? She'll have to supervise his wallet in this case. I'm glad that Akane survived to the end. Anpan must be the one of few characters who'll come out of this satisfied with the outcome. He didn't lose anything he deemed important in the end. 

And... Of course! I'll earn brownie points by keeping it outta their hands, eh? :v) 
Also, Onee-Chan... You kind of just destroyed Shinobu... again... You just made her lose Chomei and Orisas... This is the third time she's lost Orisas... And now she's also losing a Tailed Spirit once more...

:$  Oh my. She does like Orisas doesn't she? I don't even know what to say. Haha, yup Shinobu has....rofl. Well. I am flustered. @_@. She has lost a lot of people. I will finally admit her suffering has passed Kiyomi's.

As for Kanami, she is related to the Kakureyami yes?

Supervisor? She'll have to supervise his wallet in this case. I'm glad that Akane survived to the end. Anpan must be the one of few characters who'll come out of this satisfied with the outcome. He didn't lose anything he deemed important in the end. 

And... Of course! I'll earn brownie points by keeping it outta their hands, eh? :v) 

Anpan is so lucky. *mumbles something secret in regret*

Oh well. He made it through.
:$  Oh my. She does like Orisas doesn't she? I don't even know what to say. Haha, yup Shinobu has....rofl. Well. I am flustered. @_@. She has lost a lot of people. I will finally admit her suffering has passed Kiyomi's.

As for Kanami, she is related to the Kakureyami yes?

Anpan is so lucky. *mumbles something secret in regret*

Oh well. He made it through.

Excuse me what was that can you say that again White. I'm even keeping the Kabutowari away from those people.  
:$  Oh my. She does like Orisas doesn't she? I don't even know what to say. Haha, yup Shinobu has....rofl. Well. I am flustered. @_@. She has lost a lot of people. I will finally admit her suffering has passed Kiyomi's.

Took you long enough to admit. You owe her a LOT this upcoming Knights thingy. Or at least her and Nanko's child/children.

As for Kanami, she is related to the Kakureyami yes?

My my, Onee-Chan... I didn't expect even you to figure that far into things. Yes, she's related. Not how you would expect, though very, VERY related. So closely that it's so obscure even Jinan would be completely clueless, despite being king of the Kakureyami; or, ex-king. So shall I explain it all for you now, or do you want to wait and see if I ever get a chance in Knights for it? As I'll end up explaining it either way, even if no chance shows up in Knights. (Though it would give me somethin' to do with Kokoro when we get around to Knights, as Kokoro/Kanami doesn't exactly have any friends or family; especially with the shit she's done to the Shirotaiyo. Bet'cha Chiita'll try ta' kill Kokoro if they're to ever meet again with Kokoro in Kanami form.)
@Strawberry Preserves Hmm, I'm happy that Anpan's not going to be too badly affected by the loss of his chakra: It's not like being a ninja was his lifelong dream or anything, and as you pointed out, he's got plenty of other interests to keep him occupied. Shame that he never got to use that fancy Rinnegan eye of his though. Hmph, either way I'll imagine he'll get into plenty of trouble regardless of whether he can use jutsu XP

@White Masquerade

... Firstly, pat yourself on the back White-chan. You brought this behemoth to a close, tied up the major loose ends, and can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Kudos to you my friend! ^.^

You were on point in your previous comment to Strawberry regarding Akane in the Gaiden-assuming the Kage don't exile her or something for her role in Hoshie's abdication/ subsequently hijacking the alliance briefly, she's going to want to help with getting the (ex?) Shinobi nations back on their feet- I could see her as a diplomat of sorts, especially in re-establishing political/ economic relations and attempting to forge new ones with the up-and-coming regional powers (Kakureyami, Tainan's squad, Tanigakure, etc.). She's going to struggle a bit before getting to that point though- a decent chunk of her identity stems from being a shinobi, so to lose access to chakra is going to sting. I suspect she'll push through- if nothing else, she's still got killer aim with her weapons!

Quick sidenote: in the final post you listed Akane as having no chakra... so although she carried a portion of the One-tails inside her, it wouldn't be enough to negate the effects of Jinan's final attack? I know I'm being nitpicky, but I simply wish to verify is all.

Torune though... he's going to have problems. This whole situation's going to mess with him- He didn't get to kill Jinan, the Kakureyami are still alive (And now some pesky kid's telling everyone they have to try to get along), and to boot he can't use jutsu. His entire reason for being is gone, and unlike Akane doesn't have many friends to lean on or additional passions to drive him.... writing his gaiden is going to be a blast. xD  

I'm also looking forward to seeing Shirokko post-jinchuuriki. It's unfortunate to a degree, because she and Shukaku had finally reached some level of understanding and mutual respect. At the same time, I can see it being a springboard from which she's able to blossom- we might find our next Kazekage in her yet ;).

Finally... what are you mumbling about over there?

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@Strawberry Preserves Hmm, I'm happy that Anpan's not going to be too badly affected by the loss of his chakra: It's not like being a ninja was his lifelong dream or anything, and as you pointed out, he's got plenty of other interests to keep him occupied. Shame that he never got to use that fancy Rinnegan eye of his though. Hmph, either way I'll imagine he'll get into plenty of trouble regardless of whether he can use jutsu XP

I know someone who'd take that eye off'a your hands. Someone who'd gain everything and lose nothin' from having it. *cough cough* Toshiro *cough cough*
I know someone who'd take that eye off'a your hands. Someone who'd gain everything and lose nothin' from having it. *cough cough* Toshiro *cough cough*

Anpan's eye was a manifestation of the chakra he inherited from Hagoromo as the reincarnation of Indra, so either way I think it'd be useless in Toshiro's hands. >3< 

Also if you really want it, you better be willing to offer up something that's equivalent to its value, or more. =w= 
Also if you really want it, you better be willing to offer up something that's equivalent to its value, or more. =w= 

Let's see here... Toshiro essentially has the power to do anything that doesn't require fighting someone who could obliterate him. He could get you all those beautiful swords that the Mist holds in their hands.
I know someone who'd take that eye off'a your hands. Someone who'd gain everything and lose nothin' from having it. *cough cough* Toshiro *cough cough*

Yeah but Andy Pandy only has one and that wouldn't be at all symmetrical.
Yeah but Andy Pandy only has one and that wouldn't be at all symmetrical.

