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Fantasy mythical kingdom

" sure id be happy to tag along" i said with a big grin " who knows maybe i can help her learn how to be a princess" i wasn't going to let graham get under my skin.

Zeigyaeri takes a stroll through the woods, making his way back to the kingdom whilst reading a book. Reading insanely fast, he clears the 1230 page book on magical theory after an hour or so of walking. He then stores the book in his pack, enjoying the scenery to pass the long walk.

Well, at least it's long for Wiselings: the walk itself only has about 20 minutes left. However, as a Wiseling, he sees the world go by much more slowly; ten times more so. He doesn't mind the length of the walk, though, and in fact finds the walk quaint and peaceful, as opposed to the bustling kingdoms, packed with people.

He never cared for the kingdom, really. He only ever really goes there to fulfill his Court Mage duties and read in the library, the only redeeming things about the kingdom. The rest of it is a sensory overload that belittles his attention to detail; the millions of people clad in various attire indicating their widely different social classes, the merchants selling vases and silks and pots and pans, the several dozen buildings of widely varied purposes, and the ground. Oh dear goodness the ground. One moment you see yourself walking on flagstone, the next you're standing on gravel, not even seconds later you're trotting on cobblestone, and immediately after that it's flagstone again! His mind can't take all the information.

It is why he lives in these wonderful woods. Oh, how he loves the woods. He lives in a cobblestone hut with a roof of a thick layer of straw, which sits atop a hill in a small clearing of trees, deep in the woods. Thankfully, he memorized most of the trees in the immediate area of his house so he doesn't get lost on the way to work. In his free time, he always loved to look at the animals that would gather in the clearing to eat small plants lying around. He would often memorize the features and details of some animals and draw them by memory.

He decided that's what he would do to pass the time. He took out a roll of parchment and a charcoal chunk, and then looked around for an animal, eventually laying his eyes on a beautiful, majestic hawk, a red shouldered hawk to be exact. He quickly memorized it and continued strolling along the path to the kingdom, sketching the hawk in vivid detail.
Sky was quietly observing the situation as she looked the girl up and down, she couldn't quite make out what emotion this girl was feeling as she quickly flicked between them. Was she happy? Or angry? Sky had a feeling that perhaps this girl didn't particularly like her much, but put the thought aside. "I'd like that very much" she said with a polite smile as she looked between them both.

Amy grabbed a platter of charbroiled meats and carried it with her to a bench before sitting down and began to eat. There were some exotic meats on the platter such as zebra and gazelle didn't taste half bad. @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
((Rub-a-dub is at work and will reply to everyone later on :D ))
Graham looked her over once again with a heedful gaze before reluctantly nodding in response. He wasn't sure if her condescending tone was meant for him or Sky, but he felt it necessary to keep the two at a distance. At least for now. Waving their chaperon away with their horses in tow, Graham took the lead once again , looking back at the two every now and again. "So, Ryan. I assume you haven't had much of a chance to get some breakfast. Would you like to stop by that tavern?" He asked, gesturing toward a shack that was filled to the brim with travelers and locals alike. A peculiar looking blonde was stationed just outside with a tray of food. Strange... she doesn't appear to be from these parts. What is it with all these foreigners slipping into the kingdom unseen?

@Nonalaka @eclipsehowls @ashlyn heckman
Amy picked up a charbroiled meat that she thought was supposed to be a piece of venison and took a bite of it, chewing slowly. Relieved that it was venison, she dipped it in the berry sauce that was slathered all over the tray and took another bite. The berry sauce contrasted well with the charbroiled meat. Feeling eyes suddenly on her, Amy tensed and looked around, spotting Graham, Sky and Ryan who were making their way towards the tavern. @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
Narrowing his eyes into a slit as he approached the tavern, not really waiting for Ryan's reply seeing as he knew her well enough to know that if he even gave her to opportunity to refuse she would, Graham looked over the blonde from afar and realised something. She looks awfully familiar. But her attire is a little off compared to the average Light Kingdom citizen. So... where had he seen her before? Looking back, he realized that the other two were pretty far behind him, taking their time to reach him it seemed. Rolling his eyes as he exhaled deeply, Graham gestured for them to hurry up before turning back on his heel and finding that the blonde was now looking his way. Shit! Quickly averting his eyes, he made his way up the steps and tried to act casual.
Amy watched the man go up the steps of the tavern, her eye never leaving his movements. The Queen hadn't given her any new orders since her last mission a few days ago. Maybe she should turn into her bald eagle and follow them or into her tabby cat form instead if they continued around town. Her eyes slid from the boy to his companions who seemed to be taking their dally gag time approaching the tavern. She watched the two companion for a few minutes as she slowly ate the charbroiled venison, savoring the interesting flavor of the berry sauce on it before looking back to Graham. She gave him a pointed look with her piercing gaze and then chose to ignore him for the time being. What are they up too and why does he seem like he knows me yet at the same time doesn't? she asked herself in her mind. @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
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Sky had also noticed he blonde girl as she quietly observed the eye contact that was being exchanged between her and Graham, did they know each other? Who knows, it wasn't really any of her business anyway. After noticing the signal for she and Ryan to hurry up she quickly caught up with Graham as they reached the tavern.
Amy savored every bit of meat coated in berry sauce slowly so as not to end her meal too quickly. However if she was going to spy on the three people by the tavern then she would need to reluctantly hurry up with her meal and figure out the best animal to get into such a place. Rat might be best. There's always rats in taverns no matter if you're in the Dark Kingdom or the Light Kingdom, she thought to herself.
(Seems j missed a lot it's ok :3) Yuki cleaned up the table letting out a sigh "all this food gone to waist hehe oh well don't hurt if I eat the rest"

