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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics

"Haha! It's Onna time!" - said the girl as she cracked her knuckles. Doing small jumps on her place, she warmed up for the match, performing some Kung Fu moves in the process. After a quick succession of kicks that, if it wasn't because they were targeting the air, would have hit an enemy's head, stomach and crotch - in that order - several times, she adopted a combat stance. With a determined look in her face, she shouted with great energy. "I'm freakin' ready!"


18 Roll + 5 Speed + 5 Unarmed = 28 INIT

Status Chi: 11 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 0; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed) ; footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5
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Kenta grinned in honest excitement. Dodgeball was really fun. Plus, he was a REALLY jumpy guy- following the monkeys on midnight raids on rival drug dealers was good training. As was dodging the Exploding Stool Jutsu of the monkeys his father trained when he was a kid. This was actually the best time he'd had in a while- enough that he gave Isamu a thumbs up.

"YEAH! Good luck, have fun!"


35 (triple)+5 Speed (External)+5 (Unarmed)= 45


Chi: 10 Ripples: 0 Threshold: 10

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"Hm, alright, this should be good." Murata walked to his side of the field and began doing some stretches, occasionally stopping to twirl an imaginary pole.


21 + 20 = 41
"Don't be stupid, cat."

Picking up the ball, Kazimah gripped it tight and began to wind back. Launching it forward, it made a beeline for Kenta's hip.


23 Pair + 10 Strike = 33

Turning to Ichigo, she continued. "Me winning is already a fact. I just have to make the moves and act it out."
Snatching fish from a river was, like, ninja 101. Snatching pebbles from the hand was ninja 102. Snatching a dodgeball was, like, remedial ninja studies. He grabbed for Lampere's ball, snatching it out of the air.


29+10 block =39
Murata stopped exercising after seeing the first ball fly. "We're going? Okay, let's see..." He begins to point at members of the opposing team before stopping at Takahashi.

"Alright, here it comes!" Murata darted toward the nearest ball, kicking it into his hands and throwing it at Isamu.


26 + 10 Strike = 36
Isamu waved to his friend Kenta, as he said gave his wish to have fun. "YOU TOO PAL!" Isamu shouted out to his new friend, at least Isamu thought of Kenta as a new friend. He hoped Kenta felt the same. But alas! His teammate was going after him, but heroism was with Kenta as he avoided it.

And then Murata threw the ball at him. Isamu crouched down and spread his feet apart, "TIME FOR THE TAKASHASHI TECHNIQUE: SHUFLE STYLE!"


30 pair + 10 External Footwork + 5 Unarmed Style Footwork = 45 Dodge


Isamu spotted the ball like a heroic hawk. Smirking Takahashi shuffled his feet to the right, as the ball whizzed towards him. With grace in his step he spun around as the ball missed him. He began tapping his right foot for a moment as he pointed at Murata, before he shuffled back to the left. After he did that he dramatically raised both of his hands up to the side and kept them out like wings. "Yeaaaaah! Choreography of JUSTICE!"
Finally, Kenta decided on his target. He'd caught Lampere's ball, leaving her less of an offensive threat, and thus it was time to eliminate the rest of the competition. He wound up and tossed the ball he caught from Lampere at Ichigo. That cat was going DOWN.


29 (Pair) + 10 Strike (External)
Ichigo shifted her weight and jumped to the left, the blazingly fast rubber ball grazing the tips of her whiskers as she did. Though she hadn't truly taken a hit, nearly getting tagged mere seconds in shook her mentally. After all, losing to Lampere of all people- she took a breath. Play it cool, Ichigo. The cat looked up at Kenta, "Pretty good. I might have to get serious if you keep this up."


19 Dice + 20 Footwork = 39


Chi: 11 Ripples: 1 Threshold: 11

Takahashi reached back as he grabbed the ball Murata tossed at him just a moment earlier. He dramatically raised the ball as he spun around. He aimed the ball forward and smirked, "Take this!" He chucked the ball at Murata, "It was the one you had after all!"


28 pair + 5 external = 33 Strike @Bonnenheimer
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"Come on, Team Thuganomics!" - shouted the girl while facing her teammates, her fist clenched with violence - "It's time to show those snobs who's the boss here!"

