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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics

Rippling Defense


16 + 11 Threshold + 5 Toughness = 32

Murata accepted the fact that the ball was going to hit him. Instead of dodging, he lifted his leg and relaxed it. The ball made a loud slamming noise as it hit his knee, knocking him off balance. After the hit, he pushed his weight forward, landing on the ground kneeling on his better leg, before giving Kazimah a look of smug triumph. "If that's your best, your best won't do."
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"What would happen?", Ichigo started, looking at the opposing team, "Well, I guess you'd die, wouldn't you? It'd be a terrible shame, but I think with time we could learn to move on and use the experience to better ourselves. In the end, things would probably work out."

But it appeared the girl was ignoring her, too wrapped up in her own egotism and busily overexerting herself at a game of dodgeball to care.

So she's too cowardly to fight, Ichigo thought as the semi-conscious movements of her paws and tail moving in tandem shifted the ball's momentum in a loop around her body and flung it back towards its source, but bullying those weaker and less skilled, that seems to suit her just fine. No wonder she has so many holes in her defense- she's probably never had any incentive to fix them. Maybe I should just transfer to another team, one without a delusional coward who thinks she comes from a clan that doesn't even exist? I'll have to check with sensei if that's allowed.


38 Roll + 20 Dodge = 58 + REPLY (@Blumenkranz takes one Ripple)


Chi: 11, 2 Wood Ripples: 1 Threshold: 13 River: 7,7

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A ball impacted over Onna's face. It didn't hurt, but it surprised her enough to break her balance. Trying to step backwards, still supporting herself over one of her knees, she fell on her back, which hurt more than the ball itself. But they were just small bruises, and her arms got the worst part, so it was not a big deal.

Getting back on her feet, Onna continued performing a series of hand seals, readying herself to nail it during her next attack.

Status Chi: 11 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 1; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

River: [7, 7]
The words of Kenta's father flashed through the boy's head as the ball connected with Onna's face.

Never let your opponents recover. Eliminate those who would oppose you before they harm that which is precious to you. And if you fail... show them the consequences of their actions. If they pull a knife, you pull bombs. If they break an arm, you take one off. They put one of your boys in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue. That is the Chicago way- the way of the Harisha.

He'd failed to guard Onna. But, there was still an avenue open to him- avenging the hit. He let the ball fly, aiming for Kazimah.


26 (Pair)+10 Strike=36


Chi: 10 Ripples: 1 Threshold: 10

"Haha." Kazimah's lips curled into a smile as she backed away from the center line. "I know it hurts. Just be happy it's you that I chose to show off with. It's quite the honor."

Moving back beside Takahashi, Kazimah flipped her hair off to the side. "Impressed?" She questioned. "You never underestimate Kazimah or the Lampere style. I guess I can tell you about it a bit at lunch after we win. That is, if that foolish cat doesn't mess things up. It will just be you and me right? Hold on. One second."


  • 37 triple + 5 Footwork + 5 Unarmed =47 Dodge (Success)

With eyes kept firmly on Takahasi, Kazimah ducked way too early, finding the ball at last whizzing by an eternity later. "Pathetic. Anyway, let us continue. Like I was saying, Ichigo is not coming is she? I'd hate for her to ruin the mood."

After a brief thought, the Lampere shrugged. Ichigo's not stupid; she wouldn't dare go to where she's not wanted.

Then out of the corner of her eye, little Onna was performing a series of hand signals.
What the hell was that? Being cloistered in the mountains left a lot of things the girl hadn't experienced, and hand seals were one of them. "Getting desperate little one?" She cawed. Kazimah loved it. The dodge-ball part was stupid, but creaming the other team was splendid. Though they'd probably never truly get along the other members of her team had pretty sick skills; even Ichigo.

"Hey Sensei!" She barked to the side. "I think it's enough. You should really call the match now. There's no honor in playing another team who's clearly outmatched. If this goes on any longer, I might sit out myself."

