Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

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Dear Future Chanda,

Between Chiaki,



Name: Everest (Evie) Lorr

“Call me Evie. If you call me Everest, expect a knife on your bed the next day.”

Age: 22

“What does my age matter? No matter how young or old I am, I’ll still look HOT.”


“I was born in a small forest village called Merriglade located in Erun Forest. Between you and me, I wouldn’t recommend you go there because it’s full of the CREEPIEST people you’ll ever meet. They’re all full of smiles, sunshine, rainbows, and they don’t get angry…EVER. No one, and I mean NO ONE, there knows how to fight. I don’t even think they know what a weapon is. It’s a miracle they haven’t been attacked by a Titan. Personally, I think it’s their happiness and cheer that drives Titans away. God knows, it drove me away. They welcome all visitors as if they were saints sent from heaven and if they don’t give you a cookie for visiting it’s because you hurt a tree…or something along those lines. They’re so in tune with nature that they cry every time they have to kill a deer and talk to the trees and flowers as if the vegetation could hear them. It's pretty disturbing to watch.”


“I hated my life. No one in Merriglade understood me or recognized by brilliance. My father was head of Merriglade and my mother a healer. They were the worst of the villagers. They never got angry at me no matter how much I stole, picked fights, or insulted them. I invented weapons to help the village defend itself against Titans and what did they do? They told it was dangerous and I should stop. When I called them ‘stupid airheads with no sense of danger’ they just smiled and LAUGHED! You see now why I ran away from home at the age of 12? Ugh, I never want to go back there again. Those people are beyond crazy! Joining the guild and fighting titans is A LOT better than dealing with THEM on a daily basis…trust me. What did I do after I left home? I spent most my years enjoying myself and traveling the world doing whatever I wanted. If they don’t appreciate my genius, then it SUCKS to be them.”

Length of time in guild: 1 month.

“It’s been an interesting month in the guild. There are people I like and people I don’t like. Not that I care. I joined the guild for kicks anyway. I'd imagine that fighting giant monsters does a killer job of alleviating boredom.”

Personality: “What kind of question is that? My personality is the BEST…duh. What’s there not too like about me? The ladies LOVE me.”

Other Basic Information: “I could go on and on about how awesome I am, but that’d take days and I don’t think you’d want that. Suffice to say I’m 5’11, not too tall and not too short. I’ve got beautiful skin and my hair is a golden shade of blonde that puts the sun to shame. I prefer light clothing that makes it easier for me to move and all my clothes are latest fashion.”


Strength: F

“Who needs strength? So long as the monsters never touch me, I’m good.”

Intellect: D++

“There’s something WRONG with the guild ranking system. I am the epitome of human intelligence! Not only do I have a good sense of strategy and tactics, I'm also able to properly wield Erudis. That alone should give me a C+++.”

Humility: F-

“What kind stats are you using!?”

Agility: C+++ (Boosted by skill Contortionist)

“You can’t touch this~”

“But seriously. I’m fast for a human. There’s nothing that can catch me when I put my mind to it. It’s not just the speed either. I’ve got excellent vision, hand-eye coordination, and aim. There’s not a restraint that I can’t get out of. I do flips, twirls, and I can bend in ways you can’t imagine~”

Soul Power: F+

“Before joining the guild I wasn’t even really sure what a soul power was so it’s not like I can do anything about it. You’re born with what you’ve got.”

Willpower: D+

“I am NOT sticking around if it looks like there’s something that can kill me. I’m not STUPID. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in what you love and doing whatever you want to do. What’s the point of life if not to enjoy it? Not that I'm particularly scared of titans, I just don't like getting hurt. I do whatever makes me happy regardless of what anyone else thinks.”

Luck: D-

“I’m averagely lucky I suppose. Well…now that I think about it…being born in Merriglade to people who can’t understand what a smart son they have is pretty unlucky. Yep. I should get an F for luck.”

Charisma: D+

“Not that I’m trying to brag or anything, but I can usually convince people to do what I want—especially the ladies~”


Weather-proof jacket.