Two long steps to her right, one jump forward and quick roll to her side, she finally got the perfect angle to throw the ball to her target. "Hey, you! The girl with the black eyes!" - Onna pointed her finger at Kazimah - "EAT THIS!". Stretching her arm backwards, she propelled the ball forward with the force of a thousand suns.


28 Pair + 5 Strike = 33 STRIKE

Status Chi: 11 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 0; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed) ; footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

Target: @White Masquerade
Isamu smiled as he glanced towards his team. He then stared Onna dead in the eye, "Team Thuganomics eh?" He paused as he blinked for a moment, "WAIT A MINUTE! DID YOU SAY SNOB!? That can be kinda hurtful! YOU DELIBERATELY SAID SOMETHING THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED HURTFUL TO HEROES." He clenched his right fist, as he stared Onna dead in the eyes, "You have yet to begun to see the Toku Squadron in action!"

Takahashi quickly entered into a pose, as he extended out his right hand "We are the Defenders of Justice! The Heroes of the Bright Future! WE BOLDLY GO WHERE NO NINJA HAS GONE BEFORE, SEARCHING IN OUR EVER PRESENT QUEST TO BRING RIGHTEOUSNESS TO THE WORLD! Our hearts are filled with the spirit of liberty! We shall not falter, we shall not succumb to sloth, WHEN THERE IS JUSTICE TO BE DONE!" He posed again, "With the tenacity of the cockroach, and a boisterous spirit flowing through my valorous veins, I wear the Crimson Coat of Heroism! MY QUEST NEVER ENDS! RANGER RED GO!"

Pausing for a moment, he glanced from side to side at them. "PSSSSSSST! Guuuuuuuys! I know we are engaged in the task of Dodgeball, buuuuut... YOUR INTRODUCTIONS OF HEROISM NEED TO BE DONE AS WELL! PSSSST, just to make this quicker, Kazimah-chan, you like, take Yellow. Ichigo-chan, you take Blue. We can discuss your colors later, alongside the choreography we are gonna need to practice. Ooooh, and I BELIEVE IN YOU GUYS!"


Chi: 13 (11 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 0 Threshold: 13

Kenta caught the ball. Kazimah harrumphed, as power never really was her thing. Being forced to remain confined to a spot was a bit bothersome too; it gnawed on the edges of her nerves.

Nowhere I can run. Nowhere I can hide. Nowhere I can slip to re-group. This really getting on -

[dice]4630[/dice]35 triple + 5 External Footwork + 5 unarmed bonus =45

(6 pair for River if there is any)

Instinctively her body bent back, anticipating the ball before it even came close.
The Void was certainly something wonderful; its enhancements were as good as gold.

The mental argument abated allowing sight to focus in on her attacker. With lips pursed, Kazimah glowered. It was the obnoxious little high-pitched airhead who'd summoned the dino from before. Snarling back she threatened,
"Listen pipsqueak. Don't you dare try that again. I am Kazimah Lampere. Tremble in fear," she finished, standing straight whilst arms crossed. "My name is something you had best remember."

The girl wasn't about to do shift into a pose or add a color, but the disclosure of her heritage would do well enough.

status Chi: 13

Ripples: None

Un-armored Threshold: 13

(6) Pair Saved

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(Mmkay. Initiative is as such.)


Pair 23 + 5 Speed = 29

Saving 29 Pair to River


Chi: 13 (11 Regular, 2 Water) Ripples: 0 Threshold: 13 River: 9, 9

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Well, guess I can't count on these guys to take her down a peg all by their lonesome. Looks like they'll need a little help.

Ichigo moved across the field, "accidentally" snagging Kazimah's shoe and tearing a long slit across the side where the fabric met the sole, causing it to flop around and leaving her footing just a bit less stable. "Ooh, sorry 'bout that Lamprey, reflexes n' all, you know."

That should slow her down a little.

Ichigo drew her attention to the opposing team, flipping a ball into the air with her tail and batting it across the arena towards Kenta.


