Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Nar shrugs as he follows, "I guess I might cat nap occassionally, but I rarely sleep." MoonShadow pushes head up into the pet and then follows behind Nar. "And where do you wish to go little star? We are in the middle of the forest and most people get lost in here," he laughs as he remembers, "It is quite fun to watch people wander aimlessly in here." MoonShadow is pawing at Nar's leg and gives him a knowing look. "Hmm...he seems to want me to join him for a run. Up for it?"
"I am a vampire.... do you want me to run, or do you want me to stay near?" Eva said, a smirk on her face. She knew she could run very fast, faster than his wolf. She thought for a moment, then muttered, halfway to herself, "Leelan."
Nar smiles at her words. "We arn't as slow as you may think. I have shared some of my own blood with my friend here." He hears what she mutters and blushes before appearing behind her. "Little star," he whispers in her ear before he steps away. Suddently, Nar's body begins to change and the armor, clothes, and cape meld to his skin while the weapons fall to the floor. In his place there is a pitch black wolf with gold eyes and red spots on his fur. MoonShadows lines up next to Nar and they both look at Eva. "Ready?," Nar thinks, knowing she can hear his thoughts.
Eva stares at Nar surprised, she really hadn't expected that, "I... um... sure..." she said, then looked forward. Trees were all around, and she mumbled to herself, "This should be fun..." before taking off. Eva leapt into a tree and decided to leap from branch to branch. The canopy seemed fairly sturdy, so it should be easy.
Nar and MoonShadow take off behind her, quickly catching up. Nar is happy since he still surprises Eva. He ducks as MoonShadow tries to tackle him and takes off ahead, trying to catch sight of Eva in the canopy. "Where are you little star?," he thinks, talking to her. Trees rush by in a blurry amount of colors, all three of them moving unnaturally fast through the forest.
Cocco zac never came back he left and is walking out of the town

