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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics

Taiyo give enthusiastic slaps to both Endou and Isamu. "Just call on me when you need help and you'll see why I got that nickname!" He said quite confidently to the two boys. He then was gonna check everyone else out until he stopped in his tracks. His gaze met Ichigo's and then he ran up to her yelling, "SUP ICHIGO! It's been a while since I saw you, my bro's been kinda worried about you because of you know what and that day when you called it splits from your family. Anyway not that it matters but what are you doing with these children? Oh well my bro's gonna be pleased to know that your safe as will your fam who are totally on edge and mad even though its their fault. I can't wait till I get I sent back to tell him all this." And thus he yammered on incessantly and full of vigor to Ichigo who presumably was less than thrilled.

"Alright Kazimah. Go into the circle and try again ." Soujiro said to her as he looked at the dog talking to the cat. This was most odd as he doubted that dog was the intended summon and furthermore the familiarity between Taiyo and Ichigo was unexpected. However it shouldn't be too troublesome for him to handle. This group of students he was assigned to was odd.
As Kazimah readjusted her weaponry Takahashi have a single thumbs up. "There are many roads to the path of justice! As long as you try your best, in the process. And I believe in you." He paused for a moment as she uttered her next remark.

Takahashi stared at Lampere, rather confused as she uttered out that ninjas don't dance. "A ninja who cannot dance is awkward both in peace and at war." He quickly remarked. "Dance is vital, but we aren't practicing dance just yet. I was talking about pose work."

He beamed another smile, "BUT I LIKE YOUR ENTHUSIASM!" Takahashi stuck out his right thumb for a thumbs up. "Already wanting to move into proper dance." He said with a nod.

Then Taiyo San gave some enthusiastic slaps, which Isamu quickly reciprocated. "Aww yeah!" He said as he held out his left hand and wiggled his fingers when pulling them back. He immediately focused his attention on Endou, "Your summoning was awesome!" He quickly headed up to him and extended out his hand, "High Five!"
"Hm? Oh, yes, summon, right. Yes." Murata grabbed Isamu's other hand and shook it, then stopped and stood there, deep in thought. I haven't eaten anything today, have I? I should go stop and get something after this is over. From where, though? Could always go to that noodle shop, the one with the melon candies. Those are good. I like melon.
Ichigo placed a paw on her temple and groaned. By the Four Fathers, her brother-in-law. Here. Embarrassing her in front of all the other ninja. She slid off the tree branch and landed lightly on her feet, slouching and nodding to her relative to-be.

"Hey theeere, Taiyo-san.", she whispered to her fiance's younger brother, nervously looking at her fellow ninja, "Look, can we talk... later? Like, not now? Or maybe, you know... never? Never could work."
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Isamu enthusiastically shook Murata's hand. However, he kept his hand he was intending for a high five up. Isamu glanced back at Murata, "Yes. What did you think about your summon? I thought it was a cool summon!" He decried with a smile, all the while keeping his hand up. Wagging his hand he intended for the high five a bit, he stared again at Murata.
Once more walking out into the chalked-in circle, Lampere began to cup hands while digging armored feet into the land. No longer was she wild and un-controlled as in the first round, but internally mute and pensive, keeping all words from leaking out her mind's throat.




Instead, Lampere simply imagined a bee; taking shape and molding wings as if being one herself. The compound eyes, the many legs, the antennae, the scaly wings. It all came together to form the perfect specimen.

Chakra swirled around in curved palms, grasping tight and pushing it into form.


23 + 10 Hardiness (Warrior's Breath) = 33
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Stamping a near-finished cigarette, a thirteen-year old boy walked to the sitting group, plucking a banana peel off his head.

"Needed a smoke break, teach. Fair warning, your monkeys are busted, man. Don't even talk or anything. Just kept throwing shit and screaming."

The boy sat down and put a lolipop in his mouth, lazily waiting for his turn to summon. He had his idea for a creature. Hopefully, it would be something worthy of a man of the stature he would one day hold.
Isamu kept his hand extended out to Murata, but when he heard the other boy, he quickly focused his attention on him. He walked towards the individual as he kept his hand held out. "Yo! High Five!"
Kenta had no fucking idea what was going on, but the bitchy chick was summoning. It'd be a bad idea to distract her. Might make her mad. Might get her hurt.


The boy shouted, slapping Isamu's hand. He had no idea what he had just unleashed by high-fiving the champion of justice.
The deed was done. Their palms collided in the act of the high five. Kenta secured his fate. Primarily Isamu would most likely pester him for an hour straight. For Isamu knew he'd have to do glorious tasks of heroism with this person.

Unless of course he was distracted by something equally entertaining. Like finding a vintage Ninpop which he'd immediately chug to fuel his heroism. Or he'd be distracted if he finally found a cat toy Ichigo would be willing to play with. Or if he was called by his parents to do something. Really there were many things that could distract him, but for now he focused on Harisha.

"ALRIGHT!" Isamu howled out as his eyes glimmered with joy.

"I was hanging on the high five for, like, ever! BUT YOU DELIVERED!" He decried with a satisfied smirk.