Turning to her opponents she shouted,
"Onna! Kenta! Murata! You're done! Our team has already proved we're dominant. Give up and shake hands in the middle!"

Lampere River: None

Ripples: 1

Un-armored Threshold: 13

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Eck. Rather... Mmmpassionate, I suppose would be the kind way of putting some of the behavior. Takahashi thought to himself pondering on Kazimah for a moment. Hopefully she'll get all that out of the system before the date. In the meantime, I suppose I can find some other cutie. But first...

Isamu smiled towards Kazimah. "I would be delighted to listen." Takahashi said as he clapped his hands together. Hook. Line. Sinker. "As for the meal-" He paused as the ball flew towards Kazimah. "I suppose she will not. After all, cool-down is necessary. I however, will very much enjoy the experience."

After all, I'm not tied down, when it comes to ladies... Isamu scanned the area around him. He was upset about the lack of ladies to pick from. But, aha, the stroke of serendipity saved Isamu from the burden he had! There was a woman there. The poor girl who had the misfortune of being struck square in the face.

Takahashi smiled a rather noticeable amount when his eyes caught a glimpse of Onna. Hello, heeeello.... Lovely golden hair, beautiful brilliant blue hue of the eyes. Think she also gave them the team name, and of course, such a sweet voice. Oh and I can't forget that delicate skin!

Ahhh... I have found my cutie!
Takahashi thought to himself, knowing full well he'd need to use his smooth moves for this. The game, no longer did it matter, only success in his newest endeavor.

He tapped his head with his left index and middle fingers, as he prepared for what would surely be his golden moment. Takahashi could taste the chakra on his tongue. He was ready now.

Staring Onna dead in the eyes, he tilted his head slightly as he gave a slight smile. "Ah, I must say you've shown excellent form in this game, and I hope you weren't discouraged by that strike. I do hope you're alright. It wasn't anything serious was it? But on the matter of the wonderful form, I would expect as much who summoned a rather beautiful summon. Though of course that pales in to comparison to you."

He extended out his hands in a warm, open and friendly gesture and smiled an even brighter smile. He was rather ready to unlock the nature he sought within her, though of course he was going to need to push her in that direction.

"Truly I'm disheartened that you had felt such anger from this game. It is not fitting for you. Your face full with strife, hiding away the inner beauty...Which I had heard earlier when you summoned your very lucky partner." He shook his head and frowned, "As a Hero of Justice, I can't stand such a lovely lady feeling such strife and turmoil. I can't the mere thought such a lovely lady like yourself unable reveal her true beauty. Those lovely golden locks above the beautiful blue hues of the oceans of your eyes, they reflect the wonder of your being. And I must say you have brightened my day, for I had the fortune of being in your enlightening presence."

Let it flow through you! Let the joyous feelings flow through you! DON'T DENY THE PASSION! ... I don't want to have to throw a temper tantrum here, if for some reason the passion was denied. You won't deny the passion you sweet little angel, you'll let the chakra flow and rise. Yes, the chakra rises. And with it I will bring forth such happiness! Let me, let me see and be the one to unlock and unleash that nature! Takahashi thought to himself as he kept a friendly eye on Onna. He gave her a single wink.

Always good to end with some body language. OH LATER TAKAHASHI TECHNIQUE IDEA! I'll need to try to release a harmless amount of chakra in a steam of hearts. YEAH! That'd so get the cuties, cause they'd go 'Oh Isamu you are soooo romantic', when they see it! And then I'll get the ladies fawning over me even more!! These thoughts flowed through Takahashi's mind. But even with it, he'd have to clarify things.

"I hope you do not draw any, conclusions from this Kazimah. I couldn't stand her being sad y'know?"


