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Fantasy mythical kingdom

Viola kept pouring water on her face when she heard a familiar voice. It was her younger brother, Zero. She smiled and stood, and quickly hid behind a tree, and listened to him sing. He never liked to sing around other, but his voice was so nice to hear. She whispered to her beowl, and it came walking over slowly. She sat quietly and listened her brother sing.

Zero kept singing for a couple of minutes until his throat was parched and he got up going to the lake and the tail that was out grew longer and picked up some water so when it picked up the water zero drinker from it and sat by the water and stared at it.

@Queen of Fantasy
Viola jumped out from behind the tree and went "Boo!" Flailing her arms in the air from the other side of the river. She laughed as he jumped from surprise.

Through the shadows Jason approaches zero. "Zero" Jason says calmly . Still within the shadows. He steps out, full armor, swords drawn. "By orders of my king. I'm here to sentence you to death."
*yuki would be in the main living room looking at the big area* "this is too big how will I clean all this" *she began sweeping the dirt and dust from the floor then to polishing the furniture and anything she found dusty. Yuki found a old picture frame and stared at it for a while admiring the family*
"Hey!" Viola yelled at the boy with the sword and armor. She stepped in front of Zero and clutched her fists. "If you want my brother, you'll have to go through me." She said, angrily.

@Aqua @JasonThatSinner
"Viola . You fool. The king demands his head. He's a danger to everyone around him" Jason shrugs and his shadows wrap around zero and viola and grasp them firmly. "I would hate to have to kill you too viola. But this is treason. And this is my job"
Viola scoffs. "This isn't treason! Your killing my brother, and I will not allow you to do so!" She said breaking though the shadow and a dark energy filling her palms. She ran towards Jason and punched him in the face.

"If you don't want to die on my terms, I suggest you leave."
The punch doesn't even faze Jason. He simply laughs. "If you wish to kill me" Jason raises his foot and kicks viola in the chest and sends her back. "You'll have to try harder." Jason lunges at viola but disappears in the shadows before making contact.
Viola gasped for air and stands on her hands and knees, and retches. She wipes her mouth and with her other hand holding her stomach. "Please. Just don't hurt my brother..." She said with her voice cracking.
"The high order has ordered his execution. It's I'll be done. And you. Be grateful I don't kill you here." Jason realese zero. "For now" Jason vanishes in the shadows
@Nonalaka (yes you may)

i hear something in the woods ands my super speed to get there quickly i see a girl on the ground. " oh my goodness are you alright"

@Queen of Fantasy
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*Yuki was outside stacking the leafs over in a pile as she looked out to the distant area of the forest beyond the castle gates* "I wonder what all that noises were" *looking up seeing the birds fly out the trees quickly. She just shrugged and continued with her daily chores*
Viola ran over to her brother and wrapped her arms around him. "Are you alright, brother?" She asked, teary eyed.


Viola looked up at the girl and shook her head. "No.." She said tars running down her face.
(Srry guys was at grandmothers)

Zero looks at Jason with mean eyes saying "I'm not going back and I'm not dying either"
Viola stood, helping Zero up. "Yes, of course. He's my brother. She said looking at the girl. Her eyes widened. "You look familiar. Have we met?" She asked raising one brow.

"No... I'm Princess of the Dark Kingdom..." She said quietly. she really does look familiar. She thought in her head.
"Oh my goodness!" Viola said running over to Zero. "We need to get you home and take care of this..." She said taking off her black veil and wiping her brother's mouth. The substance started burning the cloth and she threw in on the ground. "What is this...?" she wondered aloud.

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