she placed the remaining food on a plat leaving it on the table cleaning the rest as she returns to it later on "hehe it seems everyone left for today"
The Wiseling, after a long 20 minutes of walking, has finally made it to the kingdom. He rolls up his picture. It's beautiful, he thinks, this is going on the wall. He walks through the portcullis and starts taking the path he knows to the castle. Left, right, right, left, forward, forward, and across the bridge.

He enters the large beautiful gates of the castle, and takes his place in the magic laboratory. Simply put, his job is simply simple, simply advise the Crown to magical dilemmas and put it simply enough that it doesn't take a Wiseling to understand. Simple, right?

Graham had half the mind to scoff at her ridiculous excuse and smack her upside the head [I mean, c'mon... an apple?], but he settled on shooting her a death glare before taking her by the wrist and practically dragging her in the tavern. This wasn't the first time she tried to skim out on breakfast -food in general- so he caught on pretty fast that she'd only respond to force. How in the hell is an overactive teenage hybrid going to survive off a measly apple? One of which I doubt she finished. "Alright, I'm going to call bullshit on that. We're going to grab something for you and then we'll be off to the markets." He chimed with a sarcastically enthusiastic chime. "Sky, I'm sure you'd appreciate a few new dresses for your wardrobe, so we'll stop by a few shops after breakfast." Graham added as he finally released Ryan's hand.
Sky looked over at the two, lightly giggling at their interactions. Before turning her attention to Graham as he addressed her, she stared at him for a bit, her eyes fluttering lightly as she listened to what he had to say, and processed it before looking at her current attire, New dresses? She couldn't say no to that, her eyes lit up excitedly "Really?, If its not a bother..." she said with a polite smile, she didn't want to look overexcited.
Yuki finished the food letting out a sigh taking the plates back to the sink and washing them up. After that she would clan around the areas which the other maids haven't while looking out of the window "when was the last time I went out.."
Amy continued to eat her meal as she watched the three people that she had been looking at go into the tavern. She subtlety listened as there was talking of going shopping after eating breakfast for new clothes and popped a piece of chicken into her mouth as she raised her eyes to the sky and rolled them in annoyance.
(Yeah she is. @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep)

Amy finished up the rest of her meal and waited until the three went inside before getting up and taking the tray back to where she'd bought the meats from. Walking back to the alley she had landed in, she shifted into her rat form, her body shrinking, bones cracking, organs shifting and everything getting much smaller. When her tail had finished forming, she let out a squeak before taking off for the tavern which she was thankfully close by. It took her a little while to get there but she managed to squeeze under the door and was inside. Now she just had to find the man and his companions. @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
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((I was thinking of making a second character myself to prevent people from being left out since having one can be restricting. ^^))
(We should totally do that! *Oprah Winfrey voice* You get a second character! You get a second character! And you get a second character! Everybody gets a second character!)
(It's ok my character will just go into the market area) Yuki went up to her room and looked threw her clothes they were all plain and old but she didn't mind wearing them. After Yuki was finished dressed she grabbed her small hand bag and left out the gates to the market "hm I guess I could buy new clothes hehe"
*walking down the market as I smile looking at the shops and such seeing a sweet shop as I stop by grabbing something to enjoy on the way* "mm this is so sweet"

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