Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Ig, mate, I'm a Scot, you should know by reputation that I'm likely not sane xD

Fate holds no sway over me, the world will balance itself, it's simply my job to try to not imbalance it too greatly through my own actions.

That's what Tainan means! All he feels is that those people who lost their chakra, deserved it. The universe was just going back in balance. So it was Fate they lost theirs. Why change fate?


Ha never to get their promised fight ,may or may not happen to depend on how things go and all those outside effect Han may die post exam arc 

Shirokko wouldn't fight a powerless Han.
That's what Tainan means! All he feels is that those people who lost their chakra, deserved it. The universe was just going back in balance. So it was Fate they lost theirs. Why change fate?

Pfft worrying about keeping the universe in balance is what made the Anti-Spiral.
1 minute ago, White Masquerade said:

That's what Tainan means! All he feels is that those people who lost their chakra, deserved it. The universe was just going back in balance. So it was Fate they lost theirs. Why change fate?


Shirokko wouldn't fight a powerless Han.


So was it only Han who didn't get the memo about power being restored lol, Aha well won't be much of a problem for much longer i guess 
That's what Tainan means! All he feels is that those people who lost their chakra, deserved it. The universe was just going back in balance. So it was Fate they lost theirs. Why change fate?


Shirokko wouldn't fight a powerless Han.

But fate is not some controlling force, but an end result, fate does not hunt you down, a person hunts you down. Fate does not try to kill you, a person tries to kill you. Fate does not destroy your home or murder your parents, fate does not throw a knife into your chest either, nor does fate aim to create peace or adopt young children. Fate does none of these things, yet gets attributed to the end results that come from the original act. 

What that meets is fate is no force that acts, but the end result that occurs after the fact.

Fate holds no power or force, people do, therefore people make their own fate, but the world itself will find it's own balance whether humans like it or not. It isn't fate, simply life and existence in and of itself.
But fate is not some controlling force, but an end result, fate does not hunt you down, a person hunts you down. Fate does not try to kill you, a person tries to kill you. Fate does not destroy your home or murder your parents, fate does not throw a knife into your chest either, nor does fate aim to create peace or adopt young children. Fate does none of these things, yet gets attributed to the end results that come from the original act. 

What that meets is fate is no force that acts, but the end result that occurs after the fact.

Fate holds no power or force, people do, therefore people make their own fate, but the world itself will find it's own balance whether humans like it or not. It isn't fate, simply life and existence in and of itself.

You sound like a purified version of gundham tanaka from danganronpa  
But fate is not some controlling force, but an end result, fate does not hunt you down, a person hunts you down. Fate does not try to kill you, a person tries to kill you. Fate does not destroy your home or murder your parents, fate does not throw a knife into your chest either, nor does fate aim to create peace or adopt young children. Fate does none of these things, yet gets attributed to the end results that come from the original act. 

What that meets is fate is no force that acts, but the end result that occurs after the fact.

Fate holds no power or force, people do, therefore people make their own fate, but the world itself will find it's own balance whether humans like it or not. It isn't fate, simply life and existence in and of itself.

Damn Pequeno. 
You sound like a purified version of gundham tanaka from danganronpa  

Never watched Dangaronpa

Damn Pequeno. 

My family has followed the old ways for generations, even through out the witch hunts back in the day and other such events. Everyone is free to hold their own beliefs and understandings of the world and how it works, and while I may prefer non-confrontational means of getting along with others, I have learned to become quite verbally adept at presenting and holding my position and beliefs to stand firm against the more evangelical types who view me as... paganistic or savage.
Uhm... didn't mean to chill the chat here, come back lol

Huh what?

Oh right I wandered off for a round of TF2.

Fate is balls, if Fate popped in and told me "This is the path I have laid out for you." I'd-well I mean if I liked it I would roll with it but if not I'd still tell it to go shove off.
Huh what?

Oh right I wandered off for a round of TF2.

Fate is balls, if Fate popped in and told me "This is the path I have laid out for you." I'd-well I mean if I liked it I would roll with it but if not I'd still tell it to go shove off.

I guess you missed my big spiel above then?
Why hasn't anyone posted yet? 

Plus those three who still haven't submit their answers idk what happened to them. :/  
I guess you missed my big spiel above then?

Oh well if by balance you mean the world will get over it if we blow ourselves to hell yeah.

That last post wasn't necessarily in reply to you
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Never watched Dangaronpa

My family has followed the old ways for generations, even through out the witch hunts back in the day and other such events. Everyone is free to hold their own beliefs and understandings of the world and how it works, and while I may prefer non-confrontational means of getting along with others, I have learned to become quite verbally adept at presenting and holding my position and beliefs to stand firm against the more evangelical types who view me as... paganistic or savage.

So you come from a line of demon hunters? That's pretty cool Pequeno. I think ordinary humans taking on magical challenges is so bad*ss. If Batman wasn't such an egotistical player, he'd be my favorite superhero. It's why I like Robin. He is Batman without the attitude. If I make an RP on demon hunters I will come to you for reference.

@Lucem Tenebris

Lucem. I am about to read your post. Should I put on some music? If yes, which kind do you suggest? Shall I make some popcorn? Shall I make RPN full screen while I read? Maginify the text? Meditate before beginning? What should I do to get the most out of your post?

@Hange Zoe

Hey now. You should be grateful there's even more than 1 post a day. This RP is not your average 25+ replies in a day thing. Leave your coat at the door Hange.
So you come from a line of demon hunters? That's pretty cool Pequeno. I think ordinary humans taking on magical challenges is so bad*ss. If Batman wasn't such an egotistical player, he'd be my favorite superhero. It's why I like Robin. He is Batman without the attitude. If I make an RP on demon hunters I will come to you for reference.

Which Robin?
Dick Grayson.

Tim was number 3.

Not Damian. The one that became Nightwing. Tim Drake?

I have my own pair of heroes I helped my cousin create a while back, one's a ages old Daemon that has grown tired of the fighting and wants to know what makes the mortal races so happy with their simple lives, so he's a kindly hero type. The others an felinoid alien warrioress that is more of a anti hero and kind of has a vicious and bad attitude.

The idea is that they are the exact opposites of what they appear to be which adds a flavour of humour to almost any situation they are in, and the daemon has a scene written where he stands there while Superman tries to knock him around,a nd the whole time he just talks placatively to Supes trying to convince him to calm down and be reasonable xD
Please don't side with IG42, Hudhouse. If you side with IG, that means you're against me? Do you want to be against me?

I'm just saying you don't need chakra to survive every day (unless you're Mizu) but it really helps, especially in a crisis.

I will make your life...

Very Hard,


I have my own pair of heroes I helped my cousin create a while back, one's a ages old Daemon that has grown tired of the fighting and wants to know what makes the mortal races so happy with their simple lives, so he's a kindly hero type. The others an felinoid alien warrioress that is more of a anti hero and kind of has a vicious and bad attitude.

The idea is that they are the exact opposites of what they appear to be which adds a flavour of humour to almost any situation they are in, and the daemon has a scene written where he stands there while Superman tries to knock him around,a nd the whole time he just talks placatively to Supes trying to convince him to calm down and be reasonable xD

Haha. If you're telling Supes to be reasonable, somebody messed up somewhere.

I'm just saying you don't need chakra to survive every day (unless you're Mizu) but it really helps, especially in a crisis.

That I get, but you totally disrespected Tainan's religion of following Fate. I don't even remember how it got to chakra

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