Cocco zac never came back he left and is walking out of the town
Kat: I know that he left. I never said that he did come back. Nerrezza watched him leave and she believes he will come back. Even if he doesn't, that doesn't mean she won't go after him.
Eva didn't answer him, a smile on her face as she leapt from branch to branch faster. She looked back at him, he didn't seem to be able to see her. When she looked forward again, she lost her footing, and the branch she was on snapped. She started to fall fast to the ground, unconcerned, but startled.
Nar hears the branch break and then sees her falling. He runs forward and catches her on his back, losing no speed. "Nice of you to drop in little star," he thinks to her. Nar runs out of the forest finnaly with Eva on his back. He just stands there and waits for MoonShadow to catch up. "Wow, he usually not this slow," he thinks. Just then, the wolf finally runs out of the forest, covered in leaves.
Eva fell neatly onto Nar's back, blushing slightly at her own blunder. "Thanks..." she said quietly with red cheeks. Once they are out of the forest, Eva steps off of Nar's back. MoonShadow ran out of the forest covered in leaves and comes toward Eva. She smiles and brushes off most of the leaves.
Nar changes back to his normal form and grabs his weapons from the ground. "Next time you shouldn't try to cheat MoonShadow," he is laughing at the wolf. He walks over to Eva and kisses her neck, "Enjoy the run little star?" He looks around and sees no living creature around, just an open field. "Hmm, rather quiet night for once," Nar thinks to himself.
Eva laughs, not out of breath at all. "Yeah, it was fun! But I didn't get to run as fast as I can." Eva looks around, hearing Nar's thought. "You're right... hmm... can you smell that in the air? That scent... I have smelled it before..." Eva's eyes glowed suddenly as she looked around, now nervous.
"What is it?" Nar looks around and notices Eva's nervousness. He moves closer to her and MoonShadow lays at her feet. "Little star, what is bothering you?" He is looking worridly at her. As a precaution, he slides one of his blades into the slit of his armor where it is hidden and puts a arrow in his bow.
Eva's eyes continued to glow as she scanned around. "Hellhound," she said with a dark tone, "They are strong. Hard for even a firstborn to take down.... But why... why is it here?" Eva looked at Nar and wondered if he could see the fear in her eyes past all the vampiric instinct to kill the threat.
Nar tries to send MoonShadow away but he stays put at Eva's feet. "So much for getting him to safety," Nar mumbles to himself. He moves a bit in front of Eva and looks for the hellhound. "Where is it?," he thinks to himself. MoonShadow's fur stands on end and growls, alerting Nar who has his bow and rune arrow ready. "When did you face one of these before little star?"
Eva looked at Nar, and ignored his question, moving her gaze to MoonShadow. Eva made a 'Chh' noise and pointed away. MoonShadow tried to refuse but Eva glared at the dog and he obeyed. The hellhound appeared in the distance, moving at incredible speed towards them. Eva bared her fangs at the beast and ran towards in, faster than the already lightening fast hound. The hound tried jumping on her to maul her, but she raised her foot and spun, kicking the beast. Eva leapt away, and stopped, looking at the startled hound. Eva flicked her wrists and two daggers appeared in her hands.
Nar just stares, awe struck. "Go little star," he whispers. He lowers his weapon but keeps it ready just in case. He keeps his distance but is close enough to be able to help her. Next to him is MoonShadow, who just backed away enough so that Eva wouldn't get mad at him. "I'm here if you need me help," he thinks to her, although he doubts she would need him. He smiles at the thought that he had recently been kissing this little girl who is now kicking a hellhound's tail.
The hound regained its balance and glared at Eva, then dashed in the direction of Nar. She hissed and used her witch abilities to force earth up, and ram it into the creature's lower jaw. The newly made wall of earth crumbled, only a few feet from Nar. Just stay out of my way! Eva yelled into Nar's mind, her voice dark and distant but powerful. Eva's eyes glowed brighter as the hound gave up on Nar and headed towards Eva again. She tried leaping out of the way, but the hound's paw caught her. A deep gash appeared on her side from the beast's claws. She gripped her side for a moment then dashed towards the creature again, a blur, even to a vampire's eyes. She gripped her daggers and tore into the hound's flank. The hell hound growled at her and turned, getting ready to breath fire towards Eva. Eva growled back at the beast, her stance low.
Nar looks rather uneasy after the hellhound's charge and moves back with MoonShadow at his side. "As you wish little star," he thinks to her, "Good luck." Nar moves next to a tree, puts his hand on it, and closes his eyes. The air around him gets charged as he prepares an old elven ability. "Just in case," he mutters, hoping she comes out unharmed.
The hell hound spat fire at Eva like a flamethrower, and she leapt upwards, getting above it. She landed back down on earth near Nar, but she didn't notice them. Blood ran down her side and her leg, pooling on the floor and she cursed. A little shaky, she dashed forward again, only getting faster. Eva ran around the beast, frustrating it. It swiped at Eva, missing, missing, missing, hit. The hound struck Eva across the head, sending her flying a good 20 feet. She coughed, spitting up blood as she slowly stood and glanced at Nar, who was now far away, on the other side of the hound. There were large claw marks across her face and the large gash on her side was worse. She wobbled, and fell to her knees. The hell hound charged towards her again, and she leapt sideways, falling slightly, her daggers still in hand.
Nar's eyes open, glowing bright green. The earth around the hellhound opens up and swallows it, pulling it many miles underground. "That will slow it at least," he says, sounding weaker. He then turns his attention to Eva and her wounds start to heal. Once she is fully healed, the light in his eyes goes out and he falls to the gound. "I don't know if that will hold him," he thinks to her as MoonShadow lifts Nar on his back and carries him to Eva. "Glad I was able to help you," he smiles as his body absorbs energy from the nature around him to rejuvinate his life energy.

He begins walking, back to where he saw his "master" last. He thought scornfully of this and lets out a low growl, annoyed with himself. He really should be going back to her by now, but, he was being stubborn though knew she would blow up at him later for this. It wasn't like she was in any trouble or was about to die, he would know, he would sense it if she was in danger. It's not like she wanted him right now anyway, she was avoiding him, angry at him already. So staying away and staying silent, Erebus knew, was only going to make her more angry. But Erebus felt angry and stubborn right now, so he stayed away. Erebus continued to walk and then got bored with it. There was a better way to spend his time. So he turns back to his dragon form, his natural form, the form he was born in. After that he takes to the skies but flies a bit low, looking for something. Finally, he found it, and what caught his eye was the hellhound, right before it fell into the ground. He lets out a low growl, missing the chance of his prey. He circles above and wondered if the two people below noticed him or not. He was about to find out as he dived to the ground and landed on the open field.

she was running throw the forest happily dancing like the fairy that she is she the. Stops hearing a loud raw sound she sees he dragon thing wasn't looking at her and didn't even smell her she signed happily she stays in the trees and watch the thing land into the open
Eva ignores Nar, though she was a bit surprised at the earth gobbling up the hell hound. Eva looked to the sky and bared her fangs as a dragon came down and landed. He spoke into the dragon's mind, Friendly? Or a foe? If friendly... then good. If foe... well I am in a bad mood. She sheathed her weapons and nonchalantly stepped in between Nar and the dragon, a careful smile on her face.

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