“My jacket I managed to purchase off a merchant for a cheap price...must be my Charisma. Not only is it good looking, it is fire-proof, water proof, lightning-proof, and overall bad-weather proof. It's made of the hide of some titan I believe, though I can’t recall which one. It's got lots of pockets.”


Current Enhancements:

Passive(F+)—Eagle’s Eye.

“I already have excellent eye sight, but this ability lets me snipe with Erudis from 100 yards away. Not that it really matters since I'm facing a TITAN. It also enhances my aim somewhat.”


"Told you I can bend in ways you can't imagine right? This skill makes me really flexible. It also ensures that I have excellent balance. If I don't land on my feet it's because someone took away the ground. "

Non-Enhancement Skills:

Passive(C+++)--Forest Survival

"I know how to take care of most animals and plants--blame my parents. I can also recognize most herbs and use them for medicinal purposes. As a person raised in a forest village, I know how to survive in the forest. I can fish, hunt/track animals, and detect changes in the weather."

Passive(F-)—Nature’s Gift

“For some reason animals just love me…but I can hardly blame them for that. I can't talk to them or anything like my parents do. They just have a tendency to follow me around and respond to me better than they do normal people. I can't make them do what I want, though I wish I could. I also occasionally hear whispers in from the trees and flowers...but it's usually just incomprehensible murmurs. It makes sleeping in the forest REALLY annoying. That’s why I hate camping.”

Diavolul Weapon—Erudis, the multiplying, exploding dagger.


“Erudis is a pretty dagger and is very useful in combat. It can multiply itself so I never have to carry other daggers. It also explodes once it pierces the target like a mini soul bomb. The only thing I have against Erudis is that it's vicious. It pulses whenever a Titan is nearby as if eager for a fight. It was made to Kill Titans so that's all it really knows how to do...kinda sad really. If it takes over my mind...ugh. Not sure how long my body will last. I am HUMAN, after all. That's why to control Erudis you need some one with a strong mind and willpower otherwise chaos may ensue. Fortunately, I'm its master.”

Special Atributes assigned to weapon:


“Erudis can multiply itself so long as I'm holding onto the original. I can direct all the Erudi to the target with my mind. It puts a mental strain on me the more I make and control, so I usually just make 3 Erudi at a time. However, in theory, Erudis should be able to make as many copies of itself as it wants depending on the Soul Power and mental fortitude of its wielder. Think of it like an army of exploding bees...and I am its commander.”

Active(F)--Soul Burst

"Upon piercing its target, Erudis releases a burst of soul energy that explodes and damages the target. The power and range of the explosion is dependent on the wielder's soul power."

Current Enhancements:

Active(F)— Partial Berserker

"I'll do this when I'm desperate. By letting Erudis partly into my mind, I can gain some stat bonuses while retaining most of my senses. My personality is changed somewhat, but I won't go around attacking every titan I see. In this state, I'm usually able to force Erudis out of my mind at will."


"I can summon the original Erudis back to me, if I ever decide to throw it. Or if it gets stolen. Erudis only has one wielder at a time and it knows who its wielder is. So long as I don't die, Erudis can always return to me. The effectiveness of the summons is dependent on how much Erudis likes me."

Weapon Stats:

Weapon Strength: F+

Weapon Agility: C

Weapon Speed: D++

Weapon Coolness: S

Weapon ability: D+

Theme Song:

Or Her,

The Gypsy Valcourt


Name: Leala Valcourt(she doesn't have a last name so she takes Cypiren's, but it tends to vary throughout the centuries). She also usually goes by the name Lala when hunting.

She appears to be 22, but she was born in 1492 so she’s actually 523. However, sometimes she will tell humans that she’s 20.

Years in Coven:
Roughly 470 years, though probably a bit less than that (She left for 30 years to find herself).


Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual…though she’d like to say Cypriensexual.


Dream manipulation. She can affect a person in their sleep, giving them good dreams, bad dreams, wet dreams, etc. She's practiced her abilities so she can send messages through dreams and manipulate their dream-scape into anything she desires. However it loses its effect once a person wakes up...or stops believing the dream is real(then they can just wake themselves up). Her ability requires that she knows the target's true name and may not work on anyone with a strong will. It's very effective against humans and less so for vampires, though the effectiveness will depend on the target's willingness to believe the dream. Why would anyone want to fight a good dream?

