Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Eva looked at Rename, "Well, I am a firstborn vampyre, a witch, and a psychic. My name is Evangeline, Eva for short." She looked at the door, wondering if it would be best to just leave. She yawned, covering her mouth as she did so, "Well, regardless of who or what you are, you don't need to be so high-strung. It does you no good."
*Rename eyes whipped toward the sound that spoke to him, catching her words he shifted his body almost in a protective way. Psychic. I see.... Rename cleared his mind to only minimal thoughts. His facial expressions slightly changed at the sudden change and facaded a smile.*"I see.. I will keep that in mind."*His voice leveled in a non-threatening way but it almost held aggression toward but it would only be detected if his face was giving any sign of that.*
"Human....what?," Nar asks, catching the pause in his answer. "And she is correct, you should try and relax," he comments to Rename.

Nar looks back at Eva and asks, "Do you wish to leave? And I apoligize if I am a bore." He puts the fire in his hands out and dusts off the ash from his hands. However, he catches the tensing of Rename as he hears that Eva is a psychic. "Is there an issue here? We want no trouble," Nar says, trying to avoid unneeded conflict. He can tell the person has secrets to hide, but Nar prefers to not get into a fight for just being what they are because of these secrets. He slightly adjust so he is partly between Eva and Rename.
Eva nodded and moved towards the door, pausing for a moment, "You aren't a bore. Follow me if you wish. I am getting... ancy." She moved and walked out the door, not watching to see if anyone followed her. Once outside she looked around, it was very very dark, luckily she could see.
Nar bows respectfully to those in the room. "Goodbye everyone," he says then walks out. Outside, he appears next to Eva and then Moonshadow walks up to him. "I am ready to go when you are Eva," Nar informs her as he pets his wolf's head calmingly. MoonShadow is on edge due to the dragon on the roof of the building we just left.
( When is CoccoBeans getting on? Ack! Why did I put my whole line on one person??? And is it me that makes KoltVeral want to throw up? I don't think so, but I can't be sure. I think I have a guess on who it is though…)
Eva looked at Nar and grinned, "Well, I have no clue where to go actually. Before this little run in, my plan was ice-cream." She walked briskly, walking out of town in no time. She looked around, forest on one side, and open field on the other, a small path following along the forest line. "Come on," Eva said to Nar. She looked at the wolf and smiled, Eva had always loved animals.
(I think ik too)

"What to go get ice-cream now?," he asks her politely. Looks over towards the forest, slightly drawn to it but decides to follow Eva instead. MoonShadow rubs up against her leg while Eva decides where we are gonna go next. "He seems to like you," tells her as he smiles at his wolf. "You behave now MoonShadow."
Eva smiles big when Moonshadow rubs against her, and she scratched behind his ear as they walked. "Well, let's just walk on this path. I'm sorry if I walk too fast." Eva stretched, and grinned, her fangs showing. 'Damn...' she thought, 'Am I getting thirsty again?' By this time the two people were farther from the town. Eva looked back at Nar, her fangs showing a little, and her eyes glowing slightly. She realized what she probably looked like and looked back forward, then to the ground.
Nar walks over to her and lifts her head. "It doesn't bother me Eva, I have fangs too." He reveals his fangs to her. Nar and MoonShadow have no issue keeping up with Eva as we walk along the path, following it to wherever it will take us. "If you need to feed, we can go look for something for you. I'm not sure you would enjoy my blood since I am half vampyre." Nar smiles at that image, never hearing of something like that ever happening before. When he looks back one last time, he can't see the town, and he can barely see the dark energy that is currently surrounding it. He is happy with where he is and who he is with.
Eva laughed a little nervously, "I'm fine. I am a firstborn, so I get thirsty easy." Eva thought for a moment, then turned to Nar, stopping, "Half-Vampyre, Half-elf, right? Your blood still smells good. I wonder at times how my blood smells to vampyres. I have had people try to drink from me for firstborn blood power-boosts. Apparently it can be pretty potent by itself. Add in witch and psychic... someone drinking my blood would be... interesting." Eva jumped a little, then blushed, thinking how stupid it could be to tell this random stranger such things.
Nar smiles at Eva's nervousment, "You're blood would be quiet powerful even without those additions. With those, who knows what a person could do with all of that power." He stops next to her and sniffs the air around her, trying to get the scent of her blood. "Its smells...sweet.Like roses," Nar blushes as he saw that he had leaned closer as he sniffed. He backs up, hiding the fact that his fangs are showing now toowithout him wanting them to. While Nar and Eva are talking, MoonShadow goes hunting for his own meal for the night.
Eva smirks, "Psychic, remember?" She looked back at Nar and continued walking, just backwards now. "Try it without my permission though, and you won't last long. Just saying." She watched as MoonShadow padded off, smiling sweetly. "So, roses huh?" She came up close to Nar, pulling him down to her level, and closing her eyes. She sniffed his neck deeply and licked her lips, "You smell like..." She sniffed again, coming even closer, and brushing her lips against his neck before letting go. "Like an expensive cologne." She backed up and bit her lip with her fang lightly, her eyes glowing bright red.
"I would never dream of drinking from you or anyone else that i deem important without their permission," Nar promises, vowing it upon his life. He then smiles at Eva. "How could I ever forget that your a psychic?," he asks. Following her as she walks backwards, he is surprised when Eva pulls him down and brushes her lips against his neck. This slight caress cause many shivers to course through Nar's body, but he doesnt let it show. When she pulls away, he hears what she says to him, but is entranced by her bright red eyes and therefore makes no reaction to her words.
Eva giggles at him and clenches a fist behind her, "I wish I could say the same... I don't have the best of control, even though I am so old." She laughed and started walking again briskly, trying desperately to remain in control. She muttered to herself, "Damn spell.... why is it still here...?"
Nar smiles at her as he notices her hiding a hand behind her back. "Hmm, what is she hiding from me?," he asks himself. He steps closer, "Do you even want to have control? Or do you let it lose?" MoonShadow returns to them, dried blood around his muzzle. "Good hunting I see," laughs Nar. "So what spell were you attempting Eva?," he asks.
Eva freezes, her eyes still a bright red, and turns again to face Nar, stopping dead in her tracks. "Well, I could let it go.... And tear your throat out. Would you like that? No. You wouldn't. So of course I want to. It is hard with this spell on me." She had come closer to him, fangs out, ignoring the wolf. Eva shook her head and looked down, "I wasn't attempting anything. This spell, though it may mean well, it causes me to have lax control. It is a spell that pushes down my vampyric nature. And thusly, I cannot control it as well as I would like." She sighed and turned, beginning to walk again.
Nar follows behind her, taking in what she told him. "You fear hurting me or someone else then. And why dont you take the spell off or have someone else take it off?" He pets the wolf as they walk. Nar's eyes keep drifting up to the sky, looking at the stars. "So much power they possess...but limited control over it. Another reason you could be compared to a star," Nar winks.
Eva's smile twitched as she stopped again to face him, "Don't you think I have tried to take it off? I suck at witch things... And she, the person who put it on me, was so strong..." Eva blushed a little at his comment comparing her to stars and she looked up, mumbling, "This isn't the time to flirt..." Once she tore her gaze from the beautiful night sky, she looked over Nar again, "Do you.... Do you think you could maybe? It is a powerful spell... the mark for it is right here," Eva said and she unbuttoned the jacket she had on, then pointed to a mark in the center of her chest, above her breasts.

