White Masquerade
QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Snipe's the MLG FPS player with the basket. He's on the right in the first panel with the yellow cape.
GENM turns black and white when he becomes Zombie Gamer Lv. X. Looks like he'll be the show's dedicated evil rider.
Some minor scans about the toys. The only real things of note are the Sizzling Burger Gashat in the top left corner of the first page, the Proto Gekitotsu Robot Gashat on the top right corner of the first page, and the Drago Knight Hunter support mech in the bottom left corner of the second page. Seems like the MonHun Gashat can actually level up all four of the main riders at once for some hardcore co-op.
Ahhhh! Then it's Zombie GENM I like =)
And lol Gas. Are we looking at the same picture? Or do I have left and right wrong? I read the directions but I can't pinpoint what you're showing xD