Hair Color: Auburn/red-ish brown

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: light olive.


Leala is very whimsical about her emotions. She can love you one day and hate you the next. Her moods vary depending on many different factors, both big and small. Even little things like the weather can change how she decides to treat you. However, she rarely ever shows her true feelings and keeps it behind a mask of decorum…especially in front of Cyprien. Considering her temperament, Leala is very good at controlling herself. She’s normally a very prim and proper lady, but if you push her far enough and she will show you how expressive she can be…and dangerous.

Leala is very good at holding grudges. If you get on her bad side once, you’ll probably be marked as an enemy for life. She’s prone to spite and won’t be satisfied until she gets revenge. To many people she will appear to be cold and calculating. However, she does have a frivolous and playful nature if you dig past all the masks. She’s had very little good experiences with humans so she dislikes them in general. However, she makes an exception for her own people, the Romani.

A crucial aspect of her personality is her love for Cyprien which has lasted for hundreds of years. Even after he has married to someone he loves, she still pins after him. Leala is very competitive towards Seraphina and strives to beat her in everything, looks, brains, etc. However, she has never crossed the line to actually hurting Seraphina because that would be betraying Cyprien and that is something she would NEVER do. Everything she does is for Cyprien…and she might even delude herself to thinking everything she does is for his own good. Or the good of the Valcourt clan.

Her self-confidence, contrary to her time as a slave, is astounding. She’s a perfectionist and always believes she is right. Those that disagree with her clearly don’t know what they are talking about…or are to be pitied for their sheer stupidity(the only exception to this is Cyprien). Leala loves to be pampered and praised. Due to her history of not having anything, Leala likes to own things. She’s very territorial and protective of things she considers to be hers. She also spends money like it is water. Fortunately, she knows how to make money as well. Despite her frivolous personality, she is very knowledgeable due to her age. She’s also a stickler for the Valcourt rules and very protective of the Valcourt Clan which she considers to be the family she never had.

History:Leala was sold to slavery at a very young age…even before she knew what a slave was. Her people were the Romani (Gypsies) and were not welcomed anywhere. Her caravan was comprised of a friendly, nomadic bunch who treated each other like family and shared everything. She and her family had been traveling through the French countryside, hoping to find a home, when they were attacked by banits. Leala watched as her parents as well as her people were killed around her. She was abducted and sold to an abusive noblemen as a servant.

She served his household for many years, though she hated him and his family. As a child who only knew freedom, Leala had tried to escape multiple times only to be captured and beaten for her efforts. With every beating, Leala’s will to fight broke. Leala adapted to French customs and became the perfect slave, though she never forgot her roots. When she was alone she would sing the Romani songs her parents had taught her in order to keep herself from forgetting who she was. Every night she dreamed of freedom.

However, things changed as Leala grew older and more beautiful. The son of her Master began to want her and Leala did not have the power to object. She subjected herself to his whims/desires all the while hating him and her own powerlessness. Leala resigned herself to a life of servitude, forever to be treated as an object…until Cyprien entered her life. She knew there was something different about that man the first time she saw him. He was attractive, wealthy, and had an aura around him--one that exuded power. Not long afterwards, Leala learned that he was the Lord of Valcourt manor. She was enchanted by Cyprien, though she knew they could never be together.

Then, one fateful night while walking down a deserted street with her Master’s son, she witnessed the death of her Master’s son by Cyprien’s hands…or rather his mouth. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen! Leala knew she was about to die, but she didn’t care. She thought there couldn’t have been a more beautiful way to die than by the man who enchanted her so.