Target: @Blumenkranz

Burn 1 Chi for Secret Art

Flow 9 Pair

39 + 10 Inspire = 49 (Passion - Fire)


Chi: 12 (10 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 0 Threshold: 13

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The foolishness unfolding before him allowed Kenta his chance. While the others were distracted, he'd reached into his pockets and set to using the most useful tool in the ninja arsenal: duct tape. With a ball coated into a silver sphere, on a makeshift rope of thick packaging twine, Kenta had a makeshift ball and chain- far less lethal and elegant than the meteor hammer he typically used, but with the extra weight of the duct tape (and a few rocks, because why not?), similar enough that the technique should be easy to pick up. This was the ultimate ninja art, predating any jutsu or bloodline technique: the art of cheating.


25 (pair) + 5=30. Floating a 23.
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Exasperated with her teammate's behavior and her apparent obscene luck, Ichigo took a breath; perhaps she should try her medical training.

Visible Symptoms:

  • Underestimating enemy
  • Excessive speech
  • Refusal to participate in an even matchup
  • Insistence on belonging to nonexistent clan (dementia?)

Diagnosis: Not enough information, make sure to steal her records later.

Treatment: Unknown. Now go hit Isamu for being dumb. Again.

"ISAMU!", Ichigo dashed forward and slapped her teammate with a paper fan she had retrieved from somewhere, a hallmark of an ancient technique passed down from straight-man to straight-man for generations: Tsukkomi no Mikoto. "Flirt later. Priorities now."

Definitely going to have to ask about that transfer.


38 Roll + 5 Strike = 43 @MechaGhoul


27 Roll + 10 Speed - 10 P. Crane = 27

Status Chi: 11, 2 Wood Ripples: 1 Threshold: 13 River: 7,7

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Isamu had his attention too focused on Onna and his own ponderings. Then the scream of ISAMU brought him back into the real world. Isamu turned around, as Ichigo charged at him with a paper-fan. Takahashi's eyes widened, was Ichigo using the dreaded Tsukkomi no Mikoto Technique!? He kept his feet agile, as he was smacked once, he knew that he must dodge it. For all of the Bokes that came before him to torment the straight-man!

He thought to himself, as he began the dance of escape.


21 Pair + 10 External Footwork + 5 Unarmed Footwork = 36 Failure

As Takahashi began his dance, he realized he entered the way of the paper-fan. Falling straight to the ground, he felt the barage as he covered his head. "You- WAIT!! Please stop! ANYTHING BUT THE TSUKKOMI NO MIKOTO!" ...Begging, begging has to work.


Chi: 12 (10 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 1 Threshold: 13


Iniative: Pair 26 + 5 External Speed = 31 Initiative

Round Chi Regen: 3 (1 Chi due Unarmed, 2 Chi normal Chi Regen.)
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Murata stood up, walking erratically on his damaged leg. It didn't seem to impede him that much, but it made his movements harder to predict. "As if I would surrender! I will stand my ground until I can stand no more. I will see to it that-" Murata's voice trailed off as he watched a cat beat a screaming man in the face with a paper fan.

(Spending 2 Chivalrous Joss)


29 + 20 = 49 Initiative
[dice]4713[/dice]38 Trips + 0 Confidence = 38 CONFIDENCE (fail, critical success)

The girl suddenly stopped performing hand seals. From the other side of the field, one of the boys, Isamu, was talking... to her? Onna got up from the ground, an expression of incredulity in her face. "Huh? Me?" - she asked, pointing her finger at herself - "Yeah, Yuan Kut-Ku Sensei is awesome! He is so awesome bec...". Though of course that pales in comparison to you. Those words resonated in her mind and heart, a visual response flourishing almost immediately: she was red as a tomato.

Isamu was very obviously trying to hit on her. Onna knew this, even though nobody had tried to hit on her before. Yes, it was THAT obvious. How was she supposed to react to this? Just... accept the compliments and go along? Ignore it? Her head was a mess full of blurry thoughts, until it happened. Those lovely golden locks above the beautiful blue hues of the oceans of your eyes, they reflect the wonder of your being. It was the most beautiful thing anybody said to her, which technically shouldn't be an achievement since the last nice thing they said to her was "little thieving rat", but it still hit deep on her heart.

