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Fandom Naruto — Armageddon!

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]It's mainly characters from the newer cs, albeit only includes four characters thus far that I've looked at in regards to Hideyo's potential teammates. Not sayin' what I've come up with regarding how things could go, since that's somethin' I'd like to leave up to the interactions, but so far I've got the following four as those I've currently looked at and found really interesting potential outcomes between 'em and my character :x
Amaya, Meteor, Nagaiki, and Tomomi. All four of them would honestly create a lot of interesting things, with me finding them to be such a variety of personalities and such that I can see a lot of potential interactions between Hideyo and any of them; and I've yet to go through the rest of the character roster, so there's probably plenty more!

I'm actually trying to figure out what to do with Amaya in regards to other characters.
[QUOTE="Camilla Riddle]I was also thinking about making another character...

Go ahead. Y'know... just incase Amaya ends up dying. :P
[QUOTE="Camilla Riddle]
O.o I hope that doesn't happen, I happen to really love the idea of her.

It's a matter of luck :P Deaths shouldn't start happening until later though, so everyone has a chance to RP their character before they're potentially killed off. ^^
Reminiscent said:
It's a matter of luck :P Deaths shouldn't start happening until later though, so everyone has a chance to RP their character before they're potentially killed off. ^^
:o Am I good to go?
Hanjizoe said:
Can I still use canon jutsu's as well?
Also for custom jutsu's do I have to send all the ones I made to you?
You can. Just not everything there is for their chakra nature :P

You can post them, it doesn't change the fact that I'll check over them.
What kind of post can I make so I can be on the right track? I don't want to confuse myself, so far I've processed what I want to type out.

>Still traveling in the desert nowhere near the camp, so that's like near the border of the land of stone.

>Coming across a uchiha which is still heading towards the camp site.

>Meets, and greets the uchiha, and walks the rest of the way there.
Hanjizoe said:
What kind of post can I make so I can be on the right track? I don't want to confuse myself, so far I've processed what I want to type out.
>Still traveling in the desert nowhere near the camp, so that's like near the border of the land of stone.

>Coming across a uchiha which is still heading towards the camp site.

>Meets, and greets the uchiha, and walks the rest of the way there.
Is this Uchiha Amaya? Or someone else? I don't mind if you're still traveling, but you should be at the destination pretty soon after the others arrive. :P
Reminiscent said:
Is this Uchiha Amaya? Or someone else? I don't mind if you're still traveling, but you should be at the destination pretty soon after the others arrive. :P
Yeah that one. It looks like almost everyone is at the camp.
Reminiscent said:
Incorrect~ Hideyo's busy at a restaurant over in Amegakure. Tis somethin' that shall be included within my post for her, and she'll be in Iwagakure in the same post. But yeah, not everybody's there because Hideyo doesn't really care :P
If only ichinose could instant transmit his way there, without having to feel like he was doing a 5k run.
Hanjizoe said:
If only ichinose could instant transmit his way there, without having to feel like he was doing a 5k run.
Ew. I had to run one of those.

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Incorrect~ Hideyo's busy at a restaurant over in Amegakure. Tis somethin' that shall be included within my post for her, and she'll be in Iwagakure in the same post. But yeah, not everybody's there because Hideyo doesn't really care :P

Riggght, that's Hideyo for ya'. Make sure she isn't alone though. That gets boring xD
@LucianGrey7971 - I haven't forgotten to reply I swear. Last week of school before the holidays start so I've bee a little busy, I'll write a post tomorrow I swear! (If I don't you can slap me with a fish)
Shikotsumyaku[/URL] from Kaguya's original bone-manipulating ability. This ability was so powerful that even the war-loving Kaguya clan feared it.

The clan was noted for being very savage and battle-hungry, having no tactics when entering battle that they initiated simply to show off their ferocity. It was due to this failed attempt to prove themselves that the entire clan was killed off when attacking Kirigakure; even when surrounded and completely outmatched, they refused to back down, preferring to fight to the death simply to entertain their own bloodlust to the last.

Kimimaro was the only one of the clan to survive, as he did not share the same urge for barbaric slaughter as the others, and after being adopted by Orochimaru, he would live as the last of the Kaguya clan for several years, but eventually died of a terminal illness.



Clan Apperance:

Skin Tone - Often fairly pale

Markings - Two red dots on the forehead

Hair color(s) - White Hair

Eye color(s) - This can differ between individuals and has no set color

~Appearance & Personality~

Appearance Details & Picture(s):

Tremki is a fairly tall, and athletically built young man who has sunkissed toned skin and a fairly lean body figure. In general, Tremki is a fairly attractive individual who carries numerous unique and rather elegant features. His face is smooth and seems almost unscathed often misleading anyone who just met Tremki to believe he hasn't had a day in the midst of battle his whole life. He has wavy medium lengthed white hair that seems to flow naturall down and is parted from his eyes - on his forehead hidden under his hair are two red dots which is a traditional trait for the Kaguya Clan to have. While for most of the time these two dots are hidden behind his hair on a windy day or when he occasionally brushes his hair back can the red dots be seen. An extremely rare and unique feature that Tremki has are his purple eyes that seem to glisten when light reflects off of them - he generally has a calm and almost yawning-facial expression wherever he goes with a slight smirk across his face. His attire consists of black and purple ninja-styled clothing that leaves his shoulder's exposed, on his left and right shoulder Tremki bears two unique kanji tattoo's for "Love" (Left Shoulder) and "Hate" (Right Shoulder). On both of his arms, Tremki has long black leather gloves which seem to be laced together for a better fit. These gloves are long and extend up passed his elbow right up to his shoulder's which are exposed. (For better reference since I can't really figure how to explain his attire look at the numerous pictures in this CS). Sometimes Tremki is seen wearing a purle headband that pulls the hair back from his eyes, revealing the two red dots on his forhead. On his belt Tremki holds most of his ninja tools and also a pouch of Ryo.


