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Fantasy mythical kingdom

once he mentioned jason i was getting nervous "I'm not dating anyone right now. what do you mean i don't belong here" i said slowly backing away.
"It is common knowledge that you are not human. I can already see some of these people look at you in fear. They are afraid of what they do not understand. In the dark kingdom, we welcome those of all races." He slowly raised an armored mask to his face, securing it as he finished speaking. "You may want to consider joining us. I hear the king is throwing a ball tonight. Anything could happen at events as big as that."
"you do anything to my father or my family you will not see the light of day got it." i told him " I'm part if the light"i saw a rock and walked over and sat there.
"Lights cast shadows, princess." Markus said with a tone of finality. He turned and strode into the crowd, vanishing almost instantly.
what in the world" i watched as he vanished i got scared i started to run toward the castle when i got to the castle doors i was so tired that fell right to the ground.

i woke up from the ground and went inside and bumped into cain.

"i should the one that sorry. yea theres a problem but before i get into that is there seriously going o be a dance tonight" i was hoping he would say no
He looked surprised. "Yes, how did you know? The king did not tell anyone other than the servants yet."

(going afk for about an hour in 10 minutes)
" that does not matter right now but we need double the guards tonight i fear something might happen to father or graham." i said looking at him scared as can be.
Cain looked at her expression, and attempted a calming smile. "This confirms my suspicions. Double guards have already been posted, and my prodigy is commanding them. You should go inside and talk to someone about what happened. If you want I can get one of the servants to comfort you."

(im back)
Cain watched her go up the stairs and turned when he heard footsteps. It was his prodigy, Drago. "Are you prepared for tonight, Drago?" Cain asked. Drago looked at Cain with a puzzled expression. "I don't understand sir. What do you mean?" He asked. "We have special guard duty tonight, you will be with me watching the royalty, making sure they are not harmed." Drago nodded. "Good." Cain said. "Now get back on duty." Drago saluted and turned to go. "You are doing well, by the way." Cain said. Drago grinned slightly as he walked away.

(We should wait for more ppl to get on to continue any, I think)
That afternoon was easy on the people of the light kingdom: warm sunshine blessed the land, soothing winds drifted in from all corners, the flowers and plants both inside the botanical gardens and beyond the castle walls alike seemed more rejuvenated. You could hardly tell that it was raining heavily the previous day. And yet... Graham found himself cooped up in that soul-draining, dull, old study again. It would seem that after his meeting with his father's advisers and a few of his fellow council members the other day, he was expected to return to the castle to tend to a load of documents he was sure was promised to arrive the following day. However, seeing as that bit of information never reached him, he took his time showing Sky around the capital. Was it worth it? Looking at his exhausted state at the moment, naturally, he'd vote for the contrary, but what that group of travelers back at that tavern had said about Sky looking familiar, he had something to motivate his continuance on figuring out just who this girl was.

Leaning against one of the brick pillars of the archway leading out to the gardens, Graham began to spiral into the depths of his jumbled thoughts only to be immediately pulled out when he caught sight of a very familiar head of silvery locks fluttering through the lines of oxeye daisies.
What in the world is she--? Quickly scanning the area, he found that not a single guard was out scouting the field, which only set him to wonder what she was doing out there alone. Even someone as simple as a commoner should know not to wander around -especially in a place as spacious as the castle- without an escort.

Considering the evident safety concerns that have been a worry for everyone living in and around the walls, this wasn't something he should let go.
I suppose I'll have to speak with the two guarding her room when I can. And with that thought, Graham propped himself up off the wall and sluggishly ambled for Sky. "Going for a stroll, mi'lady?" He called out from behind her, his scarlet eyes quickly combing over her outfit and a crooked grin plastering itself onto his features when he realized that it was one of the dresses they picked out from the markets the other day.


