Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

It depends in a number of things I'd imagine. If the maker of the genjutsu doesn't understand Rei is ethereal in a sense, and tricks her mind into feeling or tasting something, it would likely make her understand somethings is wrongs, ergo a genjutsu meant on tricking her into feeling pain likely wouldn't work. Furthermore, there a number of defensive tactics, such as her self summoning, that she uses when there is trouble, so if those didn't function correctly they too would likely throw up false flags.

I think the best time to use a genjutu on Rei would be like the one Maika used on Dove. One that doesn't change much other than one's visual perception and have it used with an understanding of who your using the genjutsu on. Imagine if Maika had the genjutsu cause Dove and Shinsei to make out or somesuch, and Dove tasted Shinsei's mouth and spit and the like. Dove would have realised something was wrong. But I'm going off the idea that Maika had a good idea of how Dove functioned due to her emotional breakdown at the camp that one night, so he knew to ensure that she couldn't feel things the same way people do. That and Dove was compromised at the time anyhow.

So ultimately, if one had the information on Rei, or made the genjutsu vague enough, I'd imagine it would trick her, but if they tried to do the pain and sword thing that was used on Kakashi Rei would immediately recognise an issue and likely break the illusion.

Ah. Good to know =)

I was more talking about her ability to break out of genjutsu rather than realizing she's in one. From what I understand, knowing one is in a genjutsu doesn't mean they have the ability to break out of them. The Sharingan, for example, boasts some pretty powerful genjutsus that are difficult to get out of even if they are aware (Izanami, Izanagi, Tsukiyomi, and what not). I was wondering how she would fair against those.

I'm pretty sure Kakashi would've known he was in a genjutsu. He just couldn't break out of Itachi's.
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Ah. Good to know =)

I was more talking about her ability to break out of genjutsu rather than realizing she's in one. From what I understand, knowing one is in a genjutsu doesn't mean they have the ability to break out of them. The Sharingan, for example, boasts some pretty powerful genjutsus that are difficult to get out of even if they are aware (Izanami, Izanagi, Tsukiyomi, and what not). I was wondering how she would fair against those.

I'm pretty sure Kakashi would've known he was in a genjutsu. He just couldn't break out of Itachi's.

And from here I would likely assume that since Union in the Light is her only actually Jutsu, she'd default to it on the off chance the person is in contact with her, and if not she'd promptly go about sloughing off her own personal chakra reserves, something I think I never actually brought up come to think of it, into her opponent seeking to essentially over charge them, as too much chakra flow can harm people as well.

As for her own chakra reserves, since many of Hato no Tochi, including Rei, don't actively use chakra, and Rei has avoided combat for a long time now, she's been dumping her own chakra she builds daily into it's own little reserves. So she has about ten years of her own chakra built up and tucked away. Her manipulation of the sand, wind and earth of Hato no Tochi by the way, is not a jutsu, but instead just a handling of the self same chakra that composes her body to begin with. You know, fun fact of the day.

So presumably by either pouring the chakra into the opponent, or by sloughing the raw chakra onto the opponent, she would likely be able to dissuade them. Or, I dunno, she's likely wound up witnessing a ninja or kakureyami break free of a genjutsu at this point with Union in the Light too. I would suppose she has options, but ultimately her Union in the Light is her go to, so it would still come down to the opponent knowing enough about Rei to not make the mistake of touching her.

Here's another interesting question too, if Rei were caught in a genjutsu, recognised it and then opted to self summon herself elsewhere, what would happen?
And from here I would likely assume that since Union in the Light is her only actually Jutsu, she'd default to it on the off chance the person is in contact with her, and if not she'd promptly go about sloughing off her own personal chakra reserves, something I think I never actually brought up come to think of it, into her opponent seeking to essentially over charge them, as too much chakra flow can harm people as well.

As for her own chakra reserves, since many of Hato no Tochi, including Rei, don't actively use chakra, and Rei has avoided combat for a long time now, she's been dumping her own chakra she builds daily into it's own little reserves. So she has about ten years of her own chakra built up and tucked away. Her manipulation of the sand, wind and earth of Hato no Tochi by the way, is not a jutsu, but instead just a handling of the self same chakra that composes her body to begin with. You know, fun fact of the day.

So presumably by either pouring the chakra into the opponent, or by sloughing the raw chakra onto the opponent, she would likely be able to dissuade them. Or, I dunno, she's likely wound up witnessing a ninja or kakureyami break free of a genjutsu at this point with Union in the Light too. I would suppose she has options, but ultimately her Union in the Light is her go to, so it would still come down to the opponent knowing enough about Rei to not make the mistake of touching her.