"A-angry, you say?" - said Onna, as she relaxed her frown and scratched the back of her head - "Y-yeah, sorry! I got carried out. Won't happen again, I promise! Haha!". This kid made her feel really good. It had to be hers and only hers, and she already had the perfect plan to impress him.

[RIPPLING ROLL] Using 2 Chi for Chi Aura.

[dice]4714[/dice]12 Chi Aura + 13 Chi Threshold + 5 Toughness = 30 DEFENSE


[iNITIATIVE ROLL] WARNING: Initiating Shaping Wave!

[JOSS] WARNING: using two Malicious Joss!

[dice]4715[/dice]29 Dubs + 5 Speed + 5 Unarmed = 39 INIT

22 Dubs + 20 Internal Style Improvised Technique (4 Chi) + 10 Damage - 5 Lammer + 5 Not So Lammer = 52 SHAPE

Onna raised her right hand into the air. "Hey hey Isamu! Look!" - said the girl, a faint red glowing sphere forming in the palm of her hand - "You will love this, I swear!".

A few red strings started to flow around the sphere, now slightly less ethereal. Slowly, but steadily, the mysterious ball became bigger. The air around the hand started becoming hotter and darker, smoke coming out of the circle of light. The field turned red, illuminated by the oversized balloon. Essentially, a miniature sun, about half a meter of diameter, in the palm of her hand.

The air started pulsating: it was a blood vessel, and the ball was its heart. Onna's hair started to float towards the sphere, moving up and down in a rythmic fashion, following the same beat as the air. It was like it had acquired some sort of gravitational pull. What the hell could it be?

Status Chi: 5 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 2; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

River: [7, 7]
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The well muscled teacher looked at the game with both interest and stern disapproval. On one hand his students were doing quite well in terms of the spirit of team cohesion. Adhering to his personal principles of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. The other team it would be an understatement too call a hot mess. One had a surprising amount of ego for being a Genin, and the other was a cat that was being... overly catty. It was surprising considering who their teacher was but perhaps this was why they were assigned to him; who would hopefully in due time make them into a well oiled machine. He then praised his team, "There we go! Hustle hustle hustle!." He then addressed Kazimah, "I suggest you calm down and look at how my team is playing. You can't carry your team by yourself, at least not like that. Squabbling is gonna put you on a fast track to losing."

Moments would pass as he continued watching both teams play. Things were going steady and no one was out yet. But he had a feeling something would give and the first blood would be drawn so to speak with an upcoming out. Looking at his watch he then saw it was time to shift to the next phase of the game. Blowing a whistle he then said, "OKAY FOR THIS NEXT PART YOU GET TO USE YOUR NINJITSU AND MIX UP!" However it was too late and Onna was already about to unleash something. He kept watch but something told him this was going to be spectacular one way or another.
Spending 1 malicious joss to remove 1 dice from Lampere's pool. Spending 1 Chivalrous to boost Kenta's pool by 1. Burning 2 chi for Hou Yi's Arrows.

Kenta, admittedly, was impressed by Onna's display. That was some overwhelming power. Overwhelming power that awakened something in every boy's heart. Kenta, at the moment, couldn't tell if it was awe or terror. But for now, he couldn't act on this emotion. So instead, he poured chakra down the twine and into the sphere of rubber, duct tape, and hate. It was much heavier now... heavy enough that it finally felt familiar. He swung the improvised ball and chain, letting it fly out, hoping to catch Lardpile in her constantly-flapping jaw. When properly used, a meteor hammer could shatter jars, skulls, even thick walls. Hopefully, properly used, this cheaty chakra-infused dodgeball could leave a nasty welt. Just as quickly as it had lashed out, Kenta yanked the ball back to his side, swinging it to maintain momentum.