Staring blankly outside the window of Amy's cabin window, Geo's locked hands tightened around one another when a thought zipped through his conscience.
Just what the hell are we doing? If it wasn't bad enough that they were already in a shit ton of trouble with their employer, they just agreed to do another job - one of which was sure to end badly. Unfortunately, due to the terrible weather that unexpectedly rolled in, they weren't able to get much information out of their chosen pawns. But considering that maid wasn't exactly complying with his attempts to get her to talk, it didn't look like he'd get anything worth jotting down that day. Blinking away the burning sensation from his bloodshot eyes -obviously due to his lack of sleep- Geo huffed and turned away from the window and back to Amy. "You get a letter from the highlands yet?"
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Since arriving back Sky had been mostly closed in the room that she was given to stay in during her time there, Although there was a window in her room the view from it was very simple, the castle walls, some coniferous trees of some sort and the hills that met the horizon. This along with the want for some fresh air prompted her decision to go outside, which really wasn't difficult, the guards outside her room didn't question her, mostly because they had dozed off on the job, which she found rather amusing.

She had made her way out to the palace gardens, not sure if she was actually allowed to be out but oh well, what was done was done and besides it was worth it if she was honest, even if she was caught or not, the weather was lovely out. She hadn't been strolling for long before heading a voice call to her which at first, made her jump a little bit in surprise as she wasn't expecting it. Her head quickly darted around, thinking she was in trouble for wandering before realising it was Graham "Oh, uhm, yes, the weather was nice, I didn't want to waste the opportunity" she said with a small smile before pushing some hair from her face.
His smile broadened briefly in amusement when he noticed that his sudden interjection made her jolt in surprise, but it slowly eased into his mask of natural indifference as his gaze began to flicker aimlessly around the near vacant area. "Nice, indeed." He replied distantly, as if he wanted to cut the formalities out completely and get down to his focal curiosity. But how? She seemed awfully bothered by what that pair at the shack said about her, so the last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable or strike up some stress induced headache. But in spite of his hesitance, he couldn't restrain his questions any longer and spoke anyway.

Turning back to the beaming blonde, Graham's eyes gradually darkened as the mood suddenly shifted toward something more serious.
"Listen, about yesterday..." He began before taking in a deep breath then slowly exhaling. "Did you remember anything, or come to some kind of conclusion when those men said you looked familiar?" Graham finally came out with it and crossed his arms, planting his feet firmly on the ground beneath them in an attempt to brace himself for her following answer.
Sky furrowed her brow and rubbed the side of her arm upon hearing his question, she honestly didn't know if she had a conclusion as such, but a thought did rush into her head before her headache after the bar after pondering the information, she decided that it wouldn't hurt to share it "I did remember something" she said with a small nod. "A poorly lit room... I was there as a voice spoke to me, the voice....it seemed familiar... like I knew the person well, they gave me something odd, forced me to ingest it as it seemed...it was some kind of potion? Or herb... 'Have fun on the surface-' they said...after that I didn't remember, I just got a headache..." she said with a small sigh "...it just made more questions it seems" she said as her eyes became distracted by some flowers.
As the sun began to set, Cain entered the ballroom, looking around the perimeter one last time. Servants were doing one last sweep around the room, setting tables and decorating the room for the upcoming event. Guards stood at their posts, and Drago stood next to him, gleaming with anticipation. "What are you so exited for?" Cain asked. "It's a ball! An actual ball! Maybe a girl will dance with me. Would I be allowed to?" He asked, seeming concerned all of the sudden. Cain grinned and patted him on the back. "If you get a girl you can dance with her all night." Cain said.

Some guests began to enter, and Cain turned to leave the room. "Where are you going?" Drago asked. "I am to escort the king in." Cain said. Drago nodded and turned back to the room. "Everything will be fine. These are good guards, and they have you watching over them." After that last sentence, Cain left the room.

Attendants walked the streets, announcing that there is to be a ball this night, beginning on the hour.

'The king is calling for all nobility of the Light Kingdom to attend this ceremony, an important announcement is to be revealed to all who attend'
'Have fun on the surface'? From what she had just described, Graham could put two scenarios together, but neither of them were anywhere near helpful with their situation. She had either gotten extremely drunk during that party held at the pier for the incoming sailors and somehow managed to hit her head on something and ended up stumbling to the castle... or maybe she was drugged, kidnapped and then dragged off to their kingdom by someone who had a vengeful motive. One was practical, while the other was pretty outrageous, however, he found himself gravitating more toward the latter of the two. Maybe it was just his childish excitement toward the mysterious, or maybe it was his sick sense of reality, but he didn't bother striking either off the list. Not now, at least. Narrowing his eyes in thought, he slowly nodded as he weighed his feelings toward this bit of information, opting against worrying about it for now.

