Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

"I am sorry..." Eva said with an apologetic smile. "What... erm.... what white light? And the symbol reacted badly, a defense mechanism of sorts that backfired. Though... it is a lot looser now. It will take some getting used to. Thirst will probably go up, and control down further until I can get used to the new levels..." Eva looked around the room, and wondered what she had done in her sleep. She knew that things always seemed to happen when she slept, she just didn't know what. She sighed and looked at Nar, wondering about the light.
"Hmm...well right before you woke, 5 elemental orbs appeared, formed a pentagram, then disappeared. After that, a ball of white light come from my chest before it also disappeared. Any ideas?," Nar asks as he checks her forehead. "And dont feel bad, I can handle a little nick. Also, you can stay here if you would like. Give you time to get used to the new levels now that the mark is weaker." Lokking around, he says, "You can use the bed. I'll just shift and find some comfortable corner." Nar smiles at Eva as MoonShadow comes in and goes to lick Eva.
"Oh," Eva said, thinking for a moment while she got licked by MoonShadow, whom she petted in response. "Well, the elemental thing, that is just a witch thing. Sorry if it freaked you out. As for the ball of white light... what did it feel like when it came out of your chest?" She looked at Nar and cocked her head to the side slightly, coming closer and poking his chest. That reminded her of her own chest, and she looked down at the still glowing mark and sighed. Eva touched the mark lightly and winced, sitting back down.
"It felt was being pulled into the orb of light. But what freaked me out the most was seeing you pass out on the road." Seeing her make a face from a bit of pain, Nar worries again. "Does the mark hurt you, little star?" He moves closer so he can check on her, having to move his wolf out of his way. "MoonShadow is worried about you too it seems."
Eva laughs a little before wincing again, "I am fine.... You called me little star... I will need to come up with something like that for you," she said, looking at him and thinking. Whenever he came close, it caused a feeling in her heart to stir. And she blushed, until the blush was replaced with a grimace from the pain. Eva leaned forward into Nar, "It hurts... and not only when I touch it... I don't know why it still hurts... Maybe my body is adjusting?" She said, offering the idea up to Nar.
"It could be your body adjusting. But I think the mark has been weakened enough that your powers are attempting to remove it. It would explain the white light too." Nar hands her a cup up tea. "This should help the pain." He smiles, "And yes, I did call you little star. You have the beauty, the power, and the importance of a star." He goes over to cook something. "You hungry for something?"
Eva nods, "Yeah... should be fun..." she said, taking the cup of tea. Eva sips at it, and the pain starts to dull almost immediately. She put down the cup, and looked over to where he went, "I am not that important..." she said, blushing again. When he asked her if she was hungry for something, something in her snapped, and, almost instantly she was behind Nar, fangs out, inches from his neck. Her eyes glowed as she froze there, a scared look on her face. She backed away from him and covered her mouth in shock. When she backed away, she ran into the other cabinets in the kitchen and stays there, shaking a little. Eva speaks, almost in a whisper, "Blood. Very very hungry for blood..." Eva held a hand against her throat, the burning sensation of thirst attacking it. She stared at Nar with her bright red eyes, not sure what to do.
"You are to me little star." He is glad the tea helped her pain. He hears something hit cabinets, and he turns, finding Eva against them. "If you need blood, I will gladly offer my own. But if you prefer, I can find another source, but I don't know how long it will take." Nar slowly walks up to her. "I trust you little star." He offers his neck to Eva after sending MoonShadow outside again. He watches her, waiting for her to react.
Eva shook her head, speaking as she moved against her will towards his neck, "I don't know if I could stop... Why does no one realize that issue..?" Eva bit her fangs down hard into Nar's neck, and started drinking. She closed her eyes and put one hand on the other side of his neck, the other on his shoulder, pulling him close with inhuman strength. She drank more and more, losing herself in it. The back of her mind screamed for her to stop, but her body wouldn't cooperate, Nar's blood tasted too good. His blood smelled like cologne, but tasted amazingly. Suddenly, after a long while she pulled away, resting her head against Nar's chest. She breathed hard, as though she had ran a mile, and her eyes glowed bright. A trickle of blood ran down her chin and she closed her eyes, wondering how badly she had hurt Nar, she took too much blood for it to not affect him.
Ooc: Geeze, guys, I'm glad you roleplayed a lot. But why when I was away because of the holiday? D: Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Meaning? It's an all American holiday. Only the U.S.A. celebrates it because only they can. (Which I do live in America) Anyway, it's a national holiday (where I have off school) and we celebrate the founding of our nation. When Christopher Columbus came and pilgrims and Native Americans and blah blah. Point is, it was a holiday, and I was away celebrating/visiting with family. So please excuse my absence. And I know who KoltVeral is talking about. It's the same problem as before. >_>

