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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

There. I think I posted for all of my characters currently involved.

Probably my favorite Mizu post though.
tomorrow ill have less homework to work on

so i should be able to finally post if not today
Ronin is relatively close I believe, since Riyoshi was close enough to slap Cobalt on him.

Hawk is pretty far back on the other hand though.
That was the thing. I was thinking that Hawk ran at me too. Then Ronin came in to cut my head off lol. That was why Riyoshi went under, rotated and placed his jutsu upon Ronin's back. Rotated back and ran at Hawk. We will make the dome about 30 foot diameter around.

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I had some kind of weeb dream last night.

All I can remember is that I was doing some sneaking into some place with some uber tough guys (Akatsuki or something on par with that) and Naruto was all sneaking up on them and I was all how tf is he doing that but then my brain did some logic of "oh sage mode right" so this is when he's all glowy and jinchuuriki shit hiding in a tree, right?

Well I tail after him and there are like these three bad bitches (one of which was a bear), and the thing is that I just wrangled this bear by the neck and I freaking snapped its neck like idk why that was so satisfying but I'm awake now and I still feel awesome.
i envy you

its not often i get to dream of hanging out with the akatsuki or snapping necks

i dont remember much from my dream last night except i was trying to create a magic ring to curse people and my childhood friend was helping out, and i remember thinking "the fact that i cant run fast is really weird, its almost like how it is when im dreaming. whats wrong with my legs today?"
Yeah me neither.

There was more to it than that but I'm sure even if I remembered, now that I'm awake, it wouldn't make any sense.

I actually have that thing with not being able to run really fast in my dreams happen a lot. xD

It's so incredibly frustrating, so I get really pumped when I have a dream where I'm 2 op.

No, my muscles are just THAT raging.

I was saying that they couldn't detect Naruto because of sage mode... which I don't think that's how sage mode works lol.

also i just had a craving for pizza lunchables which will not go satisfied *sobs*
like my dreams that involve hurtint, maiming, or killing are few and far between and usually when i try to my limbs get super slow and weak....

which is a massive pain and i could totally do without that

i have no clue how sage mode works but naruto is so op *waves hand*

*pats* its a sad day
i thought at first that i was going to just kind of sneak up on the bear and just rough it up a bear but no i'm p damn sure i killed the beast

it works like





also i'm legit about to just go into my car and drive to walmart because my craving is so intense

someone stop me
youre sooo strong and mighty, pie!!

ahhhh i see now











i thought you already went through menopause?

oh i kno












*flutters eyelashes*


i have this jar of peanut butter, but i cant open it....


,,,. . . ., , . , ,

. ,

. ,.,.





thats rather odd
you are WEAK

i texted logan asking on a scale from one to white girls saying hell yeah how prepared are you to join me on an adventure to satisfy my craving for lunchables pizza

needless to say i'll be going soon lol


youre big and strong, i mean

*blinks slowly*

could you..?

*puts all my weight on one leg, bends the other, crosses arms*

*tiny smile*

*nudges peanut butter towards the masculine tree*


have fun with your pizza nuggets white girl

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