Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

"Alright," Eva said, taking off quickly to the bear and slashed at it with her sharp nails. The bear, unsuspecting at the time, roared in outrage and surprise. Eva bounced back, her eyes red. She looked at Kat and motioned for her to make the next move.
Kat: Ahhh, sorry, I was waiting for your reply, completely forgetting that you already replied xD

Anonymous: Is your character at the same bar place as Nerrezza, or no? :C I do have another character that I could possibly play..since you're all alone...


A sharp noise pricks her ears and she slants her eyes in anger and annoyance. She slowly turns her head to where the few girls were pointing, laughing, and blushing at Zac. She glances over at him and notices that he didn't really seem interested in them. She raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised at that, she had thought that Zac would like the attention and girls drooling over him. She certainly did, along with guys, it was just fun to mess with anybody's mind and pretend that you liked them back. However, since he didn't seem to find interest in them, she would just have to set them straight. Slowly turning her head in a very eerie way, she fixes her gaze on the girls, and it took them a few moments to notice her. Once the girls did, they shut up instantly, and all Nerrezza had to do was give them a death glare. She smiles at them and waves with her fingers before turning back around to the bar, right when John came back with her bowl of cherries.

she thinks and smirks her eyes now red she ran to the bear and quickly leaps up and onto the back of the bear she laughs hard and slashes at its eyes with one of her hands with her sharp nails , she leaps down " ur torn now !"


It's not that he didn't like the atenchion he did alot he just wasnt interested in tho girls they where way to sluty like for him he finished his beer and looks around and then looks at the cherries
Eva watches the bear writhe and roar in pain, then decides to end it quicker, stabbing her hand into the bear's throat and ripping it out. She stepped back and watched the bear die, licking her fingers clean of it's blood. Eva looked at Kat, offering her first drink.

she shook her head " no please after you " she says with hand movement offreing her to go first she smiles a grin woth bright red eyes
"Suit yourself," Eva said, before diving down to the bloody mess of a bear, and lapping up blood. Once she got her fill, she looked at Kat, rubbing blood off of her face onto her hand. "I wasn't the cleanest drinker... But go ahead." Eva pointed at the bear and looked at the excess blood on her hand, licking it off absentmindedly.
Eva had cleaned herself off sufficiently by the time Kat finished drinking. "Where to now? I don't really have a thing to do. But I had to feed so..." Eva shrugged.

she nods and laughs " come on let's go knot he next town " she says getting up cleaning beer face off " they have the best ice cream there "
Eva nodded at Kat and began walking out of the forest. "You really love ice-cream, don't you," Eva said, laughing with a smile on her face. "Well, then let's go get some."
Eva laughs and grins at Kat, "You aren't one for many words, are you? Well, in any case, lead the way. I don't know where to go personally." Eva looks around at her surroundings, curious.

she laughs " I just wait untill u get to know me I apparently don't stop talking. " she laughs a little and smirks " come on this way " she says and started to run off out of the forest
Eva was looking away at the time that Kat started running, so when she looked back, Kat was far ahead of her. Surprised, she ran fast to catch up. "Well," Eva started, "I am looking forward to such time."

she laughs running " ur a fast one arn't ya " she laughs and smiles " do u like pizza I like pizza my fav pizza is meat lovers pizza what's urs " she says out of the blue she grins happily
Eva laughed, "I am not even running that fast silly. What has you all hyped up?" Eva continued running next to Kat, giggling at the other girl's hyperness. "Well..." Eva started thoughtfully, "I am a lover of pepperoni and pineapple. With stuffed crust."

hmm soft crust is the best " she laughs and shrugs " i don't know onistly I guess im but really happy " she says and stops and then walks it of the new town "come on this way "
Eva barely noticed her stop and nearly tripped trying to stop. She followed her, walking into this new town. "Well, thin crust is yummy... Say, don't you get an odd feeling from this place?" Eva looked around, noticing that no one was out and about. A dark aura hung over the town like a thick humidity.
Kinadra: Is this dark aura from the village that Nerrezza is in and because of her? Or a plan of your own? xP just wondering..I mean, I don't want to just assume stuff, you know?


She thanks John and takes one of the cherries, not bothering to take off the stem; and she ties the stem with her tongue. It was the seedless cherries, the more red ones, the type that goes on ice cream and milkshakes--and stuff of that sort. Only after one, her own impatience was wearing on here. She sets down her feet from the counter and leans forward. "Okay, enough of this gibberish. How about it? need some information. Dangerous information. Stuff from the archives, that type of stuff. More so..about wizards. Saw any lately?" She could tell that the instant she mentioned the archives, John was starting to feel nervous and was uncomfortable about the subject. His face was red and starting to sweat. For once, she couldn't blame him. This was a huge deal. This was breaking into government big. Stuff that was only accessible to a few. She had even lowered her voice for dramatic effect and to keep John safe, though she could care less about keeping herself safe; also, low enough, so, hopefully, Zac wouldn't hear. He seemed to be a bit too distracted and yet she believed not so, that he only looked to be distracted.
(([MENTION=2827]CoccoBeans[/MENTION], sure, if you want :3 I had no plan with it, I just wanted to have something more interesting going on. If you want, and it would really help, maybe they could notice us or something? >.> Idk))
Kinadra: Sorry, I do notice both of you, I read all of your posts, even though it doesn't deal with me. Just that I'm not exactly sure how to notice or whatever, since right now, Nerrezza's in a bar, talking to "John" (who technically could be played by anyone); and Nerrezza is trying to help Zac...
((@CoccoBeans, that's ok. I am just trying to find a way I can save myself from getting bored... I have been thinking about quitting this one :/ (Oh, and I don't normally type so short >.<)))
Drawn to the town due to the heavy amount of dark energy, Nar is holding a sphere of pure fire as he and his companion wolf, MoonShadow, walk through the streets. Feeling a inkling of danger, he has his other hand on the hilt of one of his swords while MoonShadow's hackles rise. Continuing through the streets, Nar notices someone walking through some shadows. "Who is there?," he calls out as he draws his sword out some.

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