Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Why is it ending in december? :/  


Because this is not a sequel RP.

Tetsuo only knows a few things about the sisters beyond general information, since he was studying the Kazekage. He wouldn't pay much mind to them unless he was approached first or something caught his eye. Kouta only took notice of the two, since he caught Tetsuo observing when he recognized them.

Even if Soyoka approved, I doubt overprotective Akago would like his daughters getting involved with someone that kills people just by touching them.

They can just sneak out while he's sleeping.

She makes very conservative estimates.

Lol. No, no. This time it's real.
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Heyo! Mio is accepted. I really like her. She is the first full-spiritual person we have. Very well done Tmo =). Here is the riddle from the RP. The answer is one of the 12 lands from the RP Overview. If you can PM me Mio's answer to it, I would appreciate that.\

"Long, long, ago, there was a small land in this continent that introduced itself to our world. Coming out of vast void as a baby from its mother, it was fearful of the bright lights that covered it on every side. This place was new, how was it ever going to survive? In the coming years, this small land felt pain. Experienced trouble. Went through ordeals that made it hurt and cry, but because of them, grew stronger for it. Bigger and bigger this once small land would rise; high enough soon into the sky to become one of the great lights that eclipsed all others. However, after doing everything in the world, going on many grand adventures, and playing a part in some of the greatest stories ever told...a time came where it grew tired. To this Land, there was only so far you could go. Over the course of its hard life, that was something it came to realize. And so it began to dull. Its shades became dark and colorless. No longer enjoying the scenery around it, it fell into despair. That was had an idea.

If it had lived all that life had to offer as itself, then it would become something entirely new! Surely with another perspective, with a new set of fresh, hungry eyes, it'd be able to go on more grand journeys and live with the zest that once escaped it till the end of time. Yet, how exactly would it be done?

Pondering this, the land took six steps forward. Then resting a hand on its chin, took six steps back. Then six more forward. Then six more back. It was a nerve-wracking question. And taking six more steps forward, it suddenly raised its hands toward the sky in lowly mirth. That was it. That was the answer to how it could have a beautiful existence forever. By discarding its beginning and ignoring its end, it could forever remain rooted in the present. The Land of Uxn, friends. This is who it came to be known toward the end of its rebirth. But, what I want to ask of you participants in this year's exam is...who was it before?"
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Because this is not a sequel RP.

They can just sneak out while he's sleeping.

Lol. No, no. This time it's real.

This is the prologue to the actual sequel. Right now we're actually playing Naruto Rebirth: Ground Knights and the actual sequel will be called Naruto Rebirth: The Phantom Knight. You'll also cut out the actual ending to the sequel and someone's going to go nuclear in-between the RPs. 
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Ok had to edit that post a bit just in case anyone has already read through it.
@Hange Zoe

No spin-off! I will be done with Naruto. I might do a small Bleach one just so I can say,

"Rip,  Terralessica,"



but I have no idea what Fandom next, if any. Haha. That guy has nice shades.


From what I've heard, Magi is being rushed to its end by new staff that want the magazine to replace all the old series with new ones. 
From what I've heard, Magi is being rushed to its end by new staff that want the magazine to replace all the old series with new ones. 

I'm just glad that it's finishing. If it dragged on any further it probably would have gotten boring. It had a pretty good run and the comedy actually got me to smile. Given the progression of the story though, it's pretty hard to tell that the editors were cracking a whip and trying to get the series completed. 
It's sad to see one of my favorite shounen series end, but it's better that it doesn't drag on like some of the more popular titles, so long as it reaches a proper conclusion. I was surprised when I first found out that the author is the same person from Sumomomo.
11 hours ago, White Masquerade said:

@Hange Zoe

No spin-off! I will be done with Naruto. I might do a small Bleach one just so I can say,

"Rip,  Terralessica,"



but I have no idea what Fandom next, if any. Haha. That guy has nice shades.




Next thing you know everyone wants to be aizen level 

11 hours ago, GasMaskie said:

If you're going to do another shounen series, pick a good one like Magi. 