While he generally prefers to wear this ninja attire, he also has a purple hakama that he usually wears under a white kimino. This is his casual attire and is what he generally wears when he doesn't plan on fighting and is at his 'home town' of sorts and is also when someone is most likely to see Tremki wearing a headband that pulls his hair back from his eyes and forehead. Completely revealing his two red dots that clearly state who he is. While this isn't generally the case due to his dislike in revealing his name - afraid of the reprocusions as such he generally makes the excuse that his white hair comes from his heritage with the Hatake Clan. Since they generally don't instantly think of him as a Kaguya Clan member due to it's annihilation Tremki is often able to get away with this excuse - as long as he doesn't show his forhead. (Yes I know the pics and stuff don't show the red dots but use your ~Imagination~ please let me know if you got that reference.. xD ). However, because of his current status between village's, he generally places a touch of makeup on each of the dots on his forehead in order to generally hide the symbol from public (Since it generally brings in unwanted attention). The makeup will wash off however if applied with water, which make rainy days and other situations a little tougher for Tremki to hide his identity.


When Tremki first made his way out of the woods, he had nothing to wear but bandages around his skin and he used it to hide most of his 'important' parts and to keep him from completely freezing to death during cold nights. As he grew older and made residence in a town, he was give his purple hakama and white kimino, headband as a gift for Tremki - as they were essentially the only one's who didn't care about who he was as a person. To Tremki, this was seen as a the biggest act of kindness - as he generally dislikes having the symbol on his forehead because of the reaction it often gives off to those who meet him. Hence why his hair often falls down over his forehead and eye(s). When he adapted on an alias and different persona that was known as 'Night Wolf' or 'Yoru Okami' in japenese, this is due to the mask he chose to wore while commiting acts that would have made him a very wanted person.


Personality Summary/Introduction:

To really grasp the depth and complex mind of Tremki, you would have to go right back from the start of his childhood. From an early age he was left to fend for himself, he had little to no interaction with another human for the majority of his life. Essentially, he was raised by the 'Three Snake Lords' Manda, Shizuba & Veryn. Collasal snake like creatures that were able to speak freely with people, they raised Tremki to be knowledgeable if not a genius they believed wiseness was the truly important thing. Therefore they taught him what they believed from 'right and wrong'. They spoke of stories and gave Tremki inspiration as a child to venture and explore only to find the harsh truth hiding behind it. The world is a cruel and dark world where the weak die and the strongest are able to thrive on into the future; The strong were always seen as the 'hope' simply because they held power. Their own people would be manipulated and used as puppet's by the most trusted member's of their society. The title of a 'Kage' soon turned into a dishonorable name towards Tremki. Overall when you get him in the right mood, the Kaguya will express his hatred about many things to do with people. While being quite manipulative, sneaky and devious in his own ways. Not to mention his tastes for a real fight and the undeniable bloodlust that resides deep within him - Unlike many of the other clan member's of his. He was raised completely differently and was able to supress his need to 'kill', in fact he despises fighting anyone he doesn't deem 'worthy' unless he is truly pushed by Sosuke to do so. Even then he will never kill, instead he often finds it a better idea to allow his opponent to live after placing him in a situation where Tremki could easily kill them. While he doesn't have mercy for those he sees no special 'talent' or skills in them there have been a few who have survived a conflict with him and bit the wrong end of the sword. He allows them to live until a time he feels that they have become 'worthy' of fighting..Only then will he give them the 'pleasure' of meeting their ends by his blade.




If you haven't already guessed, Tremki is very prideful of himself and his abilities. This side of him often show's when he feels that he is being insulted or looked down upon, or if his Clan is looked down upon. Most of his pride is based towards 'his honroable clan', the Kaguya Clan were a group of war-monger's and were known mostly for their ferocious tactics in battle and also once in a while one may inherit the ability to use Shikotsumyaku and Tremki was one of those people. Thus, Tremki naturally thanks his ancestory for his accomplishments and often 'dedicates' most of his fights for the 'Clan's Honor' as he still strongly believes that their legacy will thrive on for years to come. Even if it's him who has to do it himself. When given a task that Tremki feels motivated in doing he generally excels without fail. If he fights an opponent he expects them to use their full strength - finding a complete insult if they don't.


Tremki rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn't usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying, Tremki just finds it fascinating. Especially when it comes to learning more about his own ancestory and leniage.

~Observing & Astute~

During his years of living in the woods detatched from all common society. Tremki was practically forced to become observing of his surroundings, this has made him naturally good at telling if someone is around him through even an odd motion he feels in the ground. He has able to spot things out that many may not, such as stealth-based ninja trying to blend in with their surroundings can be spot out by Tremki in the matter of seconds. Essentially this also applies on a whole different level when it comes to meeting someone. He shows the ability to accurately assess situations or people within the matter of first meeting them, this makes him a very good judge of character and also gives him a base idea on how to use their personalities to his 'advantage' (Subconciously to say the least). Making it very hard to simply 'lie' to Tremki without making him suspicious or get caught out all together. In fact, it's not recommended that anyone lies to him.


