Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Eventually I'll get my arse in gear and get my scene done...


I requested another forum for Gaidens, but I dunno when that's going to get gotten to. After my post. I'll just section off the IC thread, and move everything over if or when it's granted.

@White Masquerade

It's more interesting than a bunch of NEETs. Besides, Naruto is even more of a mess at this point. Also, Snipe's MLG pro-gamer design will never stop being hilarious.

This is true, I'll give it that. Ofc all black = pro.

This game adapting Gurren Lagann's finale can make things kind of weird. Infinitely Large Chirico using his Infinitely Large Armor Magnum to kill the Anti-Spiral is pretty great though.

This game adapting Gurren Lagann's finale can make things kind of weird. Infinitely Large Chirico using his Infinitely Large Armor Magnum to kill the Anti-Spiral is pretty great though.

How do you sidestep a galaxy sized (anti)drill??

Where do you find a cliff big enough to embed that thing in?!

How do you sidestep a galaxy sized (anti)drill??

Where do you find a cliff big enough to embed that thing in?!


It's Gurren Lagann, ain't got to explain shit. They threw galaxies around like shuriken. 
It's Gurren Lagann, ain't got to explain shit. They threw galaxies around like shuriken. 

That little shit ain't no Gunmen it's looks like what would happen if a Metal Slug and a Titan had a kid that became a hippie and only wore earthy colours
Okay. The post from me is done. I'll be formatting and fixing it up tomorrow. Things for the aftertory be clearer after reading it. It will be in real Rebirth style. It was fun people!
Hello again.

I'm surprised to hear that you were told to step down from the storyteller position. What happened? Did you and the other gms have a fight or something?
What happened was that I never had much time on my hands doing the role play, I was working on something with two other members at the time and I was just finishing work, So I had planned to post for three Npc's and one of my main characters the next night. But as it turns out the other storytellers had enough of me not posting in character and ooc (But anyone who knows me well enough knows that I don't post ooc much anyways, something I've been trying to do more of). So anyways I ended up having to delete a half a post for a npc and explain to two users why I our collab had to be deleted. So in the end it comes down to me not having enough time but I'm still quite pissed off about all the work I had put into that role play and having to be kicked off the gm squad that I just decided to quit entirely. I spent hours slaving over making a devil fruit list that I was told was no good because it had the Japanese names listed so I had to make a entirely new one. I was really looking forward to doing something with that roleplay but I guess that wont happen now... I was also pretty pissed off at Siren for a while, She wanted to cut out a lot of major things in the one piece universe that would had a very significant purpose in the one piece universe. I don't know if you know anything about Fishman Island or anything but she wanted to cut that out entirely. She is literally running a roleplay with very limited knowledge of what the Fandom is all about... It just pissed me off sometimes...

I do still wish I had more time to post when I was in the roleplay though, I had lots of written plans done for upcoming arcs and I was really excited... Feels like I waised alot of time. 

But either way I am working on another roleplay now that I should have more than enough time for and hopefully it turns out well. 
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What happened was that I never had much time on my hands doing the role play, I was working on something with two other members at the time and I was just finishing work, So I had planned to post for three Npc's and one of my main characters the next night. But as it turns out the other storytellers had enough of me not posting in character and ooc (But anyone who knows me well enough knows that I don't post ooc much anyways, something I've been trying to do more of). So anyways I ended up having to delete a half a post for a npc and explain to two users why I our collab had to be deleted. So in the end it comes down to me not having enough time but I'm still quite pissed off about all the work I had put into that role play and having to be kicked off the gm squad that I just decided to quit entirely. I spent hours slaving over making a devil fruit list that I was told was no good because it had the Japanese names listed so I had to make a entirely new one. I was really looking forward to doing something with that roleplay but I guess that wont happen now... I was also pretty pissed off at Siren for a while, She wanted to cut out a lot of major things in the one piece universe that would had a very significant purpose in the one piece universe. I don't know if you know anything about Fishman Island or anything but she wanted to cut that out entirely. She is literally running a roleplay with very limited knowledge of what the Fandom is all about... It just pissed me off sometimes...