Here's another interesting question too, if Rei were caught in a genjutsu, recognised it and then opted to self summon herself elsewhere, what would happen?

*is confused* So, the answer is yes she can break out of them? Or are you saying she wouldn't be trapped in the first place because she has UoL?

I imagine the genjutsu would no longer affect her since she effectively escaped the battle.
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I haven't been feeling up to this RP lately. Probably from a combination of being too busy to check and read everything everyday... Can't find the inspiration to reply to things either.  I feel kinda bad since I'm one of the last ones to send in an answer, haha.. 

This genjutsu discussion also makes me curious as to how chakra beings will fair against Junketsu's kekkai genkai, lol. 
*is confused* So, the answer is yes she can break out of them? Or are you saying she wouldn't be trapped in the first place because she has UoL?

I imagine the genjutsu would no longer affect her since she effectively escaped the battle.

I was meaning that as long as real world physical contact doesn't occur, UitL wouldn't work since it requires a physical connection. If that happened Rei would likely instead attempt over flowing them with her own chakra(so not the Lunar Chakra, but her own ten year reserves) to attempt to force them to cut off the jutsu and escape the influx before they get hurt.

As for the second part, her realising she's in a genjutsu and then leaving, that makes sense, kind of what I figured but it seemed almost too easy to be true xD
I haven't been feeling up to this RP lately. Probably from a combination of being too busy to check and read everything everyday... Can't find the inspiration to reply to things either.  I feel kinda bad since I'm one of the last ones to send in an answer, haha.. 

This genjutsu discussion also makes me curious as to how chakra beings will fair against Junketsu's kekkai genkai, lol. 

There's no need to post an intro if you're not really up to rping atm. White said you can just pm her an answer if you want to participate in the chuunin exam. That way your character is there, but not lol.

Well...Junk-kun's kekkai genkai is making genjutsu into it's more like reality bending =P

I was meaning that as long as real world physical contact doesn't occur, UitL wouldn't work since it requires a physical connection. If that happened Rei would likely instead attempt over flowing them with her own chakra(so not the Lunar Chakra, but her own ten year reserves) to attempt to force them to cut off the jutsu and escape the influx before they get hurt.

As for the second part, her realising she's in a genjutsu and then leaving, that makes sense, kind of what I figured but it seemed almost too easy to be true xD

What if the genjutsu was like, for example, Machi's darkness one (forgot the name). How would Rei be able to target Machi with her chakra if she can't break out of the genjutsu and find her?

It's true =) I don't think most genjutsus would be long ranged enough to affect someone who teleports away. The only way a genjutsu would work is if it was set in her mind without her knowing. A trap of sorts. Chiaki's Black Serpent Seranade jutsu for example, creates a dormant genjutsu snake into the listener's mind, which he can later activate to take over the body of the snake's host via his music. In that sense, it's more a ninjutsu...   
There's no need to post an intro if you're not really up to rping atm. White said you can just pm her an answer if you want to participate in the chuunin exam. That way your character is there, but not lol.

Well...Junk-kun's kekkai genkai is making genjutsu into it's more like reality bending =P

What if the genjutsu was like, for example, Machi's darkness one (forgot the name). How would Rei be able to target Machi with her chakra if she can't break out of the genjutsu and find her?

It's true =) I don't think most genjutsus would be long ranged enough to affect someone who teleports away. The only way a genjutsu would work is if it was set in her mind without her knowing. A trap of sorts. Chiaki's Black Serpent Seranade jutsu for example, creates a dormant genjutsu snake into the listener's mind, which he can later activate to take over the body of the snake's host via his music. In that sense, it's more a ninjutsu...   

I'd have to go look at its info to know what would happen there to be honest.

As for a dormant genjutsu, I don't know if that one in particular would work. A ninja can tell when there chakra flow is out of place or interrupted somehow, but they still have portions of their body that aren't directly in the flow, because the chakra is like veins or arteries in how it flows. Therfore your 'snake' could borrow around these. I feel, however, as soon as the snake attempted that with Rei, being one big chakra flow, she'd like notice and expel it quite quickly if not just over power the chakra that makes it up.
I'd have to go look at its info to know what would happen there to be honest.

As for a dormant genjutsu, I don't know if that one in particular would work. A ninja can tell when there chakra flow is out of place or interrupted somehow, but they still have portions of their body that aren't directly in the flow, because the chakra is like veins or arteries in how it flows. Therfore your 'snake' could borrow around these. I feel, however, as soon as the snake attempted that with Rei, being one big chakra flow, she'd like notice and expel it quite quickly if not just over power the chakra that makes it up.