While he can show moments of some level of maturity. Tremki is generally a very childish individual who enjoys meddling with other's on a daily basis through various mind games and smart word play his childish demeanour can sometimes come off as rude or disrespectful. Since he generally likes teasing those he socialises with he often finds himself getting into conflict especially in the local resturants with men drunk on sake. This childish attitude can differ from these smart allec comments, generally 'lowering' another's importance through undermining their strengths. Whether he even has a good point or not if given the chance Tremki will make you believe the sky is green and the grass is blue. Even when facing situations where he could easily die Tremki still comes out with his childish demeanour and will even go as far as to make these smart ass comments to anger his opponents. He's also quite a curious person over all and likes to ask a lot of questions if the subject or person intruiges him.


~Manipulative & Blood lust~

While it isn't known to Tremki, because of various traits he has such as his common selfishness and lack of empathy towards other's pain or misery. Tremki is essentially a sociopath whether he knows it or not. He naturally manipulates people in order to do what he wants or quickly 'rid' of their annoying attitude or tasks at the time, this also extends to manipulating other's to fight him willingly and give him the perfect chance to pose as the 'victim' afterwards. When he get's the chance to isolate himself and his opponent away from other's Tremki often uses this as a chance to completely ridicule them through various facial expressions such as poking out his tongue in a childish manner or the casual uncanny wink and a long grin. While this often doesn't impress his opponents alone however combined with his sarcastic and ridculing words he leaves no chance for his opponent to have any honor left by the time they die, before making the last strike. Tremki will generally 'give' the opponent a chance to live on if only he admit how inferior they are to the Kaguya Clan. While some do take this bargain, and make their appeal. This is only used to shatter any last 'glimmer' of hope they might of had left before ending it right then and there. His lust for blood is unstable, especially after the descovery of his clans complete annihlation he has lost the general care for most Shinobi who follow any of the village Kage.


~Born Fighter~

While having very, very little combat training with the exception of a few years his parents took care of him. Tremki is instinctually and naturally a born fighter and excells in most physical aspects especially Taijutsu. He knows what the right move is and what's not without any specific training at all, this fact alone would be able to startle other's as he can often back his words with action. He can become an extremely overwhelming opponent towards most people he fights with utmost percision in each of his strikes. To Tremki there is no such thing as a 'miss' and his attacks generally only have one method of defense; Blocking as best you can. However, Tremki believes and admits to himself that a taijutsu user of an unpredictable stance has the possibility to go toe to toe with him in Taijutsu. His natural thought tactics and capability of creating numerous openings through seemingly pointless strikes towards certain area's - Tremki feels such confidence in his fighting ability he generally tends to do his best to make a fight last as long as possible through means of 'motivation'. By expressing their weakness and how he believes they can do much better - setting them 'expectations'. Attempting to use another's will against them he uses these moments to exploit whatever weaknesses he can before telling his opponent every flaw before either allowing them to live until they become 'worthy' enough to him or kill them on the spot.



While most of his governing traits, actions and words could say otherwise a lot of the time. Many find it a surprise to find that deep down - Tremki feels a deep and undying care for all people and things. Being a much more supressed side of his nature he normally comes off blunt in situations when talking about emotional situations or his past. Despite all of this however, in truth. Tremki deeply cares and every action he does is mosly done for his friends. Even though he constantly expresses his general 'hate for all people' this is simply all a masquerade to hide his true nature. This is also true towards his clan, however to those he can actually find friends or liking in - will find at the moment it matters most Tremki will be the person there to help you through it.



- Powerful Shinobi who he feel would be a fun challenge

- Taijutsu user's (He seems to hold more general respect for them)

- Combat in general whether it be real combat or just a friendly spar

- Random acts of kindness (He finds this a rare thing)

- Nature (Finds it easier to be calm)


- Seeing new jutsu etc.

- Snakes


- Arrogant Individuals

- Being touched randomly

- Narrow minded individuals

- Being lied to (This is ironic and fairly contradiciting coming from him) "It's just simply 'immoral'.." *Scoffs over his own words*

- His clan name being talked down upon "You don't know anything you idiot! I'll show you the hard way!!"

- Being interupted when he's eating "Do you really insist on me stopping my meal to listen to you?"


- Travelling across the country

- Sparring "People generally get pretty scared so it's the best way to trick someone in fighting you willingly!"

- Training "In honor of the Kaguya Clan."

- Reading books "I have to learn stuff through something right? I wasn't as 'privileged' as you to get education."

- Expanding his geographical & historic knowledge "For a truly changed world, one must first look back on it's past thorougly in order to assure that corruption never arises again."

Mental Strengths:

~Knowledgeable ~

Tremki rarely pass up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn't usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying, Tremki just finds it fascinating. Quick Thinkers – Tremki have tremendously flexible minds, and are able to shift from idea to idea without effort, drawing on their accumulated knowledge to prove his points, or their opponents', as they see fit.

