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Fantasy mythical kingdom

Readjusting the collar of his white tunic after tucking the hem into his fitted black trousers, Graham gave himself one good look in the mirror set up over his vanity and ran a comb through his hair. Having to meet with a few of his father's former advisers in a few hours demanded he looked his best that day, even if they were only going for a quick outing into the capital. After all, appearance does influence what kind of ruler people think he'll be. Opting on leaving his cloak for when he'd actually leave for the city, Graham left his chambers and strode down the hall to grab something to eat. But before he could get far, he spotted the silver haired girl from the other night floating aimlessly about the area. She'd lost; no doubt about it. Clearing his throat, he called out to her as his scarlet orbs looked her over as if trying to sum up whether the name Nami actually fit her. The locket was all he could think about the other night, but he didn't actually get down to reading up on the crest. "Good morning, Miss... Sky? Is there something in particular that you're looking for?"
As sky wandered the halls she heard a voice call to her she paused, recognising it as the males voice from last night, she never did catch his name. She turned around to face him, straightening out her clothes slightly before hand. "Ah, good morning!" She she shook her head "Nowhere really....I suppose I'll be taking my leave soon? I wouldn't like to be a hindrance to you and your family..." she replied, her speech had now greatly improved, she no longer struggled with her words or sentence structures.
Yuki peeked out of the dinning hall spotting them talking she would wait for them wondering if she would leave without a morning mean which she couldn't allow
Graham was a bit taken aback by her words, figuring he must've said something to her to make her think she was being a hindrance. An unexpected guest, sure, but not a hindrance. Well, maybe to Ryan, but that was something completely out of line. To be honest, his interest had piqued upon coming across that locket, however, it wasn't like he wanted her to stay long. Maybe until he could figure out who she was and what she could possibly be doing in his kingdom without escort. So he didn't want to make her feel like she was intruding. "A hindrance? Nonsense. As prince, I see it my responsibility to make sure you leave in your best condition. Now, have you had anything to eat?" He asked as he tilted his head, spotting Yuki through his peripheral vision.
She looked at him, her eyes fluttering lightly as she listened to him, he seemed a tad less dismissive than last night. She shook her head again "I have not, thank you for letting me stay...though you seemed rather irritated by my arrival last night...I do hope you didn't find me rude, I was rather disorientated...." she bowed her head a bit.
not seeing any movement i wasn't sure if i should go back or stay so i just sa up in the tree with ripped clothes and leaves and branches in my hair
He nodded slowly as he watched her look him over as he did to her, except she seemed to be trying to conceal her interest. Graham never felt comfortable when others attempted to sum him by looks because most of the time... they were wrong. He didn't look kind. He didn't appear intelligent. And he certainly didn't look like 'King material'. However, everything he didn't come off as was everything he strongly represented. He just hoped that she didn't think so badly of him after his attitude toward her the other night. A lag in sleep could take a toll on him and it was evident then. "I apologize if I unsettled you. I do tend to come off a bit disinterested, naturally." He shrugged before turning toward the stairs, his gaze completely fixed on Yuki this time. "Allow me to escort you to the dining hall." He called back to Sky before resuming his walk.
Viola awoke and stretched. She got up and dressed into a tan loose shirt, pants and boots. She was not going formal today, who knows. She may be attacked again, or her brother. In that case she'd have to defend him and herself. She grabbed her belt and attached her sword, dagger, and horn to it. The horn was supposed to call the crows and Ravens. Her friends. She then grabbed a cloak and opened her balcony window.she tied a rope to the side and climbed down. It was early in the morning, so no one could really see her in he darkness. She ran out of the castle without her steed and continued on into the forest. Sadly, she seemed to have lost her way and had entered the darkest part of the forest.

"Hello?" She said quietly, hoping nothing would respond. She hoped she was alone, but it seemed not...

"Who dares to enter my forest!!" A booming voice echoed throughout the forest. Viola gulped her fear down after a few seconds and spoke up.

"P-princess Vila of the dark kingdom. And who may you be?" She spasmodic confidently.

Large footsteps could be heard approaching behind her. She turned and saw a large ancient dragon. His like colored eyes, full of anger and hate.

"You mean the same dark kingdom who destroyed my forest..?" She asked getting closer to her face. She stood still in fear.
"It's nothing." Before they had even made it two steps down, Graham caught sight of his sister at the front entrace. She looks like shit. What the hell happened? "Ryan? What happened to your clothes... and hair?" He asked as he continued down the stairs, motioning for Sky to follow.
Yuki stood straight beginning to get tired from standing up for so long she would lean on the wall and sigh "hm they take there time getting here while we prepare all this hmm I'm so going for a nap"
Sky followed by his side as she watched the girl, she assumed by how the two talked they must be siblings or something like that. She looked between them both as they conversed. Suddenly a memory came back to her, once she saw them next to each other, she recognised them, she was at a function along with them, yes, a ball, she was younger then, she didn't talk or dance with them, she spent her evening with a dark haired young man, chances are they didn't recognise her...but who was she herself, and where was it? What was she doing at a ball? She winced a bit as a headache blocked her memories from advancing. Placing a hand lightly to the side of her head. She continued to listen regardless of the pain, hearing the 'enjoy you time left with her' comment made her tilt her head. Surely this Ryan girl has gotten the wrong idea. Her eyes followed after her as she walked off.
Surahgol heard a loud booming voice and calmly approached, his swords and his now rusty armour making audible clattering noises as he walked. He wasn't breathing and could've been mistaken for a statue if he stood completely still. He then saw a dragon and a woman through the trees quite clearly, despite how dark it was there, and stepped in-between the woman and the dragon, observing the dragon, and then turning his head to observe the woman, who resembled an elf of some sort, though she did not seem like the elves he knew. @Queen of Fantasy
Viola gasped at the sudden appearance of what seemed to be a warrior. The dragon looked down at it and huffed a cloud of smoke from it's nostrils. "An who may you be, warrior?" He asked with a deep growl in his voice.
A creaking noise emerged from within Surahgol's helm and turned into a noise that you hear when two things hit each other repeatedly. "Silence, hatchling." Was what the noise sounded like, though not so clear since he was undead. "Are you lost?" He asked the princess, seeming to ignore the dragon.
The dragon growled and bared it's teeth. Viola peered at he dragon and then at the warrior. She shook her head. "N-no, I'm definitely not lost..."
Surahgol slowly nods. "I see. Is this overgrown lizard causing you trouble?" He asks, ignoring the loud growl from of the dragon that has now bared it's teeth.
"N-no..." She said shaking her head. the dragon roared. "I'm not causing her trouble! She is! Her kingdom has wiped out this entire part of the forest, having me alone and dark. I have a new mission now. Destroy the darkness." He said as his throat started to glow a lime green. He opened his mouth and blew out green flames.
Surahgol grab the princess and leapt up in the hair, avoiding the flames and landed on the dragon's back u sheathing his short-sword, Cocytus, and stabbed the dragon's back, before running toward the tail with the short sword still in and cutting more and more as he ran before he quickly jumped off. He then realised he forgot the horse, but it was just a horse and he suspected it wouldn't be much trouble if the horse was roasted alive in those green flames.
the dragon roaed in pain, but didn't give up. His eyes blazed in fire and his breath was firey. He blew more and more fire
Surahgol simply leapt and dashed away from the flames, though as the dragon began breathing more and more flames, it appeared as though he was panicking and the sudden jolt of surprise before he dodged the flames became increasingly more noticeable. He knew that flames would not hurt him, but fear took over each time, making him stay far away from the flames.

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