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Fandom Naruto — Armageddon!

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]From the looks of the character sign ups it has at least 7 member's because all of the 7sm spots are taken up.
Otherwise I would have totally went for Samehada xD

Since Samehada is possessed by an NPC (that I have planned out entirely), characters that manage to get close to her might end up with obtaining the blade. //spoiler
Reminiscent said:
Since Samehada is possessed by an NPC (that I have planned out entirely), characters that manage to get close to her might end up with obtaining the blade. //spoiler
Depending on the NPC Tremki might try..
Okay, so who is above genin and available to interact with right now? I want to make a post for Tremki but still not really sure where to start.
Also, random question to you people's...Have any of you watched/read Hunter X Hunter before?? Or heard of it?

Lexielai said:
I did, and I watched the anime. Kurou's a genin, but you'll find he's much more knowledgeable than some Jounin :D
Oh really? I thought hardly no one knew about it since I never really see any HxH threads floating around..What are your opinions on the anime?

The reason I brought it up though was because a lot of people don't know how much inspiration Naruto got from HxH. You might be already familiar with the simularities and what I mean, I thought it was really interesting and cool how it worked - especially how it ties with the Chunin exams (Not saying anything more so I don't spoil anything for anyone who does want to watch it but hasn't yet). HxH was also inspired multiple anime that the author wrote before hand and DBZ (Which I guess should be obvious since a lot of anime get inspiration from DBZ..But HxH just showed it's inspiration a little more when it comes to the last arc HxH has atm)
I liked it for the most part, though I didn't enjoy one of the later arcs. Yeah, Naruto got inspiration from HxH, and Yu Yu Hakusho too IIRC. Kurama gets his name from one of the characters or something.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Oh really? I thought hardly no one knew about it since I never really see any HxH threads floating around..What are your opinions on the anime?
The reason I brought it up though was because a lot of people don't know how much inspiration Naruto got from HxH. You might be already familiar with the simularities and what I mean, I thought it was really interesting and cool how it worked - especially how it ties with the Chunin exams (Not saying anything more so I don't spoil anything for anyone who does want to watch it but hasn't yet). HxH was also inspired multiple anime that the author wrote before hand and DBZ (Which I guess should be obvious since a lot of anime get inspiration from DBZ..But HxH just showed it's inspiration a little more when it comes to the last arc HxH has atm)

i just made a new character that is above a genin...inspired by anime im watching

I also know about HxH...i use kurapika a inspiration for some characters sometimes
loyalwolf said:
i just made a new character that is above a genin...inspired by anime im watching
I also know about HxH...i use kurapika a inspiration for some characters sometimes
I'm guessing you already know which character from Naruto was inspired off Kurapika? :P

Lexielai said:
I liked it for the most part, though I didn't enjoy one of the later arcs. Yeah, Naruto got inspiration from HxH, and Yu Yu Hakusho too IIRC. Kurama gets his name from one of the characters or something.
Really? Where Alluka comes in? I do agree it was a bit slow, mostly seemed like an arc that was leading up to something bigger if you ask me - I didn't mind it though personally because I really wanted to see more of Hisoka. Though the second last arc was great if you ask me, a lot of mixed emotions and intense scenes in that one (Honestly, it's going to be hard to top that arc if you ask me..). I'm eagerly hoping & waiting for HxH to continue once the Manga starts running again, I just hope the author doesn't get taken by his health problems (From last I heard he was in hospitol or something, that was a year or two ago though)
loyalwolf said:
i just made a new character that is above a genin...inspired by anime im watching
I also know about HxH...i use kurapika a inspiration for some characters sometimes
Clearly you used inspiration xD I've seen than anime around, haven't gotten around to watching it though.