Haha. If that's the case, genjutsu shouldn't work on her at all. How does she expel it?

That technique for me is more a fodder mob killer/manipulator than something I'd use against other players. If I do, then I leave it up to the player to decide whether it works or not, otherwise I feel like I'm god-modding. The snake could be removed by a skilled genjutsu-ist before it's activated. If, it is activated, it can still be resisted via 'strong willpower', etc.

Edit: A jinjuriki could probably resist it as well.
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Haha. If that's the case, genjutsu shouldn't work on her at all. How does she expel it?

That technique for me is more a fodder mob killer/manipulator than something I'd use against other players. If I do, then I leave it up to the player to decide whether it works or not, otherwise I feel like I'm god-modding. The snake could be removed by a skilled genjutsu-ist before it's activated. If, it is activated, it can still be resisted via 'strong willpower', etc.

I'd imagine there's a difference in activating a jutsu and actively using it versus a delayed one. Like Rei wouldn't be able to stop a contact explosive if it was thrown at her face and hit her, but if a timed explosive was shove into her body she'd figure it out. She has a few different items shoved up into her chakra body, usually just reaches into her stomach to find them like with Shinsei, surprised he never said anything about how weird or gross it ids to watch someone stick their hand into their stomach, but you know.
I'd imagine there's a difference in activating a jutsu and actively using it versus a delayed one. Like Rei wouldn't be able to stop a contact explosive if it was thrown at her face and hit her, but if a timed explosive was shove into her body she'd figure it out. She has a few different items shoved up into her chakra body, usually just reaches into her stomach to find them like with Shinsei, surprised he never said anything about how weird or gross it ids to watch someone stick their hand into their stomach, but you know.

lol. Nice.

This is Shinsei we're talking about. He's seen enough blood and guts,  that he wouldn't be overly fazed by a kid sticking their hand in their stomach. Chiaki wouldn't be either. There are all sorts of creepy ninja with creepy techniques, and it'd be rather rude to comment on them. I don't imagine what Rei does is more gross than what Orochimaru does when he molts. Or the Aburame clan. They have bugs living in them O.o   
One of my characters had 7 eyes and kept a corpse for a companion I personally think someone reaching inside their bodie isn't too bad. Also what are we all up to this early in the morning? (It's like 2:30 for me and I'm at work bored out of my skull)
lol. Nice.

This is Shinsei we're talking about. He's seen enough blood and guts,  that he wouldn't be overly fazed by a kid sticking their hand in their stomach. Chiaki wouldn't be either. There are all sorts of creepy ninja with creepy techniques, and it'd be rather rude to comment on them. I don't imagine what Rei does is more gross than what Orochimaru does when he molts. Or the Aburame clan. They have bugs living in them O.o   

fair point, didn't think about that. And yea, it's a great place to either store things, or to just pull them from the Lunar Plane where they're generally kept and put them straight into your body versus out where everyone can see them. Makes more people fool themselves into thinking you always have the item on you versus go looking for some other plane of existence for the powerful scroll items =P
One of my characters had 7 eyes and kept a corpse for a companion I personally think someone reaching inside their bodie isn't too bad. Also what are we all up to this early in the morning? (It's like 2:30 for me and I'm at work bored out of my skull)

It's midnight for me. I just don't feel like sleeping yet.

fair point, didn't think about that. And yea, it's a great place to either store things, or to just pull them from the Lunar Plane where they're generally kept and put them straight into your body versus out where everyone can see them. Makes more people fool themselves into thinking you always have the item on you versus go looking for some other plane of existence for the powerful scroll items =P

So is her stomach like a portal?
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There isn't even any blood w

It's midnight for me. I just don't feel like sleeping yet.

So is her stomach like a portal?

Essentially she can summon anything from the Lunar Plane f#provided there is Lunar Chakra there, the Tribe of the Moonbear are all users of the Lunar Chakra, and the Lunar Chakra is basically just Chakra imbued with the ambient chakra that the Moonbears create but can't use. 

