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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics

"Laugh like it's Christmas I guess? Treat whoever did it to a five-course meal? Use your remaining meals for the day to end world hunger?" Kenta muttered, biting his thumb to get blood to seal the contract with this... very zen ape.

"Sounds good to me, man."
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A blonde girl burst through the half-closed iron door that gave access to the school's backyard, raising a thick cloud of dust that got bigger after each step in the process. Traversing the distance between the entrance and her classmates in a mere fraction of a second, one of her legs didn't manage to adapt itself to a small bump in the terrain, causing her to trip over and land on her face. The momentum caused by the sprint made her slide a few meters forward, like a sledge over an icy road, just to stop in front of her sensei.

In the same position she was when she fell on her face, straight as a wooden table with her arms stuck to the outer side of her thighs, she stood there immobile for a while. After a tense moment of silence, she energically raised her head back and looked at her sensei's eyes, a wide smile drawn on her face. "Hello Sensei! I am late!"
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Kazimah's eye twitched.

Again...this feline insulted something she held most precious. Bringing on hand up to hold her face, the girl's disposition took on a drastic change. "She has to learn..she has to learn you don't disrespect the Lampere name.." Without so much as a rustle, the whips across her belt were unstrapped, tips dropping to the floor, minus a sound.

Forehead lifted and chin followed suit to a reveal a wicked smile splayed across her face. Though mouth moved, no words came out. Chapped lips continued on to form a string of words that no one would hear:
Ichigo, you mangy cat. I'm going to kill you.

Eerily gliding back a step, the snap of a twig brought the girl's mind to a point just before she left the village.


Father: And above all, never act out of anger. We are an honorable folk Kazimah. Losing yourself to such an ugly emotion, is an ever greater disgrace then letting another sully your name. Without a clear mind, the judgement is no longer righteous. In fact, that is the worst of them all. You would do well to remember that. Now get ready Kazimah. Your time to leave is almost here.

Summoning Area

All signs of visible threat dropped within a moment's notice.
"I'm sorry cat. I cannot do that." Kneeling to the floor, the girl exhaled drawing up her weapons. "Apologies for my behavior from before. A Koi is a nice summon. If we're ever near water, it shall be very useful. Once again, I'm sorry. I hope we can get along in the future."
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"What's wrong, The glorious Lamprey name not looking so important anymore?", Ichigo stretched, one of her paws darting out and snagging the whip halfway along its length, "Big mouth and no bones, just like your namesake. Or are you planning to ambush me after practice?", She let go of the whip, licked her paw and began grooming herself, "That'd be just like your people, wouldn't it? Shake with one hand, slit a throat with the other? After all, we both know the only honor your kind have is when you're out in the daylight.", Ichigo began strolling back to her tree, tail held high, "I'll be at the koi pond after class- assuming you aren't afraid to fight a 'mangy cat' like me. Oh, and good summon, Kenta. Suits you."
Isamu blinked. He did not pay attention to any of the students, nor the summons that were around him. No, his attention was focused on something far more interesting. On a larger blade of grass, there was a ladybug crawling up it. It was on its own journey. Isamu quickly went down on his stomach as he held his cheeks by the palms of his hands. He watched, awe-struck by the ladybug.

"Oh ladybug, what stories do you have?" Isamu waxed on, "Stories of heroism? A brave bu- OOOH ants!" Isamu declared as he immediately turned his attention to an ant-hill that was just a few mere paces away from the ladybug. He stared at the large mound where the creatures made their home. "Glorious ants! Bravely heading out into the unknown! They seek to find food and water to bring back to the Queen, and to the smaller ants. Where does your tale go fair ants?" He said as he laid his hands down on the grass, studying their motions and movement.

"Shall you go and fi-" Isamu blinked as the ants crawled on his hands. Isamu quickly sprung up as he shook his hands about, before glancing around at the clearing around him. He peered up at the sky, "Oh you brilliant blue hues, you shine with the light of heroism..." He said with a tranquil expression on his face.

