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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics

Indifferent to the cries of Isamu, Kazimah merely watched the elaborate display of destruction. She was quite impressed. This girl Onna was giving her all into the match. Cracking rock and floating dust; it was a wonderful display of power.

"I guess I should go all out too then," she asserted as chakra swaddled her form.

Alright. You can do this. Breath and control. Let's go Kazimah.


27 Pair + 5 Block (SAT) = 32 Block (Failed/2 ripples)

15 Single +0 Footwork = 15 Disorient Dodge (Failed)

No Chi used for Ripple Defense 0 + 0 Toughness = 0 Ripple defense (Failed)

However, it was too much. The blast came and overpowered her stance in mere seconds, propelling her to the edge of the match zone via a stream of endless somersaults.

Feeling the internal splinters in her back already, Kazimah simply sighed and nodded. Accepting the fact that this was all going to hurt in the morning.

Lampere River: 8,8

Ripples: 5

Un-armored Threshold: 13

Chi: 13/2 Lightning

Condition: -5 Awareness
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Even face-down in the dirt, Kenta's finely honed reflexes- a must for ANY mob lord in training- were enough to catch the dirt clod one-handed. Slowly coming to his feet, Kenta pointed at Ichigo.

"You're next, pussycat."



Chi: 9 Ripples: 2 Threshold: 11

Speed: 5; Footwork: 0; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 10; Toughness 5

River: 3,3



  • No Chi spent for defending rippling rolls
  • 21 Dubs + 10 Damage - 5 Toughness = 26 DAMAGE (fail, major condition inflicted)
  • 26 Dubs + 10 damage - 5 Toughness = 31 DAMAGE (fail, major condition inflicted)
  • Onna is taken out!
Smoke covered the place. The explosion was over, but the heat was still there. Ashes and burned logs all over the place, broken glass as far as the eye could see. The playground was completely destroyed, a giant scorched crater in its place with a circular incandescent patch in the epicenter of the explosion. Onna stood there, completely immobile.

Torn clothes, smudged skin, messy hair, a bunch of small bleeding cuts all over her body... and a wide grin spread across her face. Her body was damaged, but she couldn't have been happier. All this, she did it all. Her old sensei would have been proud of her if he hadn't left for a better place.

"Hope you liked it!" - she said, pointing at Isamu. Or at least that's what she thought. In fact, all that came out of her mouth was an unintelligible string of sounds that somewhat resembled the original phrase, and she wasn't even pointing at Isamu. The explosion had blinded and deafened her, but she just noticed when she didn't hear herself talking.

Taking a step backwards, Onna tripped on one of the many rocks that were scattered all over the battlefield. In normal conditions, this would have been a minor inconvenience, but she was too weak to even attempt to avoid losing her ground. Without any sense of balance left, she fell over backwards.

With her eyes spiraling endlessly and a smile on her face, she finally found some well deserved rest in the warm soil. A perfect place to take a nap.


  • 18 Singles + 10 Damage = 28 DAMAGE (success, take one minor condition)



  • 25 Dubs + 10 Damage = 35 DAMAGE (success, take one major condition)
  • 38 Trips + 10 Damage = 48 DAMAGE (success, taken out)
  • Kazimah is taken out!

  • @Bonnenheimer: you have to calculate your ripples after dodging both the attack and the shaping wave so I can know the number of dices I have to roll.
  • @spandez: you have to calculate your ripples after dodging both the attack and the shaping wave so I can know the number of dices I have to roll.

Status Chi: 1 normal, 0 fire; ripples: 6; threshold: 13; conditions: trivial inspire condition, trivial physical condition, major physical condition x2, disoriented; status: TAKEN OUT

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

River: []
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Aaaand explosions were really not comfortable things to be in. Being in one, due to Onna, Takahashi knew this on a more personal level. Up until now he only had assumptions to rely on. Isamu took a single step, in the massive crater that used to be a simple playground, before something obviously happened. Well not as obvious as the explosion but, still a bad omen. At least the explosion was done to impress him. It was a nice gesture. Maybe not the gesture Isamu would prefer, but it was still nice for Onna to do that. And it was a highly creative one at that. So the explosion was not as bad as an omen as what was about to befall him.

Isamu had struck...nothing really. Well not at first, he soon encountered one of those charred logs, which he had the misfortune of stepping on. Once that happened what followed was a chain reaction. He quickly found himself rolling backwards on a log, moving down with it at an incredible pace. And as if on cue, when he thought the misfortune would be over, there was a nice pile of shattered glass. Well at least part of a pile of shattered glass was there.

