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Fantasy mythical high school/ life rp

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]
Drea kissed the back of her hand and laid on her lap being a lot warmer than any blanket

[/QUOTE] Alex blinked and looked at her hand. She looked at him and smiled slightly.
Mayumi said:
Alex blinked and looked at her hand. She looked at him and smiled slightly.
He rolled over and looked at her sleepily "you're comfy" he smiled barely able to keep his eyes open any more he let out a lot of energy at the school maybe more than he should've he folded lis wings in and shifted back to his human form falling asleep on her lap
Mateus made mini slimes and let them go inside the school secretly helping the fire men extinguishing the fire he used his mini slimes to extinguish some fire inside the school as he lies down on the bench.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He rolled over and looked at her sleepily "you're comfy" he smiled barely able to keep his eyes open any more he let out a lot of energy at the school maybe more than he should've he folded lis wings in and shifted back to his human form falling asleep on her lap

Alex raised a brow slightly. She shrugged and looked at the ceiling. Nothing of interest caught her eye, so she looked down and gently ruffled his hair before setting her hands to her sides.
Mayumi said:
Alex raised a brow slightly. She shrugged and looked at the ceiling. Nothing of interest caught her eye, so she looked down and gently ruffled his hair before setting her hands to her sides.
drea had his usual nightmare watching himself destroy everything he loves un able to stop it then starring himself in the eyes looking at the true monster he had become. he rolls over on his side curling up into a ball next to alex while this plays in his mind
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]drea had his usual nightmare watching himself destroy everything he loves un able to stop it then starring himself in the eyes looking at the true monster he had become. he rolls over on his side curling up into a ball next to alex while this plays in his mind

Alex glances at him. She sighs and shakes her head, unsure of what to do. She hums softly, not for any purpose. She turns and stares out of a window, thinking.
Mayumi said:
Alex glances at him. She sighs and shakes her head, unsure of what to do. She hums softly, not for any purpose. She turns and stares out of a window, thinking.
drea jerks a bit waking up and relaxes again looking u at alex with a look of extreme exhaustion not having slept well since the experiments
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]drea jerks a bit waking up and relaxes again looking u at alex with a look of extreme exhaustion not having slept well since the experiments

"Nightmares?" Alex asks, turning and looking at him.
TheMADQ said:
"I-I understand Phoenix tears taste horrible but works great." Abby quickly reacts to Annabel seeing her limp. "O-oh! pleas be careful." She rushes over and gets under her arm to help her walk.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]
Drea kissed the back of her hand and laid on her lap being a lot warmer than any blanket
"No you should be fully healed now just rest for a day or two for your body to catch up"

Annabel nodded to both of them as she hung on abby rather tightly like a child would to there mother when there scared before glancing at the guy. "I-is my pond gonna be ok?" She asked as she though back to the burning school
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Annabel nodded to both of them as she hung on abby rather tightly like a child would to there mother when there scared before glancing at the guy. "I-is my pond gonna be ok?" She asked as she though back to the burning school

"I wouldn't know" avriare said walking back out of his room without his jacket off he was wearing a white shirt and black jeans his blue eyes seemed to be shining in the light
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Yea..." He sits up "I don't sleep well"

Alex nodded. "I get that."
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]drea rubbed his eyes and looked over at her "are we gonna do anything else today or just be lazy?"

"We could find something to do if you like," Alex said. She shrugged and looked at him.
Mayumi said:
"We could find something to do if you like," Alex said. She shrugged and looked at him.
"idk i liked dancing with you but its nice to just be with you" he smiled mischievously and grabbed alex pulling her down on top of him so that he was laying on his back and she was laying on his chest their faces inches apart and he wraps his arms around the small of her back he was smiling softly at her "i just wanna have fun"

(do you have to follow me for me to PM you?)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]
"idk i liked dancing with you but its nice to just be with you" he smiled mischievously and grabbed alex pulling her down on top of him so that he was laying on his back and she was laying on his chest their faces inches apart and he wraps his arms around the small of her back he was smiling softly at her "i just wanna have fun"
(do you have to follow me for me to PM you?)

(I think not.)

Alex blinked in surprise and blushed lightly. "Right.."
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He kissed her nose "you're cute" he smiled

Alex scoffed, but blushed more. "Sure I am," she muttered sarcastically. She smiled though.
[QUOTE="Verion Darkheart]Neon shook his head "What is there to learn most of what you see can be read as who I am what's hidden?"

"I want to know your past and about your mask"
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"You are" he squeezed her sides trying to tickle her

Alex squirmed and shook her head. "Nope, not in the least," she said. She held back a laugh.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drea kept tickling her "yes you are" he laughed at her

Alex squirmed in an attempt to get away, laughing. "Then prove it."
Mayumi said:
Alex squirmed in an attempt to get away, laughing. "Then prove it."
Drea stopped tickling her and kissed her on the lips softly but for a while and closed his eyes then broke the kiss saying "you're cute because I say you are"

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