Besides, he had this last-minute ball taking up most of his neurotic psyche -
what father was thinking throwing such a lavish party in this time of crises, I'll never know- so he decided to let it go. "Well, no use in fretting about that now. I suppose we'll get the answers when the time comes." Graham replied, choosing to avoid mentioning the locket he had been studying for the past two days. Giving her another once over as a completely "random" thought came to mind. He was well acquainted with what she looked like in casual wear [nothing short of a lovely rose, of course] but he couldn't help but imagine how she'd look in something more... ritzy, for lack of a better word. Heavenly, no doubt. Not that this thought crossed his mind more than once. "In any case, there's a ball being held at the castle later this evening. I assume a staff member's already informed you? Will you be joining us? " He asked as he turned on his heel and held his arm out, waiting for her to link it with hers.
I woke up and put on my lovely gown for the ball

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I then headed down stair



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King Aldrick wore his royal robes of flowing red and gold, placing his official signet crown on his head. He decidedly left his sword behind for this announcement. It would be a very trying time for his kingdom once he spoke, and this ball would do little to subdue the nobles. When he heard the knock at the door, he was already prepared to leave, and opened it, stepping out. Cain closed the door behind him, and they both strode through the torchlit hall, side-by-side.

In the grand ballroom, the chandeliers provided ample light for the musicians to play their instruments, and for the nobles to dance, drink, and speak with one another. They had all arrived to the unexpected ball as soon as they could. It seemed that everyone had been invited, over one hundred of them in all. The door at the far end of the room opened, and in strode Cain in his plain, war-tested armor, and the king in his regal garb.

(i will let you guys post some for now, sorry about the abruptness, just trying to get some action in)
She nodded in agreement, for now she id not wish to analyse the memory she had after all went outdoors to clear her head, not fill it up with more questions and confusion. Her mind was almost wandering once more when he mentioned a ball, she shook her head "I wasn't aware of such a function going on" she said quietly before blinking a few times "I'd love to be there....But isn't the ball for Noble's?" She asked, tilting her head "Am I welcome?" She said before looking at his arm briefly before linking her arm with his and smiling lightly.
Four guards stood at the gate.

Two extra had been posted at the command of Enforcer Cain, but no other instructions had been given. To them, this seemed to be a normal night. One of the guards was holding a torch, watching through the window of the bailey (tower). The other three had been playing at dice for the past hour. "Come an' play some dice, no harm in havin' some fun!" One called to the guard watching the road.

He turned to them, a look of apprehension on his face. "Something is happening tonight, shouldn't we be guarding this gate?" He asked. The other three guards laughed raucously, and the one that spoke earlier stood up from the game to stand next to the one holding the torch. "Look out there." He commanded. The other guard looked out at the road. "See anything suspicious?" He asked. "No...." The guard holding the torch replied. "Then there's nothing to worry about." The other replied, turning back to the game.

The torch went out, leaving only one dimly lit candle giving light in the closed tower room.

"Ey! What was that for?" One of the guards playing at dice asked indignantly.

No response.

"Answer me when I talk to you, boy, or ye'll regret it!" The guard said, standing and walking up to the other guard, who was leaning against the window. "Well?" The guard said once he reached the boy. He pressed his hand against the guard's shoulder, and the guard's body toppled out of the window. "GREAT GODS!" The guard exclaimed, drawing his sword, tripping backwards.

A black shape flitted by the window, and the guards by the dice game leaped to their feet as the other reached them. "What was that?" One asked.
Cheri arrived with her family. It took 3 carriages to carry the entire family to the light kingdom. There was going to be a ball and she was forced to attend. She pulled her hair behind her elf ears and stared out the windows, as her older brute brothers cackled and tackled each other in the small space. They approached the gate and entered the light kingdom. She took a deep breath as the carriage stopped. The servants opened the doors and she walked gracefully out, unlike her brothers who seemed to tumble out. She smiled at the servant and mouthed "Thank you."

(So Is this good for an entery?)
Yep that is perfect)

I was at the door of the ballroom greeting everyone that was come one of the reasons I was doing this was to see if that guy was around or if he was messing with my mind.

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