As for HxH... It's one of those shows I need to get around to watching, I am however aware of the inspiration Kishimoto got from it :P I watched a video about it a few months ago, actually.
Honestly - the hardest part about HxH is getting into it if you ask me, I know a lot of people (Me included) who heard about it but when coming to the opening scene normally back out or don't find any interest mainly cause the first 10 eps are pretty slow and the opening for the anime is so shit and doesn't really resemble what the anime is about at all (It does..but doesn't you'll get what I mean after you watch it.) The anime has really interesting characters which is probably what makes it so good.
Reminiscent said:
Clearly you used inspiration xD I've seen than anime around, haven't gotten around to watching it though.
Speaking of which, the character is a bit too similar to the canon. :x (i.e the name).
Lexielai said:
I liked it for the most part, though I didn't enjoy one of the later arcs. Yeah, Naruto got inspiration from HxH, and Yu Yu Hakusho too IIRC. Kurama gets his name from one of the characters or something.[/
Reminiscent said:
Speaking of which, the character is a bit too similar to the canon. :x (i.e the name).
all but i like his name but ill change it
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Honestly - the hardest part about HxH is getting into it if you ask me, I know a lot of people (Me included) who heard about it but when coming to the opening scene normally back out or don't find any interest mainly cause the first 10 eps are pretty slow and the opening for the anime is so shit and doesn't really resemble what the anime is about at all (It does..but doesn't you'll get what I mean after you watch it.) The anime has really interesting characters which is probably what makes it so good.

i like th couple of first episodes in HxH but i really like when thy focus on kurapika...for some reason he come off more likable then sasuke with the whole revenge thing
loyalwolf said:
i like th couple of first episodes in HxH but i really like when thy focus on kurapika...for some reason he come off more likable then sasuke with the whole revenge thing
That's because the main difference between the two is Sasuke turned cold and jerkish where Kurapika only held hate for a certain group. I also feel that Sasuke's attitude is also mostly due to the fact it was one of his own who 'done the deed' where as with Kurapika it's a little different than that. To be honest once I started watching HxH I already went through the Sasuke fanboy stage but after first entering Rp (Which naruto was the first genre I got into) I ended up sorta hating all Uchiha's...It became so overrated to me and in the Rp everyone that was playing an Uchiha character (Which like 98% of them did) they were all ignorant as hell and made up the most stupid stuff ever with their doujutsu, a lot of people also defied and ignored a lot of steps and limits which their kekkei genkai has.

Which I still don't understand how Kakashi was able to get a sasunoo let alone being able to achieve EMS? It literally makes no sense, Kishimoto straight out blew his own logic & lore he set. Idk about anyone else who knows the ending of Naruto but I was pretty agitated that the author sorta broke his own anime universe by setting up all this stuff and bringing it out in the end only to pretty much break the rules and law he set for the techniques.IF you don't get what I mean I'm mostly talking about Naruto's jesus powers and Gai's "Gate of Death"

but anyway, to be fair that RP wasn't even Naruto in the end...Everyone was so OP that it was practically DBZ. Then again that is Roblox RP for you...
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
That's because the main difference between the two is Sasuke turned cold and jerkish where Kurapika only held hate for a certain group. I also feel that Sasuke's attitude is also mostly due to the fact it was one of his own who 'done the deed' where as with Kurapika it's a little different than that. To be honest once I started watching HxH I already went through the Sasuke fanboy stage but after first entering Rp (Which naruto was the first genre I got into) I ended up sorta hating all Uchiha's...It became so overrated to me and in the Rp everyone that was playing an Uchiha character (Which like 98% of them did) they were all ignorant as hell and made up the most stupid stuff ever with their doujutsu, a lot of people also defied and ignored a lot of steps and limits which their kekkei genkai has.

Which I still don't understand how Kakashi was able to get a sasunoo let alone being able to achieve EMS? It literally makes no sense, Kishimoto straight out blew his own logic & lore he set. Idk about anyone else who knows the ending of Naruto but I was pretty agitated that the author sorta broke his own anime universe by setting up all this stuff and bringing it out in the end only to pretty much break the rules and law he set for the techniques.IF you don't get what I mean I'm mostly talking about Naruto's jesus powers and Gai's "Gate of Death"

but anyway, to be fair that RP wasn't even Naruto in the end...Everyone was so OP that it was practically DBZ. Then again that is Roblox RP for you...

overpower characters are no fun honestly....but the way naruto is set up anime-wise make the uchiha's seem like there op...i personally liked naruto's secondary characters way better then the main ones
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
That's because the main difference between the two is Sasuke turned cold and jerkish where Kurapika only held hate for a certain group. I also feel that Sasuke's attitude is also mostly due to the fact it was one of his own who 'done the deed' where as with Kurapika it's a little different than that. To be honest once I started watching HxH I already went through the Sasuke fanboy stage but after first entering Rp (Which naruto was the first genre I got into) I ended up sorta hating all Uchiha's...It became so overrated to me and in the Rp everyone that was playing an Uchiha character (Which like 98% of them did) they were all ignorant as hell and made up the most stupid stuff ever with their doujutsu, a lot of people also defied and ignored a lot of steps and limits which their kekkei genkai has.