45+5 (external) + 5 (Cry of Golden Crow) =55 Initiative


28+10 (External) +10 (Hou Yi's Arrows) = 48 strike


Chi: 9 Ripples: 1 Threshold: 11

Speed: 5; Footwork: 0; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 10; Toughness 5

River: 3,3

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19 + 10 Confidence = 29 (Sadly not enough to beat 30...For the Ripple... TWO SHORT...CURSES)

Isamu glanced up from his suffering at the hands of the paper-fan. He watched Onna, as she became flushed red. Oh she was feeling the passion. YES! I DID IT! SMOOTH AS ALWAYS ISAMU, YOU GLORIOUS HERO! Isamu thought to himself, enjoying the satisfaction of his quick and vibrant tongue. In between the fan strike, he peered at Onna, giving another smile. "Ah good, wouldn't want you to be angry now."

This enjoyment from his achievement continued, but he soon realized the field was turning red, just as Onna called for his attention again.He just held his mouth agape as she quickly stared back at Onna. She was producing a miniature sun! This sight was truly something, Isamu, had picked well. With a bit of a chuckle he smirked from ear to ear, watching as Onna's flowed in a rhythmic fashion."Oh Onna, I do feel I'm going to love this." ...Smooth Isamu, you were too smooth. Or were you not smooth enough? WELL, She is going to unleash a mini sun to try to impress you! Ballin'! You'll die as you lived. Being a Hero and picking up chicks. Ah still, my smoothness can't end here. I've got more talk to do. Takahashi simply nodded his head up and down.


Chi: 13 (11 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 1 Threshold: 13

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Unbelievable. For the second time today, her teammate had decided to mess things up. With a clenched fist, her face scrunched up as eyes closed. She was sick of it. The sensei yelled out a few words, but they were promptly ignored as she turned to walk away. "Good Fortune. Take me home."

  • Use 2 Chivalrous Joss


  • 39 triple + 10 external speed +5 unarmed = 54 Initiative
  • (Minor Action- Covering Ground) 20 double + 5 footwork + 5 unarmored = 30 (Accepting interesting times)
  • Using Hundred Li Steps to Cover two Zones (A 3rd if possible) -Out of field/Outer Courtyard/Village Streets

"The team can lose for all I care. I quit." Kazimah took off.
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The teacher watched at the poor sportsmanship at play. A professional athlete at heart it affected him a personal level to watch. He simply shook his head as one hand did the seals at a speed that made it look like he was merely doing a tic with his hand. "Abandoning a team like that is unacceptable on general principle. That team it's rough around the edge but they're just kids without any proper training, but leaving won't help with improvement. Better make this quick." he thought to himself.

Burning 9 chi total for : Five Elements Supreme Combination: +15 to speed, God-Body Transcendence


35 +5 speed external +5 unarmed +15 internal =6o initiative

21+ 20 hardiness; focus on breath


21 +10 strike=31

Wave break 25+15 might= 40

Burn 1 joss points for that wave break crit success to use unassailable battle saint technique: Joyous approach major action hyperactivity

With a mighty hulk type jump he thrusted himself into the air leaving two plumes of dust. One where he left, and the other where he landed. With expert precision he landed one of his lightning clotheslines. "Sorry for the rough lesson, but you'll never improve with that attitude. Like I say a proper team runs of hustle, loyalty, and respect. So stay and learn!" Of course he held his strength back since he didn't need to inflict harm, but ththe kid was being bratty and little bit of pain would communicate his chastising.
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"Excuse me?" She meant this literally and figuratively. "Don't try to make it seem like I'm the one at fault. Nearly everything I do is justified! I'm loud. So what? Never disrespect. If we met in the middle, I would have congratulated them on a match well done."

As the teacher moved forward to strike her, Kazimah stood confused.


12 single + 5 Sweeping Away Troubles = 17 Block (Failed)

Float 8 pair to River

She put up a hand only for it to smashed into the face along with the flying arm. The girl doubled over weak-kneed from the broken nose as a result of the blow.
"It must be nice having no morals," she spat wistfully. "Come on and hit me some more."