Yet when Leala opened her eyes, she found herself alive and changed. Her skin was paler—cold to touch—and her throat parched with an unquenchable thirst. Cyprien explained to her what he was and what he had done to her. Leala didn’t know why Lord Valcourt did not kill her as he did with her Master’s son. Perhaps he was saving her as food for later. Perhaps he pitied her. Leala never bothered to ask because she was a slave and it wasn’t her place to question him. This was the man who freed her from a life of servitude, who offered her power beyond her wildest dreams! She loved him more than she knew she would ever be allowed to. After killing her Master and the rest of his family, Leala followed Cyprien as he built the Valcourt clan. She loved everything about him, his rage, his hatred, his ambition, his crooked and cruel ways…everything.

For a long time, Leala believed herself special to Cyprien. Though he never once looked her way, she was hopeful that he would eventually see her. They had an eternity together, after all. Then, sometime in the late 1600s/early 1700s, Cyprien met a human called Seraphina and everything changed. Cyprien changed. Leala changed as well. The appearance of a rival sparked the hidden personality that Leala had buried when she was made a slave. Leala tried everything she could to drive a nail in the growing romance between the two. However, she was too late. Cyprien married Seraphina who became Lady Valcourt.

Devastated, Leala left the Valcourt estate for 30 years to find herself. She returned to her roots and immersed herself in the heritage of her ancestors. However, she could never forget Cyprien. In the mid 1700s, Leala returned to Valcourt manor with a different personality and worked her way into the council. Even after 30 years of separation, she still loved Cyprien and she knew that would never change. She still disliked Seraphina, but she would never betray Cyprien or the Valcourt clan. Her main goal is the survival of the Vampire race and the domination of the Valcourt clan. However, a secondary goal would be to drive a wedge between the two lovebirds. She is currently the wealthy owner of several beauty salons in Paris.



-Pretty things/shiny things

-People that agree with her

-traveling/taking walks.

-playing musical instruments…her favorite is the piano, but she knows how to play many.

-Singing and dancing.

-Sharing stories/gossip.

-Riding horses.




-People who disagree with her.

-People who have no self-confidence.

-People who do not follow the rules of the Valcourt Clan.

-Peole who disrespect Cyprien.

-People who are slobs.

-Ugly things, disgusting things.

-Stupid and ignorant people.

-Anything that upsets Cyprien.

-The list goes on and on, but I think I’ll stop here for now.


-Cyprien will hate her.

-Cyprien will die.

-The destruction of the clan by humans.


-She’s an accomplished equestrian.

-She knows some random obscure stuff including arcane “magiks”, curses, herbal medicine, etc.

-She has a deck of Tarot cards and enjoys reading her own fortune as well as the fortune of others when she’s bored. She doesn’t exactly believe that stuff, but it cheers her up when she manages to draw a good card for herself.

-She has a voodoo doll of Seraphina that she stabs with needles every night before going to bed.

-You may occasionally hear her sing a Romani song when she’s alone in her room.

Theme Song:

Who should I choose for the Character Challenge?


Dear Future Chanda III,

Where have you caused the most concentrated amount if destruction and why? What's your signature move or technique at this point in time?


Inquisitive Minds Want To Know
QuirkyAngel said:
Dear Future Chanda,
Between Chiaki,



Name: Everest (Evie) Lorr

“Call me Evie. If you call me Everest, expect a knife on your bed the next day.”

Age: 22

“What does my age matter? No matter how young or old I am, I’ll still look HOT.”


“I was born in a small forest village called Merriglade located in Erun Forest. Between you and me, I wouldn’t recommend you go there because it’s full of the CREEPIEST people you’ll ever meet. They’re all full of smiles, sunshine, rainbows, and they don’t get angry…EVER. No one, and I mean NO ONE, there knows how to fight. I don’t even think they know what a weapon is. It’s a miracle they haven’t been attacked by a Titan. Personally, I think it’s their happiness and cheer that drives Titans away. God knows, it drove me away. They welcome all visitors as if they were saints sent from heaven and if they don’t give you a cookie for visiting it’s because you hurt a tree…or something along those lines. They’re so in tune with nature that they cry every time they have to kill a deer and talk to the trees and flowers as if the vegetation could hear them. It's pretty disturbing to watch.”