~Original ~

Having little attachment to tradition, Tremki is able to discard existing systems and methods and pull together disparate ideas from his extensive knowledge base, with a little raw creativity to hold them together, to formulate bold new ideas. If presented with chronic, systemic problems and given rein to solve them, Tremki can often respond with unabashed glee.

~Excellent Brainstormer~

Nothing is quite as enjoyable to Tremki as analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions. Combining his knowledge and originality to splay out every aspect of the subject at hand, rejecting without remorse options that don't work and presenting ever more possibilities, Tremki is an irreplaceable in brainstorming sessions.


Tremki seems to just have a way with words and wit that others find intriguing. Their confidence, quick thought and ability to connect disparate ideas in novel ways create a style of communication that is charming, even entertaining, and informative at the same time.


When given a chance to combine these traits to examine an interesting problem, Tremki can be truly impressive in their enthusiasm and energy, having no qualms with putting in long days and nights to find a solution.

Mental Weakness:

~Very Argumentative ~

If there's anything Tremki enjoys, it's the mental exercise of debating an idea, and nothing is sacred. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the vigor with which Tremki tear down their beliefs and methods, leading to a great deal of tension.


Being so rational, Tremki can often misjudge others feelings and push his debates well past others' tolerance levels. As he doesn't seem to really consider emotional points to be valid in such debates either, which magnifies the issue tremendously.


Unless people are able to back up their ideas in a round of mental sparring, Tremki is likely to dismiss not just the ideas but the people themselves. Either a suggestion can stand up to rational scrutiny or it's not worth bothering with.

~Can Find It Difficult to Focus~

The same flexibility that allows Tremki to come up with such original plans and ideas makes them readapt perfectly good ones far too often, or to even drop them entirely as the initial excitement wanes and newer thoughts come along. Boredom comes too easily for Tremki, and fresh thoughts are the solution, though not always a helpful one.

~Dislike Practical Matters~

Tremki is very interested in what could be – malleable concepts like ideas and plans that can be adapted and debated. When it comes to hard details and day-to-day execution where creative flair isn't just unnecessary but actually counter-productive, Tremki can lose interest, often with the consequence of his plans never seeing the light of day.


The instincts of his lack fear in almost ever form, he has no true fear even towards those who may appear 'powerful' or better than him. He laughs at the face of death and often likes to also poke some tongue's while he's at it. However just like everyone, Tremki does fear something and those who are intelligent enough will eventually notice it. He finds it hard to trust - in fact he's fearful to trust.

~Family and Close Other's~


Shizou Kaguya (Father), Mira Kaguya (Mother)




The Kaguya Clan, however as far as Tremki's knowledge goes they are all dead.

Best Friend(s):



(I guess this can be edited depending on who is interested)






None (Unless someone wants to??)


He's deemed the Shinobi whoever mass murdered the whole village his rival & enemy.


While it's currently unknown to him, the person who murdered the Kaguya Clan (Aka - Solemn Jester)

~Favorites/Least Favorites~


His favorite food is plain noodles, his least favorite food is ramen (The irony xD )


Tremki isn't very particular to what he drinks, but he believes nothing can ever beat the refreshing feeling you get from water.


His favorite color's are black & purple, however he is also very fond of the color red.


He enjoys winter above all season's and particulary hates summer for it's heat.

Time of Day:

The night, finds it much more calm


He hates really sunny and hot day's and often enjoys the times when it rains or snow's as best he can


He has no specific taste in flower's but if he were to choose one it would be the 'Passion Flower'


His favorite animal are snakes (Obviously) and he actually feels a rather deep connection with most snakes he comes across and is more likely to kill a man for no particular reason before killing a snake. (Just to emphasize on that point.. xD )


Born into the Kaguya Clan, Tremki's parents were once loving and normal parents who done everything a normal parent should. While living in peace for most of their life, Tremki knew little of the life his parents lead - while they were both member's of the Kaguya clan themselves. Tremki always knew they had been somehow 'different' from the rest, in a way he felt as if they were apart of something bigger. Unfortunately, Tremki would never see the day where he would finally be able to know the truth behind their parents many, many secrets. At birth, Tremki was one of the few to obtain the Clan's kekkei genkai 'Shikotsumyaku', a rare technique that could only be possessed by a member of the Kaguya clan. During his short time with inside the small village which the clan resided in he was shut away from public - his parents afraid that if the other's found out the Kekkei Genkai which Tremki had, they would put him away for life or worse, kill him while he was still an innocent child. So he was locked away from the public and instead, at the age of four Tremki and his family moved out of the Clan's village and travelled across the continent and settling inside a vast and dense jungle which his family eventually named "Kitai Shinrin" (Danger Forest), due to the oversized monster-like creatures which lived inside the truly large forest which convinced Tremki's parents that the other side possessed a whole new land in which had nothing to do with the one they all currently lived in.

While the idea was exciting to them, they never went further than they had to before building themselves their own home which kept them relatively sage from the danger's outside. Every day was a constant battle and even at Tremki's young age - his parents felt that he was now 'old enough' to begin fighting himself. Besides it was in his blood afterall, so Tremki went out into the wilds with his father day in and day out; learning the tricks of the trade and as expected he was naturally adapted to almost every sitution they got into and day by day he grew stronger and the 'dangers of the wilds' were now just a common daily activity for them to take advantage of.