So way back in the past when the Tribe made the plain for the Moonbears due to their failing physical bodies, a bond/pact was formed that allowed the tribe to infuse their own chakra with the Lunar Chakra, allowing them to summon a companion bear, in which the connection would last throughout their lives. Of course, Rei, being an embodiment of Lunar Chakra can summon anything from the Lunar Plain directly, such as when she used seals, scrolls and her own will to infuse the Hato no Tochi bay with Lunar Chakra and summon the forest and the Moonbears as a whole, allowing them a sort of embassy into our plane of existence. So if one were to say.... shove Shinsei into the Lunar Plain to protect him from an explosion, theoretically Rei could summon him right next to her by extension of her chakra, or she could do things the hard way and literally summon him in the chakra inside of her form, which would be a really really weird thing to see. Besides, everyone knows Shinsei isn't of the Lunar Plane, just that he was there momentarily, so she wouldn't care if anyone saw her pull him from it next to her. 

But these scrolls are implied to be powerful, many of them made and created by former chakra-tribespeople that appeared every now and again, so given what Rei could theoretically do, it's understandible that they could be dangerous. Hell one held all the pieces and the capability to reconstruct a physical human body for Dove, making her Raven. So insanely powerful. 

They're all kept in the Lunar Plane, but instead of give away that she summons them from that locations by summoning them into her hand or something, potentially risking people finding out about this cache in the Lunar Plane, she summons them literally inside of her, since she can't get hurt by it. This gives the impression that there is only one or two and she always keeps them in her body, so in case anyone ever goes hunting to get these scrolls, should they find out about them, they would hunt Rei, not hunt for a way to the Lunar Plane.
If I missed anything, please let me know and I'll answer.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Okay Rei is basically a tailed beast. Pure chakra, eternal, unable to be killed, and has pieces of itself all over. She is a tailed beast. <--- And this goes a little deeper than you might think. As for sealing, her being pure chakra, a person could actually trap her inside their body. Tailed beast cant use their powers inside a seal because it suppresses the abilities they have. This means if Rei tries to dispel herself, she can't inside the seal. If somebody happens to trap her inside their body under a seal, she is at their mercy. If they want to use Lunar chakra themselves, they can force Rei to give it to them.

Second, her chakra can be absorbed. This would dispel her and give the person who took it, Lunar/her chakra.

Third, people can break out of low-level genjutsu (most of what people have in the Exams), but higher level ones, you need a partner to break out of. Even if it's recognized, there's nothing the trapped person can do about it. They are trapped in their mind and can't give nay orders to their body/chakra. <---This is why Jinchuriki are immune to genjutsu. Their tailed beast becomes that second person to break it. So either Rei makes reliable ninja friends, or there's not much she can do to get out of the really bad ones.

Four, like tailed beast, when they are dispelled, they take time to connect back to reality. IF she were to be dispelled, it would not be good to see her immediately re-appearing again in the same spot.


Heyo, Welcome.

@Strawberry Preserves

No probs Sweet Berry. Things should turn and split soon. No need to post if you got nothing.

@Hange Zoe

I see.
Okay Rei is basically a tailed beast. Pure chakra, eternal, unable to be killed, and has pieces of itself all over. She is a tailed beast. <--- And this goes a little deeper than you might think. As for sealing, her being pure chakra, a person could actually trap her inside their body. Tailed beast cant use their powers inside a seal because it suppresses the abilities they have. This means if Rei tries to dispel herself, she can't inside the seal. If somebody happens to trap her inside their body under a seal, she is at their mercy. If they want to use Lunar chakra themselves, they can force Rei to give it to them.

Second, her chakra can be absorbed. This would dispel her and give the person who took it, Lunar/her chakra.

Third, people can break out of low-level genjutsu (most of what people have in the Exams), but higher level ones, you need a partner to break out of. Even if it's recognized, there's nothing the trapped person can do about it. They are trapped in their mind and can't give nay orders to their body/chakra. <---This is why Jinchuriki are immune to genjutsu. Their tailed beast becomes that second person to break it. So either Rei makes reliable ninja friends, or there's not much she can do to get out of the really bad ones.

Four, like tailed beast, when they are dispelled, they take time to connect back to reality. IF she were to be dispelled, it would not be good to see her immediately re-appearing again in the same spot.

I'm guessing the deeper has to do with Wuji and how it affects chakra. Does being like a tailed beast mean that Rei can get 'killed', but can reincarnate after some time later?