No Chi Spent for Rippling Roll (Dice Results Negated)0 + 0 toughness = 0

Her nose spewed blood and Kazimah felt dizzy, wobbling with unsure steps upon the floor.
(Chi Threshold =13)

Lampere River: 8,8

Ripples: 2

Un-armored Threshold: 13

Chi: 13 /2 Lightning

Yet despite the unusual antics in this match, the sensei refused to let her leave. Inside, she growled. "Fine!" Whipping back around with fingers in her nose, Kazimah spotted a glowing, red orb in the palm of Onna. What the heck was this? The girl had body-enhancing chakra, but nothing that could be even remotely palpable like that. Still, she would take it by the brunt. "Hey pipsqueak! Give it your best shot!"

Now to the left, a certain fellow was wielding was looked like a mace with the ball. Kazimah didn't even bother to look at Sensei. He had the gall to stop her, but not this? Wonderful. Welcome to the ninja world Kazimah.

Like a rocket the ball came,


36 triple + 5 External + 5 Unarmored = 46 (Failed)

Bonking her on the forehead ti agitate an already ailing nose.
"Uuugh!" There were more pressing things to worry about though; like Onna's little ball.


23 Pair + 10 strike = 33

However, she had no strength. It was already a cause lost. Picking up the ball she took one good look at Murata, and threw to him again.

Lampere River: 8,8

Ripples: 3

Un-armored Threshold: 13

Chi: 13/2 Lightning
Murata took his eyes off the strange spectacle long enough to see another ball heading towards him. He quickly shuffled to the left.

The air's pulsation accentuated. The ball now adopted some sort of respiration pattern: inspire, a force pulls you towards the ball; expire, force pushes you away from it. Onna's hair danced to this soundless melody, an innocent smile drawn in her face. "With this Isamu will notice me, I am sure!", she thought to herself. But truth is, she was not only happy because this technique would let her draw her newfound crush's attention. She was also happy because it was the first time she pumped so much Chi into a single bomb. Onna knew this was dangerous, but she didn't care; she had been practicing, but she had never been able to get close to this.

With her free hand, she pointed at Kazimah. "Damn yeah I will, chumchum!", yelled the girl in a rather relaxed tone. Onna didn't care that she called her a pipsqueak, nor she was angry about it anymore. Right now, her mind was only focused in two things: Isamu, and her bomb.


  • [sHAPE] WARNING: you could have stopped it. Now it's too late.
  • [JOSS] WARNING: two Malicious Joss are active during this round! All defenders but Onna must roll at -2 dice.
  • [FLOAT] Floating [7, 7] from River.
  • [iNTERNAL TECH] Using 1 Chi to execute Sparkling Festivities (+10 to Disorient Marvels). Using 1 Fire Chi to execute Daring Grenadier (attack becomes an Area Attack). Using 1 Fire Chi and 1 Chi to execute Dazzling Flares (disorient marvel becomes an Area Attack).
  • [EXTERNAL TECH] Heaven Darkened by Wings will inflict a -5 penalty to recover from a Disoriented condition to every player who gets at least one ripple.
  • 47 Quads + 5 Strike = 52 STRIKE
  • 22 Dubs + 10 Sparkling Festivities = 32 DISORIENT (targeting Awareness)

"FORBIDDEN EXPLOSIVE ART: THE DANCE OF A THOUSAND NUCLEAR PHOENIX, GROUND ZERO!". The crazy grenadier jumped high in the air, with the ball still in her hand. Stretching her back outwards, Onna grabbed the sphere with her both hands. Her legs were bent back; her shirt waving in the air, partly thanks to to the jump, partly thanks to the ball's pulsation.


Time seemed to move slower, each instant lasting for hours. The girl slowly fell from her jump like a feather, as she violently accompanied the sphere towards the ground with her arms. An eternity passed until the miniature sun finally caressed the ground.

"... DUNK!!!"

A blinding light flooded the zone, the ground ripped in half and all clocks stopped. Only people from outside the Hidden Village by the Flowing Dew of the Mountains were able to appreciate the fireworks in all their glory: a single heart-shaped pink explosion.