27 Roll + 5 Strike = 32 @spandez

34 Roll + 10 Finesse = 44 Disrupt targeting Footwork @White Masquerade


20 Roll + 10 Speed - 10 Patient Crane = 20 Initiative

Floating two 8's to River


Chi: 11, 2 Wood Ripples: 1 Threshold: 11 River: 8,8

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"Uh, pipsqueak?" - muttered the girl, still trying to process what she just hear. Slowly, her facial expression went from confused to very angry - "WHO ARE YOU CALLING PIPSQUEAK, YOU FRACKIN' CHOMBATTA!?". Onna clenched her teeth as hard as she could, frowning in an almost cartoonish way. Nobody had called her pipsqueak without regretting it, although that was probably because nobody had ever called her pipsqueak before.

The child pointed at Kazimah again. "We will see who will tremble in fear, you little prig! PREPARE TO DIE!"


26 Dubs + 5 Speed + 5 Unarmed = 36 INIT

Status Chi: 11 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 0; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5
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What the...


  • Flow 6 pair from River to Lake
  • 36 Triple + 10 Finesse = 46 (Success)

The damned cat...

Gawking at her torn shoe, Kazimah looked towards Ichigo who was in the process of throwing the ball at one of the opponents. "You stupid idiot!" She raged. "Do I look like I'm on the other team?! Do you know what would happen if you did this on a mission?! Do you even think?!"

Kazimah turned purple with anger rising; her father's precepts were steadily leaving out the window.
"You mangy rat, I swear to god I will pay you back! I will found out where you live, when you sleep, and peel the fur off your skin!"

Bending down, she deftly unfastened her shoes, throwing them off to the side and letting bare skin touch ground floor. "Shut up pipsqueak!" Kazimah was pissed and Dino-girl was seconds away from starting a war. "Say one more word and I'll kill you too!"


  • Float 9 pair to River
  • 23 double + 10 speed external + 5 unarmed bonus = 38 Initiative

Something had to be done. The pig would surely try something under-handed again. As much as she hated being around him, Kazimah bolted straight towards Takahashi, stopping by his side.

In two more steps, she was on his other, keeping close and maneuvering so the boy stood as a barrier between she and Ichigo.
"Keep close to me just like this and later, I promise I'll eat noodles with you."

Lampere River: 9 pair

Ripples: 0

Un-armored Threshold: 13
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Well, looks like I found my future wingman for various endeavors. Thaaaank you Ichigo. I must say, marvelous work, marvelous work indeed. Isamu thought to himself, content with the results the cat brought him. Hell, Isamu didn't even need to use any his moves for this result of having Kazimah come to him and promise herself to a date over noodles. Two of you already played like a fiddle. Ah yes, really should practice the fiddle some more. ALONGSIDE MY HEROIC CHOREOGRAPHY! IT'D BE AWESOME PLAYING THE FIDDLE AND POSING AT THE SAME TIME!

Takahashi knew he was going to have to offer Ichigo something in return for this service to him. Possibly a gift-basket. A nice gift-basket, perhaps with a note to keep up that behavior, which landed Kazimah to him in the first place. Such continued altercations could have a continued impact further inspiring actions such as the ones displayed. Ichigo would continue to be an excellent wingman for him, if she kept up the behavior that is. Which, Isamu felt he could rely on. Her actions would simply drive Kazimah closer to him; and he wouldn't need to lift a damn pinky for it. For Ichigo herself was already inclined to perform in a way that was beneficial for this.

Though of course, such continued conflict would not be useful in the longer run of the Takahashi Tokusentai Team. Kazimah, he knew he'd have to direct her insatiable fury towards Villainy. As for Ichigo, she would to perhaps be molded in a way to be a bit less mischievous. And of course, more importantly Takahashi had to make Ichigo less likely to lay about.

He would have much work to do, in making his fellow Sentai ready for bringing forth justice, but he'd do it nonetheless. After all he was a Hero of Justice.

Takahashi glanced towards Kazimah and gave a beaming smile, as he did a quick balancing pose. "Of course, and do note I will hold you to that. Saaaay, let's do lunch after we win this game. I know many great places for it. And while we are there, we can chat. After all dining in silence is not dining at all. Perhaps while we are there, you can tell me more about the Lampere Clan. Only if you want that is, though I would be happy to hear more." Takahashi stated, firmly secure in the fact that Kazimah would want to brag about the Lampere Clan. All Takahashi needed to do simply listen and wait. The results from this endeavor would come in time. And he was sure they would be satisfying.

He gave a simple shrug, "Ah, but the time for talk can wait, for now at least. Just stick ever so close to me."
Murata stood back and observed the game, before turning and realizing a ball was headed straight for him. "Oh, right."