Which I still don't understand how Kakashi was able to get a sasunoo let alone being able to achieve EMS? It literally makes no sense, Kishimoto straight out blew his own logic & lore he set. Idk about anyone else who knows the ending of Naruto but I was pretty agitated that the author sorta broke his own anime universe by setting up all this stuff and bringing it out in the end only to pretty much break the rules and law he set for the techniques.IF you don't get what I mean I'm mostly talking about Naruto's jesus powers and Gai's "Gate of Death"

but anyway, to be fair that RP wasn't even Naruto in the end...Everyone was so OP that it was practically DBZ. Then again that is Roblox RP for you...

for example i like shino the best out of all the characters
loyalwolf said:
overpower characters are no fun honestly....but the way naruto is set up anime-wise make the uchiha's seem like there op...i personally liked naruto's secondary characters way better then the main ones
Kimmimaro was my favorite, and while the concept of all MS having their own unique abilities (Generally related with two eyes working in conjunction) it also does leave a lot of room to make really powerful idea's. Which I think we saw Kishimoto having a little too fun with that aspect when coming up with Madara. Which don't get my wrong I really liked the guy as an antagonist (And don't agree with how he went at all..) but yeah, crazy OP.

In the end, I feel HxH balanced out the whole Op'ness (Lol..) of their character's with the nen system although it still has it's fair share of crazy abilities (and who doesn't like explosive crazy battles at times) I still feel it was more 'well moderated' than Naruto. I honestly think they should have ended the series at Pain arc in the end.
I felt like Naruto went in such a weird direction when they introduced Kaguya at the end. Like, what the heck? They spend so much time building up this base of villains AND BAM, out of nowhere comes this weirdo.
Lexielai said:
I felt like Naruto went in such a weird direction when they introduced Kaguya at the end. Like, what the heck? They spend so much time building up this base of villains AND BAM, out of nowhere comes this weirdo.
SOMEONE GETS ME! I didn't really get it either, I was also hoping the last fight between Naruto & Sasuke would be more dramatic than it was as well..(You know what I mean >.>) Deathhhh~

Buuut none of that stuff really happened, and it hasn't really left me that eager to watch Baruto tbh; I sorta just have a feeling that they are going to end up ruining the naruverse with that anime because Kishimoto is bound to want to take Baruto's story that little more 'further' than the original naruto series.
Also, can someone let me know where the Genin camp is located? (Like what land? Or whereabouts is it located on the map.) I'm gonna have Tremki mingle with the genin. I'm in the process of making my intro post now so it'd help with what I'm writing..
Lexielai said:
I felt like Naruto went in such a weird direction when they introduced Kaguya at the end. Like, what the heck? They spend so much time building up this base of villains AND BAM, out of nowhere comes this weirdo.
oh mY GOD. EXACTLY. I mean you spent all this time making Madara stronger only for him to... Like, really?? I couldn't care less about Kaguya. Dammit, Kuro-Zetsu.

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]SOMEONE GETS ME! I didn't really get it either, I was also hoping the last fight between Naruto & Sasuke would be more dramatic than it was as well..(You know what I mean >.>) Deathhhh~

Buuut none of that stuff really happened, and it hasn't really left me that eager to watch Baruto tbh; I sorta just have a feeling that they are going to end up ruining the naruverse with that anime because Kishimoto is bound to want to take Baruto's story that little more 'further' than the original naruto series.

I'm hoping Boruto doesn't end up with the characters getting extremely over-powered. N' before he ends up having some special power than can destroy planets ¬_¬

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