Moving closer into Kenta's personal space he reached over and gave him a strong pat on the shoulder, "I can tell that you have the inclination for JUSTICE!" He cackled as he arched out his back in the process.

Quickly whiplashing it back upright he darted his gaze back to Kenta. "Come! We must practice our choreography, so that we are prepared for when Villainy strikes!"

He thrust his right hand into the air as he brought it down just as quickly. He then used the same arm to wrap around Kenta's shoulder. "We shall be SHINING BEACONS OF HEROISM, THROUGH THE DARKEST NIGHTS!"

Just as quickly as he wrapped his arm around the shoulder he unwrapped it. "FOR WE FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!" Isamu quickly laid his right knee on the ground as he kept his position. He was ready for posing, but a thought quickly dawned upon him.

"Psssssst." He said in a pseudo-whisper, which wasn't really a whisper at all. "Oh yeah I forgot to ask earlier, what do you want your Hero Name to be? I'll need to get them all, so we can have the speeches ready when we face villainy and do our Heroic Poses."
Yes... justice. All who harm that which I hold dear must be punished. Raked across the coals for their transgressions and left broken so they may serve as a message to all who would dare cross me in the future... That is the justice I will inflict upon all who stand in my way.

"I don't know about a hero name, but my real name's Kenta."
Takahashi held out his hand for another high five. "Isamu. Aaaand don't have a Hero Name huh?" He continued to hold out one of his hands for a high-five while using the other to cup his chin in thought. After a second of thought he removed his hand from his chin as he snapped his fingers. "OH! Whatcha like? We can incorporate that into your hero name! Plenty of possibilities for Hero Names! If you can't come up with one, I'll come up one for you, in like a moment or two!"
Within the cloud of chakra charged smoke emerged a fearsome looking creature with glowing almond like eyes, conical head, and mandibles. It was no ordinary bee as it was large, wearing a coolie hat and instead of black stripes they formed into the insignia of a famous clan of the thirty-six chambers. The insect hovered above the ground staring at Kazimah silently as if assessing her.

"Next." said Soujiro as there were two more left for the summoning exercise.
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"Hey, would ya look at that!", Ichigo said nervously as she shuffled away from her incredibly embarrassing not-quite-relative, "I gotta go summon a- a thing! Yeah! So I'm just gonna do that and maybe we can talk some other time, you know, not. That would also be fine."

Ichigo stood on her hind legs and stalked past Kazimah, acknowledging the other girl with a nod and a terse greeting of "Lamprey."

The cat winced as she pricked her paw, blood beginning to pool as she stretched and began to pitch her weight lazily from one foot to another, her tail keeping tempo, "Well, guess I'll just get started, then."

She grasped and sculpted her chakra in time to a slow, steady beat, one only she could hear, snagging stray wisps of power and folding them back into the orb. Her semi-conscious rhythm established, she turned her mind to other things, like what to have for dinner; Mackerel would be nice, or tuna. Maybe I could steal a koi from the pond out back when nobody is looking? Koi would be good.


Taking 23 + 10 (Medicine) + 5 (Skill spec: Breath) = 38
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With the appearance of her summon, Kazimah crossed arms looking at the new oddly-striped companion. A step to the side, and a full view of its rather weird insignia was able to be seen. Hm. Never seen anything like that before.. The hat was pretty odd too. Just what exactly was this thing? Time and time again, the young girl was taught to keep on the tip of toes expecting the un-expected, but this was really unexpected. Two glares met head on, silently clashing in the middle of a storm of two parts curiosity, and one part apprehension.

Breaking the deadlock, was Ichigo the cat, making her way up to the summoning circle. Lamprey? The feline's memory was an utter failure. If she couldn't remember the name of a squad-mate, surely her summon wouldn't fare any better.

The twang of heroic justice rose in pitch as another voice clawed in joining the fray. It was one she recognized. One unsure yet rife with triggers for irritation comparable to that of Takahashi. It had to be none other than that twit Kenta. A half-hearted glance in that direction was all it took to confirm that it was.
Two idiot peas in a pod. The numb-skulls are perfect for each other.

The child turned back to the matter at hand. The bug hadn't said a word since being called to this world. Removing the whips from her belt, Kazimah sought to change that. "I am Kazimah of the Lampere and I order you to tell me who you are." Uncoiling both lengths of knotted leather, the command continued. "I am your new master now, so swear loyalty and listen to me."
What does one say to a question like that? Power. Money. Removing obstacles to my goals. The ability to rejoice in excess atop the corpses of the ambitions and dreams of my enemies. These are the things ANY man of power desires.

Kenta snapped out of his mental monologue quickly, however.

"... Did that cat just talk? Uh... anyway, there's like a shitton of monkeys back home. They're pretty cool And I smoke but it's medicinal."
"Cat?" Isamu said slightly confused as he frantically turned his head about. Spotting Ichigo he frantically waved his right hand, and addressed her. "Oh hey! Hi! Nice to see you awake!" He then glanced towards Kazimah, for a brief moment, what with them being so close. But Isamu would not allow himself to be so easily distracted from dealing with Kenta! At least not so soon.

