Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


Not a bad concept at all. I like it. Is there any VN that's full 3D?



@Hange Zoe

If I told you I wanted to hug you, what would you say?

Zero Time Dilemma, I guess. Though its graphics aren't utilized as fully as Tokyo Necro because it's a puzzle game. I'm blanking on whether or not the previous game, Virtue's Last Reward, was also full 3D. It might have been.


Haha, you had me thinking it was something scary, Gas =P. Thank you so much. I feel even closer to you now.I can't do horror. I've seen playthroughs of horror games and I get so paranoid the next time I'n in the dark. You will never find me in a bathroom that has mirrors with the lights off.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Lol. Raven's part is done. Just need to do the other Kage and Tainan. Thursday for sure. Or maybe tomorrow night.

I feel even closer to you now.


Haha, you had me thinking it was something scary, Gas =P. Thank you so much. I feel even closer to you now.I can't do horror. I've seen playthroughs of horror games and I get so paranoid the next time I'n in the dark. You will never find me in a bathroom that has mirrors with the lights off.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Lol. Raven's part is done. Just need to do the other Kage and Tainan. Thursday for sure. Or maybe tomorrow night.

Hope the Kages and Tainan don't have to run too much damage control between our estranged sisters xD  
Lol. What is wrong with you? IF 1 of your OC looks good in a ship, then the ship is final.

And your word is law around here, right? After all-


I suspect you have this or a similar image posted onto your desktop whenever working on stuff for this thread.


*blushes* Aw shucks, well happy you enjoyed it. I think its going to be fun working with Torune in the afterstory. All the things you loved (Or hated) about the previous version, now with the grumpiness of an old man!
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Ohoho. You know it. Makoto is going to get paired into oblivion. *starry eyes*

"The Chunin Exams are where I met my boyfriend." (Twirls hair and chews bubblegum)

*Sigh*... well, I suppose I can't stop the inevitable. Just don't think you can set her up with some schmuck and get away with it, lest you wish to incur the wrath of overprotective dad Torune!


The video you linked, that's Ao Oni, right?
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Also, question, if something has already been sealed in an object, can someone else seal it again? Like, I mean, you can steal the tailed beasts through a complicated ritual thingamajig, but that requires a lot of work. Could that be done through standard ninja based sealing jutsus though?

I'm thinking not, but I've not done much research into it yet sand if someone already has an answer that'd be great.
*Sigh*... well, I suppose I can't stop the inevitable. Just don't think you can set her up with some schmuck and get away with it, lest you wish to incur the wrath of overprotective dad Torune!


The video you linked, that's Ao Oni, right?

Version 3.0, it's strange how it's gotten like two live-action movies, a short anime series, and a full-length anime movie yet the creator hasn't put out a PS Vita enhanced version or something.

 No comment.




Ohoho. You know it. Makoto is going to get paired into oblivion. *starry eyes*

"The Chunin Exams are where I met my boyfriend." (Twirls hair and chews bubblegum)

You ship more than UPS.

Raina x Kagaku? Give me a break. You never like my ships.

I don't dislike your ships White. It's just Raina's opinion of Kagaku is currently greater than her opinion of all other characters on your list of potential ships at the moment. Rudy didn't make a great first impression. She doesn't really know Jinn all that well. As for Shinsei...he's got his own love problems. Plus she knows about the letters Hana sends Shinsei. She doesn't like his personality either.

All of this may change later. She may even end up ship-less. Who knows?  :)
Also, question, if something has already been sealed in an object, can someone else seal it again? Like, I mean, you can steal the tailed beasts through a complicated ritual thingamajig, but that requires a lot of work. Could that be done through standard ninja based sealing jutsus though?

I'm thinking not, but I've not done much research into it yet sand if someone already has an answer that'd be great.

Regarding your first point, it is possible for multiple objects to be contained within a single seal (As seen in the manga/anime when Tenten summons an array of weapons from a single scroll). However, they would likely be more complicated to write out or require more chakra to activate.