I do still wish I had more time to post when I was in the roleplay though, I had lots of written plans done for upcoming arcs and I was really excited... Feels like I waised alot of time. 

But either way I am working on another roleplay now that I should have more than enough time for and hopefully it turns out well. 


I just noticed they took out some of the COLORS!

Why didn't anybody say something??
@White Masquerade

I'd say Dove did nothing but stand there, and Rei likely grabbed her and pulled her to the Lunar Forest. Them being the ends to chakra pools would mean death more than likely unless the move was meant to temporarily seal chakra, in which case dissipation makes sense.

So, uh, what did that move do?
@White Masquerade

I'd say Dove did nothing but stand there, and Rei likely grabbed her and pulled her to the Lunar Forest. Them being the ends to chakra pools would mean death more than likely unless the move was meant to temporarily seal chakra, in which case dissipation makes sense.

So, uh, what did that move do?

Oh teleporting yourself out of there

If only there were someone else who could do that...
Oh teleporting yourself out of there

If only there were someone else who could do that...

Well if it was a wave of chakra destruction Dove and Rei would die, because their chakra would be destroyed, as would the chakra linked to them, being the Lunar Forest. And with no physical bodies there'd be nothing to hold them. Them disappearing instead would be the best way for that to go down.
Well if it was a wave of chakra destruction Dove and Rei would die, because their chakra would be destroyed, as would the chakra linked to them, being the Lunar Forest. And with no physical bodies there'd be nothing to hold them. Them disappearing instead would be the best way for that to go down.

No chance of them getting better like Bijuu normally do? Not so sure about this instance.

This does leave Saiken as last one standing, bit of a potential power vacuum there.
No chance of them getting better like Bijuu normally do? Not so sure about this instance.

This does leave Saiken as last one standing, bit of a potential power vacuum there.

Bijuu exist in a sense that they'll always come back, but unlike the Bijuu the Moonbears and in line with them Dove and Rei are neither made by a god nor are they made by a never ending point of chakra creation.

The Lunar Forest is generations upon generations upon generations of unused chakra, and while each generation that doesn't use this excess chakra adds to it and there is a lot of it, it is not endless and it's all connected meaning if there was ever a major attack meant to destroy the chakra it would follow up the line, and the chakra would only be brought back to existence after the generations of unused chakra are stored up again.

A chakra destroying attack would erase the forest, the bears and the people that rely on it.. Now if it was just dispelling or temporarily sealing the chakra it'd be a different story, but express destroying would kill them, so Rei pulling Dove out of there is the best case scenario.

Besides, the over use of chakra has already shown negative effects on the forest because Dove has been throwing too much weight around, such as when she confronted the Three Tails(Something people may have thought was showing off, but actually existed for this specific purpose, to show that overuse drains the forest one tree at a time.) and being hit with a chakra destroying wave would be game over.
So you're challenge match....

@Kinzu Hekmatyar @White Masquerade


Well that happen...*twiddle thumbs* So uhm what about that does that mean they lost their ability forever now i guess ? But hey world saved,big bad boss gone . I loved the ending though i'm so hype for it what gonna happen this next off shoot,Are they gonna be able to recover their powers? Next year gap of 15 years perhaps White you sure didn't displease me at all. @White Masquerade 
Wait so if we're following the same process for taking hits from Jinan doesn't that mean Sozoshi is infected now?
@White Masquerade

I'd say Dove did nothing but stand there, and Rei likely grabbed her and pulled her to the Lunar Forest. Them being the ends to chakra pools would mean death more than likely unless the move was meant to temporarily seal chakra, in which case dissipation makes sense.

So, uh, what did that move do?

Chakra destruction. I don't know the specifics of how Dove and Rei's chakra-from works, so what happens there is up to you.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Who knows if they'll be able to get their powers back, Kinzu! We will just have to see what happens *shrugs*


Not sure. Shirokko might feel sorry for Han and work on a cure to get Han's powers back if possible.

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