Takahashi paused as he reflected on nature. Though that peaceful motion was brief, as he immediately and frantically turned his head about as he noticed a Nin-pop can on the ground. "NIN-POP!" He eagerly declared as he grabbed it. It was then he realized, it was the same Nin-pop can he already chugged. He frowned as he placed it back on the ground, "I'll need to take you to a trash-can later." He mused.
Onna took a quick look at the now smudged circle in the ground. Her eyes widened, full of happiness. She knew what it meant, as it had been announced in class for almost a week. "Oooh! Is that the summoning circle!?" - said Onna, very cheerfully - "I know it is!".

The girl jumped on her feet with surprising ease, like she hadn't just ripped over the hard, rough floor just some seconds ago. Shaking the dust off of her clothes, she approached the circle, still occupied by Kenta. With a quick motion of her forearm, she shoved the boy aside. "Move 'way, loser! It's my turn now!".

The teacher explained last day the procedure to summon a familiar. It sounded surprisingly easy on paper, just focusing on an animal you liked, then knead your Chi in an amorphous blob that hopefully should shape into something. Onna started to feel the Chi emanating from her palms, flowing through her arms. A ghostly sphere started to form between her hands, emitting a faint blueish glow; her mind completely focused in the kind of animal she wanted her familiar to be.

If there was a species Onna liked, it was dinosaurs. Since the day the old man told her and her brethren to watch a black and white VHS containing a documentary on dinosaurs and other giant beasts, she had been dreaming about observing one with her own eyes. House-sized murderous lizards! That sounded awesome! Or at least inside the girl's head. Truth is, she knew pretty much nothing about them, just that they had existed since before humans started documenting history. But she was sure that they were like, the greatest animal ever.


27 + 10 Hardiness = 37
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Out from the mist emerged a most deadly predator a ninja raptor! More precisely it was a Utahraptor with fluffy plumage that contrasted heavily with those deadly looking sickle claws on its feet. It swayed gently as it eyed its partner while its tail swished.

"Interesting choice in species," the teacher said, "Not many have partnered with the mysterious ninja-raptor clans." He then went in Ichigo's direction and picked her up with total nonchalance by the scruff. He then addressed the students saying, "You all have done well in this exercise as well as demonstrated a very unique mix of summons. As you may know another teacher was out of the country participating in a tournament and he should have returned today. To the three not part of this group go to the courtyard of the academy, you should find him there."

Finally addressing Ichigo he said to her, "I believe you have had more than your fair share of squabbling especially for the first day." He then put her on the ground gently.

Meanwhile at the lobby the other group of children finally see their teacher. This man looks much different from the other teacher. Where Soujiro is slimmer and much better dressed and of a calm demeanor. This man looks like a warrior with a muscled build a casual set of clothes involving a loose t-shit, shorts, and a cap with a logo that doesn't match the village's.

With a casual smile he put up his hand to shake their hands as he said, "Hey there kids sorry to keep you all waiting. But I assume my friend Soujiro managed to do a good substitution. Anyway I'll take care of the rest of training for the rest of the day. However compared to Soujiro I do things a little differently. What I'd like you to do is do some warmups to some music to get all nice and limber before we get going with the rest of the lessons." He then picked up a ghetto blaster and played a tape
Isamu continued to remain distracted by the sheer wonder of nature. Whatever was summoned now, if a summoning did occur, was probably cool. However Isamu was not entirely sure if a summon was conducted but he knew one thing. It was nowhere near as interesting as a fly which flew by. Staring at the creature with awe Takahashi again started up in a monologue. "Oh fly, you are worthy of your name. For you were the inspiration of the winged creatures."

Takahashi paused as he just listened to the fly buzz around. "Probably. Oh, what wisdom do you have to share?" Takahashi wondered on what lesson he'd learn from the creature. And as if on cue the fly buzzed away, flying away in the direction of Soujiro.

He quickly lunged up as he turned his direct focus onto his Sensei. He listened to see what wisdom he would give. Sensei did not bestow his wisdom, not this time. But instead, he congratulated all of the students for their summonings. Isamu paused for a moment as he scratched at his dreadlocks. As Sensei mentioned the Sensei for the others had finish his tournament, he knew they'd be heading off soon. Isamu glanced around as he frantically flailed his right arm in the air and waved it. "BYEEEE, TOODLES! WHEN WE MEET AGAIN, LET IT BE WHEN HEROISM SHINES BRIGHTLY THROUGH THE LAND!" He howled out as he smirked his pearly white grin of justice.