By the time Tremki hit the age of seven, his parents introduced him to his first year of training. While still keeping their secrets they taught Tremki natural tricks which would give him the extra advantage when 'hunting'. These were the basics of what came to be known commonly as 'assassination techniques'. Tremki within the span of a year learned almost all of the basics of these assassination techniques which allowed him to walk around in complete silence as if nothing were there at all to being able to create numerous mirages of himself through rythmic steps to confuse his opponent and strike unexpectedly. This and also learning the ground basics of his kekkei genkai, what Tremki didn't realize - is that these whole years within the forest was all just a stage for his training. Tremki's body became naturally strong through their way of living and he gained many natural attributes that most kids could only dream of having at his age and he gained a natural sixth sense that also helped greatly in many of his conflicts. At the age of ten, Tremki was abandoned by his parents, sending him out on a hunt to gather food for their supper and during that time - vanishing without a single clue left behind to explain why they left or where they went. He was all by himself, with nothing at his side. The first week for the young Kaguya child was the hardest, dealing with the confusion and sadness which came from being left by the only things he ever cared about..

The second week, he began contemplating what his life would now hold; what was he supposed to do now he had nothing? At the time, dying wasn't even an option which crossed the child's mind and he decided to keep living the way he always did. Since he never knew how to get out of the large forest, the only thing he knew was the forest. So he hunted, and gathered his own supplies and doing his best to feed himself while also continuing the teachings of his parents by himself. Tremki eventually began to believe there was a reason his parents left without a single notice or trace - he took it as a sign rather than being abandoned and while some call it arrogance some may also look the other way and believe what he says. As it definately made him stronger for the hard struggles ahead.

It wasn't until Tremki was fourteen that he made his way out of the forest, after preparing himself over years and gaining bearings to the landscape which the forest possessed and finally making his way out. Finding himself in a world that he never knew about, but he soon would learn through experience. After walking through rocky and mountain terrain, Tremki found himself at the brim of Iwagakure. As soon as he found a main path to guide travellers with his relief also came grief. Tremki was ambushed by a group of Rouge bandits that were only looking for something to have 'fun' with.

The first bandit, who seemed to be the leader. Walked by Tremki, since he was only a child and was fairly ignorant of the danger's the world holds. The bandit leader moved out of his way to bump into the Kaguya child, Tremki almost fell to the ground but kept his footing after using his hand son the ground as support to lift himself back up - the moment he did however he would find himself only lifting his head up to a forearm that came cracking down on the back of the Kaguya child's head and causing the child to go back down. Tremki was stunned, and since he was so surprised that he was attacked for no real reason - for a short time he wasn't even able to react to the situation. The other bandits jumped in, surrounding the young Tremki and throwing whatever they had while laughing, beating Tremki in almost all area's of his body - by the end of it. Tremki couldn't do anything, his body was battered and the situation puzzled him more than ever before.

After the bandits finished beating him, they took him and retreated back to their hideout - to this day Tremki can still not remember exactly where the place was. Only that it lead to an underground tunnel area with mass amounts of space. A week after the beating event, the Kaguya child would find himself waking up in a comfortable bed inside a small enclosed room with only one door and a single light above him.


After getting up and trying to open the door, Tremki soon found himself trapped inside the room and came to bearings with what was happening. Every night the bandits would come in, only to discriminate Tremki for his ancestory due to the markings he still had across his forehead and of course - for their own soul entertainment of getting to beat the life out of someone every day. This went on for weeks or even months, but as time passed - Tremki had more time to think to himself, he began to make his own perspective on how life worked and one night once the bandits came in - a bloody night would begin.

Tremki's mind had either done two things, snapped into a mode where all he knew what to do was fight - or have been taken to such an extent that he literally broke inside and lost utter control of all of his actions. Bones struck out from all parts of his body widely and seemingly no end - impaling through every rouge inside the tunnel, Tremki went into a stage of utter fury. Tearing and ripping through the flesh of numerous Shinobi, the total count of the actual shinobi rouge organization which once operated there was at the count of one-hundred & seventy trained Shinobi of all type of classes ranging from D-class to A-class. After the screams and cries howeled throughout the many corridors within the underground hideout. Tremki soon found himself becoming cornered in a rather large and empty space. He was completely surrounded by dozens of angry rouge shinobi, ready to tear him apart any chance they had. Many of them charged at once, only to find themselves being impaled by several bones and being ripped to shreds once Tremki began his manuver's that came naturally to him while using the kekkei genkai.


While some were able to survive the strike, the others fell to their deaths and more began rushing in. The bones retracted back into his skin and from his collar-bone, Tremki took out what could easily resemble a bone-blade of sorts and as every rouge came into reach, they would all find themselves being striked down one after the other. It wasn't until it came down to the last rouge standing, who ironically enough was also the very person who was the first to encounter and attack Tremki. They found themselves in a fairly tough battle, passing strikes even with Tremki's relentless and hard-to-counter attacks the rouge he was against made his own ways of defending - using a steel-release form and making thick shield-like structures as a personal technique of his, the rouge was able to block most of the attacks and only gaining a few strikes and dints from the attacks coming in at high speeds. Exchanging strikes seemingly over and over again, it wasn't until Tremki...(This next part is gonna be in a spoiler for anyone who doesn't like reading extremely graphic things)