Bleach far above than magi, as far as history goes. Magi still looks new to me
Hey all, so it's the weekend. Expect some summary updates, IC posting, and general progress.

If you're going to do another shounen series, pick a good one like Magi. 

AH yes that is a good one. Not sure it's RP-able though. There could be a battle for Djinns and players choosing who their King should be but, it's difficult.

You are making another character for the Exams right? When they are finished, I am going to give them a riddle to answer.

We should make a reverse harem roleplay @White Masquerade

Never. I will never do a non-serious roleplay

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

okay, I have your answer. You will take #1 over my dead body Kinzu. It's war between our characers now.

Nicely done for Raina  :x . Just when I think I have you in a corner, you always outplay me QuirkyAngel.

@Hange Zoe

And nice from Kagaku too. I like how you're sticking to the scientist edge and mentioned the Crystal Caverns. Little things like that make my day.

The TEAMS ARE NOW IN THE SUMMARY!! YES! Now this is what I'm going to start enjoying. I wish I could make a poll of which team is the best but, the RP doesn't allow me to put one here. Now for my thoughts:

I like team 1 and 3. Team 3 is so balanced it's nuts, but amazing.  :x
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Next thing you know everyone wants to be aizen level 

Bleach far above than magi, as far as history goes. Magi still looks new to me

Bleach also had drops in quality following HUEco Mundo and during the final arc where Kubo drew things out for too long. Sternritters were just there to give side characters some spotlight and Yhwach's battle was a total joke. I don't understand how you can fuck up a final battle that badly when Kubo's clearly written a good one with Aizen. It's telling when Ichigo had to use an attack that had serious consequences against Aizen and then ends the series by just cutting Yhwach in half. Had Kubo just concluded the fight with the previous chapter, it would have at least ended on a high note. Yhwach's power level was too high, it made a victory against him nigh-impossible without the half-assed plot contrivance that was the silver arrow. I also felt that Unohana was completely wasted as a character since we learn jack shit about her past aside from what's necessary to the plot. The Final Arc's saving grace was the world building it did and drawing on some previous plot threads. Despite the Thousand Year Blood War feeling really drawn out, the ending somehow managed to seem rushed as fuck.

That's not to say Magi doesn't have problems. Alma Torran, while interesting because it delved into the series backstory, was also difficult to get through because it consisted entirely of a cast of characters whose fates are a foregone conclusion. But to believe that Bleach is 'far above' Magi just because it's older is a fallacy. If anything, Bleach's long run actually made it more prone to making errors compared to Magi's short run. Personally though, I think Jojo is leagues above both of them because I enjoy the bizarre plots, unique powers and interesting fights, and the constantly changing settings that keep things fresh. It also helps that it made a transition from shounen to seinen.
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Hey all, so it's the weekend. Expect some summary updates, IC posting, and general progress.

AH yes that is a good one. Not sure it's RP-able though. There could be a battle for Djinns and players choosing who their King should be but, it's difficult.

You are making another character for the Exams right? When they are finished, I am going to give them a riddle to answer.

Never. I will never do a non-serious roleplay

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

okay, I have your answer. You will take #1 over my dead body Kinzu. It's war between our characers now.

When harems are a series ; (
I'll try to have Naogetsu's post up today.


Nicely done for Raina  :x . Just when I think I have you in a corner, you always outplay me QuirkyAngel.

@Hange Zoe

And nice from Kagaku too. I like how you're sticking to the scientist edge and mentioned the Crystal Caverns. Little things like that make my day.

The TEAMS ARE NOW IN THE SUMMARY!! YES! Now this is what I'm going to start enjoying. I wish I could make a poll of which team is the best but, the RP doesn't allow me to put one here. Now for my thoughts:

I like team 1 and 3. Team 3 is so balanced it's nuts, but amazing.  :x

Raina's just being Raina=)

As for the teams, I found it amusing that Jun and Nao got put in the same one. Were the teams determined by luck?
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Wait you only started coming onto me after you mentioned building reverse harem.... ¬¬

Speaking of harems, we could do a reverse harem technique :3 

I was coming to white because I thought she was into those things, but that failed. 

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