Ever heard of the Rinne-Sharingan? Toshiro'd just mimic that by placing it in his forehead. That, and Toshiro could literally just change his other eye to look the same if it really came down to having to implant it via an eye socket.

Or he could always pay tribute to Kakashi and throw away symmetry just this once, it's not unthinkable of Toshiro after all the shit that's happened in this RP.
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@Kiyoko Tomoe

Hmm, well I'm sure between the two of you, some sort of agreement could be made. The swords of the Hidden mist would be one way to go about it, but that's not the secret that Anpan was initially after... it was the 4th Hokage's secret technique. Of course, that requires chakra, but I'm sure there are ways in which we could get around that obstacle.... *starts searching for loopholes*

As for @IG42's point about symmetry, Toshiro could probably get Dru to create a second Rinnegan somehow (I mean, he's the eye dojutsu specialist and such), so problem solved.
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@Kiyoko Tomoe

Hmm, well I'm sure between the two of you, some sort of agreement could be made. The swords of the Hidden mist would be one way to go about it, but that's not the secret that Anpan was initially after... it was the 4th Hokage's secret technique. Of course, that requires chakra, but I'm sure there are ways in which we could get around that obstacle.... *starts searching for loopholes*

As for @IG42's point about symmetry, Toshiro could probably get Dru to create a second Rinnegan somehow (I mean, he's the eye dojutsu specialist and such), so problem solved.

Hey, having damaged chakra pathways means chakra can't travel through the body. Who says the Dynamic Duo can't invent a seal to bypass the chakra pathways, or seals that can store chakra or jutsu? owo And Anpan's Rinnegan is da bestu and no other Rinnegan can ever stand up to his super cool awesomeness. 

Also, have a celebration drawing! 


Need more than just some lame swords. >:v) Ohohohoho. 
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Hey, having damaged chakra pathways means chakra can't travel through the body. Who says the Dynamic Duo can't invent a seal to bypass the chakra pathways, or seals that can store chakra or jutsu? owo And Anpan's Rinnegan is da bestu and no other Rinnegan can ever stand up to his super cool awesomeness. 

Well, my friends, get into contact with Shinobu somehow. Like, without her being completely cold due to the shit she's gone through in life. She's probably the place to go if lookin' for inventing a grand new seal that can enable use of chakra without possession of chakra. After all, she's a descendant of the Otsutsuki, Hyuga, and Uzumaki, three families known really well for chakra control and Fuinjutsu, so she's got a lotta knowledge in that head a' hers. Hell, probably some things in that head that nobody else on Earth knows.
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Hey, having damaged chakra pathways means chakra can't travel through the body. Who says the Dynamic Duo can't invent a seal to bypass the chakra pathways, or seals that can store chakra or jutsu? owo And Anpan's Rinnegan is da bestu and no other Rinnegan can ever stand up to his super cool awesomeness. 

Also, have a celebration drawing! 

View attachment 161518

Exactly, my clever compadre  ^.- Two great fuinjutsu masters (plus Anpan's medical knowledge) goes a long way. Top it off with Shinobu's fields of expertise (Thank you for the suggestion @Kiyoko Tomoe ) and you've got the dream team for trying to unlock people's chakra (Though the ramefications of even attempting to do so would be massive and rather risky in and of itself). The Dynamic Duo could become the Triumphant Trio!

Also, I love the picture Strawberry, it's adorable! ^.^ You're just so damn multi-talented, you know that? That could be the cover of the Akane-Anpan Gaiden section right there ;). Thank you, my friend.

As an aside, why don't we have more artwork in this thread? I love to see a shot of that final showdown between Kakureyami and shinobi, or one with Hans/ Shirokko duking it out among other things.
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Well, my friends, get into contact with Shinobu somehow. Like, without her being completely cold due to the shit she's gone through in life. She's probably the place to go if lookin' for inventing a grand new seal that can enable use of chakra without possession of chakra. After all, she's a descendant of the Otsutsuki, Hyuga, and Uzumaki, three families known really well for chakra control and Fuinjutsu, so she's got a lotta knowledge in that head a' hers. Hell, probably some things in that head that nobody else on Earth knows.

 ;; v ;; I'm not sure Anpan even knows Shinobu exists. All things considered, maybe Shinobu needs some Anpan positivity! 

As in, food. Delicious food. There are many new countries that Anpan needs to tour and try their delicacies. 

Exactly, my clever compadre  ^.- Two great fuinjutsu masters (plus Anpan's medical knowledge) goes along way. Top it off with Shinobu's fields of expertise (Thank you for the suggestion @Kiyoko Tomoe ), and you've got the dream team for trying to unlock people's chakra (Though the ramefications of even attempting to do so would be massive and rather risky in and of itself). The Dynamic Duo could become the Triumphant Trio!

Also, I love the picture Strawberry, it's adorable! ^.^ Damn, so multi-talented: that could be the cover of the Akane-Anpan Gaiden section right there ;).

Thanks. >3<)/ My pen pressure isn't working at the moment, but I'm winging it, haha. 

Maybe I'll do a sketch of that final showdown or other dukeouts later. xD  It kinda sucks that most of the pictures on the character thread have gone -kaput- though. 

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