Also. Haha. Shinsei was almost a jinjuriki...of sorts. More like he almost had a better version of what Chiaki has with the 5-tails and 8-tails ^_^

@Lucem Tenebris

I'd like you correct what I told you earlier. I re-read Chiaki's cs and he does keep up with medic-nin research despite not being a doctor so he can attempt to heal Daiki Kimura, Hanbungetsu, Yasashii, and all other Kiri ninjas who lost their chakra. I don't think he's given up on that quite yet.  
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@White Masquerade

Btw, White. Are the truth-seeking balls Wuji? I can't help but notice the similarities in the chakra destruction properties. At the same time, a chakra user wouldn't be able to use Wuji, right? =/ 
@White Masquerade

Would a proper analogy be that Truth-Seeking Balls are basically the color black, a mix of pretty much everything, and ninjutsu it touches gets consumed or neutralized while Wuji Release is an eraser that completely wipes out chakra?

Hey Kanra, you need to get your Canadian friend, Clarinetti. I am calling her out. Do you know how long she's avoided answering the riddle? It's unbelievable. It's like she's allergic to riddles. Either that or she really wants to show Tainan up. Tell your Canadian to get it together  :$


I assume so if her soul is connected in the Lunar Plane. She can come back as many times as she wants to this dimension. As for how fast, up to Pequeno, but it would be a little weird to have it not take some time. Like if she gets "killed" In Kirigakure, she would appear again a few minutes later in Hato No Tochi since it's full of her Lunar Chakra (Like it's her home base/Respawn point?). <---This would make much more sense instead of re-appearing again in Kiri 2 minutes later where there's no Lunar chakra.

Gas is super correct. Truth Seeking Balls are all natures + Yin-Yang Release. Yin-Yang is chakra nature that can destroy chakra. Since Wuji destroys chakra, it can destroy Yin-Yang. Wuji is NOT chakra, so Ying-Yang cannot destroy Wuji. It's a beautiful circle when you get down all the parts.


That is an excellent and proper analogy. I wish I could give it a heart.
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Hey Kanra, you need to get your Canadian friend, Clarinetti. I am calling her out. Do you know how long she's avoided answering the riddle? It's unbelievable. It's like she's allergic to riddles. Either that or she really wants to show Tainan up. Tell your Canadian to get it together  :$


I assume so if her soul is connected in the Lunar Plane. She can come back as many times as she wants to this dimension. As for how fast, up to Pequeno, but it would be a little weird to have it not take some time. Like if she gets "killed" In Kirigakure, she would appear again a few minutes later in Hato No Tochi since it's full of her Lunar Chakra (Like it's her home base/Respawn point?). <---This would make much more sense instead of re-appearing again in Kiri 2 minutes later where there's no Lunar chakra.

Gas is super correct. Truth Seeking Balls are all natures + Yin-Yang Release. Yin-Yang is chakra nature that can destroy chakra. Since Wuji destroys chakra, it can destroy Yin-Yang. Wuji is NOT chakra, so Ying-Yang cannot destroy Wuji. It's a beautiful circle when you get down all the parts.


That is an excellent and proper analogy. I wish I could give it a heart.

Though Rei could of course reappear in Kiri a few moments after reforming in Hato no Tochi should someone be carrying a Lunar Chakra imbued item, such as the sand or water vials carried by the Memoriam or Rokoriko.

I did use a lot of Tailed Spirits ideals when thinking about how it all works, but I never wanted to say it outright for fear of someone expecting me to go full god mod one everyone =P
*Appears from around the corner*

Allergic to riddles? Hardly- I love a good riddle. I simply wished to bide my time in order to think things through is all.


*Offers bottle of Advil*

If your heads hurting now, you might need to take a couple of these... I suspect as things get underway and certain people's abilities come to light we're going to touch on a lot of spiritual/ chakra nature theory mumbo-jumbo. Not to mention the plots and shipping...
My head hurts from all this Wuji talk :(

Haha. Wuji is nothing you have to worry about for now. There's only 1 person there that can use it.

Though Rei could of course reappear in Kiri a few moments after reforming in Hato no Tochi should someone be carrying a Lunar Chakra imbued item, such as the sand or water vials carried by the Memoriam or Rokoriko.

I did use a lot of Tailed Spirits ideals when thinking about how it all works, but I never wanted to say it outright for fear of someone expecting me to go full god mod one everyone =P

Cool. That seems A-Okay to me if it works that way then.

*Appears from around the corner*

Allergic to riddles? Hardly- I love a good riddle. I simply wished to bide my time in order to think things through is all.


*Offers bottle of Advil*

If your heads hurting now, you might need to take a couple of these... I suspect as things get underway and certain people's abilities come to light we're going to touch on a lot of spiritual/ chakra nature theory mumbo-jumbo. Not to mention the plots and shipping...

Shipping is not stressful. I think Brook will enjoy it <333. As will everyone else.

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