Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

( @ kinadar and @ cocco bean i was getting bored to my idea was to get all of the people together sooner but coocobean wasnt on so i had to streachout the plane ): sorry for making it boring but i was bord to so yer)


he was will and truly lissing in only acting like he wasnt he sites up suddenly and looks around


she loks around " wow what has happend to this place "she says looking around she sees the place was embanded besids the bar " lets see whats going on
Eva looks at the bar mentioned then to a man calling out, asking who is there. She sighed, oh, fun. "Just a couple people, is that so bad?" Eva called back to the man, then she started towards the bar. There was hardly anyone here, that was true, but she could hear sounds from inside the bar. "Why not...?" Eva mumbled to herself quietly, stuffing her hands inside her pockets. She stepped into the bar, not watching to see if the others followed her.
Taking his hand off the hilt of the blade as he hears her reply, Nar walks towards the people, watching as the one who answered disappears into the bar. As they are the first people he has ran into since arriving at the town, he decides to follow and try to get to know them. After asking his wolf to wait outside, he walks inside the bar and looks for the girl.

she walks with the other girl then stops an looks throw the mist and thog and grabs the girls arm seeing some one coming over " HAY U " she yelled wondering if the person could hear her or see her and Eva
([MENTION=2898]kat-is-dead[/MENTION], ive alrady entered the building following eva, your the only one outside right now)
Kinadra: So so so sorry that you felt this way. You should of told me earlier! :C Geeze, I mean, I'll try to make this more interesting! Sorry everybody! D: Technically..heh..I do have another character..

Vitez: Yes, you need to make a forum on here, though no it's not too late to join. The place to join is posted on the first page, there's a link to where you can join and make a character.


She whips her head around to the door to when it opened and narrowed her eyes against the glare the fire that Nar was holding out. She jumps up in an instant and her hackles were raised, on guard. Her fangs also elongated and her eyes deadly. She forgets about John and Zac, not caring about them anymore. She lets out a hiss, loud enough, that it makes the rest of the Inn fall silent and all of them turn to stare at Nar, then to Nerrezza. She wasn't staring at Nar, she was staring at his pure fire, glaring at it. She could smell it too, though no one else could, it was pure energy, it was light. And, Nerrezza, was Darkness. Darkness Vs. Light. It was the only thing that Nerrezza was threatened by. The only thing that she feared, and that was purity, purity and light. Her hand reaches down to her side, where her safe-vault was, and she slowly reaches something from her belt, and pulled out a black whip. It was pure black and her greatest weapon. With a flick of her wrist, the whip snapped out, and lets out a crackle of energy and sparks fly off from it. A thick, black fog started to come up from the cracks of the ground and started to envelope her; yet not completely so that it didn't hide her details from afar.
"Woah, calm down..." Eva said, raising up her hands. She glanced behind her at Nar, and saw the fire he held. She was, in a way a darker entity, but a little light too, so it only bothered her slightly. Eva looked at the woman with the whip, seeing her fangs, "Vampyre, right? Same. So I understand you not liking the fire so much.... So, whatever your name is sir, could you please put it out? I would rather a fight not break out if we can help it." Eva glared at Nar, then looked back at Nerrezza with an apologetic smile. Eva could sense her energy and she was not pleased, though, one doesn't need to be psychic to figure that out. Eva stepped forward towards the woman, holding a hand out to her, "My name is Evangeline, and yours?"
Nar puts out the fire, a little edgy due to the fact that he had already agitated some rather dangerous individuals although he has just arrived. "Allow me to apoligize, it was not my intention to cause an issue. Since I am only half vampyre, i forget how my fire can affect those of pure heritage." Keeping a respectful distance from them both, Nar sits in a chair and turns to where he can see both of them in front of him. 'It has been a long time since I have ran into one of my father',' he thinks to himself, 'Best be careful of what I say and where I tread."
"I'm a firstborn vampyre, fairly rare unfortunately," Eva said, not realizing she was responding to Nar's thoughts. "Your father is a vampyre? How interesting. My father was where the vampire part effectively came from, though it was more demonic. The blend is what made me." Eva realized what she had done and cupped her hands over her mouth, "Oh, I am so sorry for the intrusion! I... I do that sometimes..." Eva looked from Nar to Nerrezza again, outstretching a hand again towards the woman with a sheepish smile on her face.
*A racket of sound developed from the entrance of the Inn where Rename entered. His ears held no deception but the sound of reality coarsesd through them. It what seemed to be like multiple of people were engaged in a matter that did not seem good. Quickly making his way through, Rename found himself staring at strangers that held much power indeed. Fire which was glowing for a moment ceased to exist after a minute later of the situation. Staying back, Rename stayed close and far enough to understand the situation. It seemed like a conflict for the moment but it was a touch and go sense. A Vamprye and a half Vamprye and the other three which didn't seem to show any physical signs of what they were. With this situation, it continued to interest Rename as he watched the scene to progress.*

(Sorry to jump in, a little confused but bear with me. :0 I was waiting for a moment to jump in but I guess I am slightly impatient. Sorry again -.-" )
"Oh, it is no problem at all. It is probably not the first time someone has accidently or purposefully read my thoughts." Nar is laughing a bit and then covers his mouth in shock, the sound sounding so alien to his ears. "That is so not like me," Nar confesses, a slight redness to his cheeks.