  • 25 Dubs + 5 Footwork + 5 Unarmed = 35 DODGE WAVE (fail, critical success, 1 ripple and rippling roll)
  • 19 Singles + 5 Footwork + 5 Unarmed - 10 Footwork (wave) = 19 DODGE ATTACK (fail, critical success, 3 ripples and rippling roll)
  • 18 Singles + 5 Footwork + 5 Unarmed - 10 Footwork (wave) = 18 DODGE MARVEL (fail, Disoriented)



  • 21 Roll + 10 Damage = 31 RIPPLE
  • 19 Roll (2 Chi) + 5 Toughness = 24 DEFENSE (fail, trivial condition inflicted)

Status Chi: 1 normal, 0 fire; ripples: 6; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

Targets [WARNING: AREA ATTACK!]: Onna (@Blumenkranz), Isamu (@MechaGhoul), Ichigo (@Nautilus), Kazimah (@White Masquerade), Murata (@Bonnenheimer), Kenta (@spandez) and Cena-sensei (@Ixacise, you won't save yourself from this for being the GM).

River: []
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Isamu realized the inevitable was going to be coming, the ball, the mini sun. He didn't want to get horribly, horribly hurt by it, as he had this sinking feeling it'd hurt. A lot actually, he had the felling it was going to hurt a lot actually.

So Takahashi had to act quickly, he began performing hand-signs, and limbering up his legs. "TAKAHASHI TECHNIQUE - DANCE STYLE: DANCE OF ESCAPE - THE GRACE OF A MAJESTIC HERO!!" He quickly shouted in a show of heroic declarations, as all heroes had to call out their cooler moves. Takahashi would follow this law to the letter. He took a quick glance towards Onna, as he kept a nervous grin on his face, "While I am sure this is going to be spectacular I think I'm going to uh, watch it from a further... location. I'm sure I'll be quite impressed with the results!"

He glanced towards his team, with his eyes twitching a bit. "...I suggest moving. NOW! I don't think any of us would want to be in the impact. Just do what you need to do to get out. Don't stay in the area. Dodge, dodge as much as you can! ...AND NO TRYING TO PUSH ANYONE INTO THE BLAST ZONE. I KNOW ONE OF YOU TWO WAS THINKING THAT, NO. BAD. NOT NICE. NOT NOW. SENTAI FORMATION... FORMLESS ESCAPE MEASURES!"
Feeling the chakra concentrating at the soles of his feet he smirked. It was time, time for the Dance of Escape. He quickly began the time-honored dance, that he made up. Beginning with a piroutte he spun around on his right leg, as he stuck out his left foot directly in the air. As he turned he faced the direction away from the glowing orb. He swung his shoulders from side to side, as he shuffled a bit towards the right. Spinning around he began moon-walking backwards, at a pretty fast speed, keeping an eye on the orb which would surely bring forth, a lot of pain. He then switched from the moon-walk to jumping as he fluttered his legs about and began prancing backwards. Unless he danced hard enough, he would feel the pain. Takahashi would have to cut loose, footloose in order to not suffer truly as much as he could from the blast.

Takahashi, while dancing flourished out his right hand forward, and kept his left hand flourished backwards. He would not get caught in the blast, for he could dance. He blinked as he waved towards Ichigo and Kazimah with his right hand, "I'm sure you two will be able to escape it! I BELIEVE IN THE BOTH OF YOU!" Isamu said with a heroic grin.