He then turned his attention back to Kenta, "Yes. She did, probably. Unless!" Isamu boldly raised up his right hand, "She was sleep walking!" Blinking he remembered what else Kenta say, "Monkeys huh? Neat! My mom also deals with monkeys at the bar." He began laughing hysterically at his own joke, "The joke being that they aren't actually monkeys but rowdy patrons." He explained just to make sure he realized the humor of the joke.

"Oh! Maybe we'll go with a monkey theme for your Hero Name." Isamu said with a nod.
The bee hovered there silent save for the sound of its wings in motion its steely gaze focused on Kazimah. Extending a limb out it materialized a scroll with names showing that they were indeed in a contract. Just as quickly as the scroll materialized it disappeared and the arm went back into a relaxed position.

Meanwhile Ichigo was doing her summon when out from the heavens a shadow blotted out the sunny day. Out from the heavens The King of all Koi majestically flopped with its brilliant metallic sheen scales and opalescent slime that glistened. Its barbels twitched sagely as its great eyes focused to Ichigo. Somehow it managed to speak intelligibly to her saying, "Ohohohoho I see we meet again young Catulet. Very well your contract is honored and when you need me I shall heed your call and so will you if I need your assistance as well."
Kazimah resigned while placing the whips back onto her belt after a quick coiling. Of course she got the quiet one. Well, with all the yelling going on, she couldn't say it wasn't a nice change of pace.

With a wave of the hand, she uttered the word, "dismissed."

Out of the corner of her awareness, the sudden loss of light demanded a full attention. Once turned, a great fish took the whole of her sight. The scene may have caused others' jaws to drop, but to Kazimah, it only made her laugh. "That's a pretty stupid summon," she guffawed. "What the hell's a fish gonna do? That has to be worse than the cockroach. Whooo."

Yes. It it ever came to an all out competition, the Lampere was sure to have it in the bag.
"Eh, good enough.", Ichigo said, shrugging. She strolled up and smeared a bloody pawprint on her summon's belly, "Alright contract something something thou art me whatever okay bye."

The enormous fished vanished in a cloud of smoke, leaving naught but an imprint in the dirt and a tremendous fishy odor throughout the field. She looked up at her fellow student, Kazimah, eyes glassy and uninterested.

"See that, Lamprey?", she said, pointing at the imprint, "My dad caught that fish. So did his dad. Someday, I'm gonna catch it, too. 'Sides-", she said as she swept out of the way, making room for the next student, "-Least mine can carry a conversation. You're up, Kenta."
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Kenta stepped forward, laughing. Partially due to the fact that the bitchy chick got outdone by a cat. Partially due to his medicinal smoking. Regardless, it was his turn to summon, and he figured he just wanted some kind of radical monkeylike thing. The MOST radical monkeylike thing.


24+10 Confidence (Courtier Breath)= 34
"Ha-ha. Very funny. She's very funny," Kazimah hissed to no one in particular. If that was all that occurred, the blonde would have just let it go, but it was the second time today the cat had insulted her family's name.

"Make fun of my clothes, my style, my summon, my armor, but don't you dare play games with my name. It's Lam
pere, not Lamprey. You've said it wrong twice so far today. Say it incorrect again, and see what I do to you. I figure I'll have at least one open shot before Sensei gets to us. Now, as for your fish, it's not much of an accomplishment. Try running low on food and water for weeks in a mountainous desert."

Ruffled, Kazimah changed focus back to the next summon. At Kenta's words she stamped her foot, gritting teeth. "A monkey? A monkey? You realize out of all these animals, only mine can fly right? If I end up dead, what're you gonna do?"
Isamu glanced around as he noticed his new pal Kenta left him, and began summoning things. "Cockroaches can fly, you know." He said as he peered at Kazimah and smiled, "Aaaand I think it's cute you ALSO chose a bug!" He gave a single thumbs up to her. He didn't really pay much attention to the things that were said before it. Instead he was thinking of Heroic Monologues and sugary foods and drinks. He blinked as he glanced around.

"OH! Hey! Hi!" He said waving back to Kenta, before shaking his head and pondering on other matters of heroism.
Almost as if right on time to squelch any of the minor squabbling going on. Kenta's summoning began and out from the heavens emerge a gorilla. A gorilla with the most peaceful expression on its face as it landed on the ground in a lotus position. It sagely looked at the Kazimah and Ichigo with the utmost of calm and said, "There is no need to be upset." It then rotated to face Kenta and said, "The contract is complete, may you keep your spirit serene and complete the path ahead of you."
A monkey? Where had that come from? Nobody had said anything about a monkey. Lampere was crazy, Ichigo knew that, but she wasn't aware the girl was that crazy. Oh well, she'd deal with her squadmate's brain problems later.

"Oooh, so scary! Whatcha gonna do, tell your pet to sting me once before it rips out all its organs and dies? Use your super special ancient sea-leech kung fu developed by someone who's never seen a real fight? Oh, or maybe you'll starve at me, since that's apparently an accomplishment among your people.", Ichigo dropped to all fours and began to circle the girl, "So how about it, Lamprey? Let's tumble."

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