Sensing a presence watching us, Nar turns around abruptly, looking for the person or creature in the shadows of the room. "Who is there?," he calls out, eyes turning red as he attempts to pierce the darker shadows in seach for the hidden presence. "Come out, no one here will hurt you unless you are a threat to them in someway...I think," he says as he looks at Nerrezza out of the corner of his eye.
*Rename flinched ever so slightly but he knew staying hidden wasnt a good idea espiecally with this kind of group. Stepping out, Rename willingly showed himself in the light of the group. His clothes that clung to him were a pair of jeans with boots and a black shirt. He had no sharp objects in sight hoping that would give them some ease however it was Rename who wanted ease. His eyes stared at each one with mysterious intent, as almost he was figuring them out as much as they were. *
Ok I don't know what to post ill try and fit in later and I want be on much sorry exams are soon and I been busy studying sorry guys


she walks next to Eva and stay nothing


(I don't know )


( I don't know )
(Just jumped in…way confused but maybe this will work)

Lux wanders into the town with her companion dragon, Zephyr. At firsts she sees a light, which doesn't bother her as much as it should because of her name. Her name, oh how she hates it. She kicks a stone in anger. Why does the name 'Lux' mean light? She's a Vampyre…not a Pixie! Zephyr, sensing her anger, flaps his wings loudly and spits up a ball of flame.

"Sh! Sh Zephyr! I can't take you anywhere."

Irritated, Lux walks on, nearing the group of people where the light came from. Maybe she could make friends, or enemies. Lux smiles. Trying to sneak up on them, Lux crouches and sneaks quietly toward them. Zephyr tried to copy her, but he's too big and it's no use. In frustration he screeches loudly.


Lux yells at her large, loud dragon. Lux marches on, shaking her head. Finally, she reaches the group.

"Well…hullo. My names Lux, and that useless dragon over there is my pet, Zephyr. So…"

Lux has never been good with people, so she waits for someone else to pick up the conversation.

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She ignores Eva and continues to glare at the light that Nar was holding. She really wasn't paying attention to anybody or anything else. She just stared at the light, slightly mesmerized by it. Then the light was gone and she blinks slowly, slanting her eyes so that they can adjust again. It wasn't a very bright light, but to Nerrezza, it was very bright. A brightness that she hated. She realizes then that her hand was gripping the whip so hard that her skin started to break open and it was no slowly bleeding. However, her blood was different from everybody's else, it was thick and black. She loosens the grip on the handle of her whip but doesn't put away the whip quite yet. Instead she brings her hand to her lips and licks up the blood that started to ooze out of her body. In mere seconds the ripped skin was completely healed. Finally, Nerrezza has the chance to address Eva, and she turns her stare onto her. She raises an eyebrow at the such mundane question. Instead of answering verbally, she takes her whip, and lashes it out. The whip looked like it was going to hit Eva or one of the others, but instead, it slides to the left instead. The whip lashes out to John's billboard and rips out the picture sign that was on there. It was a Wanted Sign of her, with her name, a drawing picture of her, and a slight description. She hands the paper to Evangeline. "Does that answer your question? The picture is just horrible though. The artist is quite good, however, I suppose nobody can actually get a true picture of myself. The fact that I'm a vampyre doesn't really help. But I am Nerrezza, who is in an important mission right now." She slowly curls her whip back up and sticks it back into her usual hiding back. The black fog that surrounded Nerrezza slowly goes away and back through the cracks of the floor. However, it went away, with a slight sigh. She swivels her eyes around the bar and notices that it was filling up fast. She can't help but smirk, feeling a bit smug and pride of herself. Of course, all of these people, were here because of her. Though not directly, but in a way. After all, she was the one that created a dark energy and that just let from one event to the next. Though none of them caused her any interest, not until Lux decided to walk in, with her pet dragon Zephyr. Her eyes sparked at that instant, because she had a pet dragon as well. Though he was no where to be seen and thinking of her dragon made her burn with anger. He was being stubborn and was off somewhere else, on purpose, when he should be right next to her. However, she had nothing else to do with any of them, she truly had a mission to be on and turns around--stalking back to her sit at the bar and sitting back down. It was time this was finished by now.

