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Fantasy mythical kingdom

Drago kept one arm on his sword, and looped the other around Cheri. "I don't know." He said, squinting from the sudden flare of light.
The harsh light rose into a roaring fire, and a figure rose from the middle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-18_22-22-40.jpeg.631e736679ba5d36dc1566e03b70621a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-18_22-22-40.jpeg.631e736679ba5d36dc1566e03b70621a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The entire room was now lit, and now it was apparent that forces of the dark kingdom were present in the crowds, for ugly ogres and brutish orcs stood in a ring around the guards of the light kingdom. "I do not believe this is fitting, that I was not invited." The figure said.

"Who are you?" A voice rang out in the crowd, and as the people parted, Drago stepped forth, sword out. He left Cheri behind.

Cain grimaced and began to walk forward to stop Drago from doing anything foolish. "He must learn restraint!" he whispered to Ryan.



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The man in the raptors flew down from the heights, and landed infront of Drago. The man was clad in a black cloak, and wore heavy armor underneath. His face was hidden behind a metal mask. "Markus!" Drago gasped in astonishment. The man named Markus drew his sword and struck Drago down without a word.
((This is literally the worst time to have my character stuck xD she cant arrive until rubadub responds, I'll just watch xD ))
"NOOOOOOOO!" Cain's voice rang out in the still of the ballroom. He drew his sword and charged at Markus, but the other man blasted him away as if Cain was nothing more than a fly. "I have come to finally take your life, and assume power over both kingdoms!" The figure said.

(oh man :l)

King Aldrick stepped forward, confronting the dark lord. "I will not back down from you, not even if it means my death! This kingdom is as unbending as the stones it was built on!"
I see Cain over there and I get worried I super speed over behind Cain "Cain get out now please i don't want you getting hurt."
Cain looked up at her and shook her off. "If the king dies, everything that we have been working for will be thrown into chaos. Everything depends on his survival, and I would die before seeing him harmed."

The dark figure moved towards the king menacingly, raising his gloved fist, a wicked axe appearing in it.
After no more than a few minutes later, Graham stood at the end of the hall, waiting for Sky to arrive as he twiddled with the gold cuff links of his sleeves. A distortion of loud, lively chatter erupted from the inside of the ballroom doors, which only made him want to crawl back into his room and pass out from the exhaustion that had yet to hit him. If there was one thing that drained the living breath out of him, it was most certainly social events. Of course, it wasn't like he was any bad at interacting with others, but it was quite tiresome at times. Especially when you had to go to these events 3-4 times a week on average. Eventually, a pair of clacking heels trailed up from behind him, and he turned to face the disembodied sound to find Sky standing there, appearing just as he'd expect. Though much more... celestial. "You look great." Clearing his throat as he averted his gaze, he silently linked his arm with hers and led her into the ballroom. Something he almost immediately regretted doing once the scene before them began to rapidly unravel into complete and utter chaos.

[sorry for taking so long. My computer's being an arse.]
I yelled out to tor "tor stop please I'll do anything just don't hurt my father." I look up at him scared but knowing I can't let my love ones get hurt
The figure turned to her, molten axe disappearing. "Why would I stop? What could you possibly do to make me stop?"

(the evil figure is Tor btw)
Tor looked at her, and gave toothy grin. "A fine specimen of vampire. You would do well as an heir. Very well. I will leave them alone."

Aldrick looked at Ryan in shock, and spoke out. "No! Not her! Ryan, why would you do this?"
She quickly inspected herself before looking up and smiling at him "Thank you" she said politely as she was lead into the ball room, her expression soon dropping as they entered. What was all this? Who's side was the princess joining? Sky didn't understand in the slightest, her gaze quickly moving to Graham, giving a look of 'what the heck is this?!' before continuing watch the event unfold.
Upon hearing the words leaving his sister's lips, even with this muddling lack of knowledge of what he'd walked into, Graham's arms fell to his side and ended up releasing Sky from his hold as he pushed through the crowd and paced toward the front. His hand rested at the hilt of his sword, ready to lunge at the bastard when his father called out for Ryan to stop. 'Why', indeed. It wasn't like their kingdom couldn't hold up its own in a battle, if ever it came down to it. "You don't have to do this, Ryan. Don't do this." He called out, his concern rolling off his every word when she pleaded with the figure to leave them alone.
I have to I love you all and cannot let you guys get hurt"

Graham get your girl I do love you but I have to" I have him a hug "you have to trust me to take care of myself"
"She is mine, now!" Tor exclaimed assuming an imperious stance. "Now come to me, and we will leave this wretched place!" He said to Ryan

(ok well I am just going to take Ryan to ark kingdom....)

As Ryan approached Tor, the other dark kingdom soldiers surrounded them, and the harsh red light began to slowly grow smaller. When it was gone, all of them were also gone.
Graham's brows knitted deeply at her ridiculous proposal. She wasn't thinking right. Something happened to her, someone put something in her drink or something. These weren't the words of his sister. The one who knew better than to betray her people. The one with the strong heart and the sharp tongue to match. The one who never gave up, at any odds. Tightening his hold on his sword as she approached him and wrapped her arms around him, Graham bit his bottom lip and shook his head, refusing to let her go when he returned the hug. "You'll be at their mercy the second you step out of this room. You can't do this. I won't let you!" His hissed in her ear.

[Damn it... just pretend like that was before your post.
^_^ ]
(whoops, guess i skipped ahead a little)

Cain sprinted over to where Drago lay, and crouched down beside him. Drago was alive, but his breathing was ragged and shaky. "D-did I do g-good?" Tears burned in Cain's eyes, as he tried to stop the bleeding in Drago's neck and torso region. "You did good Drago. You made all of us proud." He managed to say. "I-I'm a b-bit scared....." Drago said. Cain shook his head, and began to speak. "Everything will be....." He trailed off as Drago's head rolled back. Drago was dead.
After we vanished we got to the dark kingdoms castle I was sad that I had to leave my family cause I might not see them again.
The king stared at the spot that Ryan stood before she disappeared, then walked over to Graham, and spoke. His voice was hoarse. "How are you doing with this, son?"

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