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Fantasy mythical kingdom

The girl wobbled to her feet as she began to wander, at least her knack at talking and walking were beginning to come back to her, she kind of felt like an imbecile when she couldn't communicate with the boy she just met. Oh well it can't be helped, where was she anyways? She didn't recognise the place, perhaps if she travelled in the direction the boy went in shed find a town or something..... after a while of wandering, stumbling over and what not she stubbled across a palace, should she go in? She wasn't sure, she stood at the gate gazing in.
"the woods i wanted to go out there because i love seeing the birds and i wanted to climb a few trees" i looked up "sorry it won't happen again" my fingers were crossed cause i new that i was probably going to happen again.
At Ryan's melodramatic tone, Graham's expression fell into that of a deadpan as he crossed his arms and leaned against the door way. He wasn't buying it one bit, but he didn't have time to reprimand her further. "Yeah, yeah. So long as you returned in one piece, I suppose all's well. Anyway, did you return Willow to the stables and make sure she was fed after your little expedition?" He asked, changing the subject knowing he'd get riled up if they continued on that route.
"Okay..." He muttered in reply, not believing a word she said. There had been many accounts where she forgot to lock up Willow's stall, leaving the horse galloping around almost entire nights around the yard without supervision. Lightly patting her head, he smiled softly. "You may head to bed now. But remember what we discussed. You don't want mother throwing a fit, do you?" And with that, he turned on his heel and made his way back to the staircase. The last thing he needed was to wake to a horse chewing on his hair, mistaking it for hay. Once he reached the large, champagne coloured doors that led out toward the main entrance, Graham removed his black cloak and hooked it to a rack before rushing out the door and making his way toward the stables. He didn't want to spend longer than needed outside, so he made sure to hasten his pace. But before he could make it far, he spotted a very peculiar figure from the corner of his eye. Hesitantly turning to get a better view, his red orbs locked on a girl standing beyond the gate. What the f--? Ryan, what did you do this time? Looking around as if to make sure the guards were on alert, Graham cautiously approached, his brows plunging with curiosity and confusion all at once. "Hello, Miss? May I help you?" He called out, his voice echoing concern but unavoidable distrust in one go.
A girl with silver hair and pale pink eyes stood at the gates holding the wall for support in clothing that looked pricey but was dirtied with mud from her falling. The girl looked at him, blinking a few times. She kept a calm demeanour that almost seemed somewhat regal. "I apologise" she replied in an accent that certainly wasn't native, she bowed slightly, "I did not mean to intrude I was looking for civilisation" she looked around "I am lost" she said with a frown, she still looked like she was struggling with her words somewhat.
Yuki walked down from her bedroom for a last minute check around the castle. She peeked outside seeing the prince standing near the gate she would slowly walk out watching from the door way "who could he be speaking to at this time.."
As Graham came to a stop only a few feet from where the gate separated the two, he crossed his arms over his chest as a skeptic gesture as he gave the girl a once over, his eyes only darkening the longer he studied her. Her hair looked well tended to, despite it's ruffled appearance at that moment. The necklace and charms she wore seemed awfully expensive. Her fair skin, garb and distinct features made her seem almost celestial. There was no way this girl was an average traveller. But just who was she? More importantly, what was she doing out here? Upon hearing the girl's soft voice, Graham's eyes snapped back up to hers at her dominion. "Lost? Well, where was it you were heading?" He asked curiously, though it sounded more like he was demanding an answer. His ears twitched a bit at the sound of shufflimg sounding from behind him. No doubt one of the staff members was watching.
As Graham came to a stop only a few feet from where the gate separated the two, he crossed his arms over his chest as a skeptic gesture as he gave the girl a once over, his eyes only darkening the longer he studied her. Her hair looked well tended to, despite it's ruffled appearance at that moment. The necklace and charms she wore seemed awfully expensive. Her fair skin, garb and distinct features made her seem almost celestial. There was no way this girl was an average traveller. But just who was she? More importantly, what was she doing out here? Upon hearing the girl's soft voice, Graham's eyes snapped back up to hers at her dominion. "Lost? Well, where was it you were heading?" He asked curiously, though it sounded more like he was demanding an answer. His ears twitched a bit at the sound of shufflimg sounding from behind him. No doubt one of the staff members was watching.

"I....I don't know" she looked around "Where is here?" She asked as she pushes some hair from her face "I have no memory of this place, no memory of me, my home" she said shaking her head trying her best to string her words together. "I woke in the forest"
Great! Just great. Another loon asking for help at our doorstep. Graham glared at her in silence for a good minute, obviously having a hard time grasping the predicament. She said she was lost but doesn't even know where she was headed. Did she plan on circling town until it came to her? With flared nostrils, Graham thought hard on his options. He could just leave her out there and it would be no concern of his. But if he were to do that, he could come across her corpse somewhere in a gutter in a weeks time. Mentally groaning at his moral dilemma, Graham exhaled deeply before opening his mouth to speak. "'Here' is the Light Kingdom, and you've interrupted a scheduled check-up with a horse in the stables. You any good with horses, forest-dweller?" He asked curtly. Surely even people with amnesia would have small recollection at the mention of familiar things.