28 + 10 = 38

His eyes suddenly widened as he remembered he was also in this game. With a yelp of surprise, he threw himself to the ground. Standing back up, he shook his head and brushed his hair out of his eyes.


38 + 15 (External) + 5 (Unarmed) = 58
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22 + 10 speed=32


22 + 10 block=32

Kenta managed to catch the ball, only to discover something horrific... Something that could cripple him in this fight, and perhaps, if it continued, for his entire ninja career. He had to pee.


Chi: 10 Ripples: 1 Threshold: 10

"Who shall be my first victim?" Murata picked up a ball and sized up the other team. He could throw it at the prancing guy, but it's rude to target the same person constantly. He thought of throwing it at the cat, but it kept giving him a strange look he didn't like at all. That left only one option.

"Hey, all-talk lady! Show me some action!" With that, Murata flung his dodgeball at Kazimah.


27 + 10 = 37 Strike

2x3 Floated into River
"All talk?" Kazimah giggled as her eyes turned back after exiting The Void. Images of standing over Murata with hands wrapped around the neck, pervaded the mind of the girl. "You think so?"

Walking closer to the center line, Kazimah stalked from side-to-side waiting for him to throw the ball. If people were getting in a fuss about her Lampere style, she had no problem throwing it to the side and subjugating them as Kazimah.

So. I guess this is it then.

When the ball came soaring through the air, the ninja tried to jump to the side...but as soon as her head swayed to the side, the girl noticed something was wrong: her movements were noticeably slower.


21 pair + 5 Footwork + 5 Unarmed bonus = 31 (Failed)

The ball slid off in a mad ricochet off her cheek. Its impact immediately left a stinging bruise...but Kazimah couldn't be happier.

Lampere River: 9 pair

Ripples: 1

Un-armored Threshold: 13

Rubbing the sore spot, a glare seared Murata. "All talk? You don't even know me. None of you do." Picking up the closest ball, Kazimah clenched it in one hand.

"Listen here. I..."

She stood up straight.


She reared back.


The projectile screamed forward with all the force she could muster straight at Murata's knee.


Flow 9 pair from River to Lake

49 Quadruple +10 strike = 59

(Minor Act; Disrupt Marvel-Footwork) 27 Pair + 0 Might = 27

"Murata, I'm going to break you.

It was then she blew an emphatic kiss.

"I've got more bite than you think, boy. Good luck getting up."

Lampere River: None

Ripples: 1

Un-armored Threshold: 13
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Murata looked at the ball whistling towards him. Oh, that's not good. Now she's trying to kill me.


20 + 10 = 30 Footwork (Requires Rippling Roll)

29 + 10 Tactics = 39 Against Marvel
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"Kill me? YOU!? Don't make me la...!". Thump. A muffled, low sound was heard all across the field. A ball coming from Kazimah's hand just hit Murata's knee like a jackhammer. Wow, this girl was strong.

"Damn, that had to hurt" - Onna thought to herself - "Perhaps attacking straightforwardly isn't the best option right now". Her brain tried to process possible approaches to her next actions, trying to draw a plan that could allow her to engage her rival in a less direct manner. Maybe she could... oh, but that was a dirty trick! Ah well, it's not like Onna cared about such things.

Kazimah stood behind Isamu, like she was using him as a meat shield. Was this how she treated her friends? That was nasty even for Onna, and she wasn't precisely an angel. It was going to prove very difficult to hit her without running a long distance to find the correct angle. However, while most people would see this as a mere inconvenient, the little criminal saw a clear confirmation to execute the plan she thought about.

Weakly throwing the ball into the air, in a trajectory that could probably hit close to Ichigo if she moved a few centimeters to the right, she ran backwards a few meters, pointing at Kenta. "Hey, you! Cover me, I gotta prepare something!", she shouted. Resting her knee on the ground, she started executing hand seals at a vertiginous speed.


18 roll + 5 Strike = 23 STRIKE

Floating 27 into the River.

Status Chi: 11 normal, 2 fire; ripples: 0; threshold: 13

Speed: 5 (+5 Unarmed); footwork: 10 (+5 Unarmed); strike: 5; damage: 10; block: 0; toughness: 5

River: [7, 7]

Targeting: Ichigo (@Nautilus)
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