“I hated my life. No one in Merriglade understood me or recognized by brilliance. My father was head of Merriglade and my mother a healer. They were the worst of the villagers. They never got angry at me no matter how much I stole, picked fights, or insulted them. I invented weapons to help the village defend itself against Titans and what did they do? They told it was dangerous and I should stop. When I called them ‘stupid airheads with no sense of danger’ they just smiled and LAUGHED! You see now why I ran away from home at the age of 12? Ugh, I never want to go back there again. Those people are beyond crazy! Joining the guild and fighting titans is A LOT better than dealing with THEM on a daily basis…trust me. What did I do after I left home? I spent most my years enjoying myself and traveling the world doing whatever I wanted. If they don’t appreciate my genius, then it SUCKS to be them.”

Length of time in guild: 1 month.

“It’s been an interesting month in the guild. There are people I like and people I don’t like. Not that I care. I joined the guild for kicks anyway. I'd imagine that fighting giant monsters does a killer job of alleviating boredom.”

Personality: “What kind of question is that? My personality is the BEST…duh. What’s there not too like about me? The ladies LOVE me.”

Other Basic Information: “I could go on and on about how awesome I am, but that’d take days and I don’t think you’d want that. Suffice to say I’m 5’11, not too tall and not too short. I’ve got beautiful skin and my hair is a golden shade of blonde that puts the sun to shame. I prefer light clothing that makes it easier for me to move and all my clothes are latest fashion.”


Strength: F

“Who needs strength? So long as the monsters never touch me, I’m good.”

Intellect: D++

“There’s something WRONG with the guild ranking system. I am the epitome of human intelligence! Not only do I have a good sense of strategy and tactics, I'm also able to properly wield Erudis. That alone should give me a C+++.”

Humility: F-

“What kind stats are you using!?”

Agility: C+++ (Boosted by skill Contortionist)

“You can’t touch this~”

“But seriously. I’m fast for a human. There’s nothing that can catch me when I put my mind to it. It’s not just the speed either. I’ve got excellent vision, hand-eye coordination, and aim. There’s not a restraint that I can’t get out of. I do flips, twirls, and I can bend in ways you can’t imagine~”

Soul Power: F+

“Before joining the guild I wasn’t even really sure what a soul power was so it’s not like I can do anything about it. You’re born with what you’ve got.”

Willpower: D+

“I am NOT sticking around if it looks like there’s something that can kill me. I’m not STUPID. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in what you love and doing whatever you want to do. What’s the point of life if not to enjoy it? Not that I'm particularly scared of titans, I just don't like getting hurt. I do whatever makes me happy regardless of what anyone else thinks.”

Luck: D-

“I’m averagely lucky I suppose. Well…now that I think about it…being born in Merriglade to people who can’t understand what a smart son they have is pretty unlucky. Yep. I should get an F for luck.”

Charisma: D+

“Not that I’m trying to brag or anything, but I can usually convince people to do what I want—especially the ladies~”


Weather-proof jacket.

“My jacket I managed to purchase off a merchant for a cheap price...must be my Charisma. Not only is it good looking, it is fire-proof, water proof, lightning-proof, and overall bad-weather proof. It's made of the hide of some titan I believe, though I can’t recall which one. It's got lots of pockets.”


Current Enhancements:

Passive(F+)—Eagle’s Eye.

“I already have excellent eye sight, but this ability lets me snipe with Erudis from 100 yards away. Not that it really matters since I'm facing a TITAN. It also enhances my aim somewhat.”


"Told you I can bend in ways you can't imagine right? This skill makes me really flexible. It also ensures that I have excellent balance. If I don't land on my feet it's because someone took away the ground. "

Non-Enhancement Skills:

Passive(C+++)--Forest Survival

"I know how to take care of most animals and plants--blame my parents. I can also recognize most herbs and use them for medicinal purposes. As a person raised in a forest village, I know how to survive in the forest. I can fish, hunt/track animals, and detect changes in the weather."

Passive(F-)—Nature’s Gift

“For some reason animals just love me…but I can hardly blame them for that. I can't talk to them or anything like my parents do. They just have a tendency to follow me around and respond to me better than they do normal people. I can't make them do what I want, though I wish I could. I also occasionally hear whispers in from the trees and flowers...but it's usually just incomprehensible murmurs. It makes sleeping in the forest REALLY annoying. That’s why I hate camping.”

