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Fantasy mythical high school/ life rp

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"It's better than breaking down in front of half the school"

The bell rang

"Well see you around I guess" drea grabbed his bag and took a deep breath getting ready to enter the cluttered hallway
"Yeah, see ya," Alex mumbled before standing and heading out of the classroom, keeping away from the crowd.
Drea stayed close to the walls away from everyone he felt like he was going to puke but he got to his next class
Alex wanted desperately to run out of the school and just cry, but she couldn't. She walked to her next class, occasionally glaring at the crowd as a whole.
Neon lazily looked around making his eyes look darker making people see them as a dark brown that seemed black with his head tilted the way it was
"Heh heh... Looks like this is where I am going! First step to becoming a commanding knight!"

Kano entered the school grounds with a half smile and half smirk across his face. He yawned and went into the school building. He checked his schedule and looked at the classes. He found his classes right before the bell rang. He was in his Human form luckily so he would attract too much attention with his armored or paladin forms. Though if someone showed off their looks, Kano would switch forms.
Drea now had history where the first lesson was the dragon war a biased lesson towards the hunters side they never talked about the people that started it or the idiots who initiated the attack on dragons "I hate history I just want to hurt them the dragons were innocent" drea mumbles to himself as the lesson progresses
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Oh nvm as long as he's not caught we're good I'll show you what happens)
The teacher pulled out a cross bow with an enchanted arrow shooting the atranoch and killing it instantly then cleaned up the ashes tossing them in the trash "putrid creatures" he proceeds to spit on the ashes

Seeing this made salara practiacly yelp in fear but she had covered her mouth in time as she stared at the teacher who was spitting on the ashes of the atronach while Sara, fathor, and Salem spoke in her head. "Stupid fucking humans let me out salara." Salas yelled in her mind. "Let me out to salara. It's about damn time we show humans what it meant to know they aren't the dominant race any more." Salem said in rage before fathor jumped in. "Come on guys be reasonable if we go out salara will be killed and so will we." He spoke before making both Sara and Salem laugh uncontrolably making her bring a hand to her four head trying to supres a wince as a head ache started from them talking to damn much. But she was happy when the bell rang and had quickly left the room
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Alex sat in the back of her science class and simply stared at the board in the front. She finally scoffed and shook her head sadly. Right, because humans made all these great discoveries with absolutely no help from elves, demons, dragons or any other race for that matter. she thought. She glanced at the door briefly and back to the board. There was no use arguing since that would only get her caught.
"Drea!" the teacher yelled at him "stop daydreaming and pay attention would you"

Drea sat upright and paid attention as the whole class laughed at him he wanted to scream and run away crying but he just hid his hands that were shaking and tried to ignore the whispers of him
Alex shuddered to think what would happen if she was caught or was brought to the attention of the class. Just the thought made her grip the desk and sit up, ready to run at any moment.
River groaned as he walked through the halls of the school desiring to ditch the rest of class and go have some fun. "Any things better than this place, I might even find myself some more prey." He said to him self as he walked down the halls then started for the exit of the school
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River groaned as he walked through the halls of the school desiring to ditch the rest of class and go have some fun. "Any things better than this place, I might even find myself some more prey." He said to him self as he walked down the halls then started for the exit of the school

The bell rang and a flood of people walked out into the hallway

Drea ran out of the class and into the bathroom letting go and freaking out puking a couple times finally he got a hold of himself and calmed down and went to reading barely making it before the bell looking exhausted he sits in the back of the class "this is going to be a long day" he laid on his desk and went to sleep
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]The bell rang and a flood of people walked out into the hallway
Drea ran out of the class and into the bathroom letting go and freaking out puking a couple times finally he got a hold of himself and calmed down and went to reading barely making it before the bell looking exhausted he sits in the back of the class "this is going to be a long day" he laid on his desk and went to sleep

River just watched the kid run past him a look of absolute confusion on his face as he watched the way the kid had gone. "The fuck." He said after about twenty seconds of just staring in the direction he had gone
Alex walked out her class, only to break into a run towards the next class. She practically slid into a desk in the back barely avoiding going under it. "Whoops," she murmured and glared at the wall.
Salara groaned as she slumped down into her desk before watching some girl nearly plow her desk over from sliding into it. "Uhhh you ok?" She asked her curiously wondering what made her do that

"Umm what are you staring at?" She asked her really confused now while Sara spoke in her head. "Why do you care just forget her salara she's just another stupid human." Sara said before laughing in a high pitched sort of witch laugh

Alex growled slightly under her breath, the only way she could think to hide her demon half. She did so almost silently so no one else would hear. "Not a thing," she whispered sharply. She had to get out, to run out and scream or even just cry.
Mayumi said:
Alex growled slightly under her breath, the only way she could think to hide her demon half. She did so almost silently so no one else would hear. "Not a thing," she whispered sharply. She had to get out, to run out and scream or even just cry.
"This girl is very strange, maybe she's like us." Salem said in salara's head making her nod slightly. "I think your right Salem." She said quietly to her self as she still inspected the girl looking for any similarities. "I-im salara what's your name?" She asked hopping that would do the trick to get the girl not so angry
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This girl is very strange, maybe she's like us." Salem said in salara's head making her nod slightly. "I think your right Salem." She said quietly to her self as she still inspected the girl looking for any similarities. "I-im salara what's your name?" She asked hopping that would do the trick to get the girl not so angry

[/QUOTE]Alex groaned and laid her head against the table. Why won't people leave me alone? She thought. She whimpered and shook her head.

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