(It looks sort of like this)

"I could try...never really connected with my elven linage tho," Nar looks over the mark. After a few moments, he goes for his bag. He grabs a dagger, an old book of elven spells and charms, and some herbs. "Being a ranger does have it's benefits," he smiles. He starts the spell and spends a few minutes getting it ready. Near the end he makes a small cut on his hand, drawing some blood. "This may burn...," he warns just as a drop falls on the mark and it sizzles away from you skin. "There, the mark and most of the power is gone. Some energy may linger for a bit though since it an old spell." He cleans up and heals his hand. "Better?"
Eva winced and looked down at her chest, "Great... just wait a moment," she said and held up her hand, counting down. 5...4...3...2...1... Sure enough the mark reappeared slowly and painfully. She grimaced and breathed shakily, waiting for the pain to subside. After it did, she spoke, "I am surprised. You actually weakened it a bit more. It is so old, it was already a crumbling spell." She rubbed her chest where the mark was, a black with a slight white glow around the rim. She yelped in pain suddenly and collapsed, passing out in front of Nar.
"Eva?!?," Nar runs over to her collapsed body. He checks to make sure she is alive, and breathes a sigh of relief when he senses she still lives. He had been terrified. "I will take care of you, little star," he whispers more to himself. Cleaning her up and making sure she has no outside wounds, Nar lifts her into his arms and carries her many miles to the forest. Once there, he carries her miles farther in till they reach his hut. Having MoonShadow stay outside, he carries Eva inside and lays her down on the bed, taking extra care to make sure her body is as comfortable as possible.

Avoiding the mark, Nar does magical sensing of her body, searching for internal wounds. He is happy that he finds none and decides to do a bedside watch until she recovers from whatever the mark did to her. However, he fears something may be happening in her mind. There he has no power and no access to help her. "Please be okay little star," he whispers.
Whilst asleep, Eva's witch side comes out more. Little balls of the 5 major elements float around, forming a pentagram above her. It dissipated, and she started mumbling something in her sleep. A large ball of light came out of Nar's chest and floated over Eva. All of a sudden Eva woke up with a start, the light vanishing. With vampyric speed she was up and behind Nar, a dagger to his throat. She paused for a moment and calmed down, actually taking the situation in. She realized who she had almost cut and apologized, "Oh my gosh! So sorry!" She stepped back around him and slowly sat on the bed. Her eyes were wide as she wondered where she was.
"Not what I was expecting to have happen when you woke, but I am glad your awake now," Nar smiles as he heals the little cut on his neck. "I will remember not to startle you if I can help it." Laughing he gestures around the room. "This is my home. We are many miles within the forest." Curious, he asks, "Do you have any idea what the white light was? Or what happened to you?" He is giving Eva a rather worried look now.

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