Diavolul Weapon—Erudis, the multiplying, exploding dagger.


“Erudis is a pretty dagger and is very useful in combat. It can multiply itself so I never have to carry other daggers. It also explodes once it pierces the target like a mini soul bomb. The only thing I have against Erudis is that it's vicious. It pulses whenever a Titan is nearby as if eager for a fight. It was made to Kill Titans so that's all it really knows how to do...kinda sad really. If it takes over my mind...ugh. Not sure how long my body will last. I am HUMAN, after all. That's why to control Erudis you need some one with a strong mind and willpower otherwise chaos may ensue. Fortunately, I'm its master.”

Special Atributes assigned to weapon:


“Erudis can multiply itself so long as I'm holding onto the original. I can direct all the Erudi to the target with my mind. It puts a mental strain on me the more I make and control, so I usually just make 3 Erudi at a time. However, in theory, Erudis should be able to make as many copies of itself as it wants depending on the Soul Power and mental fortitude of its wielder. Think of it like an army of exploding bees...and I am its commander.”

Active(F)--Soul Burst

"Upon piercing its target, Erudis releases a burst of soul energy that explodes and damages the target. The power and range of the explosion is dependent on the wielder's soul power."

Current Enhancements:

Active(F)— Partial Berserker

"I'll do this when I'm desperate. By letting Erudis partly into my mind, I can gain some stat bonuses while retaining most of my senses. My personality is changed somewhat, but I won't go around attacking every titan I see. In this state, I'm usually able to force Erudis out of my mind at will."


"I can summon the original Erudis back to me, if I ever decide to throw it. Or if it gets stolen. Erudis only has one wielder at a time and it knows who its wielder is. So long as I don't die, Erudis can always return to me. The effectiveness of the summons is dependent on how much Erudis likes me."

Weapon Stats:

Weapon Strength: F+

Weapon Agility: C

Weapon Speed: D++

Weapon Coolness: S

Weapon ability: D+

Theme Song:

Or Her,

The Gypsy Valcourt


Name: Leala Valcourt(she doesn't have a last name so she takes Cypiren's, but it tends to vary throughout the centuries). She also usually goes by the name Lala when hunting.

She appears to be 22, but she was born in 1492 so she’s actually 523. However, sometimes she will tell humans that she’s 20.

Years in Coven:
Roughly 470 years, though probably a bit less than that (She left for 30 years to find herself).


Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual…though she’d like to say Cypriensexual.


Dream manipulation. She can affect a person in their sleep, giving them good dreams, bad dreams, wet dreams, etc. She's practiced her abilities so she can send messages through dreams and manipulate their dream-scape into anything she desires. However it loses its effect once a person wakes up...or stops believing the dream is real(then they can just wake themselves up). Her ability requires that she knows the target's true name and may not work on anyone with a strong will. It's very effective against humans and less so for vampires, though the effectiveness will depend on the target's willingness to believe the dream. Why would anyone want to fight a good dream?

Hair Color: Auburn/red-ish brown

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: light olive.


Leala is very whimsical about her emotions. She can love you one day and hate you the next. Her moods vary depending on many different factors, both big and small. Even little things like the weather can change how she decides to treat you. However, she rarely ever shows her true feelings and keeps it behind a mask of decorum…especially in front of Cyprien. Considering her temperament, Leala is very good at controlling herself. She’s normally a very prim and proper lady, but if you push her far enough and she will show you how expressive she can be…and dangerous.

Leala is very good at holding grudges. If you get on her bad side once, you’ll probably be marked as an enemy for life. She’s prone to spite and won’t be satisfied until she gets revenge. To many people she will appear to be cold and calculating. However, she does have a frivolous and playful nature if you dig past all the masks. She’s had very little good experiences with humans so she dislikes them in general. However, she makes an exception for her own people, the Romani.

