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Fantasy mythical kingdom

Viola jumped down in front of the dragon and spread her hands, having dark energy flow from them. "Leave." she simply said. the dragon stopped and cowered back, in fear. It was acting completely different than before. It spread it's wings and flew away.
"Hmm... Impressive. The hatchling mentioned a Dark Kingdom. Are you from there?" Surahgol asks the princess, putting Cocytus back in it's sheathe before very awkwardly walking to a spot that was not covered in flames.
Viola turned to the warrior and nodded. "I am the princess of the dark kingdom, in fact..." She said wiping her hands on her shirt.
Surahgol nods slowly and felt a bit sad that the old kingdoms have been replaced. "Are there other kingdoms besides the Dark Kingdom?" He asks the princess.
Yuki lifted each trays top taking them to the kitchen as the smell of fresh cooked breakfast would fill the air "hm..I'm kind of getting hungry myself"
I got done with my shower I got dressed did my hair then layed on my bed reading. While I was reading I grabbed an apple and ate it instead of going downstairs for breakfast
His face cringed on instinct toward her snappy tone. He wasn't exactly sure what it was that had her so uptight and cranky, but he really didn't have the time to ask her about her personal problems. Maybe it was just something all girls her age went through. And with that thought, he brushed off her comment and turned back to Sky to apologized for Ryan's false accusation. But before he could open his mouth to speak, he realized that her face had turned slightly red and she seemed to be in a bit of pain. She wasn't crying out for help, so that was relieving in a way, but he couldn't help but ask. "Are you okay, Lady Sky?" He asked as he impulsively set the back of his hand against her forehead to test her temperature It wasn't a fever, that was for sure.
"A-ah!" She stepped back at the sudden touch to her head, she was in a bit of a daze and wasn't expecting it "Yes im fine, thank you for asking" she replied quietly "just a bit of a headache, it'll pass" what was blocking her thoughts? She wasn't sure but this was the second time that she got a pain if she learned too much from a memory....perhaps someone did this to her and it wasn't some kind of accident as she originally thought. She snapped out of her thoughts as she had been lost in them for quite sometime.

Graham jolted back a bit at her sudden shout and quickly retracted his hand. He didn't think anything of it, but then again, touching a random stranger was beginning to seem very peculiar to him. Clearing his throat after she confirmed that she was in fact alright and that it was only a small headache, even though he suspected there was more to it, he left it at that nodded in return. He didn't want to press the matter and if it got worse, he was sure that she'd inform him. "Alright then. If you're sure you're feeling fine, then I suppose we should continue toward the dining hall." Taking the lead once again, Graham led her to the strangely vacant room and gestured toward the table set up with breakfast foods of all sorts. Yuki and the other chefs really out did themselves when guests were around. "As you can see, we've got more than enough to pass around. Help yourself."

Sky nodded as she continued to follow him down the hall, her eyes glancing from left to right as she took in her surroundings, familiarising herself with them. "Thank you" As they reached the dinning area her eye widened at the amount of food there, she knew the girl from before had left to her room and that's why she wasn't here, she looked around before taking a seat "Where is Zero? Did he not stay?" It wasn't that she had taken a liking to the boy, but she was a tad curious as to where he was.

Graham noticed her awestruck gawk and stifled a grin as he took his seat at one if the many seats set around the dining room table. To be honest, even for their standards this was a pretty lavish breakfast, but he wasn't complaining. If this was the outcome of having guests over, they should be more open to inviting others to stay with them. "Think nothing of it. Just eat to your hearts content." He shrugged before setting up his own plate and sitting back down. "Zero?" He muttered quietly, nearly forgetting about the boy he and his sister had a quarrel about the other night. "Oh, right! I suppose he's still asleep. I'll have a footman check up on him in a bit." Graham said in a bored tone. He didn't know why, but something about that boy set him on edge and he didn't want Ryan around him. "Is he your brother or something?" He asked her, recalling the way she greeted him so casually the other night.
Yuki walked to her room laying on her bed she would let out a sigh rolling around grabbing one of her stuffed toys her mom gave "ah memory's I will always keep them close"
She smiled and nodded as she set a bit of food for herself. She turned and looked at him "my brother? No, not at all, I'm an only child" she paused, how'd she remember that? She shrugged it off continuing her answer "He found me when I first regained my consciousness in the forest" she poked her food with her fork "He gave me my name" she said smiling warmly before taking a bite of breakfast.
(If someone of dark kingdom need Amy feel free to post.)

A bald eagle sat perched in a tree overlooking a river, piercing gold eyes staring out at the horizon before she raised a wing and began to preen her feathers. Wicked black talons dug into the bark of the tree limb she perched on, a calm breeze flowing through the leaves of the oak tree.

((Are you still alive xD ))

Sky turned her head and smiled "good morning yuki, thank you the breakfast, its lovely!" She chimed"What are my choices?" She asked politely.
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He didn't realize it until she struck down his assumption about their relation, but he was a little uneasy knowing that the Zero kid wasn't her brother (for whatever reason). Even so, he wouldn't show it nor did he pay much attention to it, at least, he tried not to. After all, it wasn't exactly any of his business, all he needed to know was that they weren't in the streets begging for shelter and that was because of his generosity -as selfish as it sounded. When he heard her mention her name, he took in a deep breath before sternly locking eyes with the silver-haired amnesiac. If only yiu knew. "Yeah, about that." He cleared his throat as Yuki entered, cutting him off before he could m0mention the locket. "Ah, yes. I wouldn't mind some wine. Thank you, Yuki." He smiled somewhat manually.

(Sorry, I was having trouble with the internet.)
"Yes sir..sorry to interrupt you...um miss sky there is wine, water, we have some orange juice freshly squeezed what would you like?" Yuki asked moving to sky waiting for her order
Sky tilted her head as she studied his reaction. Did he...know something? Perhaps not, but he was about to say something just as yuki came over to ask what they would like "Orange juice would be lovely, thank you" she gave a small nod and a smile.
((Oh and its okay, WiFi can suck sometimes ;0; @Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep ))

((If I had another character that was near you I would I'm so sorry ;-; @eclipsehowls ))

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