John: He watches as Lux sends her dragon back outside and he nods slightly in a thank-you. Then he watches as half of the people that came in leaves, without even ordering anything. He lets out a mutter and the fact that it was a waste of company. So he goes back behind the counter and sees that Nerrezza was already waiting for him. From the corner of his eye he notices that the guy that Nerrezza came in with was playing with a glass again. He shakes his head slightly and then turns to Nerrezza. "There actually has been one..recently..I got his name too...I'll be right back.." He says with a sigh and goes off, but not before ordering one of the other waitresses to get Lux's order.


She smirks when John told her that he basically had what she needed. She turns to Zac and notices that he was throwing and catching a glass again. She narrows her eyes in annoyance. It was the fact that she liked John and Nerrezza felt that Zac was being disrespectful to him that annoyed her as such. But this time she doesn't start scolding Zac. This time she simply whacks him on the back of his head, making him miss, and the glass crashed onto the floor. "I'm not paying for that." The waitress that was about to take Lux's order instead swerves to clean up the glass, glaring at Nerrezza while doing so. Which was perfect. It meant that she was alone to talk to Lux. In the next second she was next to Lux and she flashes a grin. "Hi. I noticed that you were looking at me. Also that you knew John's name without asking. Too bad he's just a bit ok narrow-minded to notice that as well. I also noticed that you have a dragon." She pauses to let out a laugh. It was a dry laugh, more so like a chuckle. "Of course, everybody noticed that you have a dragon. You brought it in here completely. However, I noticed that John wasn't really keeping his voice low. So you must of heard the conversation. That dude--" she points to Zac. "Lost his voice. A wizard stole it. I'm looking for this wizard. Helping him out, at will. But I can drop my client any time I want too. You hold more of an interest for me. I have a dragon as well. However, once I get my information, we will leave. *I* request you to come with us. But none of this is the important part. I said what I all had to say, now it's your turn. You know why you interest me, but why do I interest you? Why didn't you come to talk to me?" All of her cards were out on he table now. There was nothing else for Nerrezza to say. She might of been a bunch of ugly, nasty stuff, but he was not a liar. Now it was Lux that held the next move and Nerrezza was dying to find how it all played out.
He makes a small grunt of pain as Eva bites and starts to drink. He feels her drinking not only his blood, but also some of his power. "You should be able to break that mark now," he mutters, not knowing if she heard. When she pulls away, he has to lean against the wall for support. Nar wraps his arms around her and smiles weakly. "I knew I could trust you little star. And I hope my blood was able to help your thirst and your pain." Nar's skin becomes quite pale and he collapses. A red and black aura of energy surrounds him and starts being absorbed into his body so he can rest and heal.
Eva didn't hear anything he said, his pulse thundering in her ears. She backed away from him when he collapsed, leaning against the counters. Eva was concerned for him, but she would finish him off if she got any closer, as is she was staring at his neck still and gripping the side of a cabinet so hard that it left finger indentations. She stares at him, and slowly regains her control. Eva loses it and begins sobbing, blood-red tears trickling down her cheeks.
Nar's eyes open and the aura evaporates around him. "Why are you crying little star?" He gets up and wipes Eva's tears away as he holds her, his neck fully healed and his skin back to it's normal color. His eyes however are different, gold iris with red and black lines surrounding it. "I'm not injured at all, just needed some rest." He smiles brightly at her, trying to cheer her up. Nar changes the subject and mentions to the now dull mark. "Your almost free of it's power it seems."
Eva looks up at him and glares, "I know you aren't injured, I am upset at myself for doing that in the first place... What's up with your eyes Nar?" She stands up, and sits on the counter behind her. Eva looks down at her chest and the duller mark. "Right... But my aunt's spell is still there," Eva says, sighing.