A crucial aspect of her personality is her love for Cyprien which has lasted for hundreds of years. Even after he has married to someone he loves, she still pins after him. Leala is very competitive towards Seraphina and strives to beat her in everything, looks, brains, etc. However, she has never crossed the line to actually hurting Seraphina because that would be betraying Cyprien and that is something she would NEVER do. Everything she does is for Cyprien…and she might even delude herself to thinking everything she does is for his own good. Or the good of the Valcourt clan.

Her self-confidence, contrary to her time as a slave, is astounding. She’s a perfectionist and always believes she is right. Those that disagree with her clearly don’t know what they are talking about…or are to be pitied for their sheer stupidity(the only exception to this is Cyprien). Leala loves to be pampered and praised. Due to her history of not having anything, Leala likes to own things. She’s very territorial and protective of things she considers to be hers. She also spends money like it is water. Fortunately, she knows how to make money as well. Despite her frivolous personality, she is very knowledgeable due to her age. She’s also a stickler for the Valcourt rules and very protective of the Valcourt Clan which she considers to be the family she never had.

History:Leala was sold to slavery at a very young age…even before she knew what a slave was. Her people were the Romani (Gypsies) and were not welcomed anywhere. Her caravan was comprised of a friendly, nomadic bunch who treated each other like family and shared everything. She and her family had been traveling through the French countryside, hoping to find a home, when they were attacked by banits. Leala watched as her parents as well as her people were killed around her. She was abducted and sold to an abusive noblemen as a servant.

She served his household for many years, though she hated him and his family. As a child who only knew freedom, Leala had tried to escape multiple times only to be captured and beaten for her efforts. With every beating, Leala’s will to fight broke. Leala adapted to French customs and became the perfect slave, though she never forgot her roots. When she was alone she would sing the Romani songs her parents had taught her in order to keep herself from forgetting who she was. Every night she dreamed of freedom.

However, things changed as Leala grew older and more beautiful. The son of her Master began to want her and Leala did not have the power to object. She subjected herself to his whims/desires all the while hating him and her own powerlessness. Leala resigned herself to a life of servitude, forever to be treated as an object…until Cyprien entered her life. She knew there was something different about that man the first time she saw him. He was attractive, wealthy, and had an aura around him--one that exuded power. Not long afterwards, Leala learned that he was the Lord of Valcourt manor. She was enchanted by Cyprien, though she knew they could never be together.

Then, one fateful night while walking down a deserted street with her Master’s son, she witnessed the death of her Master’s son by Cyprien’s hands…or rather his mouth. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen! Leala knew she was about to die, but she didn’t care. She thought there couldn’t have been a more beautiful way to die than by the man who enchanted her so.

Yet when Leala opened her eyes, she found herself alive and changed. Her skin was paler—cold to touch—and her throat parched with an unquenchable thirst. Cyprien explained to her what he was and what he had done to her. Leala didn’t know why Lord Valcourt did not kill her as he did with her Master’s son. Perhaps he was saving her as food for later. Perhaps he pitied her. Leala never bothered to ask because she was a slave and it wasn’t her place to question him. This was the man who freed her from a life of servitude, who offered her power beyond her wildest dreams! She loved him more than she knew she would ever be allowed to. After killing her Master and the rest of his family, Leala followed Cyprien as he built the Valcourt clan. She loved everything about him, his rage, his hatred, his ambition, his crooked and cruel ways…everything.

For a long time, Leala believed herself special to Cyprien. Though he never once looked her way, she was hopeful that he would eventually see her. They had an eternity together, after all. Then, sometime in the late 1600s/early 1700s, Cyprien met a human called Seraphina and everything changed. Cyprien changed. Leala changed as well. The appearance of a rival sparked the hidden personality that Leala had buried when she was made a slave. Leala tried everything she could to drive a nail in the growing romance between the two. However, she was too late. Cyprien married Seraphina who became Lady Valcourt.

Devastated, Leala left the Valcourt estate for 30 years to find herself. She returned to her roots and immersed herself in the heritage of her ancestors. However, she could never forget Cyprien. In the mid 1700s, Leala returned to Valcourt manor with a different personality and worked her way into the council. Even after 30 years of separation, she still loved Cyprien and she knew that would never change. She still disliked Seraphina, but she would never betray Cyprien or the Valcourt clan. Her main goal is the survival of the Vampire race and the domination of the Valcourt clan. However, a secondary goal would be to drive a wedge between the two lovebirds. She is currently the wealthy owner of several beauty salons in Paris.