Burn 2 Chi for Dipping Crow Internal

24 Pair + 10 Footwork + 5 (Unarmed) Footwork + 10 dodge = 49 DODGE (From Wave. Ripple Gained.)


36 Pair + 10 Footwork + 5 Footwork (Unarmed) - 10 from Wave Completion = 41 Dodge (Main Dodge Critical Success) (Ripple gained, Ripple Roll Ensues)

15 Roll + 5 Footwork (Unarmed) + 10 Footwork - 10 from Wave Completion = 20 Dodge (Disoriented)


17 Roll (2 chi burn) + 5 Toughness = 22 Ripple Roll Defense (?)

However, the dance was not swift enough, it was swift, but a speeding explosion proved to be swift enough to catch up. Who would've guessed? Just then and there, one thought quickly flashed through Takahashi's mind as he saw the earth shatter and as light began to quickly brighten up the area to unbearable levels, along with a damn ringing in his ear. Oh this, this is going to painful. ...Yuuup. She, she... I chose, something, alright. It was going to hurt. A lot. Hopefully, his jacket would be safe. ...There was no way his jacket was coming out of this alive. Takahashi himself maybe. But his awesome, cool, red hero jacket? No way it was coming out fully intact.

Status - Disoriented.

Chi: 9 (7 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 3 Threshold: 13

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Gracefully dodging the ball thrown at him with a duck to the side, Murata turned around to see one of his allies throwing something huge at the ground. Then, an explosion. Murata wondered how he was supposed to dodge that.


33 + 10 = 43 (Failure, 1 Ripple)

Float 29 + 15 - 10 = 34 (Success)

There was a way, the way used by those who favored speed over strength. He could only hope he did it right. Murata ran for the explosion, yelling a war cry, before leaping forward into a roll, straight into it. He stood up, barely able to breathe, before falling over, clutching his wounded leg.
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Kenta knew he wasn't fast enough to dodge the steadily approaching sphere of death. But he also knew that there was one technique he could fall back on. One that was used in a foreign land to survive atomic explosions of far greater size. He dropped to the ground, laying prone and covering his head. This was the technique: Duck and Cover.


35+10 Block (External)=45. 7 success, so one ripple.


Chi: 9 Ripples: 2 Threshold: 11

Speed: 5; Footwork: 0; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 10; Toughness 5

River: 3,3

Ichigo looked over at Isamu as the ground broke and glowing pink fissures formed. She braced herself, calling upon her chakra to bolster her senses and reflexes, and said, deadpan, to Isamu:

"I blame you for this."

With that, she stepped back, a precisely-timed eruption from the ground launching her and her newest footing high into the air, freed, for the most part, from the explosion's radius, though her tail was a little singed. She leapt off of the stone she had ridden into the air, watching the ground, eyes finally somewhat alert.


Flow 7 pair from river, burn 2 chi for Endless Horizon on wave avoidance roll.

Wave Avoidance: 27 Roll + 20 Footwork + 10 Endless Horizon = 57, Pass, no penalty/ripple

Strike Avoidance: 20 Roll + 20 Dodge = 40 Dodge, Fail/under threshold, take 1 Ripple

Disorient Avoidance: 19 Roll + 20 Footwork = 39, Pass, no penalty

"Hey, you're pretty good at this. I'm almost impressed!", she congratulated Onna- or at least, it was as congratulatory as Ichigo was capable of being, which still sounded pretty insincere, to be honest- twisting in midair and flinging a largish clump of soil towards Kenta as she fell to earth, landing lightly on all fours, "But your execution was sloppy. Power is nothing without guidance- you need to direct it more."


25 Roll + 5 Strike = 30 @spandez

Status Chi: 9, 2 Wood Ripples: 2 Threshold: 13 River: -,-

Isamu just, stumbled a bit, getting up. An explosion, a literal explosion just happened, and he was in it.

He shambled forward, as the ringing in his his ear continued to pester him. He didn't take much time to brush himself off, and remove the ashes from the impact. Huffing, and continuing to shamble forward he looked down as he picked up a dodge-ball. Isamu just stared at the dodge-ball incredulously, pondering how did it survive intact!? He gripped it in his right hand as he huffed in and out. "Uuugh...R-rii- Akaaha-ight...D-dodg-ukgh-ball."

Takahashi shambled a bit further forward, trudging through the newly destroyed terrain. He chucked the ball towards Murata.


18 + 5 strike = 22 @Bonnenheimer

Status - Disoriented.

Chi: 9 (6 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 3 Threshold: 13


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