mhe would be growling he rolls his eyes seeig her his was getting him no where he gets up and just leaves rolling his eyes not caring about nerrzzerra he needed his voice back and didn't give a **** about anything elce he thinks and looks around the town
"My eyes?" He looks at himself in the mirror. "Hmm, that is interesting. Never noticed my eyes do that before." As he watches, the lines around the iris move like snakes. Turn back to Eva with a shrug, "So it was your aunt who put the spell on you. There a reason you didn't tell me this earlier?" He leans against the cabinet and notices the indents in the wood. "Hmm, I need to remember not to make her mad at me," Nar thinks as he smirks.
"I didn't think it was important," Eva said, backing as far into the cabinets as they would allow, Nar's blood still smelled so good to her, she didn't want to hurt him any more. Eva hops down off of the counter and pauses, realizing how close she is to Nar now. Eva blushes and starts to walk away.
Nar reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, "You never told me what you think of my offer. Will you being staying here for a while or taking off?" He looks at her as he waits for her answer, knowing she is still worried that she will hurt him cause of his blood. "I don't want to cause you grief, I just want to know your safe," he smiles.
Eva stops when a hand is put on her shoulder and she turns, realizing the proximity of Nar. Eva loses her footing for a moment and she falls forward into Nar. Staring at his chest she blushes and speaks softly, "Sure... I can stay for a while... if you don't mind that is." The last thing that Eva wanted to be was a burden, she straightened herself out and looked up at Nar's lips, which weren't far off from her own, and blushes brighter.
Nar wraps his arms around her, "Now why would I mind you staying here little star?" He smiles and leans forward a little, looking Eva in the eyes. "It would make me happier with you here, knowing no harm will come to you." His lips turn into a little seductive smirk at the sight of her blushed cheeks. He leans closer still.
"Are you an incubus or something?" Eva remarks, grinning slightly before giving in and pulling him into a long kiss. She takes a moment to breathe then kisses him again, Nar's fang grazed her lip and a little blood dribbled out. "I guess you get to taste my blood after all..." she murmurs before kissing him again.
Nar closes his eyes as he licks the blood on her lip during the kiss. He feels the power and his eyes glow brightly through his eyelids. He pulls back, slightly dazed, "Wow, your blood is strong. But i like it." Kisses deep again and smiles. "Perhaps I am part incubus, it would explain my father bedding with my mother." He looks thoughtful. Shrugging, he looks at Eva with bright eyes. "I will have to be careful around you now. Your blood is quite addictive, as are your lips," another seductive smile. Just then, MoonShadow comes back in and looks at them.

She notices movement from the corner of her eye and turns her head to see Zac get up and leave. She didn't care if he left or not, she would still go after the wizard herself. She would track him down, kill him, and take back what Zac has lost. He had left before and came back, so she was confident that he will come back again. If not, then she would just keep onto his voice for Zac until he finally decided to come back. Turning her back on Zac, she turns back to the girl. No matter what, Nerrezza was curious about this girl, and wanted her to come--whether Zac wanted her help anymore or not. After all, Zac had asked for her help, and she had agreed. She wouldn't stop now and she was itching for a fight.
Eva suddenly broke away and stuffed her hands into her pockets, "Eh, incubi and vampires, they kind of go hand in hand a lot of times." She looked at MoonShadow and pet him as she passed by, still talking to Nar, "Well, come on, let's go somewhere. Do something. I don't sleep much really, do you?"

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