The fight was to no avail for most of the part, exchanging strikes seemed to come heavy on both sides and each took as many hits as the other. By this time, Tremki was no less than a bloody mess. From his mouth, eyes and head were dripping with blood and if you included the bleeding which came from the numerous cuts and strikes that he took from before-hand. Some would ponder how Tremki had still been standing by this point. It wasn't until the rouge leader noticed this and made one wrong move that the tide of the current fight would change. The rouge rushed at Tremki, this wild tactic was useless against someone like Tremki, and if the rouge had done what he done during the earlier stages of the fight it was very likely he would have won - this one wrong move gave Tremki the perfect chance to strike. Bones struck out from his rib cage and as the rouge rushed to attack him, he found himself impaled in his stomach and shoulders and being lifted into the air - slowly being ripped apart from the inside, Tremki arranged his bone structure to widen slowly and causing the organs and flesh of the rouge to slowly tear until a point where each of his limbs and torso seemingly flew off in seperate directions. Even once the rouge was dead, Tremki found himself in such a state that he repeatedly jabbed and struck the piled up corpses stuffing the room up. By the end, it was impossible to tell if Tremki was covered in his blood from head to toe, or if he was covered in the blood of his enemies...The last thing in which Tremki remembered from that day, was walking to one of the rouge's who managed to survive - and ripping the very eye from the man's head only to bring his leg up and repeatedly bash the shinobi's head in with his foot.

Two months later, after Tremki escaped the underground hideout. He headed east where he found himself venturing from harsh, desert terrains into beautiful and lushes forests and river's which made every day seem like some sort of adventure. For the two months that Tremki travelled after his encounter with the rouge shinobi he met no one who had tried doing the same thing, and while still coming across several people none of which had any ill intent towards Tremki. While he wasn't able to stay in some towns because of the markings he bares and the fear it was able to spread throughout those towns made it hard for Tremki to truly find anywhere he could stay. It wasn't until he came across one of the major village's Amegakure that he was first accepted to visit and stay at the Village. While his presence still brang much attention, instead of simply outcasting the child they instead brought the boy in for questioning. Walking to the largest building near the center of the Village, the shinobi of the village lead Tremki through a vast building and at the very top - lead to a chamber that was the office and home of the respected Kage or in this case - Amekage of the village.


After walking through a rather long corridor, Tremki found himself at a rather grand set of doors which seemed to open almost as soon as he approached. The kage sat there, as if he had been waiting for the child to arrive for quite some time and gesturing towards a seat before telling Tremki "Take a seat, child.." The kage was interested in knowing more about the Kaguya child, where he came from, what he had been doing for his life and most importantly - how he survived the harsh attack which wiped out the Kaguya Clan. Since this was the first time the Amekage actually met a Kaguya member in person - he was intruiged to say the least..

Tremki however, had a much different outlook on people - after being attacked and locked in a cage by the bandit-nin, even inside a Village like this which seemed so secure - Tremki had little trust in anyone within the room or the village itself. He did not speak and simply pushed the chair aside as if to gesture that he would rather stand. The Amekage make little reaction and if anything, was amused by the boy. Moving over to his desk, he took out a single document after shuffling through his drawers and placing it on the desk "Do you know what this is, kid?" the Amekage asked the Kaguya child, who glared at the documents in complete confusion and awe.

"No.." Tremki said with a quiet tone, he had almost no idea where this was leading but a feeling in his stomach told him that it wasn't anything good. The Amekage only replied with a simple nod, his expression dulled and in a sense darkened as he went on to talk "This is the document, containing the information we know about complete annihilation of the Kaguya Clan..Yet..Here you are." the amekage intertwined his hands as he rested them on the desk before him - seeming to contemplate about the whole situation. Tremki was left in a state of shock however, the new found knowledge that his whole Clan had been torn apart, destroyed with nothing left. For a moment, the Kaguya child didn't believe the man - standing up he began shouting at the Kage as he clenched his fists "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU CAN'T JUST SAY EVERYONE IS DEAD? WAS IT YOU!!!?" he lost control, his eyes were filled with fury and the Amekage became slightly weary of his presence - gesturing towards the Shinobi under his rule to move in. This was a bad move on his part as Tremki in the light of rage, reacted without thought or hesitation. Bone's ruptured out from his back, chest, arms and Tremki came rushing at the Shinobi looking to contain the Kaguya child. Only to find themselves becoming impaled by several long and sturdy bones. The Amekage still sat in his chair, seemingly un-fazed by what happened and instead just letting out a sigh as he tilted his kage hat down. "I should have expected this would happen with one of your kind, you don't exactly know this but many people consider it a good thing that the Kaguya Clan is now out of the picture for good." The Amekage's words caught Tremki's attention, who than turned around to face the Amekage with dead-serious eyes filled with lust for blood. "Are you..Going to kill me too?" he asked with a dark and deep tone in his voice. The Amekage kept in his eased posture and shrugged his shoulder's while tilting his head side to side "I'm thinking about it still..That's why I brought you here Mr. Kaguya." the kage said with a fairly polite tone - not seeming to really care about the dead Shinobi who were guarding him and died under his order's. Tremki took in a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh, moving the seat and sitting down on it - his bones simutaniuosly retracted back into his skin rather slowly; as if they were ready to pop out again if anyone tried moving too close to him. The Amekage could sense within the child that he had no qualms about killing anyone that he found fancy but he couldn't help but believe there could be a core reason behind it - what came as more of an interest was the Kaguya child's display of using Shikotsumyaku, as a Kage of a rather oppressed village he felt that he could really use someone like Tremki. Being only a child the Amekage felt it possible to mold the child into the perfect tool to claim more land and bring in more funds and resources to the Village. The Amekage began to develop a small plan, one which heavily involved the Kaguya Child. He first started by trying to get along with the child first - they sat there for a few hours just learning more about each other. Although to begin with Tremki was rather shy and serious, being fairly short-spoken with most of his answer's eventually the Amekage was able to slip himself inside the heart of Tremki by simply saying "Would you like revenge?". Tremki knew exactly what the Amekage meant by revenge; since the topic earlier was about the death of his Clan things seemed to become slightly more clear in Tremki's head, he didn't know why but it appeared that the Amekage actually some what cared about the Kaguya Clan, at least that were Tremki's thoughts for the time being. Replying with an eager nod Tremki became convinced into staying inside the Village for a while.

