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Fantasy mythical kingdom

King Aldrick turned to the invited nobles, his expression sad. "This ball is over. Everyone, leave us!"

All of the nobles began to leave out the front door, leaving the main characters.

No matter how hard he tried to keep his hold on her, in the end, she was taken away from him and all he could do was glare dazedly into the distance. He was gone for no more than a few minutes and all of this managed to happen with his back turned. He couldn't bring himself to mourn, but he also couldn't get himself to let it go. Jolting just slightly when he heard his father's voice submerge from the boiling chatter of the shaken bystanders, Graham slowly turned to his father, his eyes drained of any emotion. It took a long moment, but he finally opened his mouth to speak. "I'm going to get her back. That... I promise." He replied with a low tone, completely disregarding his question.

It didn't matter how he felt at the moment, but he certainly wasn't doing good. That bit was evident. Then, as he scanned the room, his eyes fell on Cain and the fallen boy in his arms before quickly shifting toward a confused and shocked Sky. This day was a mess.
"Guards! Lead everyone out, and someone alert the medics of what's happened. I want everyone accounted for!" He shouted toward the staff that stayed behind, following his father's words, his voice ringing authority before turning back toward his father. "Everyone must be accounted for. That being said, you should inform someone to rally up the guards who were on duty tonight. Someone must know how this could've happened, and someone will pay." With that, he turned on his heel and returned to Sky, stopping at her side only to mutter something to tell her to follow him.

[Good night!]
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The king watched his son go, and also chose to leave, going to his private chambers. Aldrick wearily shook his head. This was a disaster. His daughter was gone, and war with the dark kingdom was not far behind. A dark day indeed.

(And with that, I am signing off. Gn, Gl, Hf)
Sky hadn't moved from the spot that she was left in, she didn't know who any of these people were or what they wanted with the princess. She watched everyone around her leave, was she supposed to go too? She didnt know but she knew that this whole ordeal was upsetting for everyone around her, especially the royal family, she frowned before her trail of thought cut off by Graham asking for her to follow him which she did, as she did she pondered if she should say something, but decided not to, he perhaps would need time to let such an upsetting thing sink in without her bothering him.
[Cool, cool! Night! And @Nonalaka, I'll post in a bit. I'm going out to the store real quick, but I'll try to put something together on my way there.]
((Alrighty goodnight you two :D sleep well! And that's okay Rub-a-dub Im a patient person uvu))
Graham normally wasn't much of a peppy person to begin with, but whatever ounce of enthusiasm he had toward the world was torn out of him the second Ryan had left with that wretched demon. Without another word, he took his leave and led Sky out into the halls, weaving and dodging the many guests as they retreated for the front entrance. He was distracted and let some strange girl take up all of his time, when Ryan was around telling him to be wary of her. Why didn't he listen? Why didn't he keep his distance and kick her out the second the next morning rolled in? Once they arrived at his study, Graham stepped in and removed his coat, hanging it on the rack set beside his bookshelf and began to shuffle through the room in search of something. He stayed silent, knowing the quietude would eventually prompt her to react or speak out. Hopefully confessing what he was expecting.
As they entered the study sky stood just inside the doorway as Graham seemed to be looking for something. After silently viewing him for a bit, frowning lightly at him she eventually spoke "What're you looking for? She asked him as she furrowed her brows in a confused manner. Was he mad at her? She may not remember much but she wasn't dim, he was mad and upset and her arrival was suspicious after all and of course he'd want to blame something or someone, but demanding that she had nothing to do with it at this moment would make people think it was definitely her doing, that she was a spy or something.


((Sorry I fell asleep >_< ;) )
"What are you looking for?" Her voice rang out like an annoying buzz, triggering his cliff-hanging anger when he finally found the pendant, clutching the cold clump of medal into the palm of his heating hand. Graham was holding the locket so tightly, you'd think his goal was to bury it into his skin or break it entirely. But it was all that was keeping him from slipping the dagger hidden in his boot out and wedging it into her chest. Slowly turning his head but not bothering to even meet her gaze, Graham's jaw clenched tightly in sync with his knuckles before he finally spoke up. "What was your goal here, tonight? Hmm? Did you expect to throw us off so easily?" He spat venomously, though he made no move to face her and instead began to slowly circle the room in a pacing manner.

[No problem, kinda in the middle of a show anyway. c:]
She looked over at him with a hurt expression. Of course she knew that he'd blame her but it still hurt a little knowing that he'd think that about her, she took a deep breath before speaking "I know you are looking for an explanation for all of this because you are upset but this has nothing to do with me I swear!" She said as she shook her head "I don't even know who those people were" she said before letting a sigh as she looked straight at him, not caring if he was looking back or not. "I understand that you are upset...and chances are that you wont want to believe me...so throw me to the street or kill me or whatever you wish, but I am innocent, I did not help with that crime" she said frowning, what else could she say about the matter? She was more confused than he was about what was going on she awkwardly rubbed the side of her arm, waiting for the another series of accusations thrown at her.