-Pretty things/shiny things

-People that agree with her

-traveling/taking walks.

-playing musical instruments…her favorite is the piano, but she knows how to play many.

-Singing and dancing.

-Sharing stories/gossip.

-Riding horses.




-People who disagree with her.

-People who have no self-confidence.

-People who do not follow the rules of the Valcourt Clan.

-Peole who disrespect Cyprien.

-People who are slobs.

-Ugly things, disgusting things.

-Stupid and ignorant people.

-Anything that upsets Cyprien.

-The list goes on and on, but I think I’ll stop here for now.


-Cyprien will hate her.

-Cyprien will die.

-The destruction of the clan by humans.


-She’s an accomplished equestrian.

-She knows some random obscure stuff including arcane “magiks”, curses, herbal medicine, etc.

-She has a deck of Tarot cards and enjoys reading her own fortune as well as the fortune of others when she’s bored. She doesn’t exactly believe that stuff, but it cheers her up when she manages to draw a good card for herself.

-She has a voodoo doll of Seraphina that she stabs with needles every night before going to bed.

-You may occasionally hear her sing a Romani song when she’s alone in her room.

Theme Song:

Who should I choose for the Character Challenge?


Dear IndecisiveGirl,

Pick which one you choose thunk is the best. In the end they are all merely flesh, blood and organs.

With Love,

Future Chanda 3 or Evil Fun Chanda


QuirkyAngel said:
I can't decide! DX
Are you really doing it? I was thinking about it, but I have way too many characters to choose. Is it a battle?
It's a mix of battle and puzzles I believe

I'm entering Tsukiko


[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]
Dear IndecisiveGirl,
Pick which one you choose thunk is the best. In the end they are all merely flesh, blood and organs.

With Love,

Future Chanda 3 or Evil Fun Chanda


Are you really doing it? I was thinking about it, but I have way too many characters to choose. Is it a battle?

I'm doing it too, y'know. Also, it's not just battles. It's been set up so that non-combat characters are able to be used too, with you choosing whether or not the character's suited for the combat-based "challenges" that they have. I'd recommend just checking it out yourself though, since I'm not good at explaining >~<
I was going to enter Maika, but I felt that if I used him, I'd use up all my creative limits for him on the Character Battle and not have anything left to write here, so I'm prolly gonna dig up a charrie I liked for an RP that got started and just kinda died off, it'd be great to bring back a few charries that didn't get any luffs
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Let's see here... Butt Love. ~hopes it's understood~

Does not sadly.

Stickdom said:
Dear Future Chanda III,
Where have you caused the most concentrated amount if destruction and why? What's your signature move or technique at this point in time?


Inquisitive Minds Want To Know
Well Minds,

That is a lovely question. Ever since my untimely death and revival my sense of humanity slowly dwindled to nothing. So I would have to say that Kumo was probably my favorite place that I destroyed. It certainly was not my first, but I just loved destroying such precious memories! Ah just thinking about it makes me fill with nothing! My signature technique? I would have to say my Kokoro no tsukisashi. I just love how all the hearts popped out of the bodies still beating!


Future Chanda 3

Stickdom said:
I was going to enter Maika, but I felt that if I used him, I'd use up all my creative limits for him on the Character Battle and not have anything left to write here, so I'm prolly gonna dig up a charrie I liked for an RP that got started and just kinda died off, it'd be great to bring back a few charries that didn't get any luffs
That's a good idea! I can cross out Chiaki then! :D
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Aww, my Quirky's back, but I'm going on my lunch break now...

Divine Punishment!


...It hurts.(o.-)
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]

Careful what you ask for, 'cause even love can be psychotic.

@Infinities Lover

This...might have been Leala if I had decided to make her more selfish...
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Nice xD

You want me to make Leala psycho? D:

Well...she's already a bit psychotic...

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