Isamu blinked as he lowered his arm and shrugged. "Oooor, like just, sometime at the Grocery Store, or Arcade. Or like some place like that, possibly. BUT STILL!" He flailed his arm back up as he slammed it against his chest, "No matter where or when! JUSTICE SHINES BRIGHTLY UPON IT!"
"Oh, don't you worry about it, Soujiro-sensei-", Ichigo landed lightly on her feet and began grooming herself, "-I doubt Lamprey will do anything while people are watching, if at all. She's all talk, when you get right down to it."

One wouldn't normally expect a cat to be capable of looking smug, much less while licking itself, but Ichigo somehow managed to pull it off.

"So, Sensei, what jobs do you have for us today?"
Takahashi sprung into action as he heard Ichigo inquire Soujiro of what he had planned for them. Grinning eagerly his eyes glimmered with excitement. He thrusted his right arm upwards to the side, while keeping his fingers straight; he followed the gesture with his left arm also going rightwards over his torso.

"Sensei-dono! What..." He reversed the gesture now doing it on the left side. Before he spoke up again he knelt down on his right knee and extended his arms out to his side, with his fingers pointing downwards.

"Tasks do you have for us to do!? Shall we climb to the highest peak using not even our hands, in a display of youthful prowess? And once upon that peak to pluck the sole flower there?"

"Or will we investigate in the shadows, watching from the rooftops as the denizens of the night lurk. ONLY THEN TO STRIKE AT THE TERROR LIKE A FALLING STAR GLIMMERING WITH THE LEGENDS OF HEROES PAST!?"

"Or possibly even fighting a more dangerous menace which plagues society, a threat which brings forth the swarm of beasts which threaten out way of life? ONLY BY PROPER DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE CAN SOCIETY TRULY THRIVE! Or shall we venture deep into the unknown lands, forgotten even to the cartographers who forged those mystical maps? And once there, we must seek out the Idol of a Long Forgotten One, from an Ancient Temple, which was still rigged and prepared by the people who once thrived there?"

"Oooh or perhaps we are to be sent off retrieve the fair maiden of one of the Feudal Lords from a horrific turtle like beast? Ooor ooor...." Isamu went on, lost in his train of thought.

He sprang back up and clenched his right fist and held it up. Pointing boldly at his chest he smiled a heroic grin, "Whatever this most honorable and noble task is, WE SHALL DO IT FOR JUSTICE AND HEROISM! FOR A BRIGHTER TOMORROW, AND A BETTER TODAY!"

He blinked for a moment as he turned to Ichigo and spoke in a pseudo-whisper that wasn't a whisper. "Pssssst did I miss anything important? I was watching Heroic Insects and basking in their wisdom."
This is incredibly stupid. ...and yet, he IS a ninja with enough authority to serve as tutor to us. There must be something to this.

Kenta began doing his best to imitate the muscular ninja, humming along to try to keep the rhythm. Besides, this might curry some favor with this teacher.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Isamu.", Ichigo said as she rolled back and forth on the ground and stretched in a very self-satisfied fashion, "Lamprey and I were just talking about how we were gonna meet out by the koi pond after missions today. You should tag along, Isamu-", Ichigo took a moment to sneer at Kazimah, the taller girl apparently still struck dumb and deaf by Ichigo's sick burns, "-After all, you might just learn something."
Isamu boldly stood up as he grinned ear to ear. "YES!" He clenched his left hand into a fist as he brought it down, "Learning is part of the path of heroism!" He blinked as he turned to Ichigo, "Oooh the koi pond you say? I SHALL CATCH THEM WITH MY BARE TEETH!" Isamu said as he had the look of unstoppable determination.
Soujiro merely stood proudly under the light of the sun with a finger pointing up. Looking onto the students he pulled down his hand and revealed he was holding a red ball. He then spoke, "Much like the sun is a ball of fire that gives precious light and warmth. Much like balling your chakra is an important concept in mastering its usage. This ball will aid the practice of your combat. As payback for taking care of the three other students as well as it being the end of the week, cross team sparring will instead be done with the game of dodgeball."
"AW FUCK YEAH, A DINOSAUR!". The girl had never been so happy in her life, and it showed: Onna was jumping around her newfound companion, arms thrown up in the air, like some sort of chaotic rain dance. Uttering some song about dinosaurs, she hugged her raptor's neck. If she didn't knew better, she would have thought that her pet was asking her to stop doing that with its eyes, but that was silly; raptors loved being hugged by the neck.