((Whoops forgot the tag uvu; @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
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Cheri watched the entire affair. How the princess turned sides, how her dancer had died, and everyone left to room. She slowly followed her brothers out. She wiped a tear from her face, as she tried to keep at it all, until they got to their room in the castle. She had a private room. She blandly walked over to her vanity and sat on the stool, and stared into the mirror at herself. She bit her lip as tears rolled down her face. She put her face into her hands and sobbed.
The king woke up the next morning, striding confidently into the ballroom through the winding corridors. As he emerged into the grand chamber, he immediately felt the somber mood that permeated the chamber. A few servants were cleaning up the mess that the leaving crowd made, and others were taking down the chandeliers.

They all avoided the body in the middle of the room.

Aldrick moved to the body of the boy, that boy had been the only thing tying Cain to this kingdom. Where was Cain? Aldrick thought. As he looked up from the body, he saw a sword driven into the stone floor, halfway up to the hilt. He was astonished. He didn't think Cain was able to do anything like this.

Aldrick had no time to grieve over his losses anymore. He had to act fast, or the dark kingdom would be ready for him. He told some of the servants to spread the message, and also sent some to the private chambers of the nobles in his castle. Everyone must be ready.
(hmmm tru dat. Anyone have dark kingdom characters?)

(thinking about starting a big battle between the two kingdoms if that is alright with everyone.)
That's fine but I don't think the princess will like that lol)

I looked out the window and saw the light kingdom then I looked to the right and saw the tree house that graham and I made together when I was little I said quietly putting my hand on the window "oh graham I'm so sorry I'm going to miss you so much and I hope you got your girl."
A servant arrived at each of @Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep @Nonalaka rooms, and spoke to them. Each said a variation of this;

"The King is assembling the armies of the light kingdom, preparing for a grand battle against the forces of the dark kingdom. At this very moment he is in the courtyard, ready to give a speech to the soldiers going out to war. He has requested your presence there."

(if i missed anyone, sorry)
Cheri sighed and stood. She walked to her bother's rooms and told them what the maid told her. Without hesitation, they ran down to where every other solider was. Cheri followed slowly, and stood waiting for the king to give his speech.
<p>(Seems like I have missed a lot .... Sorry this was in my tab -.- someone plz inform me of what happened kind of confused I can't read all that @-@</p>
(This is all moving a little too fast in my opinion. I mean, I get that this is a simple Rp, but leave some room for character development, please. Aside from that, I'm cool with a battle. And yeah, I have a character from the dark kingdom and so does eclipse... not sure where they're at the moment, though. BTW: @Nonalaka, I guess we should go about as if Graham and Sky already discussed his doubts about her involvement with Ryan's disappearance. For the sake of pace.)

The night had been long and the young prince hadn't caught a blink of shut-eye since the events of the past few hours. Not that you could blame him. In the end, things got a little too heavy for him to stay his normal calm and collected self, so he ended up lashing out on Sky and accusing her of having something to do with it. Even now, after having heard her side of everything, he couldn't say that he completely believed what she had to say. But there were certain aspects of her situation that gave her automatic benefit of the doubt. After all, from what he could tell at first look, she didn't exactly seem like the type of person to have anything to do with the Dark Kingdom. And not only that, the enigmatic emblem imprinted on the locket that fell from her person the night they met was something he knew couldn't be associated with them. After a few hours of being left with his own thoughts, a knock at his chamber door caught his attention and sans waiting approval, a servant stepped into his room and informed him of his father's plans.
Abrupt, but necessary... I suppose. It took him a while, but Graham eventually found the motivation to clean himself up and get dressed before heading down to the courtyard to meet his father.

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(Damn.... character development.............yea I don't think I am going to be very good for this rp. At least not as the king(s))
Yuki would finish her cleaning as she let out a sigh and looked around "Perfect now if it just stays clean I can get some rest" she added dusting off

Picture frames and the stairs railings
Sky had already left for the courtyard with everyone else as they waited for the king to give his speech, feeling a little anxious due to the passing events, she looked around from where she stood. Her gaze freezing momentarily at the sight of Graham arriving before it drifted away to view the floor in front of her instead, a small frown on her face as she remembered the discussion and the accusations of earlier. She was waiting for him to tell her to leave later that day, she sighed lightly.

((@Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep okay uvu, I agree its going super fast))
(two things; i really messed up with like everything, so maybe this battle could end horribly for the light kingdom?, and secondly, WHO IS UVU?!?!?)
((uvu is an emoticon xD ))

uvu <--- the 'v' is a mouth and the 'u's are closed eyelids

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