As for the tailed beasts, the only way I can imagine one being able to draw a tailed beast out from another seal is 1) Using the Tools of the Sage of Six Paths as Kumogakure did to contain Gyuuki, or 2) Activating a seal which may have been previously placed on either the tailed-beast or its jinchuuriki such that it would undo the seal holding it in place or it may be drawn out and placed into something/someone else. I suspect these would not be easy nor commonplace techniques, likely limited to those in charge of handling the beasts of their village or else someone who has a kekkei genkai that might aid them in suppressing/ controlling the beasts and their jinchuuriki (Ie. Wood Release, Powerful genjutsu, etc.).

Version 3.0, it's strange how it's gotten like two live-action movies, a short anime series, and a full-length anime movie yet the creator hasn't put out a PS Vita enhanced version or something.

You ship more than UPS.

Hmph, is that so? I'd heard about the live films, but did not know of the anime movie/ series. As for the lack of updates, it might well be that the creator doesn't feel the need to return to the work. Even if something proves to be popular or gains a level of recognition, sometimes one needs to move forward in their projects so as not to get stuck in a creative rut. Also, the viability (financially if nothing else) of reboots/remakes fluctuates significantly on a case by case basis, so if one were to go back to a game like Ao Oni, which was perhaps one of the more well known RPG games of its time, you'd want to do so such that the integrity of the original work is maintained while adding/ updating enough elements (Ie. Graphics, Game mechanics, etc.) so it feels fresh. That's all speculation on my part though.
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As for the tailed beasts, the only way I can imagine one being able to draw a tailed beast out from another seal is 1) Using the Tools of the Sage of Six Paths as Kumogakure did to contain Gyuuki, or 2) Activating a seal which may have been previously placed on either the tailed-beast or its jinchuuriki such that it would undo the seal holding it in place or it may be drawn out and placed into something/someone else. I suspect these would not be easy nor commonplace techniques, likely limited to those in charge of handling the beasts of their village or else someone who has a kekkei genkai that might aid them in suppressing/ controlling the beasts and their jinchuuriki (Ie. Wood Release, Powerful genjutsu, etc.).

I was told that the removal of a tailed beast from their respective host = the host's death. Period.  9_9

Let us at least allow the Chunin their exam before our sisters go off and accidentally destroy Kiri in their bout.

Please don't talk about destroying Kiri =(
Regarding your first point, it is possible for multiple objects to be contained within a single seal (As seen in the manga/anime when Tenten summons an array of weapons from a single scroll). However, they would likely be more complicated to write out or require more chakra to activate.

As for the tailed beasts, the only way I can imagine one being able to draw a tailed beast out from another seal is 1) Using the Tools of the Sage of Six Paths as Kumogakure did to contain Gyuuki, or 2) Activating a seal which may have been previously placed on either the tailed-beast or its jinchuuriki such that it would undo the seal holding it in place or it may be drawn out and placed into something/someone else. I suspect these would not be easy nor commonplace techniques, likely limited to those in charge of handling the beasts of their village or else someone who has a kekkei genkai that might aid them in suppressing/ controlling the beasts and their jinchuuriki (Ie. Wood Release, Powerful genjutsu, etc.).

Hmph, is that so? I'd heard about the live films, but did not know of the anime movie/ series. As for the lack of updates, it might well be that the creator doesn't feel the need to return to the work. Even if something proves to be popular or gains a level of recognition, sometimes one needs to move forward in their projects so as not to get stuck in a creative rut. Also, the viability (financially if nothing else) of reboots/remakes fluctuates significantly on a case by case basis, so if one were to go back to a game like Ao Oni, which was perhaps one of the more well known RPG games of its time, you'd want to do so such that the integrity of the original work is maintained while adding/ updating enough elements (Ie. Graphics, Game mechanics, etc.) so it feels fresh. That's all speculation on my part though.

I was wondering because I kept thinking that two of Rei's biggest weaknesses would be chakra destruction and sealing, but the more I though about it, the more I kept remembering that her soul is technically bound and sealed to the Moonbear Chakra pool, which is also bound and sealed to it's own plane as well, and while Rei can make a connection to the physical realm, and then imbide the physical world, or in this case Hato no Tochi, with enough of the Lunar Chakra to summon forth the whole of the Lunar Forest, at the end of the day both are still already sealed in their own way, implying that unless someone somehow found a way to unbind the original jutsu used on the Moonbear(something that rather than go into detail I relegated as 'lost to the ages' a while ago) then there wouldn't really be a way to seal Rei, would there? And even if you could seal her current chakra form, I would assume dispelling herself to the Lunar Plane and re-summoning herself would be a simple fix for if she even could be sealed?
I was told that the removal of a tailed beast from their respective host = the host's death. Period.  9_9

Please don't talk about destroying Kiri =(

Oh, well I never said anything about guaranteeing the health of the individual who had the tailed-beast sealed into them, hm? The jinchuuriki would most likely die or be left on the verge of death, as was the case for Kushina when Kurama was expelled from her.

