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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World


Then Chex Mix said it didn't count. HE'S JUST MAD HE ACTUALLY LOST TO PIT!

today i have to go to the dentist..... but then afterwards im going to hang out with a friend hallelujah

i figured id better get in a shinji post tho

i want to post with hoshi but i also have to get homework done or i wont be able to do anything
@Gilzar Congrats on making a character that frustrates me. xD Riku is known for being brutal and merciless, so Aime is kind of scared of him getting free, At the same time, he seems more afraid and wanting to get away and she wants to "save" him kind of, but at the same time shes in the predicament where she doesnt know whether to stay and help riyoshi, or to leave.

If the anbu escape, Riku gets captured they fail. If Riyoshi is KO'd, the anbu will KO them and they fail. If they beat the anbu, Riku still got away and they fail. *pulls hair out*


EDIT: So depending what you do. I suspect Aime has about 2 more posts worth of energy then shes becoming immobile xD She needs to contront him by then. SHE WANTS ANSWERS!!!
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Can someone say "shameless self-advertising?" I know I can, as I am capable of speech and am capable of reading English, which are really the only two things required to say "shameless self-advertising" in this scenario.

Check these out y'all and it would fill my scrub bubbles with unconstrained joy. Not the brand of soap, though. I'm already with Soft Scrub.


@Tenshi Hinara @Lazygout @Bills352 @Trundle @Infinities Lover @LeafKnight @MemoriesUnknown @backlash @Kaine @NoviceOfRoleplay @Gabriel Leko @LeSoraAmari


Now I know I've been lecturing all of you a lot this week, but this is also important. It has come to my attention that all of us really haven't been paying much attention to our character's power levels/moves. Now, I'm guilty of this too just as much as the rest, and what I say doesn't just apply to Genin characters here as I've been noticing this with a few jonin characters as well. We all need to get better paying attention to not getting overpowered. I've been seeing multiple genin characters with a bunch of chakra affiliated techniques...like, deckfulls of them.

This shouldn't be happening...the Genin in this roleplay are called genin for a reason afterall. Generally what I've seen is just Genin that appear to be able to use their affiliations rather easily in spite of their rank, and have knowledge of numerous techniques. From all the research of genin around this age group that I've done (Yes, I have looked into this) this shouldn't be happening. Most genin, if they even know how to manipulate their elemental chakra, know only a handful of techniques. Usually it's just one or two techniques, power varying of course, but due to inexperience they always consume chakra. Example, Sasuke Uchiha, when he got his hands on Chidori, was only able to use it like 3 times before completely wasting out his chakra. So I hate to add a new rule but here it is: As of right now in the roleplay, Genin will be allowed just 2-3 element affiliated techniques, and due to inexperience it should be noted that these will probably be chakra consuming. Basic ninjutsu will still be allowed and not added to the par, but I don't want to see anyone trying to get loopholes in the rule. This rule will last up until after the Chunin exams (Yes, it's official :D )

Now for the second point here, which goes more into specifics of power. Apart of the character sheets we used to sign up was a skills section of course. In it, we specified wether a Shinobi was skilled in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or Genjutsu, or mixed combinations. People of all ranks don't really seem to be sticking to this right now, I'm not going to point fingers because like I said, I've re-read a few of my posts and have realized that I've done it a bit to. But I'm just going to put it out there that we need to be more strict on following character skills. So for example, someone who is focused in ninjutsu shouldn't be able to bash their fists through stone walls or something like that.

Also, people, please be realistic. I haven't seen any examples of this yet, and I know this is a manga roleplay, but if you get hit, don't just shake it off. Also, we all need to be watching our chakra reserves more as well. Genin wise specifically. I've been noticing people (Of all ranks) Have been just laying out ability after ability without posting much about the chakra effects of it, nor really mentioning the lowering of chakra. Also, power levels need to be accurate to the rank. Meaning that A genin or perhaps even a Jonin shouldn't be able to singlehandedly take down an Akatsuki member or something.

Speaking of chakra reserves, I have to address something with the Jinchuriki. I've been noticing very warm relations with most of the Jinchuriki and their inner demons...which is fine to a certain extent...however though, I do feel that relations shouldn't be perfect. I mean, what is to stop a Jinchuriki who is friends with his demon to get ahold of that chakra willingly? Each of the tailed beast's personality varies, I'm aware of this, but please be certain to stay somewhat accurate to personality. I like seeing the different relationships, but just make sure that you make it certain in your posts that there is either a strained relationship or a lack of respect that halts the willingness to share chakra. Also, though Jinchuriki characters may have more chakra, we're not going to have it be substantially larger just for fairness terms. Really, the only reason why Jinchuriki stand out in rooms (according to my research) is because they're holding two sources of chakra.

So to sum this up, people need to stay more true to skills, genin until the chunin exams have passed will only be allowed 2-3 elemental abililties, and everyone needs to make sure they aren't godmodding/going above powerlevels. Also guys, this is a detailed roleplay. Please avoid having really short post, some are understandable but don't do it on a regular basis. I know this is a lot of rules, and very strict, but this as I have previously stated this is a detailed role play. We care about the details here.
I think the only thing that applies to me is some short posting. Sorry sorry!
I wanna ask you a question regarding techniques real quick so I'm gonna PM you.

I iz keeping it secretz 4 funsies :3
You're making a lot of sense. I know I've tried to keep the Chakra stuff fair regarding my Chuunin, and the feelings about her taking Chakra from him. I'm thinking I'll go reread everything in my CS to make sure I stick to what I wrote
I have a reason the clone's chakra reserves aren't running down :3

Oh, how Waffle has been getting onto me about that... They'll all know soon enough. (and no, his rules haven't been broken, so he isn't capable of being at his full power.)
I know that a lot of my posts are kind of short, and I apologize for that. It's just...I don't know what else to write about. I'm used to more short length posting on Skype, so adapting more to a paragraph style of role-playing is still a work in progress for me. I try to put in as much detail as possible without it being unnecessarily lengthy.
The power levels i know that i have been a bit too high compared to others, but i am trying to maintain ground with 2 anbu.....


I will start nerfing him if need be

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