It was a nice pile of glass all things considered, full of various and interesting sized chunks. Most definitely made by the explosion, it would serve as a fine destination. Not one Isamu would want to end up at, but it was the destination he'd be arriving at. Thanks to the burned log rolling in such a manner conducive to bringing him there. Rolling off the log proper, and with a loud tssh and crunch, the Heroic Isamu had reached his destination.

Drooling a bit, Isamu mindlessly moaned out in agony from the event, "uuuuuu...." Dodgeball, at the moment was not at his priority. No, currently his thoughts were dedicated to more to the fact that he was in pain. Because if there was one thing Isamu could verify at the moment, it was the simple fact that explosions hurt, and glass also hurts.


Chi: 9 (6 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 3 Threshold: 13

Conditions: Minor physical condition, disoriented.

Out unless cover ground check is achieved to tag Isamu back in.

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Ichigo leapt across the jagged ground, over to her teammate, and batted at his face with a paw, "Isaaaamuuuuu-", she yowled obnoxiously, "-Isamu, hey, Isamu, things are heating up, get up, or you're gonna miss out."

Having done the absolute bare minimum to get her teammate back in the game, Ichigo turned to the remaining players- Murata and Kenta, it appeared- and pointed a paw at them.

"Hey-", she addressed the pair, "-You two better be going all-out, ya hear?"


19 Roll + 10 Speed = 29 Initiative

22 Roll + 20 Footwork - 10 Shaping Wave = 32 Cover Ground

Status Chi: 11, 2 | Wood Ripples: 2 | Threshold: 13 | River: 7,7


20 + 10 block=30. 22 success, 2 ripples and a rippling roll.


Rippling Roll: 24+10=34. Spending 2 chi:


Ripple Defense: 16+5=21

Total Result: 12, equals or exceeds chi threshhold. Minor condition.

Kenta... really had to pee. The jostling from the explosion, plus the pressure put on him from the blast pressing on his bladder, left him somewhat distracted. But he was still standing... if in dire need of the porcelain throne. This distraction kept him from catching Ichigo immediately, but what was he gonna do about it? He was out.


Chi: 7 Ripples: 4 Threshold: 11

Speed: 5; Footwork: 0; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 10; Toughness 5

Minor Condition: Has to Pee (-5)

River: 3,3

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Murata looked around at the chaos caused by the last attack. "Uh, you still want to do this? Fine, I guess." He reluctantly prepared himself for another round.


22 + 15 = 37


Chi: 9 Ripples: 3 Threshold: 11

Speed: 15; Footwork: 5; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 0; Toughness 5

"You got me all ready to go! The two of you can't just-"

Ichigo looked at Kenta clutching his kidneys in obvious discomfort.

"-oh. the one of you can't just walk out in the middle of a match! It ain't proper."

She lowered her stance and took a breath, watching Murata.

"Come on-", she growled, "-take your shot."

Status Chi: 11, 2 | Wood Ripples: 2 | Threshold: 13 | River: 7,7

Murata took a step forward. "Just going to let me have the first attack? Interesting." He grabbed one of the few balls still in the area and flung it at his opponent. As he did, another ball that was blown upward by the explosion fell in front of him, and he kicked it toward the cat as well.


Spending 3 Chi for Lashing Flurry

Howling Gale Force raises Strike to +15

26 + 15 = 41 Primary

24 + 15 = 39 Secondary


Chi: 6 Ripples: 3 Threshold: 11

Speed: 15; Footwork: 5; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 0; Toughness 5

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"That's good. Aggressive, but tempered with skill.", she didn't so much move as she sort of... flowed out of the balls' paths, "I like it! Question is, what happens when somebody keeps hitting back?"

With that, Ichigo retaliated, flinging one of her own dodgeballs at her opponent.


Burn 2 chi for Endless Horizon

27 Roll + 20 Footwork - 10 Wave + 10 Endless Horizon = 47 Dodge (Success)

25 Roll + 20 Footwork - 10 Wave + 10 Endless Horizon = 45 Secondary Dodge (Success)


27 Roll + 5 Strike = 32 Attack @Bonnenheimer

Status Chi: 9, 2 | Wood Ripples: 2 | Threshold: 13 | River: -,-

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"My style focuses on destroying the opponent before they get the chance to react. There is never supposed to be retaliation, which means... I might as well try." Murata lunged to the side.


27 + 10 - 10 = 27 (Failure)

Flow 2x9

Though he dodged the ball, he wasn't so lucky himself, as his injured leg caught on a piece of ground that broke during the explosion. A nasty cracking noise and a yelp of pain sounded out through the field as Murata tumbled to the ground, his leg bent at an unnatural angle.