Great! Just great. Another loon asking for help at our doorstep. Graham glared at her in silence for a good minute, obviously having a hard time grasping the predicament. She said she was lost but doesn't even know where she was headed. Did she plan on circling town until it came to her? With flared nostrils, Graham thought hard on his options. He could just leave her out there and it would be no concern of his. But if he were to do that, he could come across her corpse somewhere in a gutter in a weeks time. Mentally groaning at his moral dilemma, Graham exhaled deeply before opening his mouth to speak. "'Here' is the Light Kingdom, and you've interrupted a scheduled check-up with a horse in the stables. You any good with horses, forest-dweller?" He asked curtly. Surely even people with amnesia would have small recollection at the mention of familiar things.
"Oh, right" The girl froze up briefly as she regained a partial memory "Horses... I am..alright with them" she nodded "Yes, I owned horses, I had stables" she replied as small memories flooded in.
Zero looked back and saw sky again running to her saying "sky why are you here"mouth a curious tone interrupting the twos conversation.

@Nonalaka @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
"Zero, Hello again" she nodded at him "I don't know, I was trying to find out where I was, I know where I am now...well sort of" she tilted her head letting out a small smile "I apologise for earlier, I forgot my speech, but its coming back better" she said

(Not sure if Graham is supposed to recognize him. -le shrug-)

"Right--" And before Graham could pitch his offer to the silver haired aphrodite, his sentence was cut off by someone veering out from behind him and calling out to a 'Sky'. Furrowing his brows a tad as he watched the girl's face light up with recognition, he snapped his head ovef his shoulder to find some random boy approaching the two, his gaze plastered on the girl on the other side of the gate. What in the hell is going on this night? "Excuse me? Can I help you?" He asked as he looked the boy over, trying to find something familiar on him.

@Aqua @Nonalaka
Zero looked at the strange guy he hasn't seen yet and said "you don't have to help me" with a smile then looked back at sky saying "you got your speech back that is great" he said with a smile.
She nodded "I wish I could just remember the rest now...." she frowned a bit before turning her gaze to the man she had been speaking to previously, his expression was less than cheery "Did I upset you with my arrival?...should I leave?" She asked him
Graham's expression faltered a bit into an unamused one when the boy replied. At this point, he wasn't sure if he was being a smart ass in effort to woo this 'Sky', as he called her, but he didn't appreciate the joke. Turning his attention back to the girl as she addressed him again, Graham only snorted. Upset? In a way, yes. But did he have the energy to waste on such feelings? No. Turning a bit to call out to the lady's maid standing nearby, he shrugged. "I don't know. What say you, Yuki? Should we invite this wayward stranger in or send her about her way?"

@sunako kirishiki
"Hm it is late I think they can stay the night it is dangerous at these times if you leave them out that is only my option" *she responded looking towards them walking slightly closer with a smile*
The girl anxiously fiddled with the ends of her hair as they came up with a decision. Smiling lightly at the young woman who suggested she stay. Ideally she'd want to go home, but seeing as she doesn't know where that exactly is, here was her best bet for now.
Graham's expression stay unchanged, as indifferent as ever, indicating that he couldn't be bothered with any of this at the moment. So long as they didn't do anything to cause damage to the castle, they could stay for the night. At least, Sky was welcome. As for the boy, he'd have to question the others as to how he got in and who exactly he was. Nodding once in agreement with Yuki's approval, Graham unlocked the gate with his skeleton key before opening it for her to enter. "Very well. Yuki, please prepare a room. And make sure Mother doesn't see either of them."
"Yes sir" *she looked over to the guests and smiled* "please follow me I shall accompany you to your rooms if you need anything just ring the bell in the room and a maid would come to your need"
The girl entered through the gates flashing a small smile to the male even if his face wasn't pleased in the slightest she walked past him a bit as she looked over in the friendly ladies direction to follow her to her room as she passed Graham the locket she was wearing must have broke the chain as it tumbled near his feet. It was a golden locket with elaborate designs engraved into it on the front as well as what seemed to be a royal crest (weather you character finds it familiar or not is your choice) at the back was two words "Nami Rillas"
He watched as the two girls retreated for the castle, but upon hearing and feeling the light reverberation of something fall at his feet, Graham's scarlet gaze fell toward the grassy ground and knitted his brows as he examined the shiny object. Leaning down to pick it up, he twirled the small charm in the palm of his hand, his eyes blanketing an observant scrutiny over the intricate design. There was a royal crest pressed into the gold locket, something he could've sworn he'd seen before, however, nothing came to mind. "Hmm?" When he turned it on his face, he found a cluster of strange letters carved ineptly into the back. "Nami Rillas?" Muttered quietly as the group carried on their way up into the castle. Figuring he could use this as some sort of token into figuring out where she came from, Graham pocketed the charm and resumed his walk toward the stable to check on Willow.
Yuki took her inside smiling at her "miss may I ask what your name is? And the guest room is in the third floor" *walking up the steps knowing if you might follow*

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