I was wondering because I kept thinking that two of Rei's biggest weaknesses would be chakra destruction and sealing, but the more I though about it, the more I kept remembering that her soul is technically bound and sealed to the Moonbear Chakra pool, which is also bound and sealed to it's own plane as well, and while Rei can make a connection to the physical realm, and then imbide the physical world, or in this case Hato no Tochi, with enough of the Lunar Chakra to summon forth the whole of the Lunar Forest, at the end of the day both are still already sealed in their own way, implying that unless someone somehow found a way to unbind the original jutsu used on the Moonbear(something that rather than go into detail I relegated as 'lost to the ages' a while ago) then there wouldn't really be a way to seal Rei, would there? And even if you could seal her current chakra form, I would assume dispelling herself to the Lunar Plane and re-summoning herself would be a simple fix for if she even could be sealed?

And now we enter a gray area... I suspect that, given that Rei's body composition is chakra as the tailed beasts, it's completely possible someone experienced in fuinjutsu could possibly seal her (As Roku/Raiden was forcibly sealed away). After that, it's a question of whether Rei can use her abilities to dispel and return herself to the physical plane whilst ensnared in a seal... if the seal was designed to suppress one's chakra, that might make things more difficult for her, but I'm not 100% sure either way.... I'm referring this to @White Masquerade for clarification.
I was wondering because I kept thinking that two of Rei's biggest weaknesses would be chakra destruction and sealing, but the more I though about it, the more I kept remembering that her soul is technically bound and sealed to the Moonbear Chakra pool, which is also bound and sealed to it's own plane as well, and while Rei can make a connection to the physical realm, and then imbide the physical world, or in this case Hato no Tochi, with enough of the Lunar Chakra to summon forth the whole of the Lunar Forest, at the end of the day both are still already sealed in their own way, implying that unless someone somehow found a way to unbind the original jutsu used on the Moonbear(something that rather than go into detail I relegated as 'lost to the ages' a while ago) then there wouldn't really be a way to seal Rei, would there? And even if you could seal her current chakra form, I would assume dispelling herself to the Lunar Plane and re-summoning herself would be a simple fix for if she even could be sealed?

I'd think that would depend on the constraints of the seal. Depending on how she was sealed, her ability to dispel herself may be sealed away :P

Besides chakra destruction and sealing, what if Rei were trapped in a powerful genjutsu? Can she break out of genjutsu?
I'd think that would depend on the constraints of the seal. Depending on how she was sealed, her ability to dispel herself may be sealed away :P

Besides chakra destruction and sealing, what if Rei were trapped in a powerful genjutsu? Can she break out of genjutsu?

It depends in a number of things I'd imagine. If the maker of the genjutsu doesn't understand Rei is ethereal in a sense, and tricks her mind into feeling or tasting something, it would likely make her understand somethings is wrongs, ergo a genjutsu meant on tricking her into feeling pain likely wouldn't work. Furthermore, there a number of defensive tactics, such as her self summoning, that she uses when there is trouble, so if those didn't function correctly they too would likely throw up false flags.

I think the best time to use a genjutu on Rei would be like the one Maika used on Dove. One that doesn't change much other than one's visual perception and have it used with an understanding of who your using the genjutsu on. Imagine if Maika had the genjutsu cause Dove and Shinsei to make out or somesuch, and Dove tasted Shinsei's mouth and spit and the like. Dove would have realised something was wrong. But I'm going off the idea that Maika had a good idea of how Dove functioned due to her emotional breakdown at the camp that one night, so he knew to ensure that she couldn't feel things the same way people do. That and Dove was compromised at the time anyhow.

So ultimately, if one had the information on Rei, or made the genjutsu vague enough, I'd imagine it would trick her, but if they tried to do the pain and sword thing that was used on Kakashi Rei would immediately recognise an issue and likely break the illusion.

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