Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Blitz does mean lightning in German, however it became to be known as a word for attack after the second world wars, due to the Blitzkrieg (meaning lightning war or quick (aka as fast as lightning) war) the Germans used to attack France with.

Yeah but IG doesn't live in Germany and I don't either, lol. If I told you "dog" meant 'ugly' in Swahili, would you care if you don't live in Africa?
Clari-chan. If you get to know the Lore too well, I might have to kill ya.


Put "define blitz" in GOOGLE

Then do the same for Lightning  9_9

@Hange Zoe


I mean, go ahead if you want to but I'm kind of already dead, so yea... don't know how much that's going to help you.

And of course I'm going to learn the lore- knowledge is power, and I plan on using every asset available in seeing that everything aligns as I plan it to.

You can do that with sealing too.

@Drumonkey This is true: if you're looking for someone gifted in fuinjutsu, Shinobu or Anpan would be of great assistance if they're still around. If you're looking for a PC character, Makoto's the only one I know of with any training in seals.
Yeah but IG doesn't live in Germany and I don't either, lol. If I told you "dog" meant 'ugly' in Swahili, would you care if you don't live in Africa?

A man once said "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle." At that moment a freak wormhole carried his words to a distant galaxy where the leaders of two alien races met in last ditch negotiations to prevent interstellar war. Unfortunately those words so happened to translate into the most offensive insult imaginable in the language of one of the leaders causing a devastating war that raged across their galaxy for years.

Careless talk costs lives.
Lol. SO in other news, here goes the post flow.

Kages will answer and move after those last 3/4 characters PM me the answer. Right now, Genin/the knight, and other locations will be posted for in the meantime.


This means, you may have to wait a little bit. I haven't forgotten Mizu is there. The Kages will be talking to their bodyguards next.
I mean, go ahead if you want to but I'm kind of already dead, so yea... don't know how much that's going to help you.

And of course I'm going to learn the lore- knowledge is power, and I plan on using every asset available in seeing that everything aligns as I plan it to.

@Drumonkey This is true: if you're looking for someone gifted in fuinjutsu, Shinobu or Anpan would be of great assistance if they're still around. If you're looking for a PC character, Makoto's the only one I know of with any training in seals.

Either one would work swell message me and I'll explain to you more wat I'm thinking. 
I'm sure I won't be arrested. Don't worry. =)


Gasmaskie-san. If he knows Gatona his age needs 15 more years added. Not sure if you wanted me to auto do that, or you had another story in mind for that. And does he have Sharingan in 1 or 2 eyes?

I'm working off the current time frame for Nana Gaiden since that's where he'll actually show up. Single Sharingan, really just there as it shows that Roku and Gatona's previous siblings failed to manifest the Rinnegan. I don't intend to take it much further than merely having enhanced perception. Adel's profile also isn't caught up with the timeline, he should be 15 years older as well since he came into the timeline at 17. However, as he won't actually be appearing in Knights for a while, I figured that I'd only update it just before he debuts to avoid spoiling the outcome of Nana Gaiden.

I will be sending you a full profile for the PC I'll be running in Knights fairly soon though.
I also love the opening song, I had to put it on my phone :^) It's rare to hear japanese singers sing in english, so I suppose dean fujioka is half american. 
Planning a revival or something?

I had an idea for a story that takes place in the Digimon universe. I wouldn't call it a revival.

Here you go, though it obviously didn't get very far. HTML also probably fucked with a lot of the bbcode. 

Thanks for the link. I wanted to see how an RP for the Fandom would look like and work, but the search function hasn't been providing any results for me.

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