Chi: 6 Ripples: 4 Threshold: 11

Speed: 15; Footwork: 5; Strike 10; Damage 5; Block 0; Toughness 5

River: 9 9

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As Takahashi was in his state of pain, he had achieved a moment of insight. He had remembered the words of his father, something that he wished he remembered. That which he told him on that one bright sunny day...

..."Son, I've noticed you've been picking up the ladies like shit on a shingle. ...Wait wrong one. Uh, like honey attracting bears. Yeah that sounds about right. Need more of the juice..." His father said to him, as he was hammering on a roof-top. Taking out a white gourd, his father took a quick swig from it as he glanced down at his son who was bouncing around near his tool-box. "Don't play with that! Tryin' to give you fatherly advice here. Remember when you are with a lady always be prepared and play it safe. You'll never know what you'll get into. Make sure you're protected okay boy?"

Isamu stared up at his dad as he scratched his hair in confusion. "You'll know in time my boy. Now go on and play. And if you are going for the ladies, remember what I said. Okay? It'll come in handy one day."


It was now, that he was sure he knew what his father meant! He was preparing him for this exact moment! Well, clearly he survived the explosion. So, he must have played it safe enough. Clearly, he could keep doing what he did best!

Isamu now, not in a weirdish mental state, fully felt and processed the smack. Oh he recognized Ichigo's paw slapping him, which was a far better fate than the Tsukkomi strike. She yowled at him to get up. "Mmmm..." He said, drooling a bit as he slowly got up.

He idly glanced around, before the gears in his head began to click. HE COULD MISS THE GAME! Isamu pounced up as he rolled his neck around, and did a quick pose/stretch exercise. He ran towards Ichigo, "DON'T FEAR THE HERO IS HE-" As he rushed up to her, he blinked as he glanced around and dropped to his knees in glorious crater which used to be a glorious playground, upon seeing the sight.

"A-aaaah... Did I miss it? I missed it didn't I?!" Isamu said with a frown as he slapped the dirt below with his right hand. "A-aaah... I was gonna be all heroic and everything! Aww..." He lowered his head in a sense of shame. The shame he didn't get to be there in the final showdown of heroism. He missed it. "...A-aaaah." He glanced towards Ichigo as he began the pseudo-whisper, "Psssst. What did I miss?" He said eying the terrain.


Conditions: Minor Physical Condition

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"Aww dammit!", Ichigo hissed as she watched Murata fall and hurt his leg- or maybe he was just really flexible, it was hard to tell. She leapt over the field's dividing line and performed a cursory examination of the boy, "Okay, okay, let's just- alright, I think I can fix this. Someone-", she looked up at Isamu 'whispering' at her, which for Isamu was really more like 'normal speaking volume', but semantics.

"Isamu. You, uh, you didn't miss much. Could you bring me my bag from over by the entrance, the green tartan one? I have to patch this guy up so's they can load him into the rickshaw."
Isamu glanced at Ichigo, "Oh, well that's better. Glad I didn't miss any- Wha? Someone got hurt?" He blinked before staring at Murata with, something happened to his leg. "Oh jeez! Is he okay? Oh jeez, I'll be back! Uh you'll tell me if everyone else is okay right? Right. Green bag." Isamu said before coughing out. He sprung back off his knees as he ran towards the entrance, which looked much nicer earlier, before the explosion. Okay, green tartan bag. He quickly searched around as he grabbed the bag and ran back to Ichigo. Handing over the bag he glanced at Ichigo, "Uh, do I need to contact anyone for the rickshaw?" He paused for a moment before looking up, "Explosion should've tipped them off right?"
"Yeah, don't worry, we've got the fastest med-nin this side of the moon village. We just gotta get it splinted.", Ichigo retrieved a kit of medical supplies from her bag, with which she braced and bound the boy's leg. It was only a temporary solution, but luckily, a member of the medical corps would be stationed nearby in case of training accidents.

"Hey-", she placed a paw on Murata's shoulder, "-You did alright out there. Try not to move."
"RIGHT YOU GUYS TAKE CARE OF THAT I'VE GOT PRESSING BUSINESS, LATER!" Kenta shouted over his shoulder, already running to the bathroom.
Isamu glanced at Kenta as he gave a thumbs up. "You go do that dear friend! Ichigo has this handled. GO FORTH AND FULFILL YOUR NOBLE TASK!" He glanced back at Murata and Ichigo. "Well that's handled then." Scratching the back of his head he pondered. Then a thought occurred to him as he snapped his fingers together. "Ah yeah! I haven't gotten my smooth tongue satisfied yet. Noooow where is that lovely angel with dynamite and the laser beams... AH Onna." He said with a grin on his face.
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