For the first night, the Amekage placed the Kaguya child within one of the inn's in their Village. The room was nice, and the bed sheets were warm and the food which came in that night was something out of this world for Tremki at the time who only knew so little about food. It was everything a child like Tremki could ask for at the time - the second day. Tremki found himself yet again at the top of the very tall kage building in Amegakure.

Once entering in this time however, the Kage office was now filled with a dozen other tough-looking Shinobi in the presence of the Amekage who sat at his desk just like the day before with a smile on his face "Today, will be the start of your basic education..After you finish that you will be starting your training." The Amekage spoke as if the Kaguya child already knew all of these things were happening but the truth was he had no clue at all and was actually left baffled by the situation. "I don't understand" he said in reply, looking towards the others who he assumed would be his teacher's. Tremki had very little interest in participating in whatever the Amekage had in store for him "What if I don't want to do this? I never asked for it.." he said, trying to explain his situation however little reaction was made by those who would be named his mentors or the Amekage himself. "I understand you are unsettled, but I see a lot of potentiel in you..We are able to give you a very comfortable home here, but you have to comply with no questions asked." all of this wasn't very convincing to Tremki, especially the moment when the man flexed his tone in the word 'comfortable' as if he weren't even able to lie without making such obvious notions - or perhaps the Amekage was confident more Shinobi at his defense than last time. Tremki took a better look at the Shinobi, most of them seemed smart despite that obvious tough appearance and at the time, they weren't even wearing their proper uniforms and wore similar uniforms only with an additional waist coat on the vest.



[tab= Shinobi & Jutsu Details]

Combat Stats:

Ninjutsu — 30 of 100

Genjutsu — 0 of 100

Taijutsu — 100 of 100

Strength — 7 of 10

Stamina — 8 of 10

Strategy — 9 of 10

Speed — 7 of 10

Chakra Control — 2 of 5

Birth Village:

Tremki wasn't born in any village and lived most of his life on the dangerous outskirt area's of the country.

Current Village:

He works mostly for himself and often moves from village to village on several jobs. (Wherever is the point of interest right now I'll have him be there and I may also have him join a village at some point after mingling around a little and getting a btter feel for the RP)

Academy Graduation Age:

Never went into the academy.

Chūnin Promotion Age:




Ninja Status:

While Tremki is not technically an official Shinobi he is classed as a missing-nin.

Animal Sage?:



None at the moment



Nindo(Ninja phrase/code):

Tremki thus far has no specific 'ninja way' and he believes that the world is too complicated to live by one set of rules. Often leading him to change his own 'ninja code' a lot.

Chakra Element:

Lightning & Water


Tremki carries around two weapons, firstly a specially made kunai which appears to be slightly larger in blade size than most traditional forms of the weapon. He also carries a Wakizashi holstered to the back of his waist - the blade seems fairly decorated and rather valuable. Tremki often also sports the other usual ninja-tools including several paperbombs & ninja wire on his person. He also keeps a pouch which contains a hefty stash of senbon which he uses on multiple occasions.


Primarily, Tremki is a Taijutsu user and at that he is considered a master at it. Naturally, when fighting even without his kekkei genkai he shows a feirce and unorthodox martial art style which ranges from punches and kicks at different angles, added with his practically pin-point accuracy with his punches that all greatly resemble numerous more traditional martial art styles we know of such as Krav Maga & a unique taijutsu pattern of sorts taught from his mother and father (This was some basic assassin training which he trained and developed over most of his life) while also using numerous and quickly delivered slices from slipping out his kunai and placing it back in almost an instant - making the timing of the blade almost unpredictable and therefore making every move he takes closer all the more frightening. Most Taijutsu user's will find it hard to land a hit due to his arm movement and style, using his arms and their strength to his advantage in order to flow fluently to the side - this can even be possible with blades due to his densed bone structure making his taijutsu form effective against samurai. He adapted this style through the teachings of his care-taker's and of course from self training, Tremki never liked to rely on other's for power and instead was willing to go the harder route in gaining it naturally instead. With a few of his parent's teachings after their long careers as assassins Tremki was able to develop numerous stealth techniques and other useful natural illusions to tempoarily throw off an opponent. His stealth techniques and other customly-created taijutsu techniques will be listed below. As for his clan taijutsu style, refer down to the jutsu section where the Shikotsumyaku area is~

Assassination Art: Shadow Step - Shadow step is a basic taijutsu technique that can be achieved through numerous ways. It allows the user to walk in complete silence and as if nothing was there - that is unless you're looking directly at him. This has multiple uses for Tremki such as when travelling through the tree's, during his numerous infiltrations into village's and stalking his person(s) of interest.