John: He watches the whole scene that was going on, getting more nervous and one thing after another happened. He really couldn't stop Nerrezza if she were to start a fight, but he really didn't want it to go to that. Usually at least one fight breaks out once a day during a bar/inn. But those were fights he could control and people that he could kick out if necessary. He was also nervous because he knew that no matter what, Nerrezza would bring back the old topic, and the old topic was the archives. The fact that he actually did know something that Nerrezza was looking for scared him even more. John just stood there for awhile, twiddling his thumbs--a nervous gesture he had. Just as he was about to actually do something, the situation worked out by itself, and he lets out a deep sigh of relief. Then, the door opened again, and Lux came into his Inn with a dragon. This he could not allow. He lets out a loud whistle to get their attention, the small group that was forming. "Hey, you! I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you bring your dragon in here. You're going to have to leave him outside or I'm going to ask you to leave." He was pointing directly at Lux and then points his finger to where there was a notice that said: "No pets allowed". He had started to walk out from the bar and hopes that the girl wouldn't mind too much. It was just a common curtsey thing.
Nar was intently watching Rename reveal himself, and was curious. "So tell me, why, out of all these people, was i able to sense you watching us?," he asks, "I'm intrigued." Relaxing back in his chair, he hears the commotion about the dragon and is glad he left MoonShadow outside rather than having him walk inside too. Completely forgetting about Nerrezza, Nar's full attention is directed at Rename, although he does listen to his surroundings in case Eva talks again.

sogns thinking really ? ....he didn't come on he wasn't bothered he let her go and do whatever he tabs a beer glass and throw s it up and catches t he watched nerreza have her fun


she growls and walks on she couldn't belive it was she nothing anything she was a full vampire to but no one seemed to care she growls and walks into the ice cream shop and got a triple think milk shake and walks out growling (she suborn at times )
Eva smirked at Nerrezza, and mumbled, turning away, "Well doesn't someone think they are all that." She moved nearer to Nar, looking at him with interest, "So, how did you do that? I'm also a witch, but I am not too good at it." She sat nearby and focused on her hands, a tiny orb of light forming, but it wavered and disappeared. "I am so much better at darkness than light, probably because of what I am." Eva sighed and looked up at Nar, waiting for a response.
"Mine is not technically light, but pure fire. compared to some of the other talents, I can see the confusion between the two. As to how I do it, I can't really explain it. I have been able to do it for as long as i remember," Nar says in response to Eva. He creates a smaller version of the one in walked in with and says, "Basically all I do is will it into existance and shape it into the form I want." In his other hand he creates an orb of darkness the same size. Nar then brings them together and the fire keeps it's intensity, but becomes almost as black as shadows. "I always liked how it looks when these two things are mixed. Helpful when you want to see in the dark without casting out too much light," Nar explains.
"Don't worry John, he'll just be outside. But I warn you, he can be trouble at times."

As if on cue, Zephyr flies and lands on top of the Inn.

"Ah, like that. It's ok…it'll attract some attention for your Inn I suppose."

Lux walks in and sits down at the bar, near Nerrezza, but not too close. She tries to ignore the wood creaking from the Inn and also her dragon's large crows. Lux eyes Nerrezza cautiously, but waits for her to make the next move. Lux saw the gleam in Nerrezza's eye when she saw Lux's dragon. Lux wanted to start a conversation really badly, but was horrible with people. So she had to wait for Nerrezza to make the first move. While she was waiting she noticed that she knew the bartender's name without asking it. 'New power?' She pondered while she waited for Narrezza.

*Rename noticed again the commotion was rising again and everything was becoming out of hand. Everyone was talking same time and all eyes were flying as well his. It wasn't until Rename looked toward the man that spotted him a while before. He stared at the man however Rename didn't answer him, only staring at him with a tight expression. Dropping his hands to his sides, he slowly slipped his hand into his pocket and held it there. Dragons.....Rename held a disgust expression for a moment but he controlled himself and reverted his usual expression that nobody could unravel.*
As he is talking with Eva, Nar sees Rename watching him still although he never answered Nar's question. "Do I interest you too, my friend? You seem rather quiet and withdrawn. Come join us over here," he says to him. Nar also notices the look on his face before it disappeared. "Hmm, wonder what was getting on his nerves," Nar mutters under his breath.
*Rename watched the man that spoke to him again, he himself what was the reason for him to even stay when something could easily get out of hand. Lifting his jaw slowly but only to clam it shut again, he nodded carefully. Accepting the mans gesture, Rename walked toward him with much tension on his shoulders. Observing the man, he saw that he didn't pose any threat however that could easily change. About 5 feet away, Rename finally felt his distance was good enough; he then strained himself as he spoke quietly.*"Who are you people?"*The only thing that popped out of his mouths, though rude it was legitment question everyone who wasn't involved was asking to themselves.*
"I go by Nar. I am half elf, half vampire with talents of shifters and benders," he answers respectfully. Nar lets the others around him answer for themselves as he plays with the dark fire that he holds in his hands. "And you?," he asks in return.
*Rename furrowed his eyebrows but he kept himself from dropping his jaw at the acknowledgement that this man might be more dangerous than he thought. Shifting and bending...Rename thought to keep this in his mind just in case he would have to engage in some sort of combat with this man. Seeing the fire once again, Rename watched as the blaze reflected in his eyes before it disappeared. Then hearing the question, Rename clenched his jaw and spoke quietly again.*"Human..." * His eyes lowed to the mans coat then toward his white hair that surrounded it oval shaped face.*

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