Onna looked around, her classmates nowhere to be seen. Oh dear, how long had she been celebrating her perfect summoning? "Alright Yuan Kut-Ku Sensei!" - said the girl as she petted the dinosaur's head, which flinched at every tap - "Be a good boy and stay here while I try to find the rest, alright?"

After running around the school for several minutes, she finally found them in the lobby. The new teacher, which looked very informal for a sensei, was showing the students a red ball. Onna knew what this meant. Making her way to the front line by pushing some of her classmates around, she stood in front of the teacher to listen better to the specifics of this match.
Lay waste to the lives, yet cherish the bones

For the path is righteous

Lay waste to the skin yet cherish the soul

For the path is righteous

That cat continued jawing, hurling insults at the girl, but the young woman just kept on reciting.

Creep through the shadows, we give up our light

For the path is righteous

Languish in dread, while we stalk out of sight

For the path is righteous

Kazimah had no intention of going to the Koi pond. Repeating the internal narrative, the Lampere watched the new one summon her animal. She was loud and audacious, a poodle of a girl, Kazimah thought it'd be so fitting if she had a tail.

Soujiro's interruption unfortunetaly had no affect on stopping a second round of Ichigo's remarks, so a voice grew in pitch at the summon's revelation. "Wow! A big lizard! That is so cool! I WONDER what it can do?!"

With electricity jumping between the hair on her arms, Sensei finally spoke. Dodgeball. It was stupid. Another stupid and pointless exercise; even if it was against the other team. Cross, the child stood up.

"Excuse me sensei. Why are you having us do these useless exercises? Back home, I did so much more! Hunt deer, race monkeys, sit under waterfalls; this is such a bore! It's like I'm starting over. Is this really all you city ninja are good for? I wonder why nobody's conquered you yet. Still. I'll play."

At least she was going to hit someone.
The teacher looked at the girl with a mildly amused look, but still completely unaffected by her complaints. Having confidence was good, but hers was more of a boisterous arrogance. He was hoping he could improve on that trait with some time as a lessened ego is vital for teamwork. Still as an authority figure he had to maintain some discipline, "Well if you feel so confident in your skills then perhaps if you were to best me in a spar I might be willing to concede. However I think it would hardly be called fair even if I held back, and thus I'd recommend to make to choose the game and keep it stress free for the rest of us. Still if you wish to challenge me I accept."
"Just pulling your leg captain, but you really don't seem that impressive."

Flopping down to the ground, Kazimah began to lounge on the grass.
Murata, who was already in the area, and always was, made a derisive chuckling noise at Lampere's comments. "If you're going to say something like that, you should at least have the courage to back it up."
Ichigo watched Kazimah expose her soft underbelly, presumably an attempt to tell sensei that she had forfeited and was no longer a threat. It was odd, though; she was still shit-talking despite her surrender. Could Kazimah truly not prevent herself from making insults and idle threats for more than a few seconds at a time? This could be bad- maybe the other girl really did have some sort of illness. An illness that, as team medic, Ichigo was probably obligated to fix somehow. That might mean- horror of all horrors- actual work.

On the other hand, if Ichigo didn't help Kazimah overcome her insecurities, she would be faced with the possibility of having dead weight on a team- that meant she would have to work a full one and a half times as hard as a regular ninja on every mission to compensate. So getting Kazimah to work through her issues it was. Now the real question: How? Kazimah was clearly far too chicken to form any sort of rivalry, and there had to be a better way than going on the offensive. Perhaps some sort of challenge?

Ichigo continued to ponder as she waited for Sensei to continue.
Isamu just, stood there. There was no way what happened just happened. Isamu clenched his fists together as he dramatically pointed at... not Kazimah. Instead he pointed at a random beetle, "You! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" He blinked for a moment, as he smiled at Sensei and saluted. "I SHALL NOT FAIL YOU SENSEI-DONO!" He gave a deep bow to him, before leaping back up and thrusting his right arm into the air.

"My aim with the dodgeball shall be as true as the shining light of Justice! My spirit will be invigorated by the rushing sensation of Heroism!" He beamed a smile, as he immediately turned to Murata. "PSSSSST... I think your teacher is in the court-yaaaard.... PSSSST. BE SWIFT, MAY HEROISM GUIDE YOU!"

He returned his attention to Soujiro. "WE ACT, FOR JUSTICE!" He immediately dropped down to his right knee, and extended out his arms in a pose. Turning his head to glance at Ichigo and Kazimah he hoped they would pose alongside him. Though to be fair, he hadn't gone to help teach them their choreography yet.

It's time for the combat tutorial. This will work like regular combat save for a couple of things:

1- We'll be using externals only to keep things simple and then introduce more things

2- There will be no weapons used. For all intents and purposes you'll be acting as if unarmed with the benefits it brings even if your style does not allow it.

3- For the sake of speeding up combat and showing off rippling rolls. You roll like normal when you get hit by a result of +10 or when you have 5 ripples. Should a condition be applied you're out of combat. If you're not out you continue acquiring ripples until next five ripples or you get a rippling roll. Once out your ripples are reset to zero.

4- To bring back someone back it will be a covering ground roll.

5 - To win get them all out.

Keep track of your status and maybe stats by using field text

Chi:x  Ripples: x   Threshold: x
[copypaste stats if needed]

Anyway I need initiative rolls which is your speed and whatever your roll from your pool of dice which is 7


"Well now that's taken care I'll be having my leave." he said to them as he left for comforts of his kitchen and hot spiced tea. In his stead appeared another man but this one looked beefy and a bit warmer in temperament.

"Hey there guys," the new teacher said, "I'll be taking over for the rest of the exercises for today on behalf of your teacher. Anyway instead of doing a sparring match we're gonna do some dodgeball t0 do the same thing." He then proceeded to explain the rules to this game and then carved a dividing line into the dirt before placing balls on both sides.
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Isamu stretched out both of his arms, as he smirked. "JUSTICE WILL BE DONE!" Takahashi clenched his right hand into a fist as he pumped it into the air. He jumped up and clicked his heels together, "WOOOOHOOOOO!" As he landed back down, he crabbed walked towards the side of the dirt. He sprung up, in a over-exaggerated flip, before landing flat on his stomach, before quickly brushing himself off and preparing to deliver justice. He frantically turned his head from side to side, "Come on! Come on! WE STILL HAVE TIME TO DO CHOREOGRAPHY! BUT ONLY IF YOU TWO HURRY!"


28 Pair + 5 Speed from External = 33 Initiative


Chi: 13 (11 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 0 Threshold: 13

"Hup." Even though this was stupid, she nodded at the new sensei, knowing now this was her time to shine. Dropping her whips to the floor, Kazimah got up and walked towards the starting position. She bent down touching her toes, then bent back pushing her arms as far as they'd go.

Maybe it wouldn't be so dumb.

The Lampere thought she might have acted too rashly. This could be worth something.


31 Triple + 10 Speed from External = 41 Initiative

Her eyes became dark as she slipped into
"The Void," as her family called it. The girl didn't have much connection to it now, but to handle these oafs, it should be more than enough.

status Chi: 13

Ripples: None

Un-armored Threshold: 13

Hardiness +10

Stealth +10

Survival +10

Tactics +10

Finesse +10

Awareness +10

Speed: +10

Footwork: +5

Strike: +10

Damage: +10

Block: +0

Toughness: +0

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Ichigo plodded over to her team's side, looking up at he companion who had apparently put in contacts or something, since her eyes were all dark. Maybe she was sensitive to sunlight from living in a cave for however many years? Whatever the reason, it wasn't important. What was important was that Kazimah needed a reason to take this seriously.

"Hey, Lamprey-", Ichigo said to her teammate, "-Betcha I can outlast you."

That was probably good enough.


27 Roll + 10 Speed - 10 Patient Crane = 27
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