Assassination Art: Rhythm Echo - A slightly more enhanced trick which is achieved through a motion where Tremki creates afterimages by varying the cadence of his steps, while moving absolutely silently (Shadow Step). Creating the illusion like there are multiple afterimages of himself, however someone with either high intelligence or a keen eye will be able to spot real from fake - these after image's are completely tangible and will disperse when touched.

Shikotsumyaku Assassination Art: Mockingbird - While using his 'Dance of The Angel' technique, Tremki charges in and out from the opponent in a series of odd manuver's and using the bone structured wings on his back to glide through the air with relative ease. These manuver's are used to eventually confuse and hit the opponent with a harsh spin attack using the many spikes within the wings to hit his opponent - the effects being as if hit by an oversides mace.

Shikotsumyaku Assasination Art: Angel Wing Attack - While very simply named, this attack is much more effective than what it let's on. Instead of taking on a ranged attack like he normally plans to do while using his 'Dance of the Angel' technique (Which must be active when using this) and instead, going full offense up and close, normally by jumping above the opponent and raining a vast amount of strikes down at his opponent using his wings which suprisingly are fairly fast.


- Water Style Techniques -

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)

Water Release: Hidden Water Needles - is a jutsu whereby Tremki will release incredibly stealthy needles of water from his hands and mouth, transforming his chakra into hydrogen and using it as ammunition. The water needles are incredible small and fine, making them difficult to see by normal ninja, but are still visible, if barely, in most conditions. The needles may be used by medical ninja to strike vital points and disrupt the movement of their enemies for a few moments.

Water Release: Water Prison - A jutsu which Tremki uses to incase his opponent inside a sphere of water. By using his chakra he can form these and is able to trap an individual inside a sphere filled with water to either drown (Or until Tremki can't hold the jutsu) or he will use a lightning jutsu in combination with this technique to deliver extra damage.

- Lightning Style Techniques -

Lightning Release: Shadow Clone - Very similar to it's original technique "Shadow Clone Jutsu" by using his lightning, Tremki is capable of making clones of himself that violently explode on physical contact. While Tremki has only been seen using two simutaniously it's believed with more chakra input Tremki is able to make more of these clones.

Lightning Pulse Technique - A more passive lightning technique, this technique requires contact where Tremki sends a eletric shock through the victims body. The power of this technique can range depending on how much chakra Tremki place's into the technique however even at it's full power - it's only capable of critically injuring genin level shinobi with the use of one however Tremki can abuse this technique (Also leading him to take a risk of losing too much chakra) in combining this technique with his general taijutsu, a style he calls "Lightning Punch Barrage"

~Kaguya Clan Kekkei Genkai Techniques~

Tremki know's all of the traditional 'dances' for his Kekkei Genkai and has access to 6 individual dances in total. Unlike Kimmimaro from the series however,

Dance of the Camellia

Dance of the Clematis: Flower

Dance of the Clematis: Vine

Dance of the Larch

Dance of the Seedling Fern

Dance of the Willow

Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets

Dance of the Angel:

This is the sixth and last dance of Tremki's, when using this Tremki takes off his shirt in order to allow his 'wings' to spread. Numerous particulary shaped bones form from his back in the shape of 'angel wings' with numerous layer's onto the wings that can be used for greater manuverability by flapping his wings (This can also be used as a means to send wind like blasts at his opponent). These wings have other purposes as well however, by aiming them towards a direction Tremki can set off long spear shaped bones from his wings that launch towards his opponent at high speeds. By expanding his tail-bone as well Tremki has been able to develop a tail in this dance which seems to be very similar to his 'Dance of the Clematis: Vine' technique. This tail is completely manuverable and it's end is extremely sharp, when using this dance using his 'vine tail' as his main means of melee offense.

~Kinjutsu Techniques~

Chakra Corruption Technique - This Kinjutsu ability is one of Tremki most powerful jutsu in his arsenal, a forbidden jutsu which allows Tremki to literally 'rot' away another's charka. Depleting it over time to the point it makes all ninjutsu and genjutsu practically unuseable and can also render jutsu that have been launched at him to dissipate. Although this jutsu takes some time to perform, Tremki finds it being a 'game changer' when it comes to intense fighting. While being one of his most 'powerful' Ninjutsu technique, it's also on of the only two Kinjutsu techniques which Tremki has come into possession of.

Kinjutsu: Hiding in Surface Technique - A technique which allows the user to mold in with their surroundings, used primarily for stealth by using this technique Tremki is able to jump back into the saftey of tree's where he seems to mold in with the branch of a tree and can appear anywhere from below to around his victim.

(Butt's n rainbowwws)




~Character Quote(s)~

"If you're falling and pray to your 'god' for help, you'll still find yourself hitting the cold ground.."

"The world is cruel..And the only morality in a cruel world is change."

"Love & Hate are two sides of the same coin.."[/bg]

I see a certain Sosuke in there =w=

It's good, my